< Previous© May 2018 The Meath Coaster10Council UpdateBy Cllr. Stephen McKeeFootpath From Deepforde To Five Oaks On The Dublin RoadWe were informed at our latest local area meeting that a draft of the proposed works on the footpath between Deepforde and Five Oaks along the Dublin Road have now been completed and will be for-warded to Louth County Council. This is great news and follows extensive lobby-ing I made on behalf of residents over the last few years to deliver this for families in the area. Road-marking has also recent-ly taken place in Deepforde at my request. Road SafetyThe Road Safety Officer for County Meath, Michael Finnegan, attended our Council meeting and we discussed at length road safety issues for the area. The following were amongst the priority is-sues raised by Councillors and which I am working on:• Road safety at Donacarney National School. We have asked the Council to widen the footpath down to the school from the Community centre and/or put in place safety barriers to protect school-children. The Council have agreed to contact the School Board of Manage-ment to work together to find solutions to the serious traffic and road safety is-sues at the school. A motion I tabled on this issue for the meeting was adopted.• Traffic-calming measures needed at the Beamore Road junction. Additional sig-nage was put in place last year but fur-ther options are being looked at to improve road safety here. • Road safety at Colpe Cross and the need for improved public lighting and to make the pedestrian crossing at the bus bay safer.• Footpath needed from Grange Rath down to the schools on the Mill Road. I hope to have posi-tive news on the delivery of a footpath in the near future.• Need for traffic-calming measures on the Garra Road from Donacarney down to Coney Hall, Mornington.Any housing estate in the area that has been taken in charge can apply to Meath County Council to have special 30 km/hr speed limit signage put in place and the Council will also consider any request for speed ramps subject to funding. If any Residents Associations or concerned resi-dents are interested, please get in touch with me and I will liaise with the Council on your behalf.Spine Road In Laytown/BettystownWe were given an update on the badly-needed Laytown to Bettystown Spine road. A detailed design is currently run-ning in parallel with the CPO statutory process. Submissions on the scheme can Cllr Stephen McKee is working alongside his Council colleagues to progress the Bettystown-Laytown Link Road © May 2018 The Meath Coaster11be lodged with An Bord Pleanála during the period April 04th to May 25th and this will indicate whether there is a require-ment for an Oral Hearing. This link road is a vital piece of infrastructure and is long overdue. I am pleased that the road will be pedestrian and cycle friendly and that ex-tra car parking will be made available as part of the scheme. It was acknowledged at the meeting by all the Councillors that this project would not have happened without the collaboration of current and previous local/national public representatives work-ing together for the common good.Social Housing in BettystownThe tender process is ongoing for the development of phase 2 social housing on the Narroways, Bettystown. 15 new homes will be built as part of this project. Please get in touch with me if you are on the social housing waiting list and I will do my best to help.Alverno Court Budget approval of €3.5 million has been received from the Department of Housing for the Alverno Court refurbishment pro-ject. The Council are currently determin-ing the scope of works that can be com-pleted within this approved budget.Civic Space At Entrance To Bettystown BeachWe were given an update on the architec-tural competition for the development of a seafront building and civic space at Seav-iew Terrace, Bettystown. The proposed de-velopment will include a lifeguard tower, a beach warden office, a café, showers and changing area, public toilets, pedestrian-friendly civic space and traffic management measures. A preliminary design is due to be presented to us at our next meeting.Meath Leader ProgrammeWe received a Presentation on the Meath Leader Programme 2014-2020. Leader funding is open to all community and vol-untary groups to private individuals and micro, small and medium enterprises. Leader can offer grant aid and support to projects aiming to promote the qual-ity of life and economic opportunities for residents of County Meath. St.Colmcille’s GAA Club are a prime example of a Club who have benefited from Leader funding through their very successful ‘Community Outreach Programme’ which aims to pro-mote positive mental health initiatives in-volving the whole community. Please get in touch with me if you have any questions about Leader funding and how it may ben-efit you or your community group.Further InformationIf I can be of help to you or your fam-ily, please contact me directly on 086 0432760, by email stephenmckeeff@gmail.com or through Facebook at Cllr Stephen McKee. Thank you. § East Meath Fianna Fail Cllr. Stephen McKee recently met local Garda Brian Dolan, Ciaran Leddy (Chairperson of Deepforde Residents Association) and other residents to discuss crime and safety issues in the Dublin Road area.© May 2018 The Meath Coaster12Getting Ready For Summer!!!The Julianstown Village Garden is get-ting ready for summer. Thanks to many of our volunteers the garden is be-ginning to take shape again. The grass got its first cut of the year, thanks to Aisling & Niamh, while Brendan & Larry took on the strimming. Tom was hard at work building a beautiful feature stone wall around one of the new signs. It’s an on-going job and we would love any locals to help us any Saturday morning if they have a couple of free hours. At the end of the day it’s us the locals, grandparents, par-ents & children who mainly benefit from this beautiful garden as well as visitors passing through who sit in admiration of all the hard work that goes into it. Please help by picking up & binning any rubbish you may see in or around the garden or for that matter anywhere in the village. Wouldn’t it be nice to live in a litter-free village? And with Tidytowns just around the corner, we need all the help we can get… so let’s all pull together and get this done! News From Julianstown & District Community AssociationBy Michelle Rourke & Niamh Bn. Uí LoinsighTulips Not From Amsterdam, But From JulianstownThis project was funded by Meath Herit-age to help with improving Bio Diversity in our village and they are also an early supply of pollen for our Bumblebees. All the 2,000 Bulbs were supplied by Black’s Garden Centre (shop local) and then Dar-ragh McCullough of Elmgrove Farm © May 2018 The Meath Coaster13kindly donated 4,000 Daffodils which have already bloomed. What a lovely splash of colour when walking or driving through the village. Volunteer Drivers needed… Meals on wheels Julianstown & StamullenJulianstown & Stamullen Meals on Wheels are looking for volunteer drivers to help deliver meals to our elderly. Meals are delivered Monday, Wednesday & Fri-day every week. If you can help, please contact us on 085-7222068.Julianstown Community Centre There was a great turnout for the Grand opening of the New Kitchen last Sunday and all the better with a chat over a lovely cuppa with lots of yummy buns. Members from all the groups who use the Centre were on hand to chat about their activities. Some of the management committee Continued over....© May 2018 The Meath Coaster14 Continued over....NoticesWhitecross NS Julianstown• Summer break closed Friday 4th May @ 14:40 – Re-open Monday 14th May @ 9.00am• Communion 19th May, 2018Fundraiser• Duleek CYSTIC FIBROSIS 10K – Sunday 29th April’18 @ 13:00Blessing of Graves• Blessing of Graves takes place on Sunday 17th June, 2018 @ 11.30am in Moorechurch, Julianstown.Mass – St. Marys Church, Julianstown• Saturday 7pm – Sunday 11.30am• Wednesday & Friday 10amand Saturday we must have filled about 140 black bags and other odds and ends. We had a record turnout of 40 volunteers and Julianstown Tidy Towns thanks them all. Great turnout and great achievement for our village. Well done all.New Litter BinNew litter bin installed at the Lime Kiln car park beside the bus shelter. Many thanks to Meath County Council for in-stalling it. Please make use of this bin and keep our village clean & tidy.Old Mill The Julianstown & District Association have been working closely with Meath County Council regarding the Old Mill Derelict Site. You may be aware that the Council has served notice on the owners of the Old Mill that they are going to put said site on the Derelict Sites Register and council has instructed them to clean up the site by a given date. Well on the 26th April the owners started the work of clearing the site and are now painting the building. This is fantastic news for the village as Meath Co. Co. has entered Julianstown into the All Ireland Pride of Place for 2018 and at long last this unfortunate eyesore won’t be quite so bad looking.An Taisce National Spring Clean in Julianstown What a beautiful morning we had for our An Taisce National Spring Clean this morning in Julianstown. Between Friday © May 2018 The Meath Coaster15© May 2018 The Meath Coaster16Parents’ Beware The Long Arm Of The Law! Parents of children who attend White-cross may the facing the long arm of the Law if they park on the footpaths out-side the school. Parents were continually asking the school for a safer route into the school. The school, at great cost, purchased a direct route into the school so that chil-dren would have safe passage from St. Mary’s Church Car Park. I know parents complain that it then takes so long to get back out onto the Main Road (the noto-rious R132), but they should instead take this matter up with their Councillors’ and Meath Co. Co. Accordingly Safety Of-ficer Michael Finnegan says that action will be taken and that ‘enforcement of the parking laws will begin at the school’ forthwith.Well done to Mr. Lim Burke, Principal, Whitecross National on addressing the Oireachtas Committee on the inordinate amount of time it is taking to get White-cross a New School. It is somewhat amus-ing that Richard Burton, T.D. for Educa-tion can fast tract 42 new schools to be built within 2 years and yet how long is taking Whitecross? I would say 10 yearshousehold recyclingUp to one third of all household recycling bins are contaminated by unrecyclable materialWhat we can and cannot put in our recy-cling bins has suddenly become a big talk-ing point across Ireland, particularly with increasing pay-by-weight charges. For years, most people filled their house-hold recycling bins with all kinds of plas-tic, paper, aluminium, cardboard even glass –following instructions from their recycling companies. Unfortunetly of late some people used their recycling bin to evade pay-by-weight/lift black bin charges by dumping everything from dirty plastic containers to nappies inside empty cereal boxes, along with unclean plastic bottles. As a result up to one third of all household recycling has been contami-nated by unrecyclable material, making it impossible for anything to be recycledIn November 2017, a State-wide cam-paign was launched to improve recycling and reduce contamination. “Clean, Dry and Loose” is the mantra of these Government-funded workshops to help householders know what exactly what they can and cannot put in their re-cycling bins..So what exactly does “Clean, Dry and Loose” mean when it comes to recycling things in your home? • Everything in a recycling bin must be clean. That means no pizza residues on cardboard packaging, no cooked or un-cooked food on aluminium or rigid plas-tic containers and no liquid remaining in plastic bottles for drinks, household © May 2018 The Meath Coaster17cleaners or personal hygiene products.• Everything that goes into your house-hold recycling bin has to be dry – no wet newspapers, or wet milk cartons or other containers with liquid because wet paper cannot be recycled & liquids con-taminate all other materials in the bin and everything will have to be removed from a recycler’s conveyor belt and sent to landfill, or for incineration.• Everything in your recycling bin has to be loose. This is crucial because work-ers in recycling facilities will not open bags to check whether the contents are recyclable or not.Instead, they will remove all full bags from conveyor belts, and they, too, will head for dumping, or burning. So, plas-Music Summer Camp Whitecross N S Julianstown4yrs to 8yrs July 9th – 13thMonday to Friday 10am to 1pmFee €80 includes materials Full details www.littlemusicmakers.ieContact: Maria 087 933 0777mariamusicmakers@gmail.comtics, cardboard and aluminium materials must be separated from each other.So what Plastics are recyclable and what are Not…All rigid plastics containers – butter, yo-gurt and salad tubs, plastic drink bottles, soap & shampoo bottles, fruit & vegeta-ble trays, plastic milk containers & plastic household cleaning bottles.Plastic bags & Clingfilm cannot be recy-cled. For a full list of what goes in your re-cycle bin visit www.recyclinglistireland.ieYour CallIf you would like to have anything includ-ed in this monthly article please contact www.julianstowncommunity.com or Fa-cebook: Julianstown & District Commu-nity Association §Corns, Callouses, Verrucae, Ingrown Toenails, nail surgery and other treatmentsState of the art Gaitscan analysis pressure plate used in the assessment of foot, back and leg pain.Orthotics prescribed to stabilise foot function and rehabilitationOpening hours 9.00-6.00Tuesday, Wednesday & Friday: Saturday 10.00-1.00Niamh Tully, BSc (Hons) Pod. MCh.S. S.R.ChMain Street, Laytown, Tel: 041 9888492Chiropodist / Podiatrist(State registered)The Foot Clinic© May 2018 The Meath Coaster18Coláiste na hInseAaron Finnegan Wins Hennessy First Fiction Award Congratulations to former student Aar-on Finnegan after being awarded the prestigious Hennessy First Fiction Award for his short story, “Just This”. Aaron is now a second year student of drama and theatre studies at Trinity College, Dublin, and this was his first published work of fiction. Previous winners include award-winning authors Joseph O’Connor, Colum McCann, Patrick McCabe, Anne Enright and Sara Baume.Dáltaí from an Cuan Visit Dublin ZooDáltaí from an Cuan enjoyed a beauti-ful, sunny day at Dublin Zoo. They had a guided tour from two fantastic volunteers of all the animals, whilst also learning about pollution, the animals and how we can help our planet. Haunted House) performed by native Spanish speaker actors. We all had fun while revising vocabulary learned in class.Earlier in the morning French Native ac-tors performed the play Mes chers voicins for second and third year students of French, also a production of Onatti.Idirbliain Ball Raises over €1000 for SOSADThe Idirbliain Ball was held in City North hotel recently. The event was organised by the Fundraising class, and with funds still coming, they have raised over €1,000 for the SOSAD charity, with funds still coming in.Live Performances of Macbeth and King LearDáltaí in Idirbliain and 6ú bliain enjoyed live performances of Macbeth and King Lear in Coláiste na hInse. The noted ac-tors of Cyclone Rep visited the school and performed in the Hall Spóirt.Three Coláiste na hInse teams partici-pated in the Association of the Teachers of Spanish (ATS) Quiz. The dáltaí learned about Spanish culture, and competed against other school in an enthusiastic, active learning environment. Congratula-tions to all dáltaí involved.Dáltaí Enjoy Foreign Language PlaysAll second year students of Spanish en-joyed the play ‘La casa encantada’ (The CNI Dáltaí at Spanish QuizDáltaí at Dublin ZooStudents Enjoy Spanish Play© May 2018 The Meath Coaster19Girls’ Soccer Teams Reach Latter Stag-es of the Leinster LeagueThe CNI Senior girls had a fantastic run in the Leinster League this season, even-tually being narrowly defeated 2 - 1 at the quarter final stage against All Ireland champions Scoil Chroist Ri from Portlao-ise. The CNI girls had the better chances during the game but were denied further goals due to fantastic saves by the Port-laoise keeper and the woodwork. Louise Murray found the net for CNI with a head-ed goal after a magical cross from Repub-lic of Ireland international Ellie Ferguson. Ellie has had a fantastic season for CNI finishing top goal scorer with 12 goals. Ellie was backed up by outstanding per-formances over the season from Republic of Ireland international Katie Burdis. Ka-tie was the outstanding player in both the quarter final and the previous round. Ais-ling Berney, Robyn McEvoy and Rebecca Gaffrey were also key to the fantastic run the girls had this season. The CNI under 15 girls had a heartbreak-ing penalty defeat against St Mary’s Glas-nevin last week in their Leinster League quarter final. The game finished 1 - 1. Outstanding for CNI were Kayleigh Noo-nan in goal who came to the girls rescue on many occasions, Sophie Beenham with her speed and tenacity in both defence and midfield and Eva Jean Quinn and Louise Murray up front. The CNI First Year girls faced Presenta-tion Wexford last week in their Leinster Quarter Final. The girls dominated the game winning 6 - 3. Louise Murray claimed a hat-trick, while Eva Jean Quinn scored two with Molly Scott getting CNI’s sixth goal.041 98 444 98 041 98 111 98086 838 4444www.eastcoastcabs.comEAST COAST CABSEAST COAST CABS SERVICING MEATH COAST & DROGHEDA REGIONS CABS - 4, 6 & 8 SEATERSNEW RANGE OF MINI-VANSCOACHES - 16, 24, 36 & 54 SEATERS AVAILABLE Continued over....Next >