< Previous© July 2018 The Meath Coaster60EST. 1950Cockhill Road, Stamullen, Co. MeathT: 086 1731739 E: pro.stpatricksmeath@gmail.comNaomh Padraig GAAAdult hurlersThe hurling championship is now un-derway and were due to face Kilskyre/Moylagh, bit unfortunately they were un-able to field a team for the fixture so the points went to St Pats. Next round the lads face the old enemy Kildalky in Drumree on 3rd July.Underage HurlingPats recently hosted a schools hurling competition. It is a massive step in the development of hurling in this part of the county to have so many kids from differ-ent schools participating. Those taking part were: St. Patricks National School - Stamullen, Bunscoil Buichallí Réalt Na Mara Donnycarney, Whitecross NS – Julianstown, St. Molaga’s National School Gaelscoil an Bhradáin Feasa, St. Marys NS – Drogheda. Well done to all who took part. Our U14s are continuing to improve and impress and find themselves in the ¼ final of the shield. The lads are to play Kiltale, venue and date to be confirmed. Not to be outdone our U12 hurlers have been quality impressive in reaching the ¼ final of the shield, unfortunately it wasn’t to be for the lads who were beaten by a © July 2018 The Meath Coaster61strong Drumree side by 6 scores.The future of hurling in the club is cer-tainly bright. New jersey’s for our U11’sSt. Patrick’s Under 11 boys would like to offer a huge thank you to Franco Macari and family for their generous sponsorship of a brand-new set of jerseys for the squad With an emphasis on learning, skill acqui-sition, fun and development these boys have been very successful all year in the Meath Go Games as well as against teams from other counties.An avid sports fan, Franco is a well-known figure in the village and, keen to see the local kids stay active and healthy through sport, he has not only provided a set of jerseys for this team but has also of-fered further support in the future.The lads were absolutely delighted with their new jerseys and were also very en-thusiastic when Franco generously offered them all a free bag of the famous Macari’s chips afterwards!The Under 11 boys train every Wednesday from 6.30-7.45pm and new members are always welcome whether you’ve played Gaelic football before or not. Thanks again to the Macari family and all the staff in Macari’s Stamullen© July 2018 The Meath Coaster62U12 FootballHard luck to Boys U12 footballers who were narrowly beaten last Saturday in the U12 semi final away to Kilbride.The U12s had a great campaign winning 5 games and losing 1 away to table toppers Dunderry by the slightest of margins. Fin-ishing second would usually award you a home semi-final however as we already bet Kilbride at home we had to travel and were unfortunate to be beaten 26-18.Congratulations to Keith and all the men-tors and especially the players who per-formed so well this year. These group of lads will be worth keeping an eye on and no doubt will be bringing silver wear home soonU11 girls’s very impressiveWatching Mark Burns and Eamon Barnwell’s u11 Girls last night you could be noth-ing but impressed with this bunch of young ladies, the high fielding soloing and control on the ball at such a young age was truly impres-sive.In addition, their composure in front of goal and taking the right option I.E fist-ing the ball over the bar when been closed down reflected the great coaching by Mark Eamon and their team Denise & Eadaoin are providing these young ladies…. Hope I didn’t leave any other mentors out? Keep up the great work guys!U14 GirlsIt was not to be for our Fab Fourteen’s in the league final I’m afraid. The girls but up a very brave battle in the soaring heat, but it’s an old cliché “Goals win Games” and unfortunately that was the case today.Full time in Dunganny Killbride 7-6 St Pats 2-9, great league campaign girls!Senior LadiesTwo good wins for a senior ladies this past month, first was Wolfe Tones and our girls won well on a scoreline of 5-17 to 2-3. Next the girls took on St Ultans in Stamullen. Final score in Stamullen St Pats 4-15 St Ultuns 2-6 §© July 2018 The Meath Coaster63Naomh Colmcille C.L.G. www.cilles.comFeile 2018At the time of writing we are prepar-ing for Feile Peil na nÓg 2018 which promises to be a memorable and exciting few days. The Feile is being hosted by Meath, Down and Louth this year and we are hosting the Truagh Gaels (ladies) from Monaghan and Sean McCumhaill (Donegal) Boys. Festivities kick off on Friday 29th June at Piltown and Seafield. We want to thank everyone who has sup-ported our fundraising events over the last few months including car washes, Table Quizzes and our Lotto sales. They have each gone a long way to supporting the teams. We look forward to many mem-ories. We want to thank those sponsors who have supported the squad including, Devanney Solicitors, Maxol and Budget Signs and we ask everyone to support our sponsorsJoyous JuneWhat a memorable month it has been for our underage teams with nu-merous finals and semi-finals the order of the day. Our U12 Girls Division 1 and Di-vision 4 teams did us very proud in reach-ing their finals and a big congratulations to them all. Unfortunately, the results did not go our way on the day but what an amazing campaign it was for the girls and they can be very proud of their efforts. We are very proud of them and we look forward to getting out and cheering them on for years to come. Well done to the U14 Girls Division 5 team that won their league and claimed the silverware after a great display. This was a deserved suc-cess and they can look forward to many more days. Our boys teams were also very busy and a huge congratulations to our u14 Division 1 and Division 8 teams on their league successes. Hard luck to the Division 7 boys who narrowly went down in their final. Interestingly our op-ponents in all 3 u14 finals was Rataoth ! Not to be outdone our u12 Boys won the Roinn A competition with a good victory over an excellent Dunboyne team whilst Congrats to the u12 boys on claiming the league title © July 2018 The Meath Coaster64our Group E team were so desperately unlucky going down to Moynalvey by a single score after extra time in a replay at Seafield. These boys showed such great heart and commitment and it was a really inspiring performance. Finally, well done the East Meath U10 community games team (represented by the Club) that won their region of the Leinster Community Games competition beating Longford and Louth and who now progress to the Leinster Semi-final stage. In between all of those successes our teams have been very active every week, training hard and playing hard in blitzes and competitions. It sis wonderful to look back on such a wonderful month of June with pride and to reflect on successes. Let’s keep up the hard work and ensure we have many more great days ahead. Well done to all the players, coaches and supporters for your hard work and efforts. Well deserved !!Volunteer Of The Month There can scarcely be no more deserv-ing winner of our Carroll Estates/Cois na Mara June Volunteer of the Month than “Mr Academy” himself, our underage chairman, Mark Gallagher. Ever won-der who opens up Piltown every Sunday, puts out the cones and diligently ensures Congrats to the u14 Division 1 Boys who retained the Dr Alexander Maguire Cup Well done to our June Volunteer of the Month - Mark Gallagher© July 2018 The Meath Coaster65everything moves smoothly and swiftly, ever wonder who is the brains behind our underage teams, ensures there is enough equipment and makes sure everything is perfect? Well look no further. One of the hardest working members, a man who does not seek out attention and qui-etly gets the job done without fuss, Mark epitomises all that is special about our Volunteers and what we aspire to be with-Congrats to the u14 Division 7 boys Let the celebrations commence © July 2018 The Meath Coaster66in St Colmcilles. Pictured receiving his monthly award from Ollie Cawley, Car-roll Estates are Keith Loughman (chair-man), Mark Gallagher (winner), Ollie Cawley (Carroll Estates) and Pat Haigney (President)Schools Finals A Huge SuccessWell done to everyone who worked so hard in making our schools competitions such a great success recently. The three finals were played at Pairc Tailteann this month in great weather and the 6 teams involved graced the famous old ground with some superb football. A memorable day for all and a special one for the club as all three winning teams came from the club. In the inaugural girls completion, the Jimmy Curran Cup was going to St Colmcilles as Reált na Mara GNS faced off against Gaeilscoil an Bhradáin Feasa. After a titanic struggle the Donacarney girls became the first winners of the Cup but surely it won’t be long before the Gaelscoil is on the podium. In the Corn Cois Farage it proved third time lucky for Scoil an Spioraid Naomh as they put defeats of the last two years to one side and finally claimed the impressive tro-phy with victory over St Stephens NS of Johnstown. In the Cooney Cup, Reált na Mara BNS ensured it was a special day for the Donacarney Schools as they be-came the first team to claim the Cup for the second time when defeating the cham-pions, Whitecross NS with a belting per-formance. Congratulations to our hard working schools committee led by Jude McNabb and all the referees and support-ers for making the day a very special one. A big congratulations too to the Reált na Mara GNS and Gaelscoil and Bhradáin Feasa on your Meath Cumman na mBun-scoil successes. It was great to see the hard work paying off. We can’t wait for Well done to the Division 5 girls on your success © July 2018 The Meath Coaster67the 2019 competitions already – get prac-ticing now everybodyUnderage HurlingOur hurling teams continue to grow and develop and we have been very busy in Go Games action. A big shout out to the U12 team who are in Shield Semi-final action and hopefully we have a final to look forward to very soon. The Hurling came takes place every Monday night at Piltown from 7pm. All welcomeGAA For AllOur “GAA for All” Inclusion programme takes place every Saturday morning at 11am in Piltown. Under the expert tute-lage of Ken McHutcheon our “Inclusion” programme was the first in Meath and the model has been adopted by a number of other clubs and is now supported by Meath Coaching and Games. If you would like to learn more about the programme then contact us on info@cilles.com or check out the details on www.cilles.comAcademy Our famed academy for 4-9 year olds has returned and takes place every Sunday at our Piltown grounds from 11am. Eve-ryone in our catchment area is welcome to come along and give it a go. All our coaches are vetted, trained and all coach-ing is provided in an encouraging and supportive manner. Why not come along and give it a try? We would remind every-one to arrive early, to car pool where you can, observe all parking instructions and that parents/guardians should remain on the grounds at all timesClub LottoThe jackpot is now at €9,500- a very at-tractive sum. Don’t forget to get your ticket every week at the clubhouse, at a number of local shops and locations and you can also play online at www.cilles.com. Don’t miss out on your chance!The u10 East Meath team are on their way to Leinster Finals day © July 2018 The Meath Coaster68RELIGIOUS SERVICESSTAMULLEN - JULIANSTOWNwww.dioceseofmeath.ie/parishesFr Declan Kelly PP Tel: 01 8412647Preston Hill Stamullen Tel 01-8412647e-mail secsj@eircom.netST PATRICK’S CHURCH STAMULLENVigil Mass Saturday 6pmSunday 10:00am10am Mass on Tuesday and ThursdayFirst Friday, please contact Parish for information.Confessions Saturdays from 6:15pmST MARY’S CHURCH, JULIANSTOWNVigil Mass Saturday 7pmSunday 11:30amWednesday, Friday 10:00amConfessions Saturdays after Vigil MassSACRED HEART (LAYTOWN) Fr. Denis McNelis P.P. Tel. 041 - 9827258MASSES Saturday: Vigil 7 p.m.Sunday: 10 a.m. and 12 noonVigil for Church Holidays: 7pmChurch Holydays & Bank Holidays:11amWeekdays:Mon, Wed, Fri, at 10.15 a.m. Tues, Thurs, at 7 p.m. Saturday at 11amCONFESSIONS:Sat: After 11am and 7pm Masses, and on request.BAPTISMS:Most Sundays at 12.45 p.m. Pick up a form in the sacristy at the end of any MassMARRIAGES:Six months’ notice to Fr. McNelisPRAYER:Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament: Wednesday 10:45a.m. - 8 p.m.: Thurrsday. 9 a.m. - 6:30 p.m.Christian Meditation (Mindfulness) Each Wed 7.30-8.15pm in Parish Room. Contact Sr. Joan 041 9887904Life in the Spirit Prayer meeting Wednesday 8pm-9:15pm © July 2018 The Meath Coaster69Atheist IrelandPromoting atheism, reason and an ethical secular State. http://atheist.ie.METHODIST CHURCH SKERRIESRev. David Nixon: (01) 8329185Sunday worship: Noon.1st Sundays: All-age worship with Holy CommunionAll other Sundays: Sunday school available All Warmly WelcomeLegion Of Mary: Monday. 7pm. Parochial House LaytownACCORD: (Marriage Counselling) Tel. 9843860STAR OF THE SEA MORNINGTON Fr. Noel WeirTel. 041-9827384Email: mgtparish@eircom.netWeb: www.morningtonchurch.comMASSESSaturday: Vigil 6.00 p.m.Sundays: 10 a.m. & 11.30a.m.Weekdays: Tuesday - Friday at 8.45 a.m. CONFESSIONS:6-7pm on Wednesdays and on requestBaptisms: 1st and 3rd Sunday’s of the month after the 11.30am MassMarriages: 6 months notice to Fr. WeirPrayer:Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament:Wednesday after 8.45am mass until 10pm.JULIANSTOWN ST MARY’S CHURCH OF IRELANDSunday Worship: 9:15am and 10:30amRector: Rev. Katharine PoultonContact: 041 9829962 or katharinepoulton@gmail.comPRESBYTERIAN CHURCH COLPE, Drogheda (opposite Grange Rath)Minister: Damien Burke Contact Number 041 9846369Morning Worship; Sundays 10.30 a.m. Children's Bible Club; Tues 6.30-8.00 pmParent & Toddlers' Group; Tues & Thurs 10-12 noonYouth Club Fridays 7.30-9.00 pm Home Fellowship Groups: Various timesAll in the community are welcome !The Parish rooms Julianstown Contact Number085 1564833Next >