May 2017FREE!The Meath CoasterMagazine and Services Directory© May 2017 The Meath Coaster2Examination, Scale, Polish & X-RaysDon’t suer with ToothacheWe have a walk inEmergency Service.No appointment neededJust call in to our surgery.Save MoneyHave 2 fillings done at the same appointmentBelfast Prices Anna, Aoife, Claire, Graham, James, John, Oonagh, Sara & Rebecca are looking forwardto meeting you.Mon - Fri 8am to 8pmSaturday 9am to 5pmNervous Patient?Don’t worry, we specialise in treating nervous patients. Talkto us and let us putyou at easeWhiteningOur take home teeth whitening kit is thebest value in Ireland€100€40 o€450dedicateddentistsdays a weekofWe have a teamWe open late96eachJoin us on Facebook or visit us online€30for PRSI, Medical Card patients (€30 for private patients having other treatment on same visit)For example multiple crowns (2 or more)BALBRIGGAN DENTAL CAREWALK INEMERGENCY SERVICEWe provide an emergency walk-in dental service. You do not need an appointment, just arrive. Our clinic is open late, 6 days a week. ++Tel: 01 - 841 73 44 Web: www.balbriggandentalcare.ie59 Drogheda Street, Balbriggan, Co. Dublin(between Supervalu & the Garda Station)Dr. John Heeney & AssociatesB.A., B. Dent. Sc. Hons (T.C.D.), B. Rad (U.C.D.), D.C.R. (London)Tel: 01 - 841 7344© May 2017 The Meath Coaster4The Meath CoasterMagazine and Services DirectorySince June 2005, The Meath Coast-er is published monthly and dis-tributed in County Meath between Grange Rath, Donacarney, Mornington, Bettystown, Laytown, Julianstown and Stamullen, as well as in some local shops and churches. Each issue has over 7,000 copies.Where to Get A CoasterYou can pick up a copy each month from Tesco Bettystown, Dunnes Stores, South-gate; Limited supplies are in Pat’s Cen-tra, Bettystown; Anchorage Supermar-ket, Parish Rooms, Julianstown; St Pats, Stamullen, Centra Stamullen, Your Local MediaWe proudly promote Citizen Journalism which means ordinary citizens “playing an active role in the process of collecting, reporting, analysing and disseminating news and information” All our articles are directly submitted by local people. As a local publication serving our communities, if there is something you’d like to submit for publication, please email it to the address below. We try our best to publish all local material but the pages fill up fast! .CONTACT DETAILSAddress for correspondence:The Meath Coaster147 Betaghstown WoodBettystownCo. MeathPhone: 041 9813860 Email: dermot@meathcoaster.comThis month’s cover of Julianstown is by Noreen Wiseman. If you have any interesting seasonal photos or of local people or places, send your photos to the Meath Coaster at dermot@meathcoaster.comPRINT DEADLINESThe Coaster goes to print on the Friday before the last Sunday of every month. The closing date for the JUNE issue is Friday May 26th. Distribution begins on the weekend with the first Sunday of the month...ADVERTISING RATESAdvertising in The Meath Coaster really works! No other media is so effective in the Meath coast area. Don’t just take our word for it, phone our advertisers! Our monthly advertising rates are a bargain and there are discount packages for longer bookings. Our cost per thousand readers is the lowest in the area and our cost per ad space is unrivalled.To get our ad rates, please either...Go to www.meathcoaster.comPhone 041 9813860 or Email: All Rights Reserved© Meath Coaster 2017 Warranty Finance AvailableTrade-Ins WelcomeNCT’dSales Opening HoursMon to Fri : 9am to 6pmLate Opening Thurs: 9am to 7pmSaturdays: 10am to 2pmParts/Service Opening HoursMon to Fri: 7am to 7pmSaturday: 10 am to 2 pmCall us. We have cars to suit all budgets and if we don’t have what you are looking for we will source it FREE of charge© May 2017 The Meath Coaster6Beach Evening – You’re Invited!The newly formed Laytown, Bettystown and Mornington Beach Management Committee have collabo-rated with The Waters and Communities Office to create a social event packed with content focusing on our most precious and unique asset; the beach.The Beach Evening is open to the public and is taking place on the 25th May at Red-dan’s of Bettystown from 7pm. “The event grew from the initial idea to make the forthcoming draft of Meath County Council’s Beach Management Plan as interesting and engaging as pos-sible.”- Explained George Karellas, public rela-tions officer for the committee.“The most meaningful way we could do that was to invite anyone who could bring knowledge and understanding to the wide ranging aspects of the plan. That way we’re sharing information, learning, and becoming a community pulling together to protect and make the most our beach” The event now boasts presentations by The Waters and Communities Office and Boyne Valley Tourism, and the list of offi-cial invitees includes An Taisce, the RNLI, National Parks and Wildlife, Drogheda Coastguard, Clean Coasts, Boyne River Trail, Drogheda Port Authority, An Garda Siochána, Bus Éireann, Iarnród Éireann and local groups; Meath East Community Association and Laytown Tidy Towns. Alan Watson, Chairman of the Beach Management Committee, said:“We’re all people who are passionate about the beach, here to support the com-munity and grasp the opportunity to work together. Pooling our resources with The Waterways and Communities Office is ex-actly the kind of positive cooperative ac-tion that gets things moving. Really we’re here to provide support for anyone who wants to see our special piece of coast re-alise it’s full potential.”The committee hasn’t just been forming plans but is active on the beach where members turned out to support the Na-tional Spring Clean hosted in the wider area by Laytown Tidy Towns earlier this month.The Beach Management Committee was appointed after a call for such a body was outlined in an initial proposal for a draft Beach Management Plan. Liaising with the public and local groups is paramount amongst the group’s interests, as is seek-ing out funding, promoting beach events and educational work with local schools. Beach Management CommitteeL a y t o w n - B e t t y s t o w n - M o r n i n g t o nMEATH COUNTY COUNCIL PRIDE OF PLACE 2017Meath County Council 2017 Pride of Place competition is now open. Applications are invited from Community Groups, Tidy Towns / Village Committees, Residents Associations and other organisations. In 2017 the competition includes the following categories: Towns & Villages Youth Project Vacant Premises Enhancement Project Waterway Amenity Heritage Housing Estates – Small, Medium and Large Best Shop Front Best Hospitality and Tourism Volunteer of the Year Nature/Wildlife Award (new category) Grow It Yourself Award (new category) Best New Group (new category)Application forms and further details are available from the Community Department, Meath County Council, Buvinda House, Dublin Road, Navan, Co. Meath, C15 Y291, or by e-mail or online date for applications is Friday, 2nd June 2017Information evenings for the competition are scheduled in each of the Municipal Districts as follows:Tuesday, 25th April, 2017 7.00p.m. – 8.00p.m. Ashbourne Library Thursday, 27th April, 2017 7.00p.m. – 8.00p.m. Navan Library Tuesday, 2nd May, 2017 7.00p.m. – 8.00p.m. Duleek Library Thursday, 4th May, 2017 7.00p.m. – 8.00p.m.Kells Library Tuesday, 9th May, 2017 7.00p.m. – 8.00p.m.Trim Library Thursday, 11th May, 2017 7.00p.m. – 8.00p.m.Dunshaughlin Library © May 2017 The Meath Coaster8The Stamullen Roundup By Grace TierneyThe Stamullen Cycle Races on the 8th and 9th of April were a massive suc-cess. Thanks to the 75 person team of volunteers for stewarding all weekend. Huge thanks go also to all sponsors and to St. Patrick’s GAA who very kindly al-lowed the use of their facilities for regis-tration, changing, and parking. The local riders did well, especially 19 year-old Sean Landers who flew home to win the Senior A4 race in front of an appreciative Stamullen crowd.The McQuillan family extend their thanks to all who supported their Cake Sale in aid of Make a Wish ( The event raised €1,917 for this worthy charity.Local group Hope for Homeless held a coffee morning and raffle during April too and raised €750 for their regular G.P.O. food run.Congratulations to Stamullen Bowls on winning the Meath League, division two recently.Our local Tidy Towns team held their AGM in April. They are a small team and would love some extra helpers. They’re easy to spot in the village on Saturday mornings and do a fantastic job of keep-ing our area looking good. Any time you can give would be much appreciated.Another local group seeking volunteers is the Stamullen Community First Respond-ers but this time they need a treasurer and a fund raising coordinator. You don’t need to be a responder. If you’re interested contact the group at next Stamullen Parish Bingo Night will take place on Wednesday 10th of May in City North Hotel at 8p.m.The new Seamus Ennis Centre programme of events is out now. You can see details at Only a ten minute drive from Stamullen they’re running various workshops over the next few months including wood carv-ing, kite-making for kids, calligraphy, art, wire sculpting, self development, needle-work, and herb growing.Got Stamullen news? Send it to Grace (087-9074145) or grace@meathcoaster.comPrint & DesignFlyersBooksBookletsInvitationsCardsPostersSignageProvidingProfessionalPrint Services to The Meath Coaster Since 2009OPEN9am - 5pmweekdaysA5 Colour Flyers2,500 - €1255,000 - €17510,000 - €275* Excludes artwork + VATSpringFlyerOffer19 Fair Street , Drogheda041 980 3135 / 981 0505info@beulahprint.ieExclusive toMeath CoasterReaders!Next >