< Previous© September 2018 The Meath Coaster70teers and unsung heroes on our website. The first interviewed is Mr Community himself - Mr Kieran Moloney, another man spreading the hurling gospel. Make sure to put the kettle on and sit down with www.cilles.com and read the excellent in-terview with Kieran. We have some great persons set up for future interviews so it is sure to be very popularLotto Make sure to play Lotto online each week for your chance to win at www.cilles.comCounty UpdateHard luck to David Bell and the Meath minors losing out in the All Ireland semi-final to Galway but what a great year. Well done to Caitlin, Tara, Caoimhe and Georgina who all took part in the All Ireland u17 LGFA blitz in Abbotstown. Good luck to Cian and Endy in the Gerry Reilly u16 tournament final v Cavan in a few weeks. Family Fun Day - save the date !September 23rd is our family fun day at Piltown with events and fun for all. Starts after the Academy - do not miss out Well done Minor B girls on making the Division 5 semi finalsGreg fun by all at the East Meath Hurling Street finals © September 2018 The Meath Coaster71© September 2018 The Meath Coaster72RELIGIOUS SERVICESSTAMULLEN - JULIANSTOWNwww.dioceseofmeath.ie/parishesFr Declan Kelly PP Tel: 01 8412647Preston Hill Stamullen Tel 01-8412647e-mail secsj@eircom.netST PATRICK’S CHURCH STAMULLENVigil Mass Saturday 6pmSunday 10:00am10am Mass on Tuesday and ThursdayFirst Friday, please contact Parish for information.Confessions Saturdays from 6:15pmST MARY’S CHURCH, JULIANSTOWNVigil Mass Saturday 7pmSunday 11:30amWednesday, Friday 10:00amConfessions Saturdays after Vigil MassSACRED HEART (LAYTOWN) Fr. Denis McNelis P.P. Tel. 041 - 9827258MASSES Saturday: Vigil 7 p.m.Sunday: 10 a.m. and 12 noonVigil for Church Holidays: 7pmChurch Holydays & Bank Holidays:11amWeekdays:Mon, Wed, Fri, at 10.15 a.m. Tues, Thurs, at 7 p.m. Saturday at 11amCONFESSIONS:Sat: After 11am & 7pm Masses, and on request.BAPTI SMS:Most Sundays at 12.45 p.m. Pick up a form in the sacristy at the end of any MassMARRIAGES:Six months’ notice to Fr. McNelisPRAYER:Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament: Wednesday 10:45a.m. - 8 p.m.: Thurrsday. 9 a.m. - 6:30 p.m.Christian Meditation (Mindfulness) Each Wed. 7.30-8.15pm in Parish Room; also Lectio Divina (Scripture) 20 Sept - 25 Oct. (6 Thurs) 7.30- 8.45pm. Contact:Sr. Joan Tel. 041 9887904Life in the Spirit Prayer meeting Wednesday 8pm-9:15pm © September 2018 The Meath Coaster73Atheist IrelandPromoting atheism, reason and an ethical secular State. http://atheist.ie.METHODIST CHURCH SKERRIESRev. Ivor Owens: (01) 8329185Sunday worship: Noon.1st Sundays: All-age worship with Holy CommunionAll other Sundays: Sunday school available All Warmly WelcomeLegion Of Mary: Monday. 7pm. Parochial House LaytownACCORD: (Marriage Counselling) Tel. 9843860STAR OF THE SEA MORNINGTON Fr. Noel WeirTel. 041-9827384Email: mgtparish@eircom.netWeb: www.morningtonchurch.comMASSESSaturday: Vigil 6.00 p.m.Sundays: 10 a.m. & 11.30a.m.Weekdays: Tuesday - Friday at 8.45 a.m. CONFESSIONS:6-7pm on Wednesdays and on requestBaptisms: 1st and 3rd Sunday’s of the month after the 11.30am MassMarriages: 6 months notice to Fr. WeirPrayer:Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament:Wednesday after 8.45am mass until 10pm.JULIANSTOWN ST MARY’S CHURCH OF IRELANDSunday Worship: 10:30amRector: Rev. Katharine PoultonContact: 041 9829962 or katharinepoulton@gmail.comPRESBYTERIAN CHURCH COLPE, Drogheda (opposite Grange Rath)Minister: Damien Burke Contact Number 041 9846369Morning Worship; Sundays 10.30 a.m. Children's Bible Club; Tues 6.30-8.00 pmParent & Toddlers' Group; Tues & Thurs 10-12 noonYouth Club Fridays 7.30-9.00 pm Home Fellowship Groups: Various timesAll in the community are welcome !The Parish rooms Julianstown Contact Number085 1564833© September 2018 The Meath Coaster74USEFUL TELEPHONE NUMBERSDOCTORS & DENTISTS, HEALTH CLINICS. CHEMISTS & VETSLaytown Health Centre 041 9827012Health Centre St Clares Stamullen 018418026Dr. J Cremin, Bettystown 041 9827793Dr. P J Shortall, Laytown 041 9828039Doctor on Call (NEDOC) 1850 777911Bettystown Dental 041 9886545Balbriggan Dental 01 8417344Pure Pharmacy Grange Rath 9817281Burke’s Pharmacy Bettystown 9813415Anchorage Pharmacy Bettystown 9887645Kerins Pharmacy, Stamullen 01 8418222O’Connor’s Pharmacy Stamullen 01 8418018Corrs Pharmacy, Blackbull 041 9837744 East Meath Hospice Assoc. 087 2100036Samaritans: Freefone 116 123 (RoI)St John Ambulance 086 8771251Laytown Veterinary Clinic 041 9838718Allpets Veterinary Hospital, 041)9810000HOSPITALSOur Lady of Lourdes Tel: 9837601 Cottage Hospital Tel: 041 9801100Beaumont Hospital Tel 01 8093000SCHOOLSDonacarney Boys’ NS 9827045 Donacarney Girls’ NS 9887684 Scoil an Spioraid Naoimh NS 9828091Scoil Oilibhéir Naofa NS 9887431Whitecross NS Tel: 9829229 Le Chéile Educate Together NS 9847427Gaelscoil an Bhradain Feasa Siobhan Ni Dhuill 086 7373978St Patrick’s Stamullen 01-8411804Coláiste na hInse LMETB Tel: 9813335Drogheda Grammar Tel: 9838281St Mary’s Diocesan School Tel:9837581Gormanston College Tel: 8412203Loreto Convent Balbriggan: 01 8411594 LMETB Adult Education Guidance Ser-vice (MAEGS) - 046 9012166TDs, COUNCILLORS & REPs.Gerry Adams TD (SF) 041 9873823Declan Breathnach TD (FF) 087 2697638Peter Fitzpatrick TD (FG) 042 9330100Imelda Munster TD (SF) 087 7586320Fergus O’Dowd TD (FG) 041 9842275Eimear Ferguson (SF) 086 4068270Sharon Tolan (FG) 086-3669852Stephen McKee (FF) 086 043 2760Tom Kelly (Ind) 086 3817700Wayne Harding (FF) 041 9824230Paddy Meade (FG) 087 6495907Sharon Keogan (Ind) 087 6773800MEATH COUNTY COUNCILDuleek Office MCC Tel:9880700Navan HQ:Tel:046 9097000Water or Pollution Emergency: 1890 445335Social Welfare Office Tel:9871140GARDALaytown Garda Station Tel: 9813320National Drugs Unit 01 6669900Crimestoppers 1890 250025SPORTS CLUBSSt. Colmcille’s G.A.A. 087-7441731Naomh Padraig CLG (St Pats) Stamullen 087-9139268East Meath United FC. Email: secretary@eastmeathunited.ieBoyne RFC 041 9837103Laytown United FC Seniors. 086 8043193Laytown United FC Juniors: 086 0446036Donacarney Celtics FC Eamonn Murphy 086 8125061 www.donacarneyceltic.com Bettystown & Laytown Lawn Tennis Club Gillian Parke- 0878217284Laytown Pitch & Putt Club Paddy Bird 087 4144834Cilles Athletics cillesrunning@gmail.comStar Of The Sea Athletic Club 086 3178765Stamullen Bowls Club 01 8412086Stamullen Soccer Academy 0851477825Tae Kwon Do Laytown-Bettystown James Faulkner 087 2100499© September 2018 The Meath Coaster75Karate Brendan 087 7918467East Meath Boxing Club Sean 0879425004.Boyne Badminton Club 087 6224213Julianstown Badminton Club 087-6796634Stamullen Badminton Club 01 8412814Boyne Hockey Club-boynehockeyclub@gmail.comYoung at Heart, Stamullen 086 3702869Meath Local Sports Partnership Marcella Mitchell 046 9067337Fit Kids/Fit Teens(Jacinta) 0862685280Stamullen M Donnelly Road Cycling Club - Kay Howard @ 087-2040959 North County Cricket Club info@northcountycricketclub.netStamullen Scouts, stamullensg@gmail.comPRE-SCHOOLS IN THE MEATH COAST AREAMammy Day Care, FidelmaStamullen 01 6905333Mornington Pre-School, Donacarney Anne Collins 041 9888600Little Learners Montessori, Mornington.Aideen O’Neill 0868667132Mornington Crèche & MontessoriOasis Child Care 041 9888135Colpe Road, Grange Rath, Mairead Haigney, 041 9836183Whitecross, Julianstown. Ann Slattery, 041 9829224Bright Eyes Playgroup, LaytownNichola Maguire 087 6744329Lilliputs Pre School, LaytownPamela 041 9828588Starfish Montessori BettystownLorraine, 087 2033803 Little Academy MontessoriBettystown Marie 086 8250150Bright Horizons Grange RathNiamh Mongey 041 9818679Hopscotch, Crèche & Montessori Bettystown Marie 041 9886917Gormanston Montessori Pre-School, Sarah 087 2795235The Beeches Montessori Vickey Matthews, 041 9886377The Willows Crèche, DonacarneyAntoinette or Vicki 041 9887222Pugwash Bay Crèche Montessori Mornington Manor 041 9887716Bellingham Pre School, Golf Links RoadBettystown, Susan 085 2363826Lámha Beaga Montessori Stamullen: Lámha Beaga Montessori Gormanston: Éadaoin 086-2162872Dolphin’s Montessori, Iinse BayJennifer 0861925660/ 0860795485OTHERCitizens’ Information Office: 9844508East Meath Active Retired Assoc. 041 9827829Drogheda Credit Union (Bettystown) 9827328ESB Emergency: Tel: 1850 372999Bord Gais Emergency: 1850 205050St. Vincent de Paul Society: 1800 677777Federation for Victim Assistance Meath Branch 083 1201102East Meath Adult Literacy 087 3723835Flexibus Meath 046 9074830East Meath Meals on Wheels 085-7570810Julianstown/Stamullen Meals on Wheels 085 7222068Drogheda Animal Rescue 041 9832418Bettystown Post Office 9827111Laytown Post Office 9827498Art House School & Camps 9887656 DM Dance Academy 086 1938537Julianstown Foróige Youth Club Any Leader on 087-6796634Drogheda Senior Citizens 041-9846753Sinead Lightley Theatre School - 0863371187I C A (Irish Countrywomen’s Association) Ninch/Laytown/Bettystown 041 9828932Funeral Directors - F. Watson & Son 041 9827544Alcoholics Anonymous: Sat. 8:30 p.m. Parish Rooms JulianstownOvereaters Anonymous (01) 2788106Courtlough Outdoor Adventures 01 8413096Community Alert: Call Laytown Garda Station 041-9813320Dangerous Driving on the Beach041 9827074© September 2018 The Meath Coaster76GuiTar LessonsExperienced musician offers guitar lessons. All ages. LCM exams preparation availableBeginner classes or adult individual classes.Phone 041 9827280 or 0872197596.Laytown Health Care UnitPrimary Care TeamTel 041 9820184The following services are available:o Public Health Nursingo Baby developmental checks (by ap-pointment)o Elderly Services, Nursing Assessmento Psychologyo Speech and Language Therapyo Social Work Serviceso Physiotherapyo Community Welfare Services (Wednesday morning)o Occupational TherapyGP Services Tel: (041) 9828039Dr. Shortall, Dr. Marchant Meath Coaster OnlineRead the digital issue of the Meath Coaster online on your iPad, tablet, smartphone, desktop and laptop computer. www.Meathcoaster.com/Library/ Help ensure essential blood supplies are always availableby giving blood regularlyPlease Note Clinic Opening TimesScoil Oilibhéir NaofaBettystownFrom 5:00pm to 8:30pmComPuTer rePair & serviCinGCollect and Return ServiceCall Oliver041.988.7526 - 087.797.0740meaTh FiTness hiiT.High Intensity Interval Training Bettystown Beach, Mondays & Wednesdays 7:30pm Beginners always welcome €50 per month086 0405060 E: info@meathfitness.com DAY TIME ACTIVITY CONTACT TELEPHONE Monday 4.30-5.30pm The Brickx Club Teresa 086-3212986 5-7pm Scoil Rince Seavers Irish Dancing Sarah 085-7201535 8-10pm Adult Indoor Bowls Sean 086-8438803 Tuesday 5.30-9pm Lennon McLoughlin Irish Dancing Aidan 086-3811464 7.45pm-9pm Badminton 18+ yrs Caroline 087-6796634 Wednesday 9.30-11.30am Parent Baby & Toddler Group Erica 087-4269077 6.30-8pm Mixed Martial Arts 6+ yrs Stephen 087-1186750 Thursday 10am-12pm Parents of Additional Needs Meeting Valerie 083-3157093 4.30-6.30 Lennon McLoughlin Irish Dancing Aidan 086-3811464 5.30-6.30 Yoga Magdalena 087-3267237 8-10pm Adult Indoor Bowls Sean 086-8438803 Friday 6.30-7.30pm Bradley Academy Irish Dancing Kiara 086-4418282 7-8pm Mixed Martial Arts 6+ yrs Stephen 087-1186750 Saturday 1-2pm Yoga Magdalena 087-3267237 Sunday 10am-12pm RCCG Christ our Cornerstone Peter 087-3261912 Community Centre room/s available to rent various rates contact: 089-2354882 or julianstowncommunitycentre@hotmail.com & CONFERENCE CENTRELet Matthews.ie take you to collegeTicket includes free transfer at City North to DIFE/DkITMatthews.ie serve all major colleges in Dublin and the north east with direct services to UCD and DCU Free wi-fiand usb charging points. See matthews.ie*Compared to renting in Dublin. Source: DCU Financial ServicesSAVE €3,000* AND TRAVEL IN LUXURY FROM EAST MEATHTen-trip student ticket only €55Next >