< Previous© July 2018 The Meath Coaster20Laytown Tidy TownsOn Saturday 9th June, while picking we met a lovely woman and her daugh-ter picking litter on the beach near the Car Park in Laytown. She said she couldn’t bear to see it filthy and decided to do something about it. I gave a little hand to finish and we took two full bags from her. We were later told that the offending teen-agers arrived in Laytown by bus and train. We are relieved that local teens did not disrespect their local amenity in this man-ner!We were shocked to see that by Sunday evening this is what the beach looked like.Amongst the litter we found sneakers, bath towels, socks and underwear both male and female as well as plastic bottles, cans and food wrappings, all of which was left by teens having a good time on the beach and jumping from the footbridge.This time four bags were filled with dis-carded rubbish and clothes. Maybe they expect their Mammies to drop down and clean up after them.We are delighted to have been awarded a gold medal in the Anti Litter Initiative held by Meath Co. Council. (see photo). We would like to thank Gerry Clegg, who was not available for the photo, for his part in this! We are aware that there are a few oth-ers who help out by picking litter in their own time, and we appreciate this too!. §New Chair of Laytown/Bettystown Municipal DistrictCllr Stephen McKee proposed his col-league Cllr Wayne Harding as the new incoming Chairperson of theLay-town/Bettystown Municipal District..Call us on 041 9886545 for an appointment.Email: bettystowndental@gmail.comWeb: www.bettystowndental.ieTriton Road, Bettystown, Co. Meath (between Funtasia & Tesco)Extended PRSI Scheme Dental exam and clean only €15 for qualified patients. To check eligibility contact us on 0419886545Private, PRSI and Medical Card Patients WelcomeDr Matthew Crinion B.D.S. (NUI) Price Promise GUARANTEEtel. 087 091 7990 info@bestpol.iewww.bestpol.ie-10% local discount with this leafletAll types of blinds manufactured at our premises to your own specification.Corns, Callouses, Verrucae, Ingrown Toenails, nail surgery and other treatmentsState of the art Gaitscan analysis pressure plate used in the assessment of foot, back and leg pain.Orthotics prescribed to stabilise foot function and rehabilitationOpening hours 9.00-6.00Tuesday, Wednesday & Friday: Saturday 10.00-1.00Niamh Tully, BSc (Hons) Pod. MCh.S. S.R.ChMain Street, Laytown, Tel: 041 9888492Chiropodist / Podiatrist(State registered)The Foot ClinicMONTESSORI TEACHER REQUIRED FULL TIME 40 HOURS A WEEK FROM SEPTEMBER 2018EXPERIENCE ESSENTIALPLEASE CONTACT 041-9887222Castleglen, Donacarney, Co. MeathTel: 041 9887222© July 2018 The Meath Coaster22News From Julianstown & District Community AssociationBy Michelle Rourke & Niamh Bn. Uí LoinsighJulianstown Summer Festival A Great Success!What a beautiful day we had in the garden for Julianstown Summer Festival. It was a fantastic family day out. Thanks to all our volunteers and the en-tertainers who made this possible. We had Shay on the drums, Niall was our magi-cian and puppeteer who also made some lovely balloon shapes including dogs, flowers, swords for the excited children. We also had face painting which was very expertly done by our friends from Mos-ney. Immense fun was had on the bouncy castle and obstacle course! Tom, Colm, Mary Lou, Paul & Katie looked after the bouncy castle & obstacle course and en-sured they went like clockwork. Jackie and Teresa showed the children how to design hats and some show stoppers were created (Philip Tracy could learn a thing or two from these ladies). Thanks to Aisling, Ann, Teresa & Clare for providing refresh-ments and buns. This could not have been done without all who made and donated them, again this was very much appreci-ated. Thanks to John Rogan for supplying the drink. Mary & Brendan manned the entrances and Kevin did fantastic work helping with the set up.... Thanks to one and all for coming and sharing a lovely summer’s day with us as this would be not possible without you! The Julianstown & District Community Association are working, as ever, for eve-ryone in our community and any support you can give us is much appreciated. A very special thank you goes to one very nice lady who gave a very substantial do-© July 2018 The Meath Coaster23nation on the day towards the cost of re-placing the flowers which were recently stolen from the garden. Back Breaking Work, But Someone’s Gotta Do It!!Many thanks to our loyal volunteers who make the village a beautiful place to live and visit. It’s not easy work but it has to be done. Weeding – a pet hate for most, but these Trojan workers do not let up. Again many thanks to Jackie, Niamh, Ais-ling, Fiona, Mirella & Eileen,Mary, Ann, Tom, Pat, Colm, Brendan, Hannah.See before pic below of patio covered in weeds and then admire the after pic of a job well done. Anyone available any Sat-urday mornings, if only for an hour or so we would love your help in the Village garden.Julianstown Chosen for All Ireland Pride of PlaceJulianstown Village has been chosen by Meath County Council to represent it in the All Ireland Pride of Place and for that we will have to put on a presentation all about our village and the groups who actively volunteer in our village such as the Tidy Towns, Community Centre, El-derly Active, Meals on Wheels, Foróige to name but a few. We would hope that all these commu-nity groups will join together on the day of the judging and show off our beautiful village. If anyone would like to give us a hand with this event, please contact any committee member of the Julianstown & District Community Association or e mail us @ julianstowndca@gmail.com Lime Kiln Morning Fix…Wake up and fill up at The Pantry every weekday morning 7.30-10am Take away any tea/Fixx Coffee + muffin/scone for just €3.50. A perfect start to the day BeforeAfter© July 2018 The Meath Coaster24Calling all Teenagers…. Help Re-quired!!!Parents are your young energetic teenag-ers looking for something to do during the summer holidays…. Any teenagers that are on holidays from secondary school, we are looking for your voluntary help to keep the village tidy & clean. We also need help in the Village Garden for any budding horticultural enthusiasts or any-one who is willing to help! We cannot pay you but we can offer you a cuppa & a biscuit and the chance to meet new friends too! For anyone in-terested in helping a few hours (or just one – it all helps!), please contact Niamh 086-3477283. This can be a very rewarding experience plus it will look great on your CV when applying for jobs!Tesco Community FundJackie O’Shea and Niamh Ui Loinsigh from Julianstown & District Community Assoc. thank Tesco Store Manager Dam-ien for the funding towards Julianstown Tidy Towns. Every Little Helps! See the photo on page 6In short…On Saturday 16th June, our community garden was visited and thouroughly ad-mired by the Armagh gardening club. 49 in total visited our garden and were © July 2018 The Meath Coaster25hugely impressed with all our hard work and how well it is looking as they strolled through our 3 acre garden. Many thanks to our volunteers as without them our gar-den would not be the success it is today Congratulations to Laytown’s Cllr Tom Kelly who was elected Cathaoirleach of Meath County Council, follow-ing a vote in which he was supported by his fellow independents and Fine Gael councillors. The new chair-man said one of his main concerns was policing and the need for additional Gar-dai and Garda stations. Cllr. Kelly was elected by 20 votes to seven.Heritage Day in Julianstown Village Gar-den will take place at the end of August. There will be a Willow making work-shop on the day and all local residents are invited to come along and take part! Thanks to the Heritage Council of Ireland who have given us a small grant towards the cost of this event.We have entered Super-Valu Tidy Towns & Meath Pride of Place Competi-tions and have been nomi-nated by Meath County Council to enter Co-Oper-ation Ireland. Can we ask all residents to please help in any way they can and especially if each resident just ensures that outside their home, estate and premises are kept clean and tidy and litter free. This would go a long way to helping us maintain a clean and tidy village. Many thanks!Did you notice our New Signs in the Gar-den and at the top of the Laytown Road? Hope you like them!Contact us at www.julianstowncommu-nity.com or Facebook Julianstown Tidy Towns Group §© July 2018 The Meath Coaster26The Stamullen Roundup By Grace TierneyCongratulations to rising young Stamullen performing star, Alice Gallagher, who has made it through the audition stages of new RTE show “Two Talented”. You may spot her being filmed around the village this month for the show, which will be aired later this year. Looking for a camp to get your kids out-doors? Balbriggan Rugby Club are run-ning a camp from Monday 9th July to Fri-day 13th. It’s open to boys and girls aged 6-12 and no prior rugby experience is necessary. More info is available at www.leinsterrugby.ie/tickets/summer-camps/. Another outdoor option is kids’ baseball every Sunday at noon in Gormanston Park (usually on the field in the centre of the running track). Boys and girls aged 4-16 are welcome to come and try it out. Regis-tration costs a tenner and it’s €3 per week thereafter for hour long sessions. For more details contact Colm at 087-9387045. The adult softball team trains 11-12 on the same day.Grease is 40 years old this year. Yeah, it makes me feel ancient too. But if you fan-cy celebrating along with Sandy and the Pink Ladies the place to be is the Seamus Ennis Centre (http://www.tseac.ie/) where they’re screening the movie followed by live music and space for dancing the night away on the 28th of July. The event is part of their summer garden party series.Another iconic local event for your sum-mer diary is the Bellewstown Races. This unique hilltop course will feature four days of racing this year on the 4th to 7th of July along with family fun and evening events. The races date back to 1726 and Ladies’ Day will take place on the 6th, so dust off your glamour. More details are available at http://www.bellewstownraces.ieCongratulations to the Stamullen Art Group who recently exhibited their work at Skerries Mills.Got Stamullen news? Send it to Grace (087-9074145) or grace@meathcoaster.com 086/1733396086/3673406Mullenandsons1@gmail.comwww.Mullenandsons.ieAlan Mullen & Sons Builders LtdFifth Generation Irish BuildersFor All Your Building NeedsNew Builds - Extensions - Renovations At-tic Conversions Fully Insured and RegisteredEast Meath Meals on WheelsLaytown&Bettystown Golf Club Friday 20th July 2018Golf Classic€100 per 4 person teamContact: Berna Carthy @ 0863844774 to book a lineSaturday 7th July10am - 3pmClogherhead Lifeboat© July 2018 The Meath Coaster28Council Update By Cllr. Eimear Ferguson TolanGreetings all. I hope you are en-joying the great weather we’ve been having so far this summer.Full Council – 11th JuneBoth the AGM and the Or-dinary July meeting were suspended for a period to allow for tributes to be paid to SF Councillor Joe Reilly who, very sadly, passed away 7 months after being diagnosed with a rare, aggres-sive form of cancer. While being a Meath County Councillor for 25 years, Joe was instrumental in the talks around the Good Friday Agreement and will be greatly missed both in Meath Council. The seat next to me in the chamber remained empty, but only in person. Ar dheis De go raibh hAnam dhilisAGM Our new Cathairlaoch is one of our longest serving councillors (with a short break). Local man Cllr Tom Kelly has been given the job of Cathairlaoch of Meath County Council for the next 12 months. It’s going to be a busy year for himself and his wife, Helena, and Helena assured me she’s as ready for the job as Tom himself! It was great to see so many Meath Coast faces in the chamber to celebrate with the Kelly Family. Cllr Suzanne Jamal (FG) was ap-pointed Leas Cathairlaoch.Municipal District Meeting - 14th June Once again it was a sad day in the local chamber following the deaths of close family members of two of Laytown/Bettystown Councillors. Sympathies were offered to Cllr Sharon Tolan fol-lowing the death of her father after losing his battle against Cancer. I know he will be missed greatly by Sharon and all her family. Sympathies were also offered to Cllr Wayne Harding on the tragic death of his brother Gary. He, too, will be missed greatly. Ar dheis De go raibh hAnam dhilisBeach Management PlanFollowing the request for a Natura2000 Impact Assessment to be carried out the Statement (NIS) has now been received and is to be included in the new (2nd) draft Management Plan which should go on display to the public within the next couple of months. I would invite as many of you as possible to come along and view this draft and make any submissions you wish, having seen the draft plan. Some of the plan will have to adhere to the Natura Impact Statement, which will dictate cer-tain measures to be taken. As we know, the three houses at Bettystown entrance have been purchased and designs for the civic building are being considered. Other issues raised were traffic manage-ment, plans to phase parking on the beach (when alternative parking areas identi-fied), control of dogs in SPA’s and dune protection. These, and more, will be in the draft plan. The Traffic management is proposed to be dealt with when there is a survey done of traffic and parking along the coast roads next year. Three years ago I asked that parking along areas in Laytown and Bettystown be looked into and we’ve fi-nally been given a timeline of when it’s to be done. Both myself and Councillor To-lan stressed that we’d prefer to see it done sooner. I also raised the issue of enforce-ment of the byelaws, proper car parking at Mornington and the cordoning off of the car tracks through the dunes. © July 2018 The Meath Coaster29New road signsAs you may have noticed recently there are some new signs along the roads to replace damaged ones. Verge cutting is also ongo-ing to tidy up our road sides and junctions.Back to the BeachWhile we are all enjoying the good weath-er there have been several fires on the sand dunes and the fire service have been called out all too often recently. I would ask that due care is taken to ensure this doesn’t happen again. The eco systems in the dunes are badly affected or eradicated when these fires happen and we don’t want to lose them. They are vital to keeping the dune structure together. Fires in the dunes should not be happening whether it’s be-cause of people having Bbq’s or the care-less tossing of lit cigarettes. It’s great to report that our sea water, which is tested weekly, is of excellent quality. Long may it last. I must stress, please swim safely and adhere to the Life guards instructions. They are there to en-sure safety, not to make life difficult for us. Parking at BrooksideThere have been many complaints about the parking at the entrance to Brookside estate. Recently the waste collection truck was unable to gain access to the estate be-cause of the irresponsible parking. Lucki-ly it wasn’t an emergency vehicle going to put out a fire or attend to a medical emer-gency. So, if you are attending the doctor or picking children up from school, there is plenty of space to park in the estate. It’s only an extra few steps.New secondary school planned for Laytown/Drogheda areaThere has been an announcement that a new 600 pupil post primary school is to be built in the Laytown/Drogheda area. The scope of the area stretches from North of Drogheda to Laytown and in-cludes the area to Duleek. As a member of the LMETB board, I cannot recommend this educational body highly enough. We only have to look at the fabulous LMETB school Coláiste na hInse to see this. The question now remains which model of patronage and language medium it is to be. I, for one, would love to see an Irish speaking school to go along with our cur-rent Coláiste. But that is just my opinion. You can have yours by going online at the address in the column below. This morning, the Minister for Education and Skills launched a new Online Pa-tronage Process System (OPPS) website. This system has been developed to pro-vide objective information to all parents and guardians which will allow them to make an informed choice in expressing a preference for their preferred model of pa-tronage, and language medium, for their child’s education. The Online Patronage Process System can be accessed at: htt-ps://patronage.education.gov.ie<https://patronage.education.gov.ie/>. The patronage process, which has started will run until 31st July 2018In the Laytown and Drogheda area, LMETB currently manage St. Oliver’s Community College, Drogheda and Co-laiste na hInse, Laytown, the two larg-est post primary schools in the proposed School Planning Area. LMETB as you are aware, has an excellent tradition in new school start ups.That’s it for this month. Stay safe out there and enjoy the summer.I can be contacted on eimear.fergu-son@members.meathcoco.ie or phone 0864068270 Eimear §Next >