< Previous© July 2020 The Meath Coaster 30 Presentation to Miriam Gough retired staff SSN socially distancing Our virtual school, window with a view! Scoil an Spioraid Naoimh Summer is out! C ovid-19 has change our world and people young and old have faced many bewildering challenges often tinged with sadness or stress. Little did we realise that with the doors of the school closing on the 12 th of March, we would not be reunited again to say a proper face to face goodbye. However we are blessed we live in an age of technology enlightenment, the radical transformation of the school to a virtual platform was transformative on so many levels. It afforded us the Staff to continue to strengthen the lines of communication and to develop new ways of delivering a holistic curricula to our pupils through the lens of Distance learning. Currently we are formulating detailed plans to ensure the re-opening of our school in September in full compli- ance with all the guidelines from NPHET and the Department. We will continue to communicate with our school communi- ty throughout the summer months as the advice is issued to the Board of Manage- ment. We pride ourselves on being inclusive, dynamic and creative. We want to provide the best education possible for your son/ daughter. The return to school will be a little differ- ent this year but we at Scoil an Spioraid Naoimh will do everything in our power to ensure school will be a positive and en- gaging experience as always.© July 2020 The Meath Coaster 31 All set to distribute books to Parents Cultivating a love of the outdoors The numerous videos created by the Staff Throughout this crisis our fantastic team of Teachers, SNAs and school Secretary have used technology and their own crea- tivity to stay connected with our pupils supported by the wonderful Parent com- munity and Board of Management. The Staff facilitated 6 online Graduations for the 6 th classes and the two ASD classes to ensure a proper and fitting tribute to their extraordinary resilience as they tran- sition to post primary schools. We wish them every success as they proceed to an exciting new chapter in their lives. The Staff also facilitated a virtual end of year assembly for each class, a fantastic opportunity to say farewell to their friends and teacher while introducing them to the new teacher in September. Continue to keep an eye on the school website as we will update throughout the summer months. Meanwhile keep safe, keep well and stay connected. §© July 2020 The Meath Coaster 32 Drogheda Institute in a Covid-19 World Principals reflections: M arch 12 th 2020, is a day very few of us in Drogheda Institute will for- get. Just like other life-moments, we will probably all remember where we were when we heard the news that from 6.00 p.m. that day all schools and colleges were to close. Drogheda Institute of Further Education went from the classroom to online in six hours. Our contingency plan was in three parts – part 1: finish the courses, part 2: complete the assessments, and part 3: pro- cess and approve the results. This contingency plan could not be a solo effort. We had to work within the param- eters of the LMETB Contingency Plan which also had to be agreed with the the major awarding body Quality and Qualifi- cations Ireland (QQI). While maintaining the integrity and the standard of the quali- fications system, we had to move this part of the operation entirely online. It proved to be a great collaborative exer- cise across our entire college and was ably facilitated by our excellent ICT technical staff. Unlike the Leaving Certificate which was forced into cancellation our online virtual learning environment – Moodle, enabled our students to complete their course and achieve certification. Once again our students have excelled in both coursework and examinations and many will now have the opportunity to progress through CAO to further and higher education. It is a great pity that we have had to postpone our annual gradu- ation ceremony but will look forward to holding the event later in the year and cel- ebrating our students outstanding success. As we draw this academic year to a close, and we turn our focus to Septem- ber, there are a number of key issues fac- ing Drogheda Institute. Assuming some degree of social distancing and without knowing the details, these issues will in- clude new forms and modes of provision, online assessments, new teaching and learning methodologies and dealing with work experience placements. IT connec- tivity for our students will also need to be addressed and we must make sure that this does not become a barrier to student par- ticipation on our courses. Each year DIFE offers more than 50 full time further education courses to over 960 undergraduate and mature students within its state of the art campus in Drogheda, Co. Louth. The diverse range of courses span the following disciplines Art, Design & Technology, Business Humanities & IT, Sports, Leisure & Tourism, Applied Science and Community & Healthcare. These full time courses allow students to progress to Higher Education and Em- ployment. All courses are fully accredited by QQI Level 5 and 6 and relevant profes- Continued over....Drogheda Institute of Further Education Drogheda Institute of Further Education The Twenties, Drogheda, Co. Louth SERVICES, LEISURE AND TOURISM Beauty Therapy (Level 5) Complementary Holistic Therapies Advanced Beauty Therapy (Level 6) Hairdressing Junior Trade Hairdressing Senior Trade Barbering Tourism with Business Tourism with Airline Studies Gym & Fitness Instructor/Personal Trainer Sports, Recreation & Exercise (Level 5) Sports Injury & Massage Therapy (Level 5) Sports, Recreation & Exercise (Level 6) Pre-University Physiotherapy (Level 6) Culinary Arts (Professional Cookery Level 5) Hospitality, Hotel, Bar & Restaurant Studies Advanced Culinary Arts (Professional Cookery Level 6) COMMUNITY AND HEALTHCARE Early Childhood Care & Education (Option available to repeat Leaving Cert Irish) Early Childhood Care & Education with Special Needs Early Childhood Care & Education (Level 6) Healthcare Assistant with Intellectual Disability Studies Advanced Health Studies Supervisory (Level 6) Pre-University Nursing Studies Applied Social Studies with Psychology Emergency Care Personnel (Pre-Paramedic, Fire & Ambulance) APPLIED SCIENCE Dental Nursing Pharmacy Assistant Pharmacy Technician Pre-University Science Food Science, Nutrition & Dietetics Animal Care (Level 5) Animal Science (Level 6) Horticulture and Garden Design DIFE DROGHEDA Institute of Further Education TECHNOLOGY AND DESIGN Motor Vehicle Technology (Pre-Apprenticeship) Furniture Design & Manufacture Building Construction (Pre-Apprenticeship) Engineering Technology Multimedia with Photography Art, Craft and Design (Portfolio Preparation) Art & Business (Level 6) Fashion Design (Portfolio Preparation) Advanced Certificate in Fashion Design (Level 6) NEW2020 NEW2020 NEW2020 NEW 2020 NEW 2020 NEW 2020 NEW2020 NEW2020 NEW2020 NEW2020 NEW2020 BUSINESS, IT AND HUMANITIES Pre-University Business with Accounting Office Administration with Medical Terminology Computing & Business Pre-University Computing, Networks & Software Systems Computer Support Specialist & Frontline Technician Games Development Advanced Business with International Trade (Level 6) Advanced Tourism & Business (Level 6) Pre-University Arts (Access to Primary & Secondary Teaching) Pre-University Law with Criminology Policing & Security Studies Digital Marketing, Enterprise and Social Media 50 FULL TIME COURSES TEL: 041 98 37105 | EMAIL: dife@lmetb.ie | WEB: www.dife.ie NEW2020 NEW2020 NEW2020 APPLICATIONS NOW OPEN Apply directly through www.dife.ie 2020/2021 THE EDUCATION AWARDS 2020 ‘Best Further Education College’ WINNER© July 2020 The Meath Coaster 34 sional examining bodies. An increasing number of students are choosing to study a one year full time course in DIFE to allow them to upskill, gain relevant industry qualifications, pro- gress to higher education or an employ- ment/apprenticeship. Work placement in every course allows students to make an informed career decision and develop ex- cellent collaboration with local employers. Just prior to college closure DIFE were awarded the overall winner of the “Best Provider of Further Education in Ire- land” at the ‘Education Awards 2020’ gala awards ceremony in Dublin. This pres- tigious award, which is open to all FET providers (both within universities and the private sector), recognises excellence in the provision of Further Education over the previous 12 months. It is recognition for the hard work and dedication of the entire staff and a testament to the excellent teaching and learning that takes place. In the past the vast bulk of education has been calibrated to be predominately class- room based and supported by online pro- vision. Circumstances might be somewhat different but Drogheda Institute plans to reopen to students from next September 2020. Indeed applications for 2020/2021 are currently open, check out the college website at www.dife.ie to apply. In these uncertain times, Drogheda Institute will rise to the new challenges presenting in a Covid-19 World and will provide the people of Drogheda and its hinterland a Further Education and Training service of which they can feel justifiably proud. § Castle Glen, Donacarney Street Bingo Fundraiser T he residents of Castle Glen in Donacarney attended a Street Bingo fundraiser for the Irish Cancer Society on Friday the 19 th of June. Organised by Cian Doyle, they raised €600 Cian would like to "thank all the sponsors and my amazing community for the hard work, support and contribution for this fundraiser. We made history, this is going to be an annual event that we will host for a different charity every year". #shoplocal #makehistory #makememo- ries @irishcancersociety @shshoppingcentre @top_notch_munch @meath.advertising @meathcoco @patscentrabettystown @eastcoastdialadrink @loudfadesbarbers @mr_toppers_barbershop_ Thanks for everything Donacarney let's do it next year, we raised €600 for the Irish Cancer Society. Well done, give yourself a pat on the back, thanks to every business who sponsored. www.instagram.com/p/CBq62stBLoQ/?i gshid=7w1799wskdx3085 2057786 e: preidcrashrepairs@gmail.com Mill Road, Mornington Panel be ating Spray painting All work guaranteed Lessons Based In Drogheda Grammar School, Mornington Road, Drogheda. Toccata House Music School, Drogheda. Junior and Leaving Certificate Music and Musicianship Associated Board and Riam Theory. Join our School Choir for free Closed in Drogheda Grammar Lessons in piano, keyboard, guitar - electric, acoustic, bass and classical, ukulele, piano accordion, flute, clarinet, saxophone, recorder, tin whistle, violin, cello, viola, drums, Voice coaching - classical and musical theatre, For Information call Olive 087 2603079, Facebook or email toccatahouse@ gmail.com Established Since 1990. ZOOM LESSONS ON LINE NOW AVAILABLE. 086/1733396 086/1733397 Mullenandsons1@gmail.com www.Mullenandsons.ie Alan Mullen & Sons Builders Ltd Fifth Generation Irish Builders For All Your Building Needs Fully Insured and Registered STOP NO MORE CONSTRUCTION IN THIS AREA WITHOUT INFRA - STRUCTURE© July 2020 The Meath Coaster 36 The View From The Kitchen Table, By Geraldine Hughes A pologies for still talking about Covid 19, 4 months down the line but it appears to be what 2020 wants to be all about so we’ll give it the due attention its demanding. By the time you’re reading this the ma- jority of people will be back to work, providing they still have a job to go to. I work directly with the public, so off I go back to work where ‘Its life Jim but not as we know it...’ Maybe I should be nerv- ous about catching the virus but I think I’m more nervous of getting the PPE / hand washing/sterilising wrong and being hauled over the coals for it. I got it wrong going into DIY shop with my mortified daughter. I panicked and put the trolly handle cleaner on my hands, realised my mistake and put the hand sanitiser on top where it foamed up, and I spent the trip around the shop frantically wiping suds onto my clothes which pos- sibly undid any good it had done in the first instance. I’m back in work early, we were moved up a phase, which was greeted with great joy and happiness, even a couple of tears from ecstatic clients, swiftly fol- lowed by a backlash when people realised that it may possibly cost a bit more be- cause their hair may need an extra few tubes of colour to repair DIY disasters. Lam- basted was the word that came to mind, but it was lovely to feel like a hero even if it was just for 5 mins. I’m confident in this prediction though, we’ll all ay for this one way or the other, and if it’s not in your hair salon, it will be in the supermarket (already noticing an upward swing there- although that could be the increase in wine consumption)and I’ve no doubt that restaurants and pubs will do likewise. But it will be just fantastic to get back to a bit of normality because I’m not sure how many more stages of Covidding there are... I went through the frantic decorating stage (I thought I’d be back in work within 4 weeks), then on to the Nigella-like baking stage but I didn’t look like her and I was the only one eating the end product (dry scones anyone?) so I moved on to the super exercisers stage – 5k runs followed by a HIIT class maybe a bit of online yoga thrown in for fun?! I had to admit I had overdone it when every niggle and injury I ever had made its presence felt, usu- ally at 3 in the morning(this was also the insomnia stage) I’d love to tell you that I’m now a size 6 waif, emotion- ally balanced, better edu- cated, more accomplished, super fit human but, I’m still just me. If you had told me in March that I wasn’t going back to work until July, I would’ve lost the plot (I’m using work to signify normality), so maybe I have grown as a person a little. and the house is definitely painted...!.. § Oasis Childcare Centre Mornington Co. Meath Crèche Montessori Playgroup After School Telephone 9888135 + Purpose Built + Fully Insured + HSE Inspected + Fire Certified + Intercom Entry + Large Safety Tiled Playground + Large Car Park + Easy Drop Off and Collection + Small Groups + Dedicated Staff + 7:30am to 6:30pm ONE CHILD! ONE LIFE! ONE PRE-SCHOOL EXPERIENCE Limited places remain for our ECCE and PLAYSCHOOL classes Book now to ensure that your precious child gets the highest quality & happiest pre-school experience possible! East Meath’s Leading Childcare Provider since 2005 for SEPTEMBER 2020Call Nicky - 041 9887128 087 7734344 A Local Business C o s m i c C l e a n www.cosmicclean.ie T&Cs & Minimum Charge applies MAJOR DISCOUNTS for Multiple Rooms Rug Collection & Delivery Service Available Professional Carpet & Upholstery Cleaning SPECIAL OFFER! Stamullen Our Montessori staff are qualified, dedicated to providing kind, warm, tentative and a satisfying learning experience to each child 086 2162872 lamhabeagaanmhi@gmail.com Tusla inspected (part time place) Opening Times: 9am ·12pm We offer ECCE From 2 Years & 8 months, Ample Car Parking GAA Clubhouse Bettystown Alterations Wedding Alterations and Evening Wear Premises located behind the offices in McDonough Caravan Park on Triton Road (Opposite Tesco) Phone: 086 775 3 776 Tues - Sat 10am - 5pm Lunch 1:30pm - 2:30pm Close Tue 2pm Clothing Alterations •Wedding/Evening Wear • Leather/Suede Repairs •Curtains Same Day Service Tusla inspected • Part time places • Rural Setting Gormanston FREE ECCE PLACES from 2 years & 8 months Our staff are qualified, dedicated to providing kind, warm, tentative and a satisfying learning experience to each child 085 8619279 lamhabeagaanmhi@gmail.com Opening Times: 9am ·12pm GlamDog Grooming Salon A new destination to pamper your pets 083 1487463 @glamdoggroomingsalon glamdoggroomingsalon@gmail.com Dun Eimear, Bettystown, Co. Meath A92FW6T Mammy Day Care Crèche, Montessori & Afterschool Full and part-time care ECCE Free pre-school years Affordable childcare scheme After-school care Large outdoor play area 3 months to 12 years of age catered for Stamullen, Co. Meath E: info@mammydaycare.com T: 01 690 5333/086 8286927 Limited places available for ECCE in Septem - ber Anam Cara Therapy Here for you. www.onlinetherapist.ie Mary “Em” Ryan Counsellor/Holistic Psychotherapist Shamanic Sound Healer anamcaratherapy@pm.me 083.859.9551 Offering online counselling City North office reopening from 20 July 2020. St. Patrick's G.F.C Stamullen Thursday 13th February From 4:30pm to 8:00pm Become a blood donor 1850 – 73 11 37 or 041 – 685 9994 John Healy, Area Organiser at our or www.giveblood.ie© July 2020 The Meath Coaster 38 Please mention The Meath Coaster when replying to advertisements Life Assurance Pensions Income Protection Investments Financial Planning Drumgoole Financial Services is regulated by The Central Bank of Ireland Oran Drumgoole QFA Phone 087 668 6624 Office 041 981 2080 oran@drumgoolebrokerage.ie www.drumgoolebrokerage.ie Financial planning is more important than ever…. A s a small, self-employed company, these past few months have been a challenge for numerous reasons. But when faced with a challenge, an opportunity can present itself. While I have been unable to meet clients physically, I have been ar- ranging Zoom meeting consultations that are becoming more and more popular and are simple to set up. The one thing that many people have had for the last 3 months, is time to review their finances and take stock of what ex- actly they want to do in life. Can you retire earlier than you thought? Pay off your mortgage early? Do you have enough savings? How much is enough life cover? There are many more questions I have been asked and I have been working with clients to try and help them achieve their goals. As a result, I am finding it now that more and more people are requesting a full Fi- nancial Planning review of where they are right now and looking at different options for the future. This process is a lot more straight forward than people might imagine and further information can be found on www.drum- goolebrokerage.ie/planning. 1. You fill out a financial planning state- ment online, clarifying your person- al and financial goals. This is a com- prehensive planner and will include anything from the cost of your utility bills to the cost of birthday presents. 2. Once you have submitted the planner, I review and prepare recommenda- tions and advice. 3. We discuss these goals, your current financial situation, and strategies to make your goals attainable. Following this, you decide what step to take next. This plan is just the first step- ping-stone and once you have a strategy put in place, we can review this annually with you to see how it is progressing. I find that one way to handle your per- sonal finance is to treat it like a business. You (and your partner) are the directors of your business. A good business will fore- cast what is due to come in and out on a monthly basis. It will also have a reason- able idea of what to expect in the longer term, while ensuring that it has the correct provisions and protection in place to carry them into the future….even with some bumpy, challenging times along the way. Wishing good health and wellbeing to all Meath Coaster readers. Have a question? #justcallOran on 087 668 6624 or visit www.drumgoolebroker- age.ie. . §BG PAINTING & DECORATING InterIor & exterIor 25 YEARS EXPERIENCE REFERENCES AVAILABLE FREE CONSULTATIONS & ESTIMATES WALLPAPER ALSO AVAILABLE Contact Brian 086 7308449 Moloney Boiler Maintenance Barry Moloney - Heating Engineer • Oil Boilers Services and Repairs • Aga Cookers • Central Heating Power Flush • Installation of Central Heating Filters • All Aspects of Heating & Plumbing - Commercial / Residential Free Quotations, All Work Guaranteed Mobile: 087 3337488 barry@moloneyboilermaintenance.ie Elite Gas Heating 089 4472863 elitegasheating@gmail.com www.elitegasheating.ie • gas boilers replaced • gas boilers serviced • cylinders replaced & full installation • gas hob installed Noel Savage Electrical Services 20 Years Experience • Security Lighting Fuseboard Upgrades • Rewires, Extra Sockets • Lights, Fully Insured and Registered No Job Too Small Bettystown, Co. Meath Mobile: 086 2518898 Interior and exterior • High quality service Reasonable prices • Free Estimates Quality painting with a personal touch PH. 086-1624110 Email: deanlaheen@yahoo.co.uk Facebook: Dean Laheen Painting and Decorating Dean Laheen Painting & Decorating Virtual Assistant Online support for your business • Administration• PA Services • Customer Service• Credit Control • Expense Management• HR Support Services Include: Tailor made packages. Hourly rates available. Contact Susan on 087 3111 560 @susanbourke.com E:susan@susanbourke.com COMPUTER PROBLEM? Contact Oliver 041.988.7526 087.797.0740 iPhones Smartphones Repair Laptop/Desktop Repair & Upgrades All Services Subject to Covid-19 LimitationsEmergency Service Only for All Advertisers TREE & GARDEN SERVICES Trees Lopped, Topped and Felled Complete removal including Stump and Root Grinding. Free Estimates, Fully Insured, Long Experience Local Tree Care Contact Jim 085 1234610-042 6030099 No Job Too Big or Too Small Special OAP Rates HEDGE TRIMMING & SHAPING. All Greenery chipped on site Driveway, Patio, Power-washed, Gutter cleaning Please mention The Meath Coaster when replying to advertisementsNext >