< Previous© October 2018 The Meath Coaster10Council Update By Cllr. Eimear FergusonFull Council 3rd SeptemberAs you are all probably aware, Coun-cillors get to vote on varying the rate of Local Property Tax, paid by each house, by +/-15% each year. This year the council recommended we vote to increase the rate by the full 15%. Sinn Fein pro-posed it was decreased by the full 15% as many house owners are still struggling financially to make ends meet. In the end, a vote was taken and the result was that the LPT rate remains unchanged. Following the death of Navan SF Coun-cillor Joe Reilly, his position was filled by Eddie Fennessy. Nominations were made for Uachtarán na hEireann. Gavin Duffy secured the nomi-nation from a majority of Councillors in Meath. I, along with my party colleagues, abstained as we were putting our own candidate, Liadh Ni Riada MEP, forward for the honour. in East Meath had not been considered. I once again argued the fact that over the past 15-20 years thousands of residential developments have been built in the area with little or no sustainable community facilities provided to cater for the large number of units built. A community facil-ity, along with the planned civic building at the entrance of the beach in Bettystown, is long overdue. That, along with many other projects (eg Boyneside trail from mouth of Boyne to Drogheda) are in need of funding to proceed . District Meeting 13th SeptemberA huge congratulations and well done was expressed by some Councillors for the superb coastal erosion works carried out in Laytown over the summer months. It has turned out even better than envis-aged when myself and Cllr Tolan met with MCC engineer, Jim Colwell, and gave him our wish list (a lengthy one at that). I think he was sorry he met with us, such were the many requests we gave him. But, to give him his due, he listened and deliv-ered. In fact, he delivered more than we had imagined and we now have a fabu-lously finished off promenade, complete with wheelchair friendly picnic tables, which we could only have hoped for. We We discussed the funding which is avail-able under the Rural Regeneration and Development Fund. When the names of the areas being considered for regenera-tion were announced disappointment was stressed about the fact that many projects © October 2018 The Meath Coaster11have been putting in a request for more funding for coastal protection works to continue along the beach front in pres-sured areas. Beach Management Plan +. We received an up-to-date presentation on the draft Beach Management Plan, which can be downloaded from MCC website: Submissions and observations are now be-ing accepted from any of you who wish to make a submission of what you’d like included, or excluded, from the plan. This plan is very important for the future vision of part of the Meath coastline and all sub-missions are welcome and will be consid-ered. Closing date for submissions is 12th October, 2018 and can be made in writ-ing and sent to Environment Department, Meath CoCo, Buvinda House, Navan, Co Meath or environment@meathcoco.ie Re: Revised Draft Beach Management Plan. Have your say in the future of your areaThe architect for the new Civic building at Bettystown Beach entrance should be ap-pointed by mid/end October and we will be viewing proposed plans following that. A Public Realm Plan for our area around Bettystown to Laytown is to be drafted by the council. Over the next 10 years there is €2bn available nationally for projects under the Urban Regeneration and De-velopment fund. This will be quite a siz-able application for East Meath and will hopefully provide some of the sustainable community facilities I’ve been talking about since… forever.Both Architectural design (for civic Beach Building) and the Public Realm Plan (PRP) will be done in conjunction with each other with the PRP being brought before us in December or January.Festive Decorations€1,750 each was set aside for Duleek, Laytown, Bettystown and Slane for Fes-tive lights and €1,000 for Julianstown. I think most people passing through these areas love to see the lights at Christmas and appreciate the work that the local communities put into making the area look colourful at the festive season as well as all year roundIn other newsThe long dark evenings are rolling in fast. Once again I’d like to urge those out in the dark to ensure that either bright cloth-ing or hi-vis clothing is worn. You may be able to see where you’re going, but motor-ists may not see you. Bicycles need lights. Again, just because you may be under street lights, you must have lights on your bicycle. Stay safeJoint Policing CommitteeMany people have been complaining about the lack of an ongoing ‘Open’ Garda station on the Meath Coast. It is an issue which has been raised for years and will be raised, once again, at our upcoming JPC October meeting. Hopefully we’ll get some posi-tive answers. The JPC is holding a public meeting on Wed, 17th Oct at 7.30pm in Ardboyne Hotel. Its purpose is to address issues raised by the public and is usually very well attended and informative.Once again, stay safe out there and feel free to contact me if I can help you, I can be contacted on 0864068270, eimear.fer-guson@members.meathcoco.ie. (PS. I don’t help with housework or ironing!) §© October 2018 The Meath Coaster12Make It Meath BREXIT Breakfast Briefing As part of Meath’s BREXIT prepa-ration programme, Meath County Council, in collaboration with County Meath Chamber, hosted a BREXIT Break-fast Briefing on Friday 21st September. Ms. Mairead McGuinness, Vice-President of the European Parliament and MEP for Midlands-North-West, and Ms. Helen McEntee, Minister for European Affairs and T.D for Meath East, joined a panel of speakers, including Ms. Jackie Maguire, Chief Executive, Meath County Council and Mr. William Egenton, Managing Di-rector, Dromone Engineering to discuss various perspectives on the impact of BREXIT on business. The panel discus-sion was chaired by Dr. Conor Patterson, Chief Executive, Newry & Mourne Co-Operative and Enterprise Agency. Discussions centred on the necessity for business’ to prepare and put significant practices in place ahead of the March deadline. Businesses are encouraged to utilise the multiple supports and funding available to eligible businesses, locally via the Local Enterprise Office Meath, regionally through Enterprise Ireland and nationally via the Department of Foreign Affairs. The European Union 27 are fully united in the issue of solidarity on Ireland. The consequence of unity is as serious as BREXIT. Vice President McGuinness encouraged business’ to highlight their issues which can in turn be reflected back to parlia-ment. Business’ are encouraged to contact the offices of both Minister McEntee and Vice President McGuinness to discuss is-sues and review the various supports and assistance available to prepare. Speaking at the event, Helen McEn-tee, Minister for European Affairs said “It is vitally important that businesses also plan and prepare for Brexit and the change it will bring. We also understand that planning for Brexit is an additional cost, and Government has therefore put in place a number of supports to help busi-nesses, of all shapes and sizes and across all sectors of the economy, to prepare for Brexit..” The message was simple. Busi-nesses need to have contingency plans in place for a ‘No-Deal’ Brexit, in case the worst happens. This was echoed by Meath County Coun-cil Chief Executive Jackie Maguire, who said “Meath is seeing the benefits of our Economic Development Strategy. This demonstrates the great work, energy and approach of our communities and our attractiveness to investment. Brexit is a challenge, but we have the ability in Meath to continue to grow and be Eu-rope’s business ready region. I am de-lighted to announce the rollout of Brexit advisory clinics for Meath businesses, and I urge all businesses impacted by Brexit in Meath to make use of the supports avail-© October 2018 The Meath Coaster13REMINDERPUBLIC MEETING FOR MEATH JOINT POLICING COMMITTEEMeath County Council’s Joint Policing Committee is holding a public meeting on:Wednesday 17th October at 7.30pm in the Ardboyne Hotel ,NavanThe purpose of the Joint Policing Committee (JPC) is to provide a forum for consultation, discussion and recommendations on matters affecting the policing of the local authorities administrative area of County Meath.Members of the public are invited to attend and make their views known or ask questions of the members of the committee with regard to general policing and crime prevention in County Meath. able from their local LEO, Enterprise Ire-land offices, by Meath County Council and the County Meath Chambers.” The event also heard from Managing Di-rector of Dromone Engineering, William Egenton, who emphasised the practical side of preparation, which businesses can control. Mr. Egenton encouraged busi-ness’ to prepare a BREXIT Impact As-sessment of their businesses, utilise the supports of Enterprise Ireland and Inter-Trade Ireland and prepare for 3 potential scenarios. “As an organisation, it is really important that you start now and work on initiatives that will enable you to mitigate the risk of Brexit type scenarios going for-ward. Available supports include the €300m Brexit Loan Scheme, Enterprise Ireland’s ‘Be Prepared Grant’, the ‘Mar-ket Discovery Fund’, and the ‘Agile Inno-vation Fund’, Enterprise Ireland’s BREX-IT ScoreCard and the Meath BREXIT Advisory Clinics which are taking place in October.The event struck a positive note, but it is crucial that businesses in Meath engage with the Brexit supports that are available to them and prepare for the worst while hoping for the best. The event took place in Meath County Council’s Civic HQ, Buvinda House, Navan with a taste of the Boyne Valley Breakfast, catered by Simply Honest Restaurant.For full details of local, regional, national and European BREXIT supports, please contact the Local Enterprise Office Meath on 046-9097000. §© October 2018 The Meath Coaster14Back to school in Scoil an Spioraid NaoimhIt has been a very exciting return to school this year for all 464 pupils in SSN. During the Summer there was a gym conversion to facilitate the opening of a classroom for a 17th mainstream teach-er and our 2nd ASD class. This has been amazing to have opened a 2nd class and to be in the process of enrolling pupils from far and from near. We are almost full and the joy this brings to the families is quite incredible. This encapsulates our vision for a fully inclusive education in SSN.As an Active school we are very fortunate to have the local facilities of the Parish Hall, the Beach and the Racecourse to fa-cilitate the implementation of the PE cur-riculum. We are fortunate also to have the other half of the gym for assemblies and Smart Moves programs.Our school band and choir are up and run-ning with a very keen interest of expression from pupils in 3rd right up to 6th classes.This year we are participating in a number of Sci-ence initiatives and the Parents Association have given us 3000 euro to invest in new science equipment. The Parents Associa-tion invited the author of our new Positive Wellbeing Pro-gram to address the AGM. This was a great success and the Parent Body were delight-ed with the opportunity to engage in a Q & A session following the presentation.Weaving Wellbeing is a new initiative in our school to teach the pupils the power of positivity and the skills of Resilience which will further enhance their confi-dence and self esteem in a modern soci-ety where they will face many challenges along the way.We are still awaiting the outcome of the status of the planning application for our new school development. It is with An Bord Plánala and it will be the end of Oc-tober before the Board of Management have a decision.Our school community said goodbye to Claire Hennessey our school secretary for the last 12 years. We would like to take this opportunity to thank her for her dedi-cation to SSN, her commitment and hard work. We wish you every blessing in the future Claire.© October 2018 The Meath Coaster15SCHOOL SERVICES 2018/2019Email: info@eastcoasttravel.ie www.eastcoasttravel.iePhone Sarah 086 6006443, Gerry 086 7954646, John 087 2303068East Coast Travel are the sole transport provider for primary schools in Laytown and Bettystown, Scoil Oilibhéir Naofa and Scoil an Spioraid Naoimh. We also serve Coláiste na hInse, and St Mary’s and Sacred Heart Drogheda Coláiste na hInse - Stamullen, Julianstown, Drogheda, Bryanstown, Five Oaks ,Stameen, Grange Rath, Donacarney, Mornington, BettystownScoil Oilibhéir Naofa and Scoil an Spioraid Naoimh Donacarney, Mornington, Bettystown, Laytown Places are restricted Please phone well in advance to book a place!St Mary’s and Sacred Heart, DroghedaLaytown, Bettystown, Mornington, Donacarney, Grange Rath BUS PICK-UP POINTSPLEASE PLEASEHELPKEEP OUR BEACH SAFE AND REPORT SPEEDING OR DANGEROUS DRIVING TO THE GARDAI041 9827074(WHY NOT ENTER THIS NUMBER IN YOUR MOBILE PHONE NOW)If possible try to take a photograph of the offending vehicle to show registration number and the driver, the Gardaí will take action.We, as beach users, must try to protect ourselves by reporting Dangerous Driving and Anti Social Behaviour to the Gardaí.This is the only way we can make our beach safe for all and be able to enjoy this wonderful natural amenity.This notice has been placed by concerned citizens of Laytown, Bettystown and Mornington.LAYTOWN BETTYSTOWN MORNINGTON LAYTOWN BETTYSTOWN MORNINGTONLAYTOWN BETTYSTOWN MORNINGTON MEATH'S GOLD COAST MEATH'S GOLD COAST MEATH'S GOLD COAST MORNINGTON LAYTOWN BETTYSTOWN © October 2018 The Meath Coaster16Gormanston CollegeMajor AwardWe are delighted to have recently re-ceived our 4th award in the Schools Go Orange Cycle Against Suicide cam-paign. Students attended the Ambassador Awards at King’s Inn. Another award was presented on the day for being one of the few schools to have three awards already. Well done to all involved – we are very proud of you.Open EveningSeptember 20th saw our doors open to all our prospective students accompanied by their parents and guardians. They were treated to musical performances, science experiments and a host of other curricu-lum and extra-curricular delights. Our current students did a fabulous job as tour guides on the evening. The school was a hive of activity!Student CouncilElections for the school council are com-ing up at the end of the month, students are currently putting themselves forward as candidates. Good luck to all!Junior Certificate ResultsCongratulations to our students who re-cently received their results, they excelled in reaching their targets and in many cases even surprised themselves by exceeding their own expectations! Super work.Clann Rivalry ContinuesThe rivalry in the clanns continues this term (amongst the prefects too!) There was a big turnout for clann activities in the first couple of weeks. Clann Antoine would like to welcome Ms L Fallon as their new Caomhnoir.College GroundsSome students have been very fortunate to experience classes throughout the col-lege grounds in the month of September. Second year science classes have been studying ecology and sith year Geography students have been getting some practice sketches of the river in for their field study.Teach FrancisA number of new students and staff have joined us in Teach Francis, our beautiful, bright and wonderful A.S.D. unit. The of-ficial opening is due to take place shortly.© October 2018 The Meath Coaster17Lunch-Time ClubsA great variety of lunch-time clubs are up and running as we speak – Games Club, Chess Club, Walking Club, Sewing Club, Maths Club and more! Choir rehearsals, gaelic foot-ball training and badminton are also well established, with news by the day of further activities being added to a growing list.085 2057786e: preidcrashrepairs@gmail.comMill Road, MorningtonPanel beating/ Spray painting Private & Insurance workAll work guaranteedEver Wanted to Write a Book?Now’s your chance. Every November writers worldwide take the creative challenge to write 50,000 words of a book in just thirty days. Your nearest region is Ireland North East and they host weekly write-in meetings in the lobby of the D Hotel, Drogheda open to every-body with a story to tell (age 13-103). All details available at www.nanowrimo.org. © October 2018 The Meath Coaster18SONAIRTESonairte suggestions for planting in Oc-tober.Most can be planted or sown directly outdoors to ensure that your winter vegetable garden is fully stocked.Onions and Shallots. Autumn planting on-ion sets are easy to grow and will virtually look after themselves over winter. Garlic. Spring Onions. Perpetual Spinach, Broad Beans. Peas. Asparagus. Winter Salads.New volunteers always very welcome, contact hello@sonairte.ie or phone 041-9827572 (Weds-Fri)You can follow our progress on www.sonairte.ie and on Facebook (Sonairte) and Instagram (Sonarite.ie). Sonairte will continue with our education-al programmes and courses. We are also continuing with our supply of fresh sea-sonal organic vegetables and fruit to local restaurants.Sonairte Veg Box SchemeBoxes contain a mix of the seasonal pro-duce currently available from Sonairte’s organic garden. Just choose how much you want (€10, 15, 20, 30 etc.), contact us here, and your box will be waiting for you!We currently have Carrots, Squash, Peas, Courgettes, Kale, Apples, Berries etcPlease order by Wednesday @ 4pm Email “hello@sonairte.ie” and collec-tion will be on Friday or Sunday between 1-4.30pm Thanks!Open Friday 12–5pm. Sunday 1-5pm.Local Raw Honey AvailableGet Gardening Just in time for your Au-tumn planting’s. 2m raised bed complete with biodegradable mulch, fleece & plant labels. To plan your rotation 4 x €100 or €30 each.LMETB provide an extensive range of ed-ucational and training opportunities (more info available at www.louthmeath.etb.ie). Please keep a lookout on Facebook for our upcoming courses, camps and gen-eral information hello@sonairte.ie or 041 9827572 7572 (Mon-Wed).Commencing soon Upcycling, Needle-craft & Meditation. Subject to numbers. Úll Day (Apple Day) Saturday 20th October 1pm-5pmCome along to this great free event & cel-ebrate with us the humble apple. Join in our international APPLE BAKE CONTEST. This is your op-portunity to step up to the challenge & prove your Ap-ple Bake is supreme champion 2018. For entry form & Rules. See our Facebook Page. We will also have Apple pressing. So, come along and enjoy freshly pressed apple juice in the company of The Happy Spuds Musicians.Scarecrow Workshop Saturday 27th October 10am-5pmCome and make your own scarecrow for Halloween.€10 per workshop8-12 age group © October 2018 The Meath Coaster19NEW General Practice / Family DoctorsNow open at Aston Village, DroghedaWe are now accepting New Medical Card & Private Patients From the East Meath area.Aston Medical is led by Dr. Gabriela Murillo who has been serving patients for over 10 years in the greater Drogheda area.To Register:Call in to the practice (ample free parking & wheelchair accessible)Call us on 041 9865041www.Astonmedical.ie Email info@astonmedical.ieGoogle Maps A92 RT20F. Watson & Son LtdFuneral Directors Complete Funeral ServiceLAYTOWN, CO. MEATH Tel: 086 0275440 • 041 98382279 DYER STREET, DROGHEDAwww.droghedafunerals.ieServing the Entire East Meath Area and Drogheda since 1921Next >