< Previous© February 2020 The Meath Coaster 10 Laytown Tidy Towns W hen we met up on Saturday to do our usual work around the village we were very disappointed to find this mess at the bottle banks in the car park in Laytown. These people take the trou- ble to separate their cans and bottles, bag them up, bring them to the recycle bin and then just DUMP them for someone else to clean up. The recycling intention is good but do it right so it doesn't cause a mess. We are a very small group and would pre- fer to spend our Saturday mornings work- ing on the general appearance of the vil- lage, not cleaning up this kind of mess. We started the year well by clearing the lit- ter on the approach road from Julianstown. We picked eleven bags of rubbish in the area we covered and a week later our CE participant cleared the road as far as Sonairte again, picking another two bags. Sadly, there was more litter strewn on the roadside the very next day. Meath County Council’s Anti Litter Initia- tive starts up on 2 nd March and runs for four weeks from this date. We welcome all the help we can get to try to keep Laytown lit- ter free, at least during this period. If you have even half an hour to spare maybe you would consider taking part in this. If so, just contact us on any Saturday morning…… we will supply litter pickers, gloves and bags. We would really appreciate any help! and Gloves supplied. Street Feast - May - Date yet to be con- firmed Julianstown Annual Festival - Sunday, 21 st of June Heritage Day - Sunday 23 rd of August Halloween - 31 st of October Santa in The Lime Kiln - 7 th or 8 th of De- cember (to be confirmed) Help! We would really appreciate your help in carrying out all of the above and if you would like to get involved please come along to our next meeting on the 6 th Febru- ary in the Parish Rooms, Laytown Road, Julianstown at 8 pm. Alternatively, if there is anything you want raised please come along and let us know how we can help. You can Contact us on www.julianstowncommunity. com or Face book message Julianstown & District Community Association Whitecross School First Confessions will take place at 7pm on Wednesday, 12 th February Ceremony of Light will take place at 7 pm on Thursday, 13 th February. The school photographer will be visiting the school on the 13 th February. §© February 2020 The Meath Coaster 11© February 2020 The Meath Coaster 12 Drogheda Educate Together Secondary School Maker Space Day M aker Space is an educational com- pany which facilitate school STEM workshops for students. In December, the students of Drogheda ETSS participated in a variety of inquiry-based challenges. Students worked together to create objects using scientific knowledge and skills. Examples of Student work from the day included their own fairy lights and virtual patchwork. Students enjoyed working together to problem solve and learned to apply this knowledge to every subject. Inspiring Active Students Event - DCU The Sustainable Squad Club in Drogheda ETSS were invited to take part in a student event hosted by Educate Together in DCU in December. Students from various Edu- cate Together schools in Ireland worked together on the day. The morning started with an inspiring talk from Amal Azzudin, who was a refugee in Glasgow. Amal and others set up a group called ‘The Glasgow Girls’ who advocated for refugee rights in the UK. Students then attended two work- shops on creating a campaign and looking at designs. It was a beneficial and inspir- ing event. §Pre-Start Start Grow In partnership with STARTING OR GROWING YOUR OWN BUSINESS? WE PROVIDE INFORMATION, EXPERT ADVICE AND PRACTICAL SUPPORTS - LOCALLY To contact your local Enterprise Office Telephone 046-9097000 Email: localenterprise@meathcoco.ie • A comprehensive range of Business Development Courses • A confidential Business Advisory Service • Financial Supports (for eligible businesses) • Mentoring • Brexit Supports All delivered by highly trained business support professionals Call us today to speak to one of our team or log on to our website www.localenterprise.ie/meath© February 2020 The Meath Coaster 14 Bettystown Tidy Towns (BTT) B TT is very happy with the recent installation of the new play equip- ment in the playground on the Narroways road. The play equipment is a roundabout, which can be used by both mobility im- paired and able bodied children, and was one of our Inclusiveness Projects. BTT had raised the issue of the lack of equip- ment that can be used by mobility impaired children at the playground and presented our request for equipment to the Council. With the support of Cllr. Sharon Tolan, who assisted with acquiring the Coun- cil funding, and the local Public Health Nurses, for the information they provided for our submission, the Council agreed to install the equipment. We hope all the local children enjoy this new play equipment. tive. There will be two rounds of judging, which takes place from March 2 nd to 27 th , with grants being issued in April & May. For more details and to register, download the application form from the Councils website page or contact the Environment Department of Meath County Council, 046 9097222. The closing date for regis- tration is Friday February 14 th . BTT wants to enhance the village and community, for residents and visitors. If you would like to be part of this, we meet on Saturdays at 10am, by the statue of the Boy With A Kite. Or, if you have a skill or talent that you can bring to our projects, we would love to hear from you. You can contact us through our Face Book page or follow us on Face Book to keep up to date on what we are doing. New play equipment installed in Bettystown playground EAST MEATH HOSPICE ASSOCIATION 10.00am - 12.30pm Tuesday, February 25th, 2020 Arts & Crafts Home Baking Unwanted Gifts Nearly New Designer Clothes & Accessories Plants Bric-a-Brac Fruit & Veg COME JOIN THE FUN & BRING A FRIEND ADMISSION €5 nd us on facebook PANCAKE MORNING Raffle at Midday CITY NORTH HOTEL, GORMANSTON Anti-Litter League We would like to encourage all Hous- ing Estates to take part in Meath County Council’s Anti Litter League. It is not a competition, each participating group is trying to achieve a high standard of clean- liness in their local area, and there is a grant for those that achieve high stand- ards over the whole month of the initia-Providing Professional Print Services to Meath Coaster Since 2009 19 Fair St, Drogheda, A92 VN2K T: 041-9803135 / 9810505 E: info@beulahprint.ie W: beulahprint.ie SAME DAY SERVICE ON DIGITAL PRINT© February 2020 The Meath Coaster 16 Junior Entrepreneur Programme M iss Brodigan’s 6 th Class pupils have been working very hard on the Jun- ior Entrepreneur Programme since before Christmas and things are really starting to take shape! At stage one the girls learned about the importance of listening to each other and working as a team. They spent hours discussing the business potential of their various ideas and deciding which idea to choose. Then they held their “Dragon’s Den” event where they invited members of the school and wider com- munity in to class, to help them decide on their final “Big Idea” for their project. The guests listened to a Power Point pres- entation from each group and inspected a basic sample of the product. The guests were very impressed and gave the class some valuable feedback. Next they will host a “Business Visitor” who will share their experiences of the business world and advise the pupils on how to proceed with the project. “We are very excited to get working on devel- oping this idea into our very own enter- prise!” Well done Ms. Brodigan and all the budding entrepreneurs in 6 th Class. Réalt Na Mara GNS© February 2020 The Meath Coaster 17 Jimmy Curran Cup Win Donacarney girls got their Jimmy Cur- ran cup campaign off to winning start af- ter defeating Le Chéile, on Friday 17 th of January, in a very cold St Pats, Stamullen. Superb play from midfielders Caoimhe Scully and Ciara Gillick saw the opening scores of the game. Fine movement from Lauren Wright-Byrne and Erin Lenihan- Murphy led to further scores. Donacarney defence held strong and cleaned up any stray balls. The second half brought saw some fan- tastic link up play from Saoirse Corry and Robyn Cummins resulting in a beau- tiful left footed point from Cummins. Donacarney await the second round of the Jimmy Curran cup on February 14 th , against Whitecross N.S. Coaches, Ms. Kirwan and Ms. Byrne were delighted with the team’s performance. §© February 2020 The Meath Coaster 18 Aldi to unveil new Laytown “Project Fresh” store A ldi’s new Laytown “Project Fresh” store will open its doors to custom- ers for the first time on Thursday 6 th Feb- ruary at 9am. Featuring Aldi’s award-winning Pro- ject Fresh layout and design, the new store boasts a large shop floor spanning 1254m, 110 free car parking spaces, eight bicycle spaces, wide aisles and hi- spec fixtures and fittings. Aldi will be offering a wide range of spe- cial opening offers at the new Laytown store including 32" FHD Smart TV for just €199.99 (reduced from €259.99) and a Canon Photo Printer for just €49.99 (reduced from €79.99). Well-known wine critic and Aldi’s Drinks Expert Tom Doorley will also be on hand to give tips and recommend his favourite Aldi wines in store from 11am - 1pm. The new store is part of Aldi’s €160m in- vestment in its Irish store network. Aldi has committed €100m to constructing and opening 20 new stores, while Project Fresh sees Aldi invest a further €60m in revamping the layout and design of all of its stores nationwide. Aldi is committed to growing its Irish supply base and increasing the number of Irish products available in its stores. It has invested more than €1,500,000 in its Grow with Aldi supplier development programme since 2018, which offers up- and-coming artisan Irish food and drink producers the chance to have their prod- ucts listed in Aldi’s 141 stores. Aldi also recently increased its support for small Irish sup- pliers by reducing its payment terms to 14 days for suppliers that transact up to €300,000 annually with Aldi. §© February 2020 The Meath Coaster 19 Please contact David Kenny 086 1524607 EMAIL davekennycoaches@hotmail.com LORETO BALBRIGGAN SEATS AVAILABLE ON EXISTING SCHOOL BUS LORETO Secondary School Balbriggan Grange Rath, Donacarney, Mornington, Bettystown, Laytown, Julianstown, Loreto Places are restricted Please phone well in advance to book a place! Enrolment 2020 to Donacarney Schools. Junior Infants New Admissions Evening: Parents/Guardians (adults only) are invited to a meeting in relation to Junior Infants starting school in September 2020. These meetings will be held on : Boys’ School Tuesday 11 th February – at 7p.m Girls’ School Wednesday 26 th February – at 7p.m Enquiries about all enrolments for the 2020-2021 school year, please contact : Bunscoil Buachaillí Réalt na Mara at 041 9827045 Réalt na Mara Cailiní at 041 9887684 Welcome to Donacarney SchoolsNext >