< Previous© July 2020 The Meath Coaster 20 Bunscoil Buachaillí Réalt na Mara Lockdown Legends! T he boys from Third Class in Donacarney Boys School made the most of lock down by exploring their local environment. Encouraged by their teacher, Mr Lynch, they sent on lots of photos of their adventures outdoors. From walking the ramparts along the Boyne, to follow- ing it out to the estuary at Mornington, running in the dunes, walking the beach and bathing in the Irish Sea, they certainly made the most of their local area.© July 2020 The Meath Coaster 21 Continued over....© July 2020 The Meath Coaster 22 Meanwhile, Sixth class in the school cre- ated some challenges for themselves, with this chap cycling 100km-and all within a 2km radius of his home! All that exercise outdoors, demands seri- ous refuelling and baking became a pas-© July 2020 The Meath Coaster 23 time for many with all kinds of delicious confections being baked and enjoyed. Lots of pupils worked from home during the closure, of course. But there were a couple of boys who worked from a boat. Looks like fun! Fourth class really got involved with their Nature Art projects, while construction was a big hit with Ms Smith’s Second class. §© July 2020 The Meath Coaster 24 The Stamullen Roundup By Grace Tierney I hope you are all keeping well. Stay safe and keep washing those hands. Huge congratulations to seven year old Phoebe who took up running with her dad Barry during the lockdown. She has now completed a marathon (yes, really) during June in aid of Balbriggan Cancer Support and raised over €2000 for them. She’s an amazing girl and the whole vil- lage is proud of her. See the photos in the Stamullen FC section of this edition Hopefully by the time you read this we’ll have moved into the next phase of loosen- ing the lockdown.A widely lamented ef- fect of staying at home has been the lack of hair-cuts so here’s the latest news on the scissor front. Mirror Mirror will be open for pre-booked appointments only. Call or text 087-4028334 or email them at mirrorappointments@gmail.com and they’ll get back to you. You’re Gorgeous will also be working by advance appointment only with a deposit system, extended opening, and careful rules to keep their customers safe. Full de- tails are available on their website https:// www.ygh.ie/booking-policy/ or you can call them on 01-849744. Mick the Barber, who had only just opened before the lockdown, will be back with his clippers from 8.30a.m. on Monday the 29 th much to the relief of the men in the vil- lage. His service will still be walk-in but with no more than four customers inside at the same time and contact details will needed in case of tracing being required later. Are you interested in working locally? Hanley Energy, whose head office is in the City North business park, are currently re- cruiting for a number of specialist roles. See more at https://www.hanleyenergy. com/about/working-with-us/. The Talbot Group who are based at Red- wood, Stamullen also have a variety of roles available https://www.talbotgroup. ie/current-vacancies. One of the best benefits to living in Stamullen is, in my opinion, the straw- berries. Clarke’s farm are running a ring & collect service from their farm shop in Clinstown. Ring 086-0606412 and you can collect Mon-Fri 9:30-4:30 or Week- ends and Bank Holidays 9:30-12:30 in the morning. Very interesting to read recently that up to mid-June there had been 13 confirmed cases in our village. I hope all have recov- ered safely. If you enjoy stats check out https://covid19ireland-geohive.hub.arc- gis.com/. Useful Services for Supplies / Advice • The Meath County Community Re- sponse Team - freephone 1800 808 809, email covidsupport@meathco- co.ie. • The Stamullen CA Volunteer Group - 087-6355519, stamullenca@gmail. com • O’Connor’s Pharmacy 01-8418018 • Centra’s Tick & Collect - https:// www.facebook.com/dunnescentrasta- mullen, 01-8834202 • Meath Partnership Employment © July 2020 The Meath Coaster 25 Support Coaches 085-834 2378, 089-4366800, martina.mccabe@ meathpartnership.ie, patricia.lynch@ meathpartnership.ie • Fr. Declan Kelly’s online masses are available at https://www.you- tube.com/channel/UCMaC1cpFBS- qQ8JGKYPvkOw. If you’d like to have an anniver- sary mass offered on the Sunday on Youtube, or daily, please contact 01- 8412647. Weekend masses in the church will resume on the 11 th of July with volunteer ushers. Details still be- ing finalised. Got Stamullen news? Send it to Grace (087- 9074145) or grace@meathcoaster.com St. Mary's Church of Ireland, Julianstown W e plan to be back in Church in St. Mary's Church of Ireland, Julianstown from Sunday 5 th July. The service will be at 10.30am as usual, but there will be new protocols in place, in line with the Church of Ireland guidelines. and with social distancing and other very necessary regulations, coming to church will be rather different to what it was at the beginning of March. It will be lovely to see people again but no one should feel obliged to come and those who are experi- encing symptoms of Covid19 or are close contacts of those with it, or who are, for whatever reason in a high risk or vulner- able category should remain at home for now. Hopefully everyone is well and we will all see each other soon. © July 2020 The Meath Coaster 26 Laytown Tidy Towns W e welcomed two new volunteers this month.......Manuel and Joe (photo above) live in Laytown and joined up at the beginning of June. They have al- ready made their mark, clearing the weeds from the flowerbeds around the trees. Also new to the ranks is Donagh O’Brien, pictured on the opposite page on the right of the photo. Donagh has already shown himself to be a martyr to the cause, litter- picking on the estuary during the torren- tial downfall of rain on June 27 th ! He made a valuable suggestion on the pre- vious Saturday to clean up the Seafields and the approach road. Two full bags were collected, so well done Donagh and David! We also transplanted some of the saplings this month. These saplings were donated by Meath Co. Council in the week be- fore lockdown, and have been grounded in a volunteers garden since then! Some have been planted outside the back wall of Aldi. Two Weeping Willows have also been transplanted, one in the flowerbed at the railway sidings and the other in the smaller bed at the front of the carpark in Laytown. We have more to move so if you know of somewhere that could use a few trees please let us know! We have revitalised the planters on the promenade.......they now each have a fuschia, a trailing geranium and a laven- der plant. We will be adding another plant for the centre of each one in the next week or two!© July 2020 The Meath Coaster 27 We are sorry to have to report once again the ignorance people demonstrate when recycling bottles....this is how the bottle bank looked on Wednesday 24 th June. It is possible that most of the banks were full, but taking your bottles away, finding another bottle bank, or taking them home to come back another time are options available!! It is really NOT necessary to just leave them for someone else to pick up. We hope that this photo will prove to Meath Co. Council the need for the return of CCTV so that the perpetrators can be caught! Once again we would like to ask if anyone would like to join us, even just occasion- ally, to work in the locality on a Saturday morning. If you have a half an hour to spare please come along.....new energy and new ideas are always welcome. We meet at the Coast Tavern at 10am and hope to see you soon!! §© July 2020 The Meath Coaster 28 “Words The Sea Gave Us” S tamullen author and long-running Meath Coaster columnist, Grace Tier- ney, is launching her second nonfiction book on the 13 th of July. After a decade of exploring unusual Eng- lish words in her award-winning Word- foolery blog (www.wordfoolery.word- press.com) this time she took her lifelong love of the sea and created a book about the nautical origins of English words. Some you would never guess like junk, cyber, governor, and skyscraper. Others are oddities that only a sailor would know - mollgogger, gollywobbler, gongoozle, and baggywinkle. It’s an ideal read for beachcombers, sailors, and history buffs. She even included a chapter to enable you to talk like a scurvy pirate and another with phrases we use every day which started out on the deep blue sea such as hot pursuit, in the offing, taking them down a peg, and getting hitched. The ebook edition of “Words The Sea Gave Us” is already available for Kindle, Apple Books and Kobo pre-orders (€2.69) and the paperback edition (€11.99) will be available from the 13 th via Amazon and other booksellers. All the details are on her site (https:// wordfoolery.wordpress.com/my-books/ ) where you will also find a free download, “Various Vessels”, to help you sort your ketches from your dhows (https://word- foolery.wordpress.com/downloads/ ). Kindle & Amazon: www.amazon.co.uk/ s?k=words+the+sea+gave+us&ref=404_ search Apple Books: https://books.apple. com/ie/book/words-the-sea-gave-us/ id1517636002 Kobo: www.kobo.com/ie/en/ebook/ words-the-sea-gave-us § Star of the Sea Conference serving Laytown/Bettystown/ Donacarney/Mornington For assistance ring 1800 677 777 Urgent Appeal If you wish to make a financial contribu- tion in these difficult times please ring 087 2542408 to talk to a conference memberDUNLEER County Louth Ireland Call us on 041 9886545 for an appointment. Email: bettystowndental@gmail.com Web: www.bettystowndental.ie Triton Road, Bettystown, Co. Meath (between Funtasia & Tesco) Extended PRSI Scheme Dental exam and clean only €15 for qualified patients. To check eligibility contact us on 0419886545 Private, PRSI and Medical Card Patients Welcome Dr Matthew Crinion B.D.S. (NUI) Corns, Callouses, Verrucae, Ingrown Toenails, nail surgery and other treatments State of the art Gaitscan analysis pressure plate used in the assessment of foot, back and leg pain. Orthotics prescribed to stabilise foot function and rehabilitation Opening hours 9.00-6.00 Tuesday, Wednesday & Friday: Saturday 10.00-1.00 Niamh Tully , BSc (Hons) Pod. MCh.S. S.R.Ch Main Street, Laytown, Tel: 041 9888492 Chiropodist / Podiatrist (State registered) The Foot ClinicNext >