< Previous© February 2020 The Meath Coaster 20 Council Update By Cllr. Sharon Tolan Laytown to Bettystown Spine Road & Transport Update I am delighted at last that the Council have gone to tender for this crucial pro- ject! Tenders are due back in February, and I would be hopeful contractors will be onsite by May! We have also received our annual Roads Funding Allocation for 2020, and have seen an increase again this year. A total of €23,696,867 has been granted to Meath, an increase of over €4 million since 2019. €2,500,000 for the Spine Road with, €30,000 for a Safety Improvement Scheme at the Ministown Rd/Piltown Rd junction, that I have been highlighting for some time now. We have also been allocated €100,000 for Julianstown under the Strategic Roads planning area. This is really significant and is an indication the Department have now acknowledged the very serious traffic problems in Julianstown. As a member of the Transportation SPC, I will be working with the Council to progress a plan! Foreshore Byelaws – Paw Power! The Council have listened carefully to the community and, whilst still having regard for the environment and in particular our wintering birds, they have addressed the concerns outlined in the 349 submissions received during the public consultation process. I am delighted to say that drastic restric- tions on dog walkers and horse riders that were proposed, have now been removed. There will be some restrictions in the Laytown SAC during the winter months, dogs will be required to be kept on a lead from Sept-March but will be allowed off lead from Bettystown to Mornington. This ensures protection of feeding birds and is also welcome news for those walk- ers who do not want to encounter dogs off lead. Full details can be found on www. meath.ie or on my Facebook Page. Thank you to everyone who participated in the Public Consultation! €€€€ - Community Grants - €€€€ Check out the advertisements here in the Coaster! Applications are now open and closing date is 5pm Friday 6 th March 2020. If you need an application form, or assis- tance, please get in touch! Coláiste na hInse Expansion Project Needless to say, it has been a very stress- ful time for a number of young people in our community and their families. Due to over-subscription of Coláiste na hInse, a number of local children were left with no secondary school place for Sept 2020. I am so delighted, that following my pro- posal to the Board of LMETB to seek ad- ditional accommodation, that I received the news that the Department had in fact carried out a study and agreed there were Continued over....© February 2020 The Meath Coaster 21 COMMUNITY GRANT SCHEME 2020 Applications are invited from Community Groups, Tidy Towns/Village Committees, Residents Associations and other organisations, to assist with actions and projects being undertaken in their local area for the Meath County Council Community Grant Scheme 2020. The range of grant categories available under the Community Grant Scheme 2020 are: • Residents Association • Tidy Towns • Equality and Social Inclusion • Ashbourne 2020 Commemorative Grant Further details and application forms can be obtained from The Community Department, Meath County Council, Buvinda House, Dublin Road, Navan, Co. Meath C15 Y291 or by email communitygrants@meathcoco.ie or alternatively from our website: www.meath.ie/council/council-services/community/community-grants-and- initiatives The closing date for receipt of completed applications is 5p.m. Friday, 6 th March, 2020 COMMUNITY AMENITY PROJECT SCHEME 2020 Applications are invited from Communities within the County and registered with the Public Participation Network (PPN) for the development of sporting, recreational, environmental, amenity, heritage and cultural facilities.. The Community Amenity Project Scheme is a capital grant scheme which is administered by Meath County Council subject to availability of funding. The scheme provides financial assistance to Communities within the County and registered with the Public Participation Network (PPN) for the development of sporting, recreational, environmental, amenity, heritage and cultural facilities. The minimum project application is €10,000 with a maximum project application of €100,000 per Municipal District per annum. Further details and application forms can be obtained from The Community Department, Meath County Council, Buvinda House, Dublin Road, Navan, Co. Meath C15 Y291 or by email communitygrants@meathcoco.ie or alternatively from our website: www.meath.ie/council/council-services/community/community- grants-and-initiatives The closing date for receipt of completed applications is 5pm Friday, 6 th March, 2020 • Recreation and Sport • Festivals & Events • Burial Ground © February 2020 The Meath Coaster 22 additional needs in our area. They have now formally requested us to expand to 1300 from a 1000 pupil school, and we will be proceeding with an expansion plan. We can now ensure local children can get a local education into the future! County Development Plan – Play Your Part! The Draft County Development Plan 2020-2026 is now on public display until Friday 6 th March 2020, and is available for inspection at Meath County Council of- fices in Navan, Duleek, Kells, Ashbourne and Trim during normal office hours. As always, I try to facilitate a local area for you so that you do not need to take time off work to travel to view documents. I will be hosting a number of evenings in Febru- ary locally where I will display maps and all the relevant documentation. The dates haven’t been finalised at the time of go- ing to print, so please keep an eye on my social media for the details. They are, of course, also available on the online con- sultation portal at https://consult.meath.ie/ Closing date for submissions is 4pm Fri- day 6 th March 2020, and must be through the portal or by post. Submissions that are emailed cannot be considered. Please have your say in how our County will be shaped over the next 5 years! Brookside & Beach Park Housing Es- tates – New roads! I have raised the issue of the horrendous condition of the roads in both of these estates for the past number of years. I am delighted that funding was allocated to finally improve them! Both suffer an enormous amount of extra traffic due to the Garda Station and GP’s Office! Bus Shelters It is really great to see the bit of comfort that shelters bring for those using the bus service. I have now submitted my (long) list to the NTA through Meath County Council. I was delighted to have been so successful with last year’s list, I really hope we can deliver more, particularly in Mornington, Donacarney, Mosney and in- deed along the Dublin Road and the Golf Links Road. Watch this space! If you haven’t had the opportunity to visit the new interpretative centre at Brú na Boinne, Newgrange, I would strongly recommend a visit! State of the art and on our doorsteps! §© February 2020 The Meath Coaster 23 041 98 444 98 041 98 111 98 086 838 4444 www.eastcoastcabs.com EAST COAST CABS SERVICING MEATH COAST & DROGHEDA REGIONS CABS - 4, 6 & 8 SEATERS NEW RANGE OF MINI-VANS COACHES - 16, 24, 36 & 54 SEATERS AVAILABLE Fergus O'DOWD Read Our Long Term Plan for Ireland at finegael.ie Vote 2 John McGAHON VOTE 1 • Your Safety • Your Community • My Priority© February 2020 The Meath Coaster 24 BT Young Scientist W ell done to all the students who en- tered projects into the BT Young Scientist and Technology Exhibition. The project entitled ‘Relating Personality Factors like School Subject Preferences to Fingerprint Patterns’ received a Highly Commended Award in the Biological and Ecological Science Category. Bake Sale 8 th and 9 th February The Gormanston Parents Association will be holding a Bake Sale 6pm Saturday 8 th and 10am Sunday 9 th February after mass in Stamullen Parish Hall. Lots of fresh home baking will be available. All proceeds go towards the purchase of school equipment for the students. Please support the bake sale. § Franciscan College Gormanston Leadership Workshops To equip the Student Council and College Prefects with the skills to carry out their roles effectively they attended a three module workshop that ran over several months and were each presented with a Lead- ership Pack. Various projects and initiatives were started as a result of the workshops. Book Nook Opens! To encourage students to read at lunchtimes a ‘Book Nook’ has been created in a corner of the Fr Eamonn Newell Library. It is designed to be a comfortable, welcoming area for reading. Book Nook Leadership Group© February 2020 The Meath Coaster 25 Byrne Cllr. James An Ireland for all 086 337 2965 James.byrne@louthcoco.ie Vótáil Please continue your preference for Declan Breathnach TD© February 2020 The Meath Coaster 26 The Stamullen Roundup By Grace Tierney T he new Meath County Development Plan for 2020-2026 is now available to view at local libraries and council of- fices. Details of those venues are online at http://countydevelopmentplanreview. meath.ie/ and the deadline for submis- sions from the public is Friday the 6 th of March. Submissions can be made via consult.meath.ie or by post to Planning Department, Meath County Council, Bu- vinda House, Dublin Road, Navan. Congrats to Slav Vavro and his family. Thanks to hardworking fundraisers local- ly, the Stamullen Goal Mile, and a gener- ous anonymous donation, they can install the hyperbaric oxygen chamber he needs. Well done to the Purcell/Young family who recently won the 2019 St. Mary’s Baton Twirlers award for dedication, performance, and exams. Congrats also to Rebecca Doran and Amy Prosser the runners-up. Happy belated birthday to Stamullen man Tony Davitt. Tony has been involved in boxing for many a year. He was recently the recipient of a presentation from St. Catherine’s Boxing Club on the 40 year anniversary of when Tony and Peter Glen- non trained four elite champions in 1980, including Tommy’s own brother PJ Davitt (welterweight) who was an Olympian at the Moscow games that year. The Golden Girls have resumed meetings on Mondays 11a.m. to 1p.m. in the Par- ish Centre, Stamullen. New members are always welcome, so why not come along for tea/coffee and good company. If the New Year has inspired you to try something new, here are two volunteering suggestions that might fit the bill. To do your bit for our locality you could join the monthly clean up of Gormanston Beach. The next one takes place at 10 a.m. at the Delvin River Viaduct on Saturday the 1 st of February. If music is more your thing then consider joining the Stamullen Choir. Just come along to to their rehearsal night any Monday from 8-9:15 p.m. in Stamullen Church. New members are very welcome. The Meath LGBTQ support and social group are holding an information meet- ing in the Daily Bread Cafe on February the 15 th from 2-3p.m. Youth, adults, and parents are all welcome. Contact Peter at 087-4379002. Important note - the Parish Secretary’s email address has changed. It is now sec- retary@sjparish.ie The Stamullen Art Group will be exhibit- ing their work in Skerries Mills this month. The exhibition runs from the 27 th of Janu- ary to 9 th of February and is open from 10 in the morning to 4:30p.m. They’d love to get some support from the village. Got Stamullen news? Send it to Grace (087- 9074145) or grace@meathcoaster.com Comedy - Parish Fundraiser A isteoirí na Bóinne Drama Group will perform "Surprise Package" - a comedy by Duncan Greenwood and Derek Parkes in the Droichead Arts Cen- tre, Stockwell Street, Drogheda from 11 th to 15 th February @ 8pm nightly. They are kindly donating the proceeds of their per- formance on Wednesday 12 th February to St. Mary's Church of Ireland Julianstown and the Alzheimer's Society. - Tickets €15.00 available from Droichead Arts Centre - 041 9833946 (Booking essential)Mid-Term Fun Kids Camp Drogheda Grammar School -Ages 5-12 Yrs €25/day or €100/week - family discounts available Text/WhatsApp/Call Mike on 083 8018590 Mon 17-Fri 21 Feb 9:30-1:30 (early drop off avail.) Who we are: Fully qualified + veted PE teachers who believe in the principles of movement, activity & inclusion in helping young people grow socially through having fin! Here's our plan: Dodgeball, Ultimate Frisbee, Orienteering, Badminton, Tennis, Table Tennis, Indoor Hockey, Spikeball, Parcour, ChaseTag, Obstacle Courses, Indoor Athletics Lessons Based In Drogheda Grammar School, Mornington Road, Drogheda. Toccata House Music School, Drogheda. Junior and Leaving Certificate Music and Musicianship Associated Board and Riam Theory. Join our School Choir for free Now Open For Spring Term Lessons in piano, keyboard, guitar - electric, acoustic, bass and classical, ukulele, piano accordion, flute, clarinet, saxophone, recorder, tin whistle, violin, cello, viola, drums, Voice coaching - classical and musical theatre, For Information call Olive 087 2603079, Facebook or email toccatahouse@ gmail.com Established Since 1990. Self accompanying lessons voice and guitar now available. Call us on 041 9886545 for an appointment. Email: bettystowndental@gmail.com Web: www.bettystowndental.ie Triton Road, Bettystown, Co. Meath (between Funtasia & Tesco) Extended PRSI Scheme Dental exam and clean only €15 for qualified patients. To check eligibility contact us on 0419886545 Private, PRSI and Medical Card Patients Welcome Dr Matthew Crinion B.D.S. (NUI) Corns, Callouses, Verrucae, Ingrown Toenails, nail surgery and other treatments State of the art Gaitscan analysis pressure plate used in the assessment of foot, back and leg pain. Orthotics prescribed to stabilise foot function and rehabilitation Opening hours 9.00-6.00 Tuesday, Wednesday & Friday: Saturday 10.00-1.00 Niamh Tully , BSc (Hons) Pod. MCh.S. S.R.Ch Main Street, Laytown, Tel: 041 9888492 Chiropodist / Podiatrist (State registered) The Foot Clinic© February 2020 The Meath Coaster 28 Presbyterian Church Hall, Colpe - opposite Grange Rath www.LittleMusicMakers.ie Maria Sheil (Masters Degree Community Music) 087 9330777 MariaMusicMakers@gmail.com Group Music Classes - 4yrs to 8yrs (Tues & Sat) “Mummy and Me” 0 – 3years (Thurs & Sat) Music Makers E ast Meath continues to benefit from the excellent music programmes for children with Maria Sheil’s “Music Makers” which has been bringing music- making opportunities to local National Schools and Communities for over fif- teen years. Music Makers welcomes new children at the beginning of their musical path, giving children a lifelong gift that continues to grow. With a Masters Degree in Community Music, Maria, who lives in Julianstown holds age-appropriate music programmes that include singing, percussion, drum- ming, bells, chimes, boom-whackers, rhythmic games, and story-telling through group music making activities. Baby/Toddler (3months to 3+yrs) class- es are with the full participation of par- ents, grandparents or minders. Pre-Instrumental (4yrs to 9yrs) Later as the children grow, they attend “Big Mu- sic Makers” courses that continue sing- ing, percussion, rhythm and musicality, but also introduces Ukulele and Record- er, leading to Royal Irish Academy of Music exams. There is a strong empha- sis on group music- making, in a creative, inspiring and supportive environment. For further details contact Maria Sheil on 087 9330777 or mariamusicmakers@ gmail.com www.littlemusicmakers.ie086/1733396 086/1733397 Mullenandsons1@gmail.com www.Mullenandsons.ie Alan Mullen & Sons Builders Ltd Fifth Generation Irish Builders For All Your Building Needs New Builds - Extensions - Renovations Attic Conversions Fully Insured and Registered Lannon Footcare and Reflexology Footcare: Nail Cutting, Filing & Thinning Calluses & Corns Fungal Nail & Skin Conditions Ingrown Toenails Diabetic _Footcare Verrucas Reflexology Relaxation Balances all systems in the body Reduces Stress Increases Energy Clears Toxins Find me on or contact 085 - 2522918 Clinic Opening Hours: Mon - Thur 9:30 to 14:00 Fri 9:30 to 17:00 By Appointment only. Also available for Call Outs, Nursing Home & Corporate Visits Clinic located at Anagenic Hair Design Unit 4F The Anchorage Bettystown Co. Meath Claire Lannon - Dip FH MCFHP MAFHP MNRRI Registered Reflexologist Foot Health Practitioner Next >