< Previous© May 2017 The Meath Coaster20Council Update by Cllr Eimear FergusonApril was a busy month on a lot of fronts. Firstly an update on the attempt-ed cyber theft of €4.3m of coun-cil funds. The council are now on the final leg of getting the monies returned to them and hope to have it back in their account in the near future Full Council meeting 3rd April, 2017 The draft 3-year Capital Investment Pro-gramme Spend was discussed at great length. I am pleased to say that €4.1m is proposed to be spent in the East Meath area. Some of this amount is to be spent on different badly needed projects. After many years of highlighting the fact that for an area which was granted so much residential development with no community infrastructure included, it's great to see this being addressed in the form of €700,000 being allocated to go to-wards providing such a facility. Not before time but very welcome none the less.€300,000 has been proposed to be spent on a R132 Julianstown Traffic Manage-ment Scheme. The chronic traffic situa-tion (over 22,000 vehicles per day through the village) has been raised by a few of the local councillors on a regular bassis. While we will continue to fight to by-pass Julianstown, this scheme is very welcome.In 2015 Beach Management was origi-nally allocated €1.25m. I'm delighted to report that amount has been increased to €2.3m. (Update on Beach Management Plan below) The Brown Bin/Food Waste Cam-paign is underway and one of the main objectives is to encourage all those who do not have a brown bin to contact their waste collection provider to request one to see if you are entitled to one. It also encourages prevention of food waste. On average, Irish house-holds throw away one third of food every week. Think of the financial savings if this is reduced! Municipal District meeting 13th April, We received a presentation on proposals for improving connectivity between the car park (Laytown) and the train station and the upgrading of the current car park. This opened a lengthy debate. The instal-lation of traffic lights, with pedestrian crossing and construction of a footpath, at the bridge is one of the suggestions. Per-sonally, I think the best solution would be for a car park west of the bridge and the current car park be reinstated to its previ-ous use for the community. If you wish to inspect the plans of the pro-posed scheme you can do so at Duleek Civic Office, Meath County Council Plan-ning Dept at Buvinda House in Navan until May 30th, 2017. You can then make a rep-resentation on the proposed works, in writ-ing, to Director of Services, Meath Coun-ty Council, Navan or email planning@meathcoco.ie on or before May 30th..Following on from that we received an update on the Beach Management Plan. The Beach Management Committee is up and running and working very hard to en-sure we get the best for our coastline. It is hoped to that a draft plan will go out for Continued over....© May 2017 The Meath Coaster21F. Watson & Son LtdFuneral Directors Complete Funeral ServiceLAYTOWN, CO. MEATH Tel: 086 0275440 • 041 98382279 DYER STREET, DROGHEDAwww.droghedafunerals.ieServing the Entire East Meath Area and Drogheda since 1921© May 2017 The Meath Coaster22public consultation on May 25th. You are all being encouraged to come along and give your views and opinions for consid-eration on the night.It was established that the green area be-tween the car park and the playground, in Laytown, is not to be included in the plan. Well over a year ago I requested that the grass area would be cut regularly and some picnic benches be installed to facilitate visi-tors and local using the area. I've requested, once again, that this project go ahead and be ready for the coming summer. The three properties at the entrance to the beach at Bettystown have finally been pur-chased and the plan is for them to go out to an architectural design team to look at the future development of same. Person-ally, I think these are one of the original features left in Bettystown and would love to see, at least, the facade kept and worked into the design. It remains to be seen. We received an update on the sporting lands at Seafield. It was agreed that the GAA playing section would remain as is with the remainder of the lands rede-signed to maximise the pace to their best playable advantage. I submitted a motion call on the Planning and Economic Development Dept to pro-vide a comprehensive progress report on economic development and opportunities in the area. With so many of the residents in East Meath leaving the county on a dai-ly basis to go to work I felt it is about time we took a serious look at providing em-ployment within the area which will ben-efit all and create a more sustainable com-munity. We have the road and rail links for this to be made possible. If it can be done in the south of the county, why not here? Environmental SPCDumping and littering. A pet hate of mine. If you need large items removed form your home and hire 'A man (or woman) with a van' please ensure they have a waste per-mit to enable them to dispose of it legally. Don't be afraid to ask for the permit. FinallyIt's heading into the summer months and hopefully the weather will be kind to us this year. Take care and respect our area, especially our beaches and footpaths. Clean up after your dog (and yourselves!). There are plenty of bins around. Let's all work together and show pride in our area, to each other and to all the visitors we hope to get. If you need help with any issue for want to alert me to any activity in the area, I can be contacted on 086 4068270 eimear.ferguson@members.meathcoco.ie §Alzheimers Tea Day Friday 5 MayDonacarney Community Centre (Old School House) between 10-12 on Friday 5 MayAny help in way of cups, and cakes help on the day contact 0863694990 The Anchorage SupermarketDue to water damages from the fire, our shop The Anchorage will be closed until further notice. Sorry for the inconvenience caused. Our sister store Pats Centra is open for busi-ness as usual. From 7.30am-10pm Thank you all for your kind wishes and support. From all our Team.086/1733396086/3673406Mullenandsons1@gmail.comwww.Mullenandsons.comMullen & SonsBuildersFifth Generation Irish BuildersFor All Your Building NeedsNew Builds - Extensions - Renovations Attic Conversions & All Roof WorkFully Insured and RegisteredMusic Summer Camp Whitecross N S Julianstown4yrs to 8yrs July 10th – 14thMonday to Friday 10am to 1pmFee €80 includes materials Full details www.littlemusicmakers.ieContact: Maria 087 933 0777mariamusicmakers@gmail.comThe Yoga Garden A purpose built Meditation and Yoga studio in the heart of Grange Rath.Studio opening Monday 15th May 2017 - with Special Introductory Offers throughout 2017 for all course's.A full schedule of classes, starting at 6.30am will be posted to social media and the website over the coming days Contact Elaine on 085 - 2529090 or email Yogagarden11@outlook.ie with any queries Facebook & www.yogagarden.ieLouth & East Meath T.D. IMELDA MUNSTERWorking with Cllr Eimear FergusonFor an appointment please contact me atSINN FÉIN CONSTITUENCY OFFICE84 West St., DroghedaMonday - Friday 9.30 - 5pmT: 041 987 3823E: sfdrogheda@eircom.netLOCAL CLINIC TIMEAlverno House, Laytown.2nd & 4th Monday, 3.30pm - 4.30pmPhone 041 987 3823 for appointment© May 2017 The Meath Coaster24Coláiste na hInseLaragh Phillips Crowned Best First Year Speaker in IrelandColáiste na hInse’s debat-ing club continue to ce-ment their place as one of the finest in Ireland, with a number of dáltaí across the school securing their places in the latter stages of national competitions.On Saturday March 25th first year Laragh Phil-lips and third year Harry Wilders took part in the All Ireland Junior Fi-nals’ Day in Belvedere College where the country’s top 80 speakers (from 600 that started!) will compete for the titles of All Ireland Winner and All Ireland Best First Year. Laragh enjoyed a stunning success on the day, as she was crowned the All-Ireland Best First Year. Congratulations to Laragh and Harry on their outstanding achievement.On March 24 Calem Martin, Eoghan Bo-land and Eolain Downey took part in the Leinster Senior Debating Final in Trinity. From a competition that started with over 200 speakers they were part of the illus-trious final 12. Despite impressive perfor-mances from the trio, speakers from Lore-to Beaufort and Castleknock Community College ultimately secured the titles on a night of particularly strong competition in Trinity. Nonetheless, it has been a fantas-tic year for Calem, Eoghan and Eolain.Two Coláiste na hInse Plays Nominat-ed for National AwardsMarch brought some incredible news for the Coláiste’s student led drama groups. CNI have been nominated for two nation-al awards in the Bord Gais Student Thea-tre Awards which take place in May. In two of the leading categories; Best Over-all School Play and Best Original Produc-tion, CNI will be represented by Alone It Stands and Only Dull People are Brilliant at Breakfast, which was written by Sixth Year student, Carl Morris. Munster leg-end Tony Ward visited the school to lend his support to the cast of Alone It Stands. Huge congratulations to all involved!Chris McConnon Espinola Wins Senior Robert Ballagh Art CompetitionIdirbliain dálta Chris McConnon Espinola won the Senior LMETB Robert Ballagh Art Competition with an acrylic painting of a whale breaching. Having received a merit award in the Junior competition last year, Chris spent a number of weeks on his entry this year. Congratulations to Chris on a fantastic achievement.Boys’ Gaelic Football Claim North Leinster TitleMunster Legend Tony Ward with the cast of Alone It Stands at CNI© May 2017 The Meath Coaster25April represented a mixed month for the Under 16 Boys’ Gaelic Football team as they comprehensively won the North Leinster final before a heart-breaking loss in the Leinster semi-final.In the North Leinster Championship against Killina Pres SS of Offaly in Dun-ganny the team raced into a huge lead in the first half, before seeing off a strong comeback from their opponents to in 4-18 to 4-5. The captain Con Gordon proudly collected the trophy and spoke eloquently in praise of his valiant opponents whose attitude and application in the face of an impossible task was a credit to them.Following Easter, the team suffered a last-gasp defeat to HFCS Rathcoole in the Leinster semi-final. Leading by one point Rathcoole were awarded a 45 in the final minute, which after a melee ended up in the back of the net. It was the final action of the game.This has been the most successful team the school has had in a long time with an ap-pearance in the Oliver Coogan Shield final, winning Meath and North Leinster titles before this tightest of defeats in the semi.It is interesting to note that after the de-feat the team spoke about their plans for senior level rather than dwelling on the nature of the defeat. There is a real spirit of sportsmanship amongst them. It is dif-ficult to single out players when it is truly a team effort. However Ross Molloy as full forward deserves a mention for his excellent performances all year. A special word also for Josh Dunbar who has been an excellent squad member who came on at half time and kicked a number of excel-lent points.The management team would like to thank the squad for their commitment and effort all year.Athletic SuccessColáiste na hInse enjoyed their most suc-cessful athletics meeting yet at the North Leinster event in Navan. We scooped up 4 gold medals, 5 silver and 3 bronze. James Smith won the Junior 800m, Lee McGuinness won the Senior 100m, Adam Daly won the Minor Long Jump and the Senior Boys won the relay. Silver med-als came from Aaron Smith in the Junior 1500m, Jedi Ndebumadu in the Minor 100m with our minor boys, junior boys and senior girls teams all getting 2nd place in the relays. Lucian Kavanagh received a bronze in the senior shot putt along with Filip Szymanski in the intermediate shot putt and Ciara Scallon in the senior 100m.Talent ShowThe Coláiste’s annual Talent Show took place on Thursday evening the 6th April. It was a fantastic night with talented acts from every year group taking part. The three judges had some difficult decisions to make narrowing the 17 acts down to just 3 finalists. Joint Third place was awarded to Michael Mc Donnell, a first year guitarist, and Toochi Oguama, a 5th Continued over....© May 2017 The Meath Coaster26year dancer. Second place was awarded to Katie Power and Emily Sheil for their wonderful performance of Katie’s compo-sition ‘forcefield’. First place went to Lu-cas O’Callaghan, who gave an incredible performance on piano, a truly deserving winner of the night!Pitch and PuttBest wishes to the school pitch and putt team of Alex Maguire, Eoghan Power and Aedan Prone who will be competing in the All-Ireland Schools Final in Tullamore on May 5th.The trio have enjoyed an excel-lent year representing the school in golf and pitch and putt tournaments, and have every reason to be confident as they travel to Tullamore.GaisceOn 26th and 27th April, 25 hopeful stu-dents set off on an Adventure Journey in the Mourne Mountains, the last piece of the jigsaw in their quest to achieve their GAISCE award. Having already complet-ed 52 hours in Community Involvement, Personal Skills and Physical Activities, this challenge would not be a stumbling block. After a few early navigating glitch-es, the groups retook control and 2 days later after 40 km of hill walking, endur-ing the four seasons in a day Irish weather, sing songs of varying degrees of quality, meal preparation that would easily gain Michelin star recognition, we reached the coastal town of Newcastle and the com-fort of the bus home. A huge comhghaird-eachas to all participants who will receive their awards at their Gradam in May in the Coláiste.Run Against HungerOn 17th May, CNI we will be hosting their first ever RUN AGAINST HUNGER. This is to raise money for the charity Ac-tion Against Hunger which targets food poverty around the globe. This is also part of a European Etwinning Project with schools in France and Sweden, who are also holding fun runs in May. The whole school will run/walk 1000 km collectively and will be looking for spon-sorship from family and friends to support this great achievement! Best of luck to all involved.ISPCC and Bumbleance FundraiserOn Thursday 6th of April, CNI’s Student Council and the Bumbleance team from Idirbhlian (TY) threw a fundraiser! The epic 5-a-side match featured a team of students chosen from each year (repre-senting Bumbleance), and participating teachers (representing ISPCC), who won the match when it went to penalties. The event was organized to not only promote inclusion and the zero-tolerance of bully-ing, but to also gather much needed funds for the charities. The €680 was split 60:40 to the winner, with enough falling and tackling from the teachers to spark joy in everyone! Thanks to everyone for the sup-port. §Call us on 041 9886545 for an appointment.Email: bettystowndental@gmail.comWeb: www.bettystowndental.ieTriton Road, Bettystown, Co. Meath (between Funtasia & Tesco)Open Saturday MorningsLATE NIGHT OPENING ON Mondays, Tuesdays and ThursdaysPrivate, PRSI and Medical Card Patients WelcomeDr Matthew Crinion B.D.S. (NUI) Corns, Callouses, Verrucae, Ingrown Toenails, nail surgery and other treatmentsState of the art Gaitscan analysis pressure plate used in the assessment of foot, back and leg pain.Orthotics prescribed to stabilise foot function and rehabilitationOpening hours 9.00-6.00Tuesday, Wednesday & Friday: Saturday 10.00-1.00Niamh Tully, BSc (Hons) Pod. MCh.S. S.R.ChMain Street, Laytown, Tel: 041 9888492Chiropodist / Podiatrist(State registered)The Foot ClinicPlacenta CapsulesConsuming your placenta after giving birth is anatural way to replenish your body, and will haveyou looking great and feeling energised. © May 2017 The Meath Coaster28Scoil Oilibhéir NaofaGrandparents DayOn Friday 24th March we celebrated Grandparents’ Day. We had a huge turn-out. A visit to the children’s’ classrooms, followed a class performance. A trip to the hall to buy a treat in the cake sale finished the visit. We hope the day brought back lots of fond memories for all of the visitors who could attend. Intercultural WeekOur Intercultural week took place at the end of March. The hall was deco-rated with multicultural projects. Some parents came in to read stories from their home countries. Some children came to school dressed in traditional clothing. We had a fun and inspiring week. © May 2017 The Meath Coaster29Autism Awareness WeekWe celebrated Autism Awareness Week in April. The children dressed in blue. Each class designed a puzzle piece as a sign of support for children with Autism.Fruit TastingDuring Active Week we tasted lots of fruit. You can tell by our faces how much we enjoyed it. Active WeekThank you to the Parents’ Association and to all the community volunteers for sup-porting our Active Week. It was a great success. §Next >