< Previous© May 2017 The Meath Coaster10“95” Yes that’s the number of young people we registered on the night of April 7th which marks the be-ginning of our 3rd year as BDLM Youth Club. Each year the club continues to grow from strength to strength and that number just goes to prove how successful the club has become over the last number of years for the youths of the coastal Meath area from Bettystown, Donacarney, Laytown, and Mornington. As the club grows we are also welcoming youths from the Julianstown and Grange Rath areas too. Although we weren’t due to open the doors until 8 o’clock, because of the pop-ularity of the Youth Club, the multiple queues or what can only be described as a giant huddle was already forming from 7 p.m. at the main door with very enthusias-tic young people with their parents/guard-ians eagerly looking to get their member-ship forms filled in on the night to secure a place and become a member. With the doors open it was akin to a scene from the departure lounge in Dublin Air-port with passengers looking to get on an old style Ryanair flight. Instantly we knew we were in for a busy rollercoaster of a night, and yes it was “Organised Cha-os” or as many others on the outside look-ing in might decipher it as “BEDLAM” with many new faces attending for the first time, a lot returning for their second year at the club and still a few returning for their third successive year.Luckily we were prepared and believe it or not it actually passed smoothly and registrations were completed in about 30 minutes with 95 young people signed up for a 12-month membership. Our mem-bership limit for the club is 100 which is a figure we decided upon over 6 months ago and have written about in past editions of the Meath Coaster. Due to its popularity and based on Health & Safety concerns for the youths and the ratio of the absolutely fantastic, tremen-dous, phenomenal, incredible (ooh I’m starting to sound like one D. Trump) okay devoted volunteers that give up their time and energy with lots of patience (pey-shuh ns) noun “seriously look it up in the dictionary” we really are the complete package… Now so as not to cause alarm or be the creator of a human stampede on our next club night, if you can read between the lines, there are approximately 5 member-ship vacancies available which in all hon-esty should be consumed by the time of this edition going to print. But fear not, if your little cherub has not managed to become a member by May we are still taking names to be put on a wait-ing list to keep your dream alive. I guess we’ll have to rewrite the rulebook now with all these new faces and exist-ing members. After all it is their club and they’re the ones that make the rules. BUT remember folks, fear not, because were the ones that have the final say… Yesss §© May 2017 The Meath Coaster11LAUNCH OF COMMUNITY FACILITIES SCHEMEThe recently launched Community Facilities Scheme offers community groups access to capital funding in order to kick-start, advance or complete projects. It will fund projects that seek to enhance communities, address disadvantage and improve social cohesion at a local level. An allocation of €64,500 has been made available for the Scheme in 2017 to MeathThe Local Community Development Committees (LCDCs) under the remit of the Local Authorities (LAs) will be responsible for targeting and allocating funding. Local Authorities, on behalf of the Local Com-munity Development Committees, will make payments directly to the successful groups as required.Where an applicant group is not a member of the Pub-lic Participation Network (PPN), they will be invited to be-come members as part of the application process. Further details of the scheme together with the application form are can be found at http://www.meath.ie/Community/CommunityInfor-mation/CommunityGrants/CommunityFacilitiesScheme/ or contact the Community Section of Meath County Council on 046-9097400.Closing date for receipt of applications is 5.00p.m. on 30th June, 2017.© May 2017 The Meath Coaster12Scoil an Spioraid Naoimh Confirmation at Scoil an Spioraid Nao-imh April 27th 2017What an amazing day April 27th was for the 6th class pupils and fami-lies of SSN! The religious ceremony was presided over by Bishop Michael Smith, Father Denis Mc Nelis and Father Noel Weir. In all 80 candidates were presented for the sacrament of Confirmation. Also in attendance were the pupils of the SSN school choir. Accompanied by the parish adult choir, these children abso-lutely sang their hearts out. The success of this wonderful occasion is attributable to the pupils, their families, the school staff, organist Jim Walsh and also to the SSN Parents Association who hosted a wonderful reception in the school hall after the ceremony. SSN pupils with Bishop Michael Smith and Father Denis Mc Nelis after the Con-firmation ceremonySpring CleanAs part of our Greenschools’ Project, SSN participated in the National Spring Clean Up initiative organised every year by An Taisce. All the children rolled up their sleeves to make their immediate environ-ment cleaner! We cleaned up the grounds of the school and window ledges, we weeded, planted and painted garden and patio areas. We planted a bed of wheat and hope to harvest this inSeptember and use © May 2017 The Meath Coaster13it to make bread. Two classes cleaned up a section of the beach behind the school to promote taking responsibility for the car-ing of our environment. Our P.A. helped out in making our patio areas brighter and cleaner too and helped out with the buying of plants. The school was looking great after all the hard work. Well done all. Brendan Kennedy (Loinnir) - Bronze Medal All World Karate Championships in DCU041 98 444 98 041 98 111 98086 838 4444www.eastcoastcabs.comEAST COAST CABSEAST COAST CABS SERVICING MEATH COAST & DROGHEDA REGIONS CABS - 4, 6 & 8 SEATERSNEW RANGE OF MINI-VANSCOACHES - 16, 24, 36 & 54 SEATERS AVAILABLE© May 2017 The Meath Coaster14Credit Union Quiz Success Congratulations to our quiz team of Conor, Darragh, Tom and Cormac who represented our school recently in the All Ireland Credit Union Quiz in the RDS. The questions were fairly tricky and although they scored an impressive score of 57 the winners came out on top with 62 points! We are all extremely proud of them! Well done boys!. Willow TunnelDeirdre DeLacy from Sónáirte visited Bunscoil Buachaillí Réalt na Mara to help the boys from 3rd class make a willow tun-nel in their school garden. All boys lent a hand in planting the willow and twist-Bunscoil Buachaillí Réalt na Mara:ing the willow branches together to form an arch. Small branches of willow were used to strengthen the tunnel. Deirdre was on hand to show us how best to create the tunnel. We hope to grow our own willow and add to the tunnel over the years!Table TennisThe boys in rang a trí made history last term when they competed in Réalt na Congratulations to the boys from 6th class who celebrated the sacrament of Confirmation on Thursday 27th April in Star of the Sea Church, Mornington.© May 2017 The Meath Coaster15Mara’s first ever third class table tennis championship. Fifty two boys took part over the course of two months, learning all about the game and taking on their classmates. Sixteen boys qualified for the knockout stages, before four made it all the way to the final day. Igor and Louis 087 911 2411 087 279 8738041 9836177New Castles & Slides For HireMAY SPECIAL OFFERSBouncing Castles Hire from €50Wide Range of Slide Combi CastlesObstacles & SlidesFree Safety Mats with all Bouncy CastlesBungee Runs, Gladiator Duel, Adults & Kids Sumo WrestlingNew Ultra Pad SUMO for 201750ft Crocodile Obstacle CourseCombi Bouncy CastleHippoDino Combi CastleBugs Bunny BouncyFire Truck combiHigh Slide Obstacle Course€200 Cash Draw with every Castle Hire, Draw at end of Junecontested the third and fourth place play-off, while Daithí and Lorcan met in the final. After two thrilling matches, cheered on by their classmates, Lorcan and Louis emerged victorious. Well done to all the boys who took part! §Confirmation on Thursday 27th April in Star of the Sea Church, Mornington.© May 2017 The Meath Coaster16News from Julianstown Our Annual An Taisce National Spring Clean Day took on a whole new meaning this year! Thank you to our many volunteers who turned up and cleaned up the many roads around Julianstown. Not only that, but we had some volunteers from Laytown and Bettystown who also came along for the clean up! Well done all.shop. What a joy to have a shop again in Julianstown!The Tidy Towns Group is currently work-ing flat out in the Village Garden. Some areas are being completely revamped and between weeding and mowing grasses; the work is just continuous, so if you hap-pen to have an hour or two during the week to spare why not come along and give a helping hand. As you may already know we are now members of the Boyne Valley Garden Trail and will have a group of visitors calling to the garden shortly for a tour. This is our first official tour, so it is rather exciting. You may also have no-ticed our new entrance to the Garden and this was commissioned by us and part-funded by Meath Co. Co. The work was carried out by Jim Rothwell and what a superb craftsman he is. This work of art is just stunning! Have you seen the New Flower Beds at the Julianstown signs coming into the village? – they are on Duleek, Laytown and Drogheda Roads. When we were eventually finished and famished who came along but Tommy Carson from the Lime Kiln with a feast of freshly made breads (Head Chef Rob-ert Thompson & Head Baker Samantha Murphy), jams (Clarks of Stamullen), olive oil and balsamic vinegar which they are now selling in their new opened © May 2017 The Meath Coaster17Art & Literary Competition: This year Whitecross National School are linking the PA Art and Literary Competi-tion with their Erasmus Project. The ma-jority of classes will research important local historical buildings. They will write a little and create their own artistic im-pression of a building. Some classes are also looking and interpreting folklore tales with local links. We plan to exhibit a sig-nificant amount of the pupils’ creations in the hall in the coming weeks. Enrolments are taking place now for September 2017 so check the www.whitecrossschool.com for application form. Dates for your di-ary: First Holy Communion May 13th and P.A. Sports Day May 28th. Julianstown Summer Festival / Féile Samhraidh Baile Iuiliáin Our Annual Summer Festival takes place on June 11th from 2 p.m. to 5 p.m. We aim to make this a bigger and better festival with lots of games, shows, music and fun for all. So, parents, friends, neighbours, children get into your best party gear and come along and join in the fun. There will also be lots of food and refreshments available on the day. We are trying some-thing different this year so if you have a cúpla focal why not use them! We are also getting some Community Funding from Meath Co. Co. towards the entertainment. Admission €5 per family and all welcome.Contact us at www.julianstowncommu-nity..com or Facebook: Julianstown Tidy Towns Group. Twitter: JulianstowndcaCHILDRENS PLAY POLICY FOR COUNTY MEATHMeath County Council is currently reviewing the Play Policy for County Meath. The aim is to improve the play environment for all children under 18 years of age within the county. The play policy is very important for everyone as it will guide all decisions taken in relation to play development over the coming years.We are seeking your views and feedback as to what should be included in this Play Policy. We are inviting comments and feedback from individuals, groups and other interested parties as part of this consultation process. The closing date for submission of comments is 4.00p.m. on Friday, 26th May, 2017. Comments can be e-mailed to community@meathcoco.ie or posted to Com-munity Department, Meath County Council, Buvinda House, Dublin Road, Na-van, Co. Meath C15Y291.The Councils existing Play Policy can be accessed at: http://meath.ie/Community/CommunityDevelopment/PlayPolicy/© May 2017 The Meath Coaster18The programme involved 6th class students coming up with unique business ideas and developing these ideas into sellable prod-ucts. Two business ideas were selected from each 6th Class and further developed by the class group. The children learnt about costs, pricing and set about producing the prod-ucts. Through their hardwork the children also learnt about production deadlines!The highpoint of the programme came on Showcase Day, Thursday 27th April, when the Le Chéile ETNS PE Hall was taken over and all the learning, hard work and Junior Entrepreneur Programme6th Class students from Le Chéile have ambitiously and successfully com-pleted The Junior Entrepreneur Pro-gramme. The recognised programme de-signed for primary school teaches new life skills and aims to enable the children to think like entrepreneurs. team spirit came together. All the school children were invited throughout the day to visit and view the shop stalls and buy items if they wished.There were, Take it n’Bake it recipe jars, Dangles - personalised door hangers, Re-lease the Rage – Stress Balls and Key Blings - unique keyring designs to choose from.Following the event the children are busy evaluating the results and achievements, and we expect to see more from the Junior Entrepreneur Programme in the future! Le Chéile Educate Together National SchoolMornington Road, Drogheda Co. Louthwww.lecheileetns.comMornington Road, Drogheda, Co. MeathGolden Pen AwardCongratulations to Daniel Molloy win-ner of the Golden Pen Award, a national prize given to budding writers. Daniels story “ When All Hell Breaks Loose” is based on Greek Mythological hero Talos, an adventure filled with excitement and terror. This is Le Chéiles second winner of this prestigious prize in the last few years. Daniel’s story will now take pride of place on our library shelves. We look forward to seeing more wonderful literature from our young authors in the future.© May 2017 The Meath Coaster19Erasmus+ Project prepares for closing party following trip to Crete.In March, teachers from seven partner countries made a magical trip to Crete, to visit the regions 21st Primary School on the outskirts of the city of Heraklion, Cre-tes largest city.A happy school surrounded by fantastic views, the teachers were treated to a dis-play of traditional Greek dances followed by a shadow puppet display based on the legend of the Minotaur’s palace. After visiting each class experiencing music and songs from the rich Greek culture the school staff and parents committee pre-pared a special lunch with Cretan flavours.During our exploration of the historical city of Heraklion, we learnt about the Venetian fortress, strolled through the Agora market place and visited the Nikos Kazantzakis exhibition which taught us all about the life and times of the famous Cretan writer. A trip to the archaeological museum prepared us perfectly for visiting the Minoan Palace of Knosses.Le Chéile ETNS along with the partner countries held a project meeting to dis-cuss the project so far. The team reviewed the music videos produced by each part-ner country, discussed preparations for future activities and plans for the projects closing party of our two year Erasmus+ Project Magic and Myths Unite Europe to be held at Le Chéile ETNS Drogheda in May.Please check out our website www.magi-candmythsuniteeurope.weebly.com 041 98 444 98 041 98 111 98086 838 4444www.eastcoastcabs.comEAST COAST CABSEAST COAST CABS SERVICING MEATH COAST & DROGHEDA REGIONS CABS - 4, 6 & 8 SEATERSNEW RANGE OF MINI-VANSCOACHES - 16, 24, 36 & 54 SEATERS AVAILABLENext >