< Previous© January 2019 The Meath Coaster20Winners of Satellite Eirsat-1 Mission Patch CompetitionWe are thrilled here in Scoil an Spio-raid Naoimh at the recent success of not one – but two - of our pupils in the recent Design a Mission Patch Competi-tion. Both pupils are from Mrs. Doak’s 6th class. We are literally over the moon to announce that Adrian Shestakovs is the overall winner as designer of the mission patch for the first ever Irish satellite, Eir-sat-1!!. Our second pupil Cormac Lynch is also Highly Commended for his mission patch design. Eirsat-1 will be launched in to space in the year 2020 from the ISS (In-ternational Space Station). It will go into space, carrying Adrian’s mission patch. As the winners of the competition, the class will get to interview an astronaut for 45 mins in January, live! We are all so de-lighted to be part of Irish space history!!! Drumming WorkshopsWe were delighted to have Shay Lally with us from The Mobile Music School for 3 days of energetic drumming work-shops. In the workshop each class learned how to play different types of drums and percussion instruments. They also learned about rhythm and listening to each other to keep the beat as a group. The classes thoroughly enjoyed the experience. It taught the children to work together as a group and also gave some children the op-portunity to express themselves in a dif-ferent way. Drumming produces feelings of well-being and this certainly showed when the children were banging away on the drums!. Successful Fundraisers by Our Parents AssociationOur Parents Association are absolutely delighted with the support given by par-ents and children alike to our recent events. Our annual Cake Sale took place on Friday 28th November and it was was the biggest the school has ever had. There was huge excitement and enthusiasm from the pupils as they surveyed the won-derful array of baked goods brought in for sale. The smell of baking throughout the school was fantastic! We raised €965 from the sale and we also made a welcome do-nation of unopened treats to the local Vin-cent de Paul.The annual Book Fair was also a tremen-dous success. With sales of over €6,000, the school has earned a commission of €3,600 for books and literacy resources for the school. This will be a great en-Cormac Lynch & Adrian ShestakovsScoil an Spioraid NaoimhAdrian’s mission patch for Eirsat-1 satellite© January 2019 The Meath Coaster21hancement to the new library that has been set up in the school. Our final fundraiser for 2018 was a Christ-mas Jumper Day on Wednesday 19th De-cember. A big Thank You to everyone for your support!Vincent de Paul Food AppealOur Student Council organised the Vin-cent de Paul Christmas Food Appeal with-in the school this year. We had a fantastic response from every class and Vincent de Paul were over-whelmed by the generos-ity shown by students and families from Scoil an Spioraid Nao-imh. A big Thank you to everybody who contributed to our Vincent de Paul Food Appeal. It will make a big difference to the lives of those less fortunate in our community.Carol Singing at Christmas LightsScoil an Spioraid Naoimh School Choir were delighted to be invited back to sing at the turning on of the Christmas lights in Bettystown on Saturday, 1st of Dec. The Choir was out in force and we entertained a large group from the local community. With songs, like Silent Night and Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer, Christmas Spirit was alive and well. After we sang all of our carols the countdown began and the beautiful lights were turned on. There was a big cheer and everyone went home feel-ing very festive indeed. Thank you to the Bettystown Tidy Town Committee for the kind invitation to sing. §041 98 444 98 041 98 111 98086 838 4444www.eastcoastcabs.comEAST COAST CABSEAST COAST CABS SERVICING MEATH COAST & DROGHEDA REGIONS CABS - 4, 6 & 8 SEATERSNEW RANGE OF MINI-VANSCOACHES - 16, 24, 36 & 54 SEATERS AVAILABLEHappy New Year and Thank You to All Our Customers© January 2019 The Meath Coaster22Bunscoil Buachaillí Réalt na MaraChristmas FairChristmas cheer abounded around Donacarney Boys`School for their Annual Christmas Fair!The Parents`Association manned the Cof-fee Dock and the whole school commu-nity gathered to sit and chat with friends, family and neighbours.Meanwhile, tickets were flying for the ever popular Hamper Raffle. The Erasmus stall was also busy with boys selling their carefully crafted Newgrange rock repli-cas. And the Students` Council discovered the joys of trading with their stall selling orange squash and biscuits.© January 2019 The Meath Coaster23Enrolment 2019 to Donacarney Schools.Junior Infants New Admissions Evening: Parents/Guardians (adults only) are invited to a meeting in relation to Junior Infants starting school in September 2019. These meetings will be held on:Tuesday 12th February – Boys’ School at 7.30p.m Wednesday 27th February – Girls’ School at 7p.m Enquiries about all enrolments for the 2019-2020 school year, please contact :Bunscoil Buachaillí Réalt na Mara at 041 9827045Réalt na Mara Cailliní at 041 9887684Welcome to Donacarney SchoolsWith an eye on masterpieces around the world, every pupil had produced a piece of art in the style of a particular artist, making for a really colourful displays. We surely have some future Picassos in our midst!© January 2019 The Meath Coaster24The cake sale itself was the focus of great interest with tables were filled to overflow-ing with an abundance of cakes, buns and traybakes making for one of the best Cake Sales ever in the school. An economic in-dicator, perhaps, if ever it is needed!Christmas Concert The boys of Donacarney outdid them-selves in a wonderful display of talent at the Christmas Concert. Held in the beauti-fully decorated hall of the school, the con-© January 2019 The Meath Coaster25cert started out with the Ms Mullen`s Sixth Class choir conducted by Ms. McWeeney and singing a Queen medley.“Stable Manners” were soon in hand with Ms Gerrard and her class staging that clas-sic Christmas drama. This was followed by a wonderful medley of Christmas tunes from the three third classes and a rendi-tion of “The Night Before Christmas” from one of the fifth classes.Interwoven throughout the concert was some fine singing from Ms Mullen`s Sixth Class.Not to be outdone, Mr Arthur`s Fifth Class sang very moving rendition of “Some-where Only We Know”A very brave and professional perfor-mance of a shadow dance accompanied their song. Choreographed by dance teach-er and SNA extraordinaire, Helen Mat-thews, this saw the boys leap and dance behind a screen, in a visually spectacular piece. The musical accompaniment of Ms Christine Milne added to it all. The show ended with a rousing perfor-mance of “Merry Christmas Everyone”.The applause from the audience was sus-tained and heartfelt, everyone bearing wit-ness to the effort, talent and professional-ism of all involved. The Christmas cheer and rest is certainly well deserved by the boys and the staff of this great school! See lots more photos in the digital issue at www.meathcoaster.com/library §PLEASE PLEASEHELPKEEP OUR BEACH SAFE AND REPORT SPEEDING OR DANGEROUS DRIVING TO THE GARDAI041 9827074(WHY NOT ENTER THIS NUMBER IN YOUR MOBILE PHONE NOW)If possible try to take a photograph of the offending vehicle to show registration number and the driver, the Gardaí will take action.We, as beach users, must try to protect ourselves by reporting Dangerous Driving and Anti Social Behaviour to the Gardaí.This is the only way we can make our beach safe for all and be able to enjoy this wonderful natural amenity.This notice has been placed by concerned citizens of Laytown, Bettystown and Mornington.LAYTOWN BETTYSTOWN MORNINGTON LAYTOWN BETTYSTOWN MORNINGTONLAYTOWN BETTYSTOWN MORNINGTON MEATH'S GOLD COAST MEATH'S GOLD COAST MEATH'S GOLD COAST MORNINGTON LAYTOWN BETTYSTOWN © January 2019 The Meath Coaster26We have been very busy this term in Ms.Haigney and Ms DeBruyn’s classes! We’re been taking part in some super PE lessons with our teachers and external coaches too! Every Thursday Su-zanne (Coastal Ballet School) comes in to teach us ballet. This is our second year and it’s going beautifully. We’ve also been en-joying some great basketball lessons with Coach Ciarán (Fit4Fun). We love how he makes the games so inclusive and fun!We love being in Cuan na Réaltaí. Our teachers and SNAs understand that our needs change on a regular basis and they endeavour to provide opportunities and use strategies that help us to grow, work and play in a space and manner that suits these needs. Flexibility is just as impor-tant as routine in our classes. We really try to learn something new every day, in an environment that encourages fun and participation. We combine a lovely mix of one-to-one, individual, paired and small group work to achieve the best possible outcomes for us all, in an atmosphere of mutual respect and appreciation for our unique talents and qualities. Science Week was an in-teresting week here. It was fun exploring. We predict-ed and experimented the week away! Working to-gether is such a great way to make little discoveries.Art is such a wonderful sensory activity and we love developing our crea-tivity. This term we have used a wide vari-ety of media to create some gorgeous dis-plays in our rooms and around the school. We hope eve-ryone had a very Happy Christmas and we are looking for-ward to lots more fun learning in 2019! §Busy Times in Donacarney Girls’ SchoolDonal SmithLocal Coal Merchant Quality Coal at the Right PriceTon bags of HardwoodFULL RANGE OF SMOKELESS FUELS AVAILABLESUPERTHERM SMOKELESSKiln-dried logs Starter Sticks Briquettes availablewww.dcsandgravelfuel.ieDC SAND & GRAVELChurch Road, MorningtonTel: 087 942 7957INDEPENDENT, LOCALMEATH COUNCILLORBest wishes for New YearLaytown, Co. MeathPhone 086 381 7700Email: Tom.kelly@members.meathcoco.ieTOM KELLY085 2057786e: preidcrashrepairs@gmail.comMill Road, MorningtonPanel beating Spray painting Private & Insurance workAll work guaranteed© January 2019 The Meath Coaster28Successful New Year ResolutionsI'd like to take this opportunity to wish all Meath Coaster readers a very happy and healthy 2019!January is a time when many of us take stock, resulting in the inevitable New Year Resolutions - it is estimated that 60-65% people do this an-nually. While resolutions vary considerably de-pending on our personal circumstances, statistics show that a common theme is health-improvement. One survey showed that in 2018, the three most popular reso-lutions were:• Exercise more(38%)• Lose weight(33%)• Eat healthier(32%)Despite our best intentions, it is estimated that only 8-10% of those who make reso-lutions keep them beyond February and only 4% by the following New Year.If this cycle sounds familiar to you, don't despair - knowing the pitfalls is half the battle to over-coming them. Some of the most common reasons given by those who give up on their resolutions include:• Setting unrealistic resolutions(38%) - while it may be tempting to imag-ine ourselves spending 2019 running a marathon a week, if we don't even own a pair of trainers, it is unlikely we will live up to our resolutions. Try making small and sustainable changes to your current diet/lifestyle and don't be too restrictive with yourself.• Not keeping track of res-olutions as they go(33%) - keep-ing track of where we started, where we're at now and where we wish to go is an excellent way to keep us on track with whatever resolutions we make. It reminds us of our original goal and how far we've come to achieving it, thus motivating us to continue with our endeavours.• Just plain forgetting(23%) - if your resolutions are a little abstract and do not form part of your daily life, it is probable that when it comes to stick-ing to them, your good intentions will be forgotten. Choose resolutions which may be easily integrated into your normal daily routine and you may increase your chances of suc-cessfully keeping those resolutions.• Making too many resolutions at once(10%) - while there may be many elements of our diet and/or lifestyle we would like to change, attempting to change them all at once is setting us up for failure. Prioritise the elements in order of importance to you, limit-ing yourself to no more than two or three at any given time so as no to feel overwhelmed before the first week of January is through.Wishing you the best of luck with your endeavours, whatever your New Year Resolutions....m. Anna Ryan, Dip. 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