< Previous© November 2017 The Meath Coaster40Don’t sweat the small stuff My small stuff” and your “small stuff” might be worlds apart, so how are we able to tell ourselves not to worry about them? Some people get physically sick over money. Worry literally consumes them. Some people worry everyday about everything basically and suffer anx-iety. For some it feels like everything you do is wrong. Convinced that you annoy or agitate those you know and love. Perhaps not a day goes by when you don’t worry about something, or feel petrified of life Ask anyone who suffers from anxiety and I guarantee you’ll hear of how someone literally lives in fear. We manage to find things to worry about when there is noth-ing there. You can lie awake all night fully convinced that something awful is going to happen. Consumed by fear You get attacks…your heart tries to break free from your chest and no matter how hard you try you are unable to breathe. Your hands turn cold and you start to shake, to hyperventilate. No matter how much someone tries to convince you that everything is ok, to you it never is. Per-haps your symptoms are different and you just feel over whelmed by life In General or Aspects of your life. Breaking through anxiety After years of living behind the veil of fear and anxiety your time is now to get in touch about counselling. This will help you work through so many issues and things you do not even realise are con-tributing to your anxiety fear, panic, depression or sleep diffi-culties. There is no quick fix but it will not go away on its own. Counselling, Psychotherapy and CBT combined will teach you coping skills and tech-niques that help you understand your triggers AND deal with them before you end up caught in a fully-fledged panic attack. Allowing you to Let Go and not be susceptible to attacks. My “small stuff” Today it could be an argument with some-one, Trivial perhaps ...but that is your Small stuff. Others worry about exams and that is their small stuff Left unattended it can and does become Big Stuff. Leading to the feelings mentioned above. It is ok to feel not ok. Talk to a professional like myself about how you’re feeling – in a non-judgemental enviroment with confi-dentiality. YOU ARE UNDERSTOOD . Acknowledging and asking for help Many well-known people openly sought help for their anxiety. Emma Stone, one of the most beautiful women on the planet, and Oscar winning Adele – they’ve been there, they know what it feels like, they asked for help and so should you. When your world is crumbling, you can write to me FREE bernicemckenna@hot-mail.com . I will be delighted to give you some Techniques that will help you To-day. Courtesy of Meath Coaster Bernice Mc Kenna MICHP © November 2017 The Meath Coaster41Laytown, or Leyton in the old English spelling, has been interpreted as Leath-thoin - half-bottom, the Irish word toin meaning low-lying or bottom lands.In the 13th century Laytown had a harbour and was a “thriving fishery port”. Records state that in 1205 Stephen de Nevin was pardoned by King John for plundering a ship out of Laytown. The Black Death epidemic which struck Ireland in 1479 wiped out the ‘Leyton’ population. John D’Alton, ‘The History of Drogheda’ (1844):“Drogheda was decimated in this visita-tion; and it is of tradition, that the malady was so violent at Leytown, a little vil-lage at the mouth of the Nanny, not far from this town, and which was therefore a thriving fishery port, that all its wher-ries (fishing boats), without hands to man them, were left rotting on the beach. The little harbour that then existed there was much used for surreptitious traffic, as a place where no customs or duties were exacted. It has been long since choked up, by the action and reaction of the alluvium of the river and the silt of the sea.” §Mide BregaLong before ‘Middle Earth’ Ireland had it’s Middle King-dom; Mide Brega, and East Meath (Airthir Breg) was part of it. The first record of East Meath is in the Annals of Ul-ster 852 AD: “Ar di Gallaibh oconaib insibh Airthir Breg & ar aile uc Raith Aldain la Ciannacht in uno mense.” (U852.8, p.313)A slaughter was inflicted on the foreigners (Viking raiders) at the islands of eastern Brega (east Meath), and another slaugh-ter of them at Ráith Alláin (between Julianstown & Bellewstown) by the Cia-nacht in the same month.The Tara Brooch was found on the beach here and dates from this period. Who knows, it may well have been dislodged from the cloak of Maelseachlain, High King of Ireland, or his son Flann’s, who both fought the foreigners. The Rath at Sonairte also dates from this period and is recorded as an archaeologi-cal monument. It has not been excavated yet, so very little is known about it, a bro-ken blue glass bead dating to this period was found here.© November 2017 The Meath Coaster42The Autumn Dressage League held at Cheval Showgrounds also wrapped up re-cently, and several of our members com-peted at different legs throughout. Fresh from her success in Cavan, Mairead Dolan and Prince upgraded to Open level dressage, whereupon they performed bril-liantly to win the league! This is a huge achievement for Mairead and Prince. Also competing during the league were Olivia Nolan, Stacy Forsyth, Marie Far-rell, Sarah Cassidy and Lisa O’Brien. Congratulations to the girls for perform-ing so brilliantly and taking home some well earned rosettes at various stages. In Showjumping, Dayna Curtis, Aaron McGrane and Jeanine Curtis, were com-peting at the NSC for the Linda Moore Castle Hill Riding Club The members of Castlehill RC have been having a very successful month competing across a range of disciplines. From dressage to showjumping, our members have been excelling themselves. Four of our members qualified for the re-cent Dressage Ireland National Champi-onships held at Cavan Equestrian Centre. Representing the club were Tracey McK-eown, Mairead Dolan, Lisa O’Brien and Lindsey ilona Brady. The girls performed extremely well, with Tracey McKeown and her horse Ardeo Chocolate placing a fantastic 3rd in the Preliminary Championship class. In the same class Lindsey and her horse Trig-ger Joe placed 12th, while Lisa and Giddy were unlucky to be out of the placings. In the Novice Championship, Tracey and Chocolate placed 10th, with Mairead and her horse Master Touch just behind in 14th. In the Novice Freestyle class, Lisa and Giddy placed 14th, just pushing Mairead into 15th. These were incredible results at a National competition, so really well done to our girls! Mairead Dolan and Master TouchLisa O’Brien and Cruaghs Giddy Up© November 2017 The Meath Coaster43SJ League. Jeanine and Copper placed 5th in the AI class, with Dayna unlucky to be out of the placings in the same class. Aaron and his ex-racehorse Andiamos placed 5th in the Intermediate class, mak-ing it a very successful day all round! Jeanine and Dayna were also competing at the combined training recently at Kil-lossery Lodge Stud, and placed a fantastic 1st and 2nd place in the meter class. Well done girls!For more information, please “like” our page on FB or contact Lindsey on 087 2285109. §Jeanine and Dayna Curtis at the NSCmance at the All Ireland Fleadh next year. Before Joe starts a conventional ‘theatre’ tour he would like to perform the piece in more ‘raw’ venues. In 2016 Joe won the “Axis” award for best new innovative writing for the Intermedial Piece “Project Queen” which addressed the hypocrisy between the LGBT and Drag Queen communities.Emily Matthews, the director of ‘Astro-naut’ was eager to take on this project, “It covers a topic that’s very close to my heart. It took a long time for something like the takeover over of Apollo house to happen in Ireland and I want to keep that radical movement going, A ‘permanent intervention’. The characters, the situa-tion, the stakes involved, all ensure that is one incredibly gripping piece, but a piece that is far too close to the truth.”The piece will be performed in con-junction with "The Red Door Project" on the 12th of December at The Old Fa-tima School, Dublin Road, Drogheda. The show will be performed on the 16th of December at Laytown Parochial Hall, Ninch, Laytown. Both shows start at 7.30pm followed by a discussion and Q&A .Ticket prices are €10 and can be purchased at the door §Project AstronautJoe Wright is an actor and playwrite from Laytown who currently lives in London. He has created a project on Homelessness which had been inspired by the Apollo house takeover last year. The show "Astronaut" debuted at the Camden Fringe Festival this year to great acclaim and now Joe is going to bring it home.He will perform the piece in December this year and continue to tour the piece around the country with a finale perfor-© November 2017 The Meath Coaster44Laytown United FCAs the 2017 season draws to a close we can look back with a huge sense of pride on all that we have achieved as a club both on and off the pitch this year. One of the main objectives for us as a committee was to create an inclusive community and too instil a sense of pride In all our mem-bers and we are very pleased to say that we have certainly achieved this. For the first quarter of the year we worked tirelessly to ensure that all teams and in-dividuals were kitted out in our club col-ours this began the first steps towards achieving our goal and solidifying the club spirit, from under 8s to under 17s the club wear is worn with a huge sense of pride and there is a definite red and black presence through Laytown, Bettystown and Mornington. In April we took a 200 strong contingent away to Wales for a weekend of football and fun at the Welsh Cup, coaches, players, parents and sib-lings all had an experience that will last a © November 2017 The Meath Coaster45life time, unbreakable bonds were formed and unforgettable memories were made. The sense of community was electric and it was a privilege to be part of such an amazing venture. During the summer break we worked relentlessly on our clubhouse and trans-formed it from a run down shed to a fresh and fun clubhouse and changing rooms somewhere that the players can socialise in before and after matches and a place for parents to have a cuppa and a chat during matches and training sessions. Considering we are a relatively small club we were heavily represented in the NDSL ETP at the under 11, 12 and 13 age groups this year. Ethan Kelly, Jamie Gisbey, Niall Kelly, Marcus O’Keeffe, Dino Costin, Enda O’Carroll, Josh McCardle, Calem Myles, Caelem Tunstead, David Fagbule and Dar-ren Rowley have all done a huge service for club and we are very proud of you all.Our under 13’s have played some excep-tional games and have reached the Re-gional quarter finals of the SFAI cup.After an amazing season, losing only one and drawing 3 games, our under 12 team have confirmed their spot in the premier next season by winning the A league. With the addition of four more relatively new players, this tight knit team have been to-gether since they started playing at under 8’s, you will not find a friendlier harder working group than these 15 players and this huge achievement is a testament to the commitment and dedication of these young lads and their coaches Dave Conroy, Simon Graham and Andy Cawley. Each and everyone of them always give 100% and the club is extremely proud and grateful for all they offer and we look for-ward to witnessing what else these fantas-tic ambassadors have in store for us. §© November 2017 The Meath Coaster46Thanks for Your Support, every little helps…We would like to say a big thank for all who supported the club with the blue token awards scheme at our local TescoYour support raised €316.00 and was greatly received. Pictured receiving ta cheques from our Store Manager Ste-phen Barriscale are Under 10’s (L2R) Ben O’Connell, Derry Finlay and Evan Mc-Donnell along with coaches Robbie Corr and Ruaidhri O’Hannigan. asm from members for their 2020 Vision, ‘Football for All’ initiative and ‘Club in the Community’ responsibilities.2020 VisionThe next journey for the club is a ‘build-ing for the future’ plan with the ‘2020 Vi-sion’ launched at the AGM. The plan in-cludes but not limited to:• New Club House and training room fa-cilities • New 11-a-side AWP with floodlights in-stalled• Improvement to car parking facilities • Dedicated experienced strategic plan-ning team • Launch of Football-for-All Initiative• All pitches staked and roped off• Dugouts erected on key pitches • Monthly newsletter• Cutting edge IT and Website system• Online Payments and Club Shop• Train the trainer sessions to run monthly for all coaches• Buddy up System and mentoring pro-gram for new coaches New Committee 2017/2018Introducing our new Committee for the next part of the journey…• Sharon Tolan Chairwoman• John Heffernan Vice Chairperson• Rob Quinn Secretary• Kieran Moloney Treasurer• Paul Bacon Assistant Treasurer & PRO• Lara Synnott Child Welfare Officer• Janet Johnson Assistant Child Welfare OfficerAGM With the end of this season looming East Meath United turned their attention to the AGM. Special thanks and recognition was afforded to both outgoing Chairman Aidan Talon and former Secretary, and current committee member Brendan Doyle both provided over two decades of service to the club and were at the forefront of the recent ‘save our club’ mission. Thank you again, Gentlemen!On the night, the committee grew to 15 members and the Club were delighted to receive such great support and enthusi-East Meath United© November 2017 The Meath Coaster47• Dave Gaffrey Director of Coaching• Padraig Roche Director of Fund-raising• Garreth Mooney SSG Fixtures Secretary• Robbie Corr 11-a-side Fixtures Secretary• Ruairdhi O’Hannigan Committee• Graham Russell Committee• Neil Blakley Committee• Sinead McDonnell CommitteeAlso Introducing Official Club Pho-tographer and PRO Team Member Gareth McDonnellChairwoman comment, by Sharon Tolan "I was absolutely honoured to be elected as Chairwoman of East Meath Utd FC at the recent AGM. I'd like to thank all the members for their support and I'm looking forward to working with the Committee, Managers, members and the wider community to deliver the Vision 2020 Plan we have developed."Success on the pitch Again, there was fantastic news at the un-der 12 age group with the Galaxy team re-cently crowned Premier Division Cham-pions, a feat that was underpinned by go-ing the full season unbeaten couple with winning the mini-season last years all in all Galaxy went from September 2016 to October 2017 undefeated in 30 league games Manager Damien O’Kelly could not be more proud of these young men stating “The boys deserve this, they work so hard every week in training, and this is a just reward for all the dedication and tremen-dous work ethic they have shown” Dam-ien also told the Pro Team here at East Meath ‘We are already looking forward to next season and moving to the 11-aside format… Bring it on’! The lads from Gal-axy always want to say Special Thanks for their longtime sponsor MS transport, Mark SheahanMonthly Coaches Corner, by Dave Gaf-frey (Director of Football)The 2016/17 season kicked off with the short season leading into calendar football this year. This transition combined with the move to the NDSL provided a chal-lenge which our players and coaches met head-on. By the close of the short season, all our teams had found their level with many sides immediately moving up the leagues.We had trophy winners at u12's and u14's with several sides narrowly finishing as runners-up. The EMU festival of football saw glamour friendlies versus Linfield FC and lots of action for our u10's, 11's & 12's.The EMU ‘Nippers Academy has grown to almost 50 players with the help of the most dedicated coaches at the club. At the top end of the age groups, our two u15's and u17's continued to compete superbly.EMU coaches never stand still and the push to educate themselves continued over the season with numerous lads and lassies achieving various qualifications through the FAI coaching pathway. Eve-rything points towards a fantastic 2018. §EMU Galaxy© November 2017 The Meath Coaster48Stamullen Football ClubAcademy newsOur Academy kids are really enjoying having fun and learning new skills. We would like to thank and welcome Karl to the Club for taking on the role of head coach at academy. We are delighted to have him on board with his wealth of knowledge and skillset. We would like to thank Caireann, Sophie, Hannah and Ellie (our under 16 girls) who are giv-ing back to the Club every Saturday by helping out at Academy. They bring such great energy and positivity to every ses-sion and the academy wouldn’t be able to run without their help. Great to see young people doing such good in the community. Thanks Girls. We should also mention our other helper coaches who do a fantastic job helping – Darren, Niall, Joe, Fergal, Niamh and our other helpers who jump in to help out when we are short coaches. Thanks guys.All the boys leagues are coming to the end of their seasons. Will post round ups of the teams and how their year went in next months article. The girls will be brav-ing the elements and continuing playing throughout the Winter months. Lets hope the weather plays ball!David & Noel’s U11’s boys team are looking for a few players to expand their squad. They currently play in the NDSL C league on a Saturday and train on Mon-day’s and Wednesday’s. Boys must be born in 2006. For further details please contact 087 9127459 or 086 3634868.Girls wanted for the under 12’s and under 14’s teams – we are looking for girls born in 2004, 2005 and 2006 for our amazing under 12 and under 14’s teams, please email stamullenfc@gmail.com for more details. Club Contact Details: -Email - stamullenfc@gmail.com Facebook - www.facebook.com/stamullenfcClub Secretary - Marcus Kelly – 0851477825Website – www.stamullenfc.com §Congratulations to Niall and Darren’s under 12’s on winning their league (as well as their Cup). Well done lads and managers. Excellent football all season.Darren, Karl, Ellie and Hannah in action along with some of our Academy kids.© November 2017 The Meath Coaster49DONACARNEY CELTIC F.C.Congratulations to our U11 Pumas who won the U11 NDSL Cup 2017 and congratulations to Jake Hough the NDSL Cup Final Man of the Match. Well done lads and Coaches, great achievement!Hopefully the Pumas success-ful run will con-tinue as they progress to the 3rd round of the U12 SFAI Cup. Best of luck to the lads and their coaches.U11 NDSL AcademyThe club is extremely proud that 6 players from our U11 teams are currently on the NDSL ETP 2006 squad. They traveled to Lurgan Town FC this month to play Swansea City Academy. Each of the lads did themselves and the club proud in what was a great display of football by everyone.Pictured below are Cormac O'Donoghue, Naoishe Maguire, Alex Wade, Jake Hough, Jamie Gamble and Conor Brennan. Well done lads, I’m sure we’ll be seeing more from these talented lads in the future.U11 NDSL Cup WinnersThe FAI Irish Football National Draw is your chance to help-out your Club while also giving yourself a chance to win some unbelievable prizes. Every €10 ticket purchased raises €8.50 for your Club. If your interested in purchasing one please contact Genevieve: 086 1048557 Cup FinalMan of the Match2017 FAI Irish Football National DrawDoncarney CelticsNext >