< Previous© May 2020 The Meath Coaster 60 Laytown Health Care Unit Primary Care Team Tel 041 9820184 The following services are available: o Public Health Nursing o Baby developmental checks (by ap- pointment) o Elderly Services, Nursing Assessment o Psychology o Speech and Language Therapy o Social Work Services o Physiotherapy o Community Welfare Services (Wednesday morning) o Occupational Therapy GP Services Tel: (041) 9828039 Dr. Shortall, Dr. Marchant We here at the Family Resource Centre offer a range of supports and services. Please feel free to drop in for chat and join us in a safe, confidential and friendly environment. Services Available: Parenting Programmes, Meitheal, Groups, Lilliputs Pre-School, Afterschool, Office service, one to one support, Individual programmes of Family Support Call: 0876443364 Opening Hours: Monday – Friday 09.00- 17.30 Facebook: Laytown Family Resource Centre Web: Laytownfamilyresourcecentre 1 Somerton, Triton Rd, Bettystown041-9812230 / 087-6443364 (Located next to Bettystown Dental) Day Time Activity Monday 5.30-7.30pm Sarah Irish Dancing 4.45-5.30pm Trish Rinka Kids Fitness 8-10pm Sean Bowles Tuesday 3.15-4.15 5.30-7pm Gym Classes Aidan Irish Dancing 7-8pm Aidan Irish Dancing 7.45-9pm Caroline Badminton Wednesday 9.30-11.30am Caroline Mother and Toddler Thursday 3 – 5pm 5 -6.30pm Little Artists Aidan Irish Dancing 8-10pm Sean Bowles Friday 3 – 5pm 6.30-7.30pm Spanish Classes Kiara Irish Dancing Sunday 11-1pm Kiara Irish Dancing ComPuTer rePair & serviCing Collect and Return Service Call Oliver 041.988.7526 - 087.797.0740Coronavirus COVID-19 Procedures on our coaches going forward Distance Please keep your distance from Passengers & Driver when embarking & disembarking Seat Selection In line with social distancing please select a seat away from others Cover your mouth and nose with a tissue or sleeve when coughing or sneezing and discard used tissue Seat behind Driver the first seat/row behind the driver is no longer in use Leap Please where possible switch to leap to avoid exchange of money/tickets Symptoms > Fever (High Temperature) > A Cough > Shortness of Breath > Breathing Difficulties If you have fever and/or cough you should stay at home regardless of your travel or contact history. If you have returned from an area that is subject to travel restrictions due to COVID-19 you should restrict your movement for 14 days. Check the list of affected areas on www.dfa.ie Please see www.matthews.ie/latest-news for all updates and changes we are making as the Covid-19 situation develops Timetable link www.matthews.ie/timetable.php www.matthews.ieNext >