July 2018FREE!The Meath CoasterMagazine and Services Directory© July 2018 The Meath Coaster2Examination, Scale, Polish & X-RaysDon’t suer with ToothacheWe have a walk inEmergency Service.No appointment neededJust call in to our surgery.Save MoneyHave 2 fillings done at the same appointmentBelfast Prices Mon - Fri 8am to 8pmSaturday 9am to 5pmNervous Patient?Don’t worry, we specialise in treating nervous patients. Talkto us and let us putyou at easeWhiteningOur take home teeth whitening kit is thebest value in Ireland€100€40 o€450days a weekWe open late6eachJoin us on Facebook or visit us online €30 for Medical Card Patients(€30 for private patients having other treatment on same visit)For example multiple crowns (2 or more)We have a team ofAnna, Aoife, Apryl, Aislinn, Claire, Fiona, Graham, James, John, Rebecca and Sara are looking forward to meeting youdedicated dentists11 FREE for RSI patientswww.balbriggandentalcare.ieBALBRIGGAN DENTAL CAREWALK INEMERGENCY SERVICEWe provide an emergency walk-in dental service. You do not need an appointment, just arrive. Our clinic is open late, 6 days a week. ++Tel: 01 - 841 73 44 Web: www.balbriggandentalcare.ie59 Drogheda Street, Balbriggan, Co. Dublin(between Supervalu & the Garda Station)Dr. John Heeney & AssociatesB.A., B. Dent. Sc. Hons (T.C.D.), B. Rad (U.C.D.), D.C.R. (London)Tel: 01 - 841 7344www.balbriggandentalcare.ie01841 73 44© July 2018 The Meath Coaster4The Meath CoasterMagazine and Services DirectorySince June 2005, The Meath Coast-er is published monthly and dis-tributed in County Meath between Grange Rath, Donacarney, Mornington, Bettystown, Laytown, Julianstown and Stamullen, as well as in some local shops. Each issue has over 7,000 copies.This month’s cover is of children on Bettysotwn beach by Orla Harney. If you have any interesting seasonal photos or of local people or places, send your photos to the Meath Coaster at dermot@meathcoaster.comYour Local MediaWe proudly promote Citizen Journalism which means ordinary citizens “playing an active role in the process of collecting, reporting, analysing and disseminating news and information” All our articles are directly submitted by local people. As a local publication serving our communities, if there is something you’d like to submit for publication, please email it to the address below. We try our best to publish all local material but the pages fill up fast! .CONTACT DETAILSAddress for correspondence:The Meath Coaster147 Betaghstown WoodBettystownCo. MeathPhone: 041 9813860 Email: dermot@meathcoaster.comWhere to Get A CoasterYou can get a copy each month from Tesco Bettystown, Dunnes Stores, South-gate; Limited supplies are in Pat’s Cen-tra, Bettystown; Anchorage Supermar-ket, Parish Rooms, Julianstown; St Pats, Stamullen, Centra Stamullen. The Coaster is online @ www.meathcoaster.com/library, All Rights Reserved© Meath Coaster 2018PRINT DEADLINESThe Coaster goes to print on the Friday before the last Sunday in every month. The closing date for the AUGUST issue is Friday July 27th Distribution begins with the weekend of the First Sunday in the monthADVERTISING RATESAdvertising in The Meath Coaster really works! It is the only media delivered to the door in this area since 2005. Our monthly advertising rates are a bargain. Our cost per thousand readers and cost per ad space is unrivalled. Effective advertising needs repetition and time so check out our discounts for longer term bookings. To get our ad rates, please either...Go to www.meathcoaster.comPhone 041 9813860 or Email: dermot@meathcoaster.com PLEASE PLEASEHELPKEEP OUR BEACH SAFE AND REPORT SPEEDING OR DANGEROUS DRIVING TO THE GARDAI041 9827074(WHY NOT ENTER THIS NUMBER IN YOUR MOBILE PHONE NOW)If possible try to take a photograph of the offending vehicle to show registration number and the driver, the Gardaí will take action.“At 08.30 on Saturday 28th April a beautiful young girl and her father were about to walk onto the beach when they were almost killed by a lunatic driver who crashed at high speed into and onto the traffic bollard at the entrance to Bettystown beach. She screamed to her father, I am scared Daddy take me home I don’t want to go on the beach, Daddy take me home, take me home. They left the beach with her sobbing her little heart out”If you see this sort of driving, please report it immediately to the Gardaí But Do Not approach them“An elderly Gentleman who was litter picking on the beach at the time attempted to flag down the two cars involved. One stopped while the other drove at him knocking the litter picker out of his hand. The driver, the same one who almost killed the little girl, then jumped out of his car and threatened the elderly Gentleman with a baseball bat – alone on the beach he could have been seriously injured”The local Councillors and the Beach Management Committee seem powerless to stop this type of behaviour and Meath County Council are failing in their “Duty of Care” to us all by not enforcing their own Bye Laws.We, as beach users, must therefore try to protect ourselves by reporting Dangerous Driving and Anti Social Behaviour to the Gardaí.This is the only way we can make our beach safe for all and be able to enjoy this wonderful natural amenity.This notice has been placed by concerned citizens of Laytown, Bettystown and Mornington.LAYTOWN BETTYSTOWN MORNINGTON LAYTOWN BETTYSTOWN MORNINGTONLAYTOWN BETTYSTOWN MORNINGTON LAYTOWN BETTYSTOWN MORNINGTON LAYTOWN BETTYSTOWN MORNINGTONMEATH'S GOLD COAST MEATH'S GOLD COAST MEATH'S GOLD COASTLAYTOWN BETTYSTOWN MORNINGTON LAYTOWN BETTYSTOWN MORNINGTON LAYTOWN BETTYSTOWN MORNINGTON© July 2018 The Meath Coaster6Tesco Bettystown Community Fund Presentations Here are some photos of the Tesco Communitea Day on Sat 16th June. Over €27,000 has been donated so far to local organisations by Tesco. The staff would like to thank Councillor Sharon Tolan for coming and supporting us Tesco Bettystown would like to invite applications from interested community groups and sports clubs for our commu-nity fund.Julianstown Tidy Towns(who have benefitted from the fund, Jackie O’Shea and Niamh Ui Loinsigh with store manager DamienDonacarney Celtic FC (Janice)Councillor Sharon Tolan and CarmelDamien,Lena,Marty and CarmelMake a splash this Summerwith 1 day turnaround*on print & signageProvidingProfessionalPrint Services to Meath Coaster Since 2009*Subject to T&CsFlyers - 2,500 from €99+vat • Pull-up Banners from €99+vat © July 2018 The Meath Coaster8Bettystown Tidy TownThe Tidy Town volunteers have been kept busy over the last two months clearing the kirb edges, weeding and litter picking. But it is all worth while as the area is looking very clean and well maintained.Cois na Mara. The addition of the flowers and plants to all of the planters in the vil-lage gave an instant spray of colour along the street scape and their colours will in-crease as they grow over the coming months. Our thanks to Carroll Estates, developers of Cois na Mara for arrang-ing for the planters to be planted with the beautiful summer bedding plants and flowers. We are very grateful to Cois na Mara for their continued sup-port of our group.Great community spirit was demonstrated by the local businesses, Reddans Bar, BT Bistro and Anagenic Hair Design, who of-fered to assist us with watering the new plants during this dry spell of weather. We are encouraging all businesses to con-sider installing hanging baskets outside their premises this summer.Councillor Stephen McKee. We would also like to extend our sincere thanks to Councillor Stephen McKee who made a contribution from his Councillor’s dis-cretionary fund to assist us in paying for our Public Liability insurance policy. By having this insurance policy, the Tidy Town committee can accept a Community Employment Programme, CEP, worker from East Meath Community Develop-ment and this will allow the CEP scheme to provide us with a re-source for 19.5 hours per week to assist us in maintaining and enhancing the town and approach roads. The Bettystown Tidy Towns group are always looking for vol-unteers and suggestions. If you are interested in volunteering or have a suggestion please private mes-sage us on our Facebook page, Bettystown Tidy Towns. §Next >