< Previous© June 2019 The Meath Coaster 40 Please mention The Meath Coaster when replying to advertisements The View From The Kitchen Table, By Geraldine Hughes J une means summer and summer means holidays! Yay! Collage finals and Leav- ing Certificate have made for a very quiet house this year and delayed any decisions about Summer holidays. The kidults can’t make up their minds. On the one hand, they could go away on their own, great craic, no one to answer to, all that free- dom! On the other hand, they could be willing to put up with me and Mr. The View for a free holiday. So, while they procrastinate in case they miss out on a better offer, we haven’t booked anything and will possibly end up staycationing. Its not because we can’t make up our minds, it’s just we can’t fully agree on anything. Mr. The View wants somewhere hot, good food, sea to float in, possibly no internet and a decent beach. The kids want to freeload, and eat their own bodyweight daily at our expense. And me? I don’t know, and that is completely the truth. I have spent the last 20 years bending to whatever pres- sures are shaping the holi- day choice any given year. Toddlers need a safe place, inflatables, child friendly restaurants, and so what if your back is broken after two weeks of dragging smallies around a kiddie pool as long as they are happy?! Likewise the way I spent a couple of years getting soaked and fro- zen at waterparks and pre- tending it was all great fun – moving on to theme parks – never as fun as they look Oasis Childcare Centre Mornington Co. Meath Crèche Montessori Playgroup After School Telephone 9888135 + Purpose Built + Fully Insured + HSE Inspected + Fire Certified + Intercom Entry + Large Safety Tiled Playground + Large Car Park + Easy Drop Off and Collection + Small Groups + Dedicated Staff + 7:30am to 6:30pm ONE CHILD! ONE LIFE! ONE PRE-SCHOOL EXPERIENCE Limited places remain for our ECCE and PLAYSCHOOL classes for SEPTEMBER 2019. Book now to ensure that your precious child gets the highest quality & happiest pre-school experience possible! East Meath’s Leading Childcare Provider since 2005 – well to be fair, even the most death de- fying rides are fun because the fact that you’re on it means at least you’re not in the 2 hour queue anymore – all the more reason to scream your head off. So this year, free from the perils of being soaked, bored, terrified and soaked some more, the more puzzling question is what kind of holiday would I like? This is a bit like finding yourself cooking for one and realising that you’ve been eat- ing compromise meals for 20 years and end up eating toast because you’ve for- gotten what you like. I think I should like sightseeing? And possibly churches, a lit- tle culture maybe? I do (ish) but only be- cause I think I should and aren’t holidays meant to be self-indulgent? Bus tours don’t appeal, or any organised thingy where I’m being shooed in and out of places of interest, plenty of time for that I reckon. I don’t understand the appeal of a Spa break. I find forced relaxation diffi- cult and they are whispery sort of places that always smell amazing but I can’t take myself seriously wan- dering about in a bathrobe. So having thought a bit about it I think I might like a few days boot camp with lovely organic food and early nights followed by a day or two of a silent yoga retreat (well maybe just a little talking?..), then on to the beach/snooze/read rubbish books/ cocktails at 3 kind of holiday, but this year we’ll compromise and we’ll all get a little of what we want. §BG PAINTING & DECORATING InterIor & exterIor 25 YEARS EXPERIENCE REFERENCES AVAILABLE FREE CONSULTATIONS & ESTIMATES WALLPAPER ALSO AVAILABLE Contact Brian 086 7308449 Call Nicky - 041 9887128 087 7734344 A Local Business C o s m ic C l e a n www.cosmicclean.ie T&Cs & Minimum Charge applies MAJOR DISCOUNTS for Multiple Rooms Rug Collection & Delivery Service Available Professional Carpet & Upholstery Cleaning SPECIAL OFFER! Noel Savage Electrical Services 20 Years Experience • Security Lighting Fuseboard Upgrades • Rewires, Extra Sockets • Lights, Fully Insured and Registered No Job Too Small Bettystown, Co. Meath Mobile: 086 2518898 Moloney Boiler Maintenance Barry Moloney - Heating Engineer • Oil Boilers Services and Repairs • Aga Cookers • Central Heating Power Flush • Installation of Central Heating Filters • All Aspects of Heating & Plumbing - Commercial / Residential Free Quotations, All Work Guaranteed Mobile: 087 3337488 barry@moloneyboilermaintenance.ie Stamullen Our Montessori staff are qualified, dedicated to providing kind, warm, tentative and a satisfying learning experience to each child 086 2162872 lamhabeagaanmhi@gmail.com Tusla inspected (part time place) Opening Times: 9am ·12pm We offer ECCE From 2 Years & 8 months, Ample Car Parking GAA Clubhouse TREE & GARDEN SERVICES Trees Lopped, Topped and Felled Complete removal including Stump and Root Grinding. Free Estimates, Fully Insured, Long Experience Local Tree Care Contact Jim 085 1234610-042 6030099 No Job Too Big or Too Small Special OAP Rates HEDGE TRIMMING & SHAPING. All Greenery chipped on site Driveway, Patio, Power-washed, Gutter cleaning HOUSEHOLD SERVICES Elite Gas Heating 089 4472863 elitegasheating@gmail.com www.elitegasheating.ie • gas boilers replaced • gas boilers serviced • cylinders replaced & full installation • gas hob installed Please mention The Meath Coaster when replying to advertisements© June 2019 The Meath Coaster 42 Start Protecting Your Child’s Future! E ver since your children entered the world, you’ve done everything you can to protect them, giving them endless love and attention. But what about protecting your little ones’ financial futures? As a good friend quoted, ‘the days are long but the years are short’. So the earlier you start taking steps to securing a happy financial future for your kids, the better. Life insurance If life insurance has never been a priority, now that you have a family, it could be the ideal time to make it one. Having cover in place will help protect your loved ones if something were to happen and they were no longer able to rely on your income. Similar to other types of cover, you can tai- lor your life insurance to suit your needs, choosing from different levels and a range of optional extras. For instance, critical illness cover can be added to your policy so that if you were diagnosed with an illness covered by the plan, you will receive a cash sum. This money can help to relieve the financial worries associated with critical illnesses, covering time spent off work, ensuring you can still pay household bills, and funding specialist treatment. And what would happen if you were forced to take a prolonged period of time off work? Adding income protection to your life insurance policy would replace some of your earnings if you can’t work. Make a will Not the most pleasant task – but if any- thing were to happen to you, you want to be certain your family is provided for and cared for by the people you would choose. You can either write a will yourself, hire a solicitor or use a will-writing service; make sure you research each option thor- oughly before deciding, as they all have pros and potential drawbacks. Part of the process involves you appoint- ing an executor, who will be responsible for carrying out the instructions left in your will. Executors need to be aged over 18 and can be listed in your will, so it could be your spouse or family member. Savings options Driving lessons, college, weddings may all seem like a world away, but planning how to build a savings pot to help fund your children’s future will give you a head start. With the aid of our new financial planning tool we can highlight how best to use your money in order to plan for you and your family’s future. This tool processes all your incomings and outgoings to give a clear picture of where you stand financially, guiding you to make the correct decisions. Contact Oran on 087 668 6624 for more information or visit www.drumgoolebro- kerage.ie. (Source: Zurich) Life Assurance Pensions Income Protection Investments Financial Planning Drumgoole Financial Services is regulated by The Central Bank of Ireland Oran Drumgoole QFA Phone 087 668 6624 Office 041 981 2080 oran@drumgoolebrokerage.ie www.drumgoolebrokerage.ieMammy Day Care Crèche, Montessori & Afterschool Full and part-time care ECCE Free pre-school years Affordable childcare scheme After-school care Large outdoor play area 3 months to 12 years of age catered for Stamullen, Co. Meath E: info@mammydaycare.com T: 01 690 5333/086 8286927 Tusla inspected • Part time places • Rural Setting Gormanston FREE ECCE PLACES for this SEPTEMBER 2019. Our staff are qualified, dedicated to providing kind, warm, tentative and a satisfying learning experience to each child 085 8619279 lamhabeagaanmhi@gmail.com Opening Times: 9am ·12pm Bettystown Alterations Communion & Confirmation Alterations Premises located behind the offices in McDonough Caravan Park on Triton Road (Opposite Tesco) Phone: 086 775 3 776 Tues - Sat 10am - 5pm Lunch 1:30pm - 2:30pm Close Tue 2pm Clothing Alterations •Wedding/Evening Wear • Leather/Suede Repairs •Curtains Same Day Service Relax, revive, renew with Reflexology Aromatherapy Massage Facials Phone Jess: 086 6010492 FB: @AromaWellnessHolisticTherapies Poor sleep, Digestive issues, Stress, Hormonal imbalances, Headaches, Sinus problems, Back pain, Sore, tired muscles Stamullen Anam Cara Therapy Here for you. www.onlinetherapist.ie Mary “Em” Ryan Counsellor/Psychotherapist Sound Healer anamcaratherapy@pm.me 083.859.9551 The Village Hotel, Wellness Suite Eastham Road, Bettystown, Meath thetowerCAPT www.thetower.ie cathy@thetower.ie JUNE DATES: Full Day Workshop in Creative Arts & Therapeutic Play run by a Childrenʼs Therapist (PTIrl) SMALL GROUPS (MAX 8) * EARLY BOOKING ADVISED * The workshop will help students to identify & explore their feelings about transitioning to Secondary School. Using Expressive Arts: Clay, Art, Sand & Symbols, Movement & Music. East Meath First Responders GOLF CLASSIC 5 TH JULY We are holding a charity golf classic event on the 5 th of July 2019 in Bettystown & Laytown golf club. All donations will aid the continuing voluntary emergency service and main- taince of the Public Access Defibrillators in Bettystown and surrounding areas. Scoil Oilibhéir Naofa Bettystown Thursday 13 th June From 5:00pm to 8:30pm www.giveblood.ie For the next available clinics Become a blood donor 1850 – 73 11 37 or 041 – 685 9994© June 2019 The Meath Coaster 44 Oliver Reidy is a computer technician and has been in the industry since 1981.You can contact him via email at help.desk@ reidyonline.com or at the telephone num- bers listed on this page. This article, and all previous articles, are available to view online at http://reidyonline.blogspot.ie/ or www.reidyonline.com/blogspot.htm § COMPUTER PROBLEM? Contact Oliver 041.988.7526 087.797.0740 iPhones Smartphones Repair Laptop/Desktop Repair & Upgrades Microsoft To End Support For Windows 7 M icrosoft has announced the ending of support for Windows 7 from Jan- uary 14 th , 2020. After that date no further security updates for windows 7 will be provided. The effect of this on you if you own or operate a windows 7 computer will vary according to how you use it. Users who are running Windows 7 Professional or Enterprise can purchase extended sup- port until 2023. The following is Microsoft’s website statement as of May 22 nd , 2019: All good things must come to an end, even Windows 7. After January 14, 2020, Microsoft will no longer provide security updates or support for PCs running Win- dows 7. But you can keep the good times rolling by moving to Windows 10. Microsoft has provided a questions and answers section so you should visit it to read those at: www.microsoft.com/en-us/windowsfor- business/end-of-windows-7-support The site also contains a link to down- load the Microsoft End of Support FAQ(frequently Asked Questions) which had the following clarification on what the end of support means: As per the policy, after the end of the Extend- ed Support period there will be no patches or security updates, which may cause security and compliance issues and expose organiza- tions to serious security risks. GDPR Implications The use of the words compliance is- sues brings up the General Data Protec- tion Regulation which, in case you didn’t know, provides for fines of 20,000 euro for breaching it. Space limits me expanding on this topic but I’ve been in touch with the commission tasked with implementing it and they send me, after some prompting, a detailed response on how the issue relates to GDPR. If I can find time I may publish the request and response on my website. Upgrade/Replacing Your Windows 7 PC There are a myriad of questions and de- cisions to be addressed when it comes to replacing your trusty old Windows 7 pc. Chief amongst these will be the apps you currently run and the hardware attached. I’d love to be able to say “no problem easily done” but this is far from the case. Added to this is the cost for a decent desk- top or laptop that won’t drive you nuts be- cause it’s as slow as a wet week. In my next article I will discuss the issues on upgrading or replacing your windows 7 with a windows 10 computer. © June 2019 The Meath Coaster 45 June Stress Management J une brings the Junior and Leav- ing Certificate exams, which can be stressful for all involved (students, parents and teachers alike). However, there are simple diet and lifestyle steps we can take which may help us manage stress more effectively: Stay hydrated Studies have shown that even mild dehy- dration (loss of only 1.5% of body fluid) affects concentration levels and the abil- ity to think clearly. It is generally recom- mended to drink 6-8 glasses of water per day (depending on individual require- ments). Get a good night’s sleep: Research shows that students who slept for 7 or more hours per night during ex- ams scored almost 10% higher grades than their peers who slept for less than 7 hours. Poor sleep can interfere with con- centration levels and memory, putting you at a real disadvantage during exam prepa- ration and during the exams themselves. Reduce or remove stimulants Reduce or remove stimulants such as sugar, coffee, tea, nicotine, alcohol. These trigger the stress response in the body. Re- ducing stimulants can increase our energy levels, improve concentration and mood and reduce our overall level of stress. This puts us in a stronger position to face what- ever challenges we face, including State exams. If you really need that coffee, try limit consumption to before lunchtime as sleep may be disturbed if caffeine is con- sumed later in the day. Never skip meals Never skip meals, especially breakfast: This is a really com- mon habit people adopt when stressed. Beginning the day on an empty stomach is a signifi- cant physical stress on the body, adding to our overall stress levels. Eat lots of vegetables Aim for 6-8 servings per day in a wide variety of colours. This will provide nu- trients such as the B-vitamins (important for memory, cognitive ability and energy production), vitamin C, Zn and magnesi- um which are vital in times of stress. Dark green leafy veg (spinach, kale, broccoli). in particular has been shown to benefit cognitive ability. Take regular exercise 20 minutes of exercise 3-4 times/week helps relieve stress, tension and anxi- ety. Walking, yoga or Pilates are ideal for stress release. Take regular breaks from study with either a short, brisk walk or a few yoga / Pilates exercises. Combine Food Groups At every meal and snack, include good quality protein (the building blocks for the production of neuro-transmitters), good quality fat (particularly omega3 to boost alertness and improve brain function) and complex carbohydrates (whole grains, vegetables). This combination will pro- vide a steady supply of energy throughout the day. Good luck class of 2019!! Anna Ryan, Dip. NT, DC, MNTOI, BAI, BA www.nicanutrition.ie nicanutrition@gmail.com© June 2019 The Meath Coaster 46 Summer Open-Air Theatre T his summer, Chapterhouse Theatre Company is delighted to return to the Battle of the Boyne Estate at Oldbridge, presented by Droichead Arts Centre, with two classical theatre productions to cel- ebrate 20 years of touring open-air theatre across Ireland and the UK. Last year we delighted audiences with our productions of Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland and Sense and Sensibility. This year, we return with another adapta- tion of a beloved Austen novel, Pride and Prejudice, alongside another brand-new children’s show, an adaptation of Robert Louis Stevenson’s Treasure Island. Reflecting on the unique joys of open-air theatre, Chapterhouse founder Richard Main said, ‘There is nothing to compare it to. On any given night you are watching an opening night. It might be a beautiful clear evening with the sun sitting late in June or you can be sat later in the season with the stars lighting the world. It is magical. On top of that, unlike thea- tres you can come early to picnic and talk with friends. I have been to shows where you feel as if you are away from every- thing else and you can hear a pin drop in the closing scenes – it is wonderful.’ Whether you are a seasoned theatre-goer, a first-timer, a young couple, or a big fam- ily, our shows at the Battle of the Boyne Estate will have something for everyone. Bring along your own rugs or low-backed seating, as well as a picnic, and settle in for an enchanting summer evening of the- atre beneath the stars. Pride and Prejudice Saturday 29 th June, 6.30pm Take a step back in time with Chapter- house Theatre Company to meet Eliza- beth Bennet, Jane Austen’s notorious heroine. When Elizabeth meets the terse and abrupt Mr. Darcy, she loathes him at first sight. But is there more to him than meets the eye? Treasure Island Saturday 27 th July, 6.30pm When he stumbles across a coveted treas- ure map, young Jim Hawkins finds him- self on an epic adventure in the hope of finding Treasure Island. But not everyone is to be trusted, and a dark secret is lurking on board the ship... Booking Book your tickets from Droichead Arts Centre www.droichead.com or by calling 041 9833946 Gates open at 5.30pm. Adult €18 / Child €12 / Family (2 Adults & 2 Children) €49 Free Online Booking. €1 Booking fee on phone/in person. 10% discount for parties of 10+. Children 3 and under go free. §© June 2019 The Meath Coaster 47 Laytown Tidy Towns O ur raised bed and wildflower garden is really taking shape. The ground has been levelled and the grass cut in prepara- tion for construction of the new bed. Within the next few weeks, weather per- mitting, we will rotavate a section of this area and construct the raised bed us- ing recycled wood. We will plant some pollinators, flowers and shrubs. We will construct a couple of bee and insect hotels to be placed in the hedgerow behind the raised bed. And the new finger signs take the mystery out of navigating this 500 house estate. Work also seems to be progressing with lovely planter features that have replaced some of the dense unsightly flax plants. All of these improvement works are car- ried out and funded solely by the Resi- dents of Inse Bay by way of their own Management Company. Grass cutting, Dog Bins and all Mainte- nance work is solely funded by the Resi- dents themselves. It just goes to show how volunteers with the support of Residents can make such a difference to the local environment. Well done to all involved! Don’t forget, if you would like to join in our work locally we meet at the Coast Tavern every Saturday morning at 10am! Inse Bay We couldn’t help but notice how well Inse Bay Estate in Laytown has improved in the past year. The front feature was always a real eye catcher but the following new improve- ments have caught our eye. Gone are the drab industrial street signs.....these are now replaced with cast ornate bilingual signs complete with the Tara Brooch em- blem. © June 2019 The Meath Coaster 48 New Deputy Principal at Le Chéiled W e are delighted to announce the ap- pointment of Monica Mc Keever as Deputy Principal at Le Cheile ETNS. Monica has worked at Le Chéile for 14 years and has championed many initia- tives over those years. She has been in- strumental in the development of maths and science in our school. Every year she makes sure that Science Week and Maths Week are enjoyed by all. She has led the chess teams diligently over the years. She is the school coordinator for our Ethical programme, (the Learn Together pro- gramme) and that’s just to mention a few of the many things she is involved in! Congratulations Monica! We wish you every success in your new role. 6 th Class Junior Entrepreneur Pro- gramme a sellout! The students of 6 th classs have been ful- ly absorbed in the detailed planning and production of goods for the 2019 Junior Entrepreneur Programme school event. Earlier this year the students received in- valuable advise from Dragons Den Gavin Duffy, armed with this encouragement and bursting with ideas it is no surprise the event was a total sellout after pre- senting their goods for sale to the wider school. The assortment of business ideas devel- oped and executed with precision and at- Sarah Cassidy and Woodland BadgerMornington Road, Drogheda, Co. Meath Le Chéile Educate Together National School www.lecheileetns.com© June 2019 The Meath Coaster 49 tention to detail including demonstrations and advertising was commendable. Giant bubble makers, bathbombs, a lan- guage board game, party pencils, desk ti- dies, Messy fun t-shirts, bracelets, vegan cakes, milkshakes, dream catchers, cakes and smores and even unicorn fudge, just to name a few! Senior Infants get creative with Lego This month, Senior Infants headed off on school tour to Bricks4Kids in Santry. The children enjoyed building, inventing and creating with LEGO. They got to test and race their vehicles on the huge ramp. They also enjoyed using motors to make their creations move. Sun Shadow fun while the sun lasted 1 st Class took ad- vantage of the sunny spell and explored shadows. We discovered that the closer an object is to the light source, the bigger the shadow. We had great fun trac- ing outside in the lovely sun but we had to be quick because the clouds were ap- pearing! §Next >