< Previous50 It’s all the Claires!!! Sharon, Shay, Tony and Susan.51 Eimear, Darren, Donal and Grainne Nicole, Olivia, Orla and Ruth© May 2020 The Meath Coaster 53© May 2020 The Meath Coaster 54 Naomh Colmcille C.L.G. www.cilles.com F irstly we really hope that this finds everyone is safe and well. We are missing you all terribly but if we keep working hard, keep social distancing and keep obeying the guidelines then we will all be back in action before we know it Friends We Have Lost We are aware that so many of you have lost loved ones in this period and it has been very difficult not to support you dur- ing this period. Rest assured that you are all in our thoughts and prayers at this difficult time. When this is all over we will host a celebration mass at Piltown to remember all who have passed on and to honour the frontline workers among our ranks and all their colleagues. We wanted to pay particular tribute to three great lo- cal men who made a huge impact in our community and our club over the years and who left us since the last edition Firstly we pay tribute to one of the ‘Men of 58’ the hugely popular George Conway. Universally acclaimed a ‘one of nature’s gentlemen’ George was a hugely popular figure and fondly recalled in Laytown history. A gentleman he most definitely was and this scribe remembers with fondness our chats at the 50 th and 60 th anniversary celebrations of that famous 1958 Intermediate championship win. How appropriate that the 60 th anniversary was held in the Village Inn where this great team actually received their medals in the autumn of 62 years ago. Jack Doran was one of the Community’s most generous and loving men,. A sup- porter of all local groups, Jack always backed and sponsored the Cilles. It was our pleasure to have Jack as our jersey sponsor in the mid noughties but he was never found wanting and also was spon- sors of our first ‘Strictly Cilles’ in 2015 and our very successful Car Draw in 2019. Jack’s sons Rob and Mark are for- mer players with Rob playing in the 1994 minor final and his grandchildren are the latest generation to pull on the famous sky blue jersey And finally, Gerry Watson was loved and adored across the community. A man who handled the most sensitive and personal situations so very well. A good friend of the Cilles and friend of the community his passing leaves a deep void To George, Jack and Gerry’s family we extend our greatest sympathy and prayers. Ar dheis go raibh a ainim dilis Cilles And Affinity Advisors Link Up And It Could Save You Money ! Its important at this time to support all our sponsors and we ask all our members to ensure you support local business at all times but especially now in these pandem- ic times. One such sponsor are Affinity Advisors www.affinityadv.ie/, the mort- gage and protection specialists. Affinity support our ladies senior teams and team mentor, Mark Murphy is one of Affinity’s specialist advisers© May 2020 The Meath Coaster 55 Did you know that many mortgage hold- ers can make large savings by switching mortgage providers? Very often we don’t have time to think about our outgoings and very often the effort involved can seem like a huge chore. However voted as Mortgage Broker of the year 2018 and 2019, Affinity Advisor can cut through the complexity and provide you with high quality, independent and professional mortgage advice and services. If you would like to review your current mort- gage and consider if savings can be made then why not contact Mark Murphy on 087-9783205 or at mark@affinityadv.ie for more information, a listening ear and some solid and reliable advice. Make sure you talk GAA with him and tell him that you’re a Cilles supporter Shane Black Property Advisors Cúl Cilles Whilst all sporting facilities are in lock down, the Shane Black Property Advi- sors Cúl Cilles academy continues full steam ahead every Sunday at 11am online for the 2012, 2013 and 2014 age groups. Registration is through our GPO Conor Brennan. Contact Conor at conor.bren- nan.gpo.meath@gaa.ie and he will get you registered and on board . Virgin Media Advert Have you seen us on the new Virgin Me- dia ad? Our ladies senior team feature in this innovative piece with their “toilet roll” challenge. It really is an uplifting piece and it’s a great honour to be associ- ated with this. Well done girls ! Coach Education Hard at work, GPO Conor Brennan is hosting a series of coach education semi- nars during this time. He has hosted sessions on “Building Resilience” and “Player Pathway” and we have a very ex- citing line up coming soon. All registered coaches will be contacted via email and Keep an eye on our social media (Twitter, Facebook and Instagram and our website www.cilles.com for further details) Covid-19 Assistance – We Are Here To Help We are so proud to say that we have 50 plus volunteers all signed up to help the vulnerable in our community with their day to day needs. Meals on Wheels, Food and prescription deliveries have all being assisted by our intrepid volunteers. The club has also linked in with Centra to as- sist them in their deliveries and all the lo- cal community work groups. No job is too small. If we can help in any way then please do not hesitate to contact Ciara on 087-6560343 and Brian on 087-1141150 and we will get one of the team to call to you. We are only too glad to help Club Lotto Our club lotto continues online and with our intrepid lotto sellers unable to sell at usual retail outlets or door to door, it would really be a great support for the club if you could support us by playing our Club Lot- to by playing online at https://cilles.com/ club-lotto/ You can play weekly, monthly or annually and all funds go towards day to day running costs like maintenance, schools coaching, insurance costs, light and heating etc. Your support no matter how small would be greatly supported # That’s all for this month but in the mean- time can everyone stay safe and well and maybe just maybe we will have some positive news to report next month on a potential return to action §© May 2020 The Meath Coaster 56 RELIGIOUS SERVICES STAMULLEN - JULIANSTOWN www.dioceseofmeath.ie/parishes Fr Declan Kelly PP Tel: 01 8412647 Preston Hill Stamullen Tel 01-8412647 e-mail secsj@eircom.net ST PATRICK’S CHURCH STAMULLEN Vigil Mass Saturday 6pm Sunday 10:00am 10am Mass on Tuesday and Thursday First Friday, please contact Parish for information. Confessions Saturdays from 6:15pm ST MARY’S CHURCH, JULIANSTOWN Vigil Mass Saturday 7pm Sunday 11:30am Wednesday, Friday 10:00am Confessions Saturdays after Vigil Mass SACRED HEART (LAYTOWN) Fr. Denis McNelis P.P. Tel. 041 - 9827258 MASSES Saturday: Vigil 7 p.m. Sunday: 10 a.m. and 12 noon Vigil for Church Holidays: 7pm Church Holydays & Bank Holidays:11am Weekdays: Mon, Wed, Fri, at 10.15 a.m. Tues, Thurs, at 7 p.m. Saturday at 11am CONFESSIONS: Sat: After 11am & 7pm Masses, and on request. BAPTI SMS: Most Sundays at 12.45 p.m. Pick up a form in the sacristy at the end of any Mass MARRIAGES: Six months’ notice to Fr. McNelis PRAYER: Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament: Wednesday 10:45a.m. - 8 p.m.: Thurrsday. 9 a.m. - 6:30 p.m. Christian Meditation ((Mindfulness) Each Wed. 7.30-8.15pm in Parochial House Room Laytown, also Lectio Divina (Scripture) each Thurs 7.30-8.45pm. Contact Sr. Joan. Tel: 086 3213577 Life in the Spirit Prayer meeting Wednesday 8pm-9:15pm All Services are subject to Government Covid-19 Restrictions until further notice© May 2020 The Meath Coaster 57 METHODIST CHURCH SKERRIES Rev. Ivor Owens: (01) 8329185 Sunday worship: Noon. 1 st Sundays: All-age worship with Holy Communion All other Sundays: Sunday school available All Warmly Welcome Legion Of Mary: Monday. 7pm. Parochial House Laytown ACCORD: (Marriage Counselling) Tel. 9843860 STAR OF THE SEA MORNINGTON Fr. Joseph Apust Tel. 041-9827384 Email: mgtparish@eircom.net Web: www.morningtonchurch.com MASSES Saturday: Vigil 6.00 p.m. Sundays: 10 a.m. & 11.30a.m. Weekdays: Tuesday - Friday at 8.45 a.m. CONFESSIONS: 6-7pm on Wednesdays and on request Baptisms: 1st and 3rd Sunday’s of the month after the 11.30am Mass Marriages: 6 months notice to Fr. Weir Prayer: Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament: Wednesday after 8.45am mass until 10pm. JULIANSTOWN ST MARY’S CHURCH OF IRELAND Sunday Worship: 10:30am Rector: Rev. Katharine Poulton Contact: katharinepoulton@gmail. com PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH COLPE, Drogheda (opposite Grange Rath) The Parish rooms Julianstown Contact Number 085 1564833 Atheist Ireland Promoting atheism, reason and an ethical secular State. http://atheist.ie. Minister: Damien Burke Contact Number 041 9846369 Morning Worship; Sundays 10.30 a.m. Children's Bible Club; Tues 6.30-8.00 pm Parent & Toddlers' Group; Tues & Thurs 10-12 noon Youth Club Fridays 7.30-9.30pm Home Fellowship Groups: Various times All in the community are welcome ! All Services are subject to Government Covid-19 Restrictions until further notice© May 2020 The Meath Coaster 58 USEFUL TELEPHONE NUMBERS DOCTORS & DENTISTS, HEALTH CLINICS. CHEMISTS & VETS Laytown Health Centre 041 9827012 Health Centre St Clares Stamullen 018418026 Dr. J Cremin, Bettystown 041 9827793 Dr. P J Shortall, Laytown 041 9828039 Doctor on Call (NEDOC) 1850 777911 Bettystown Dental 041 9886545 Balbriggan Dental 01 8417344 Pure Pharmacy Grange Rath 9817281 Burke’s Pharmacy Bettystown 9813415 Anchorage Pharmacy Bettystown 9887645 Kerins Pharmacy, Stamullen 01 8418222 O’Connor’s Pharmacy Stamullen 01 8418018 Corrs Pharmacy, Blackbull 041 9837744 East Meath Hospice Assoc. 087 2100036 Samaritans: Freefone 116 123 (RoI) St John Ambulance 086 8771251 Laytown Veterinary Clinic 041 9838718 Allpets Veterinary Hospital, 041)9810000 HOSPITALS Our Lady of Lourdes Tel: 9837601 Cottage Hospital Tel: 041 9801100 Beaumont Hospital Tel 01 8093000 SCHOOLS Donacarney Boys’ NS 9827045 Donacarney Girls’ NS 9887684 Scoil an Spioraid Naoimh NS 9828091 Scoil Oilibhéir Naofa NS 9887431 Whitecross NS Tel: 9829229 Le Chéile Educate Together NS 9847427 Gaelscoil an Bhradain Feasa Siobhan Ni Dhuill 086 7373978 St Patrick’s Stamullen 01-8411804 Coláiste na hInse LMETB Tel: 9813335 Drogheda Grammar Tel: 9838281 Gormanston College Tel: 8412203 Loreto Convent Balbriggan: 01 8411594 LMETB Adult Education Guidance Ser- vice (MAEGS) - 046 9012166 Youthreach Laytown/Bettystown 0419813401 TDs, COUNCI LLORS & REPs. Gerry Adams TD (SF) 041 9873823 Declan Breathnach TD (FF) 087 2697638 Peter Fitzpatrick TD (FG) 042 9330100 Imelda Munster TD (SF) 087 7586320 Fergus O’Dowd TD (FG) 041 9842275 Tom Behan (FF) 086 1012582 Wayne Harding (FF) 041 9824230 Annie Hoey (Lab) 087 6776636 Sharon Keogan (Ind) 087 6773800 Stephen McKee (FF) 086 043 2760 Paddy Meade (FG) 087 6495907 Sharon Tolan (FG) 086-3669852 MEATH COUNTY COUNCIL Duleek Office MCC Tel:9880700 Navan HQ:Tel:046 9097000 Water or Pollution Emergency: 1890 445335 Social Welfare Office Tel:9871140 GARDA Laytown Garda Station Tel: 9813320 National Drugs Unit 01 6669900 Crimestoppers 1890 250025 SPORTS CLUBS St. Colmcille’s G.A.A. 087-7441731 Naomh Padraig CLG (St Pats) Stamullen 087-9139268 East Meath United FC. Email: secretary@eastmeathunited.ie Boyne RFC 041 9837103 Laytown United FC Seniors. 086 8043193 Laytown United FC Juniors: 086 0446036 Donacarney Celtics FC Eamonn Murphy 086 8125061 www.donacarneyceltic.com Bettystown & Laytown Lawn Tennis Club Gillian Parke- 0878217284 Laytown Pitch & Putt Club Paddy Bird 087 4144834 Cilles Athletics cillesrunning@gmail.com Star Of The Sea Athletic Club 086 3178765 Stamullen Bowls Club 01 8412086 Stamullen Soccer Academy 0851477825 Tae Kwon Do Laytown-Bettystown James Faulkner 087 2100499© May 2020 The Meath Coaster 59 Karate Brendan 087 7918467 East Meath Boxing Club Sean 0879425004. Boyne Badminton Club 087 688 9373 Julianstown Badminton Club 087-6796634 Stamullen Badminton Club 01 8412814 Boyne Hockey Club- boynehockeyclub@gmail.com Young at Heart, Stamullen 086 3702869 Meath Local Sports Partnership Marcella Mitchell 046 9067337 Fit Kids/Fit Teens(Jacinta) 0862685280 Stamullen M Donnelly Road Cycling Club - Kay Howard @ 087-2040959 North County Cricket Club info@northcountycricketclub.net Stamullen Scouts, stamullensg@gmail.com PRE-SCHOOLS IN THE MEATH COAST AREA Mammy Day Care, Fidelma Stamullen 01 6905333 Mornington Pre-School, Donacarney Helena Finegan 087 6963068 Little Learners Montessori, Mornington. Aideen O’Neill 0868667132 Mornington Crèche & Montessori Oasis Child Care 041 9888135 Colpe Road, Grange Rath, Mairead Haigney, 041 9836183 Whitecross, Julianstown. Ann Slattery, 041 9829224 Bright Eyes Playgroup, Laytown Nichola Maguire 087 6744329 Lilliputs Pre School, Laytown Pamela 041 9828588 Starfish Montessori Bettystown Lorraine, 087 2033803 Little Academy Montessori Bettystown Marie 086 8250150 Bright Horizons Grange Rath Niamh Mongey 041 9818679 Hopscotch, Crèche & Montessori Bettystown Marie 041 9886917 Gormanston Montessori Pre-School, Sarah 087 2795235 The Beeches Montessori Vickey Matthews, 041 9886377 The Willows Crèche, Donacarney Antoinette or Vicki 041 9887222 Pugwash Bay Crèche Montessori Mornington Manor 041 9887716 Bellingham Pre School, Golf Links Road Bettystown, Susan 085 2363826 Lámha Beaga Montessori Stamullen: Lámha Beaga Montessori Gormanston: Éadaoin 086-2162872 Dolphin’s Montessori, Iinse Bay Jennifer 0861925660/ 0860795485 OTHER Citizens’ Information Office: 9844508 East Meath Active Retired Assoc. 041 9827829 Drogheda Credit Union (Bettystown) 9827328 ESB Emergency: Tel: 1850 372999 Bord Gais Emergency: 1850 205050 St. Vincent de Paul Society: 1800 677777 Federation for Victim Assistance Meath Branch 083 1201102 East Meath Adult Literacy 087 3723835 Flexibus Meath 046 9074830 East Meath Meals on Wheels 085-7570810 Julianstown/Stamullen Meals on Wheels 085 7222068 Drogheda Animal Rescue 041 9832418 Bettystown Post Office 9827111 Laytown Post Office 9827498 Art House School & Camps 9887656 DM Dance Academy 086 1938537 Julianstown Foróige Youth Club Any Leader on 087-6796634 Drogheda Senior Citizens 041-9846753 Sinead Lightley Theatre School - 0863371187 I C A (Irish Countrywomen’s Association) Ninch/Laytown/Bettystown 041 9828932 Funeral Directors - F. Watson & Son 041 9838227 / 086 0275440 Alcoholics Anonymous: Sat. 8:30 p.m. Parish Rooms Julianstown Overeaters Anonymous (01) 2788106 East Meath Cardiac First Responder Unit 083-830-2414 Community Alert: Call Laytown Garda Station 041-9813320 Dangerous Driving on the Beach 041 9827074Next >