< PreviousJanuary 2017 The Meath Coaster ©30Happy New Year from SonairteWe would like to wish everyone a very happy, healthy and environmentally friend-ly new year and would like to encourage every household to take up and keep their new year’s resolutions to support the environment and make a difference. Sonairte’s Nature Trail During the month of January Sonairte’s nature trail and river walk will be closed for essential repairs and maintenance.The trail is a wonderful local amen-ity where you can enjoy a stroll through delightful scenery and follow along the banks of the River Nanny, here you have the opportunity to look at nature and en-joy a wide range of wildlife habitats.We will look forward to welcoming you back onto the Sonairte trail in early 2017 where we are also planning an exciting programme of events for the 2017 seasonFriends of Sonairte 2017During early 2017 we will be re-launching the Friends of Sonairte Membership and we do hope you will consider supporting your local commu-nity and become a Friend of Sonairte, there will be more details to follow during January.Watt Footprint Eco Shop A new eco-shop has opened in Sonairte and is tackling big environmental issues at a local level. The owner Paul O Reilly (originally from Bettystown) says “the shop has a new unique ethos creating sustainable comfort, health and wellbeing in the home and is an essential first step to tackling to-day’s global environmental challenges. All products on sale at Watt Footprint are non-toxic and chemical free and they pro-vide an extensive range of Irish, organic, Fairtrade and educational products. Watt footprint has an all-in-one air quality monitor which helps you find the balance between clean and fresh air and suggested ventilation measures.www.wattfootprint.comSonairte Fundraising A big thank you to Tom and Gilna’s Bar The Cottage Inn Laytown for hosting a great Table Quiz in early December in support of much needed fund to support Sonairte. It was a really fun night and is a fresh take on a pub quiz; players use their smartphones/tablets to answer questions within 20 seconds and the speed factor makes cheating impossible! We are hoping to run a second speed quizzing event possibly in March…it’s a great night and not to be missed.New Year ResolutionsHave you made a New Year Resolution to care for your physical and mental well-being? Evening meditation sessions are available on Tuesday evening from 8pm to 9pm please contact Ann 085 208 3466 Room Hire and Events Sonairte is avail-able for private events; christenings, wed-ding parties and family gatherings. Check out our Facebook Page email:info@sonairte.ie web:www.sonairte.ie 086/1733396086/3673406Mullenandsons1@gmail.comwww.Mullenandsons.comMullen & SonsBuildersFifth Generation Irish BuildersFor All Your Building NeedsWishing You A Happy New Year!New Builds - Extensions - Renovations Attic Conversions & All Roof WorkFully Insured and RegisteredPresbyterian Church Hall, Colpe - opposite Grange Rathwww.LittleMusicMakers.ie Maria Sheil (Masters Degree Community Music) 087 9330777MariaMusicMakers@gmail.comGroup Music Classes - 4yrs to 8yrs (Tues & Sat)“Mummy and Me”0 – 3years (Thurs & Sat)Fergus O’Dowd TDTel : 041 9842275E-mail: fergus.odowd@oir.ieor text me at 083 1379331Constituency Office - Unit 1, Jameson House, Bachelors Lane, DroghedaWeekly ClinicEvery Thursday 8pm at Tara House(beside O’Reilly’s Supermarket)Strand Road, Laytown, Co. MeathSPANISH FOR BEGINNERSThis is a beginner course for those who have little or no Spanish. It is designed to help you learn basic phrases and vocabulary. At the end of the course you will be able to understand and communicate with locals while on holidays, introduce yourself, ask for directions, order drinks and request your bill. You will learn about social customs and most importantly have some fun learning a new language. Course duration: 8 weeks Fee : €95 Time: 6.00pm-7.30pm Wednesdays evenings.Starts Wednesday 1st February 2017 Tutor: Rosario LynchSPANISH FOR IMPROVERSThis is a beginner’s course level 3, a follow on course for those who already have some Spanish. With the emphasis on conversational skills, this course helps students to achieve a level of Spanish that will enable them to communicate with locals when travelling in Spanish speaking countries. Course duration : 8 weeks Fee: €110 Time: 7.30pm-9.30pm Wednesday evenings. Starts Wednesday 1st February 2017 Tutor: Rosario LynchARTS, CRAFTS & HOBBIESCOOKING FOR HEALTHY LIVING: In this course you will learn how to prepare and cook nutritious, easy and quick meals for all the family to enjoy. You will also learn how to make easy and delicious homemade desserts. You will receive recipes for these dishes that won’t take all night to prepare. Our focus in this course is on quick and easy cooking and baking.Each week you will need to bring your own ingredients, 2 tea towels, a dish cloth and a suitable container/lunchbox to bring home what you make.You will be told which ingredients to bring a week in advance of each class.Course duration : 8 weeks Fee: €95 Time: 7pm-9pm Monday evenings. Starts Monday 30th January 2017 Tutor: Sally RooneyMILLINERY Need some fabulous headwear for a wedding, races or a special event but just can’t find something that suits your style or budget? Why not enrol on this millenary course to learn how to make that hat or fascinator for that special event? Learn how to create a fabric covered base in your favourite colours, add decorative details like feathers, veiling, fabric, flowers etc., to make a stunning head piece.Course duration : 8 weeks Fee: €95 Time: 7pm-9pm Monday evenings. Starts Monday 30th January 2017 Tutor: Monica FeherLANGUAGESWednesday 25th January 7pm – 9pmOnline Enrolment Available NowContact: Director of Adult Education 087 6928726Email: adulteducationcni@lmetb.ieENROL ONLINE @lmetb.ieLAYTOWN-BETTYSTOWNNIGHT CLASSESSPRING 2017www.meathnightclasses.ieor Contact Coláiste na hInse www.colaistenahinse.ie (and follow the links)Email: adulteducationcni@lmetb.ie orENROLMENT AND CLASS VENUE Coláiste na hInse, Laytown-Bettystown, Co. Meath.Please see each class description for cost, duration, dates and times, etc.CLASSES START Monday 30th January 2017& Wednesday 1st February 2017LC MATHS BEGINS:11th & 12th January 2017ENROLMENT EVENINGFITNESSFUNCTIONAL FITNESSThis class aims to improve cardiovascular fitness, muscular strength, endurance, flexibility, weight loss and body toning. These classes are suitable for all ability levels from beginners to the advanced. Course duration: 8 weeks Fee: €65Time: 7pm-8pm Wednesday eveningsStarts Wednesday 1st February 2017 Tutor: Cormac Everard PILATES INTELLIGENT EXERCISE- PROFOUND RESULTS! The Pilates system emphasizes the balanced development of the body through core strength, flexibility and awareness. Modifications are a key element to every exercise, making it possible for people of all age groups and levels of ability to take part and progress at your own individual pace. All in a relaxed, fun atmosphere.Beginners Stott Pilates: Time: 7pm-8pm Fee: €65Course duration: 8 weeks Starts Wednesday 1st February 2017 Tutor: TBCIntermediate Stott Pilates: Time: 8pm-9pm Fee: €65Course duration: 8 weeks Starts Wednesday 1st February 2017 Tutor: TBCBRIDGE FOR ENTHUSIASTS AND IMPROVERSBridge is the KING of card games, it can be enjoyed by anyone, at any age, at any standard. Come enjoy the game with others and learn a new hobby. This course is led by a very experienced tutor who will teach you the tricks of the trade. Come along to challenge yourself and have fun. This course is designed for those who have already some experience playing bridge. Course duration: 8 weeks Fee: €75Time: 7pm-9pm Wednesday evenings. Starts Wednesday 1st February 2017 Tutor: Aidan HodgersCREATIVE WRITINGHave you decided this is the year you’ll see your name in print, on the cover of a novel or in the form of a memoir, short story or essay? Tutor Ross Campbell is offering creative writing classes that will help you put a shape to your story and give you the building blocks to fulfil your dreams. Classes are relaxed and informal. Writers will receive helpful feedback on their writing from the class. Tips too on how to get your writing published. Short assignments will be given out to do each week.Course duration: 8 weeks Fee: €65 Time: 8pm-9pm Wednesday evenings. Tutor: Ross Campbell Starts: Wednesday 1st February 2017PHILOSOPHY -AN INTRODUCTIONLiterally translated as being a love of knowledge/wisdom; philosophy aspires to answer the fundamental questions in life and get to the very root of human existence in order to develop a greater understanding of our place in the world and our relationships with one another. Do we know there is a God? What is the ultimate nature of the universe? What constitutes a right and wrong action? We will also look at the historical development of philosophy from the Ancient Greeks to the moderns.Course duration: 8 weeks Fee: €65Time: 7pm-8pm Wednesday evenings. Tutor: Ross Campbell Starts: Wednesday 1st February 2017LEAVING CERT MATHS HIGHER LEVELIntensive revision course for all candidates sitting the Leaving Certificate Higher Level Maths Examination in June 2017 with focus on examinations questions. This course will focus on Maths Paper 1/2Course duration: 8 weeks Fee: €90Time: 4.30-6.30pm Thursday evenings.Starts Thursday 12th January 2017 Tutor: S. O’ Donnell LEAVING CERT MATHS ORDINARY LEVELIntensive revision course for all candidates sitting the Leaving Certificate Higher Level Maths Examination in June 2017 with focus on examinations questions.Course duration: 8weeks Fee: €90 Time: 4.30-6.30pm Wednesday evenings.Starts: Wednesday 11th January 2017 Tutor: P. StrachanLEAVING CERT COURSESYOGAVinyasa (breathing synchronised movement) flow yoga has both mental and physical benefits. Physically, sweat expels toxins and re-energies your body. Mentally, the synchronised breathing relaxes your mind and helps to release any blocked energy throughout your body. Beginners/Improvers This class is open to those new to yoga or with some experience. Course duration: 8 weeks Fee: €65Time: 7pm-8pm Wednesday eveningsStarts Wednesday 1st February 2017 Tutor: Elaine TobinNote: Please bring a towel, water and exercise mat.Improvers/Intermediate This class will challenge the student on a deeper level, introducing more challenging postures. Course duration: 8 weeks Fee: €65Time: 8pm-9pm Wednesday Evenings Starts Wednesday 1st February 2017 Tutor: Elaine TobinNote: Please bring a towel, water and exercise mat.January 2017 The Meath Coaster ©34Please mention The Meath Coaster when replying to advertisementsTHE VIEW FROM THE KITCHEN TABLE, By Geraldine HughesLots of people expressing the view that they are glad to see the back of 2016. Some years are just fraught and unset-tling. A new year feels like a time to draw a line in the sand and start over. Good – ‘cos I can’t take another discussion on ei-ther Brexit or The American Election. In both cases they underestimated the power of the disgruntled. And now it seems eve-ryone is disgruntled. Here’s the thing about my job – I have de-veloped the dubious ability to fully agree with a client that the weather is freezing, and turn to another client not 2 metres away and have the complete opposite conversation about how mild and unsea-sonably warm it is (this applies to every-thing!). So that now, even in a full on debate about world or domestic politics or anything that divides people, the drawback to that is that I have become a professional fence sitter. I get to hear a lot of opinions on current affairs – some reactionary and emotional, some very well thought out, and all of which I kind of agree with. I’m so easily swayed that I hardly know what my own opinion is on anything anymore! My family will be aston-ished to hear this since at home I frequently give my opinion on just about any-thing – usually loudly while Mr The View is watching a Oasis Childcare Centre Mornington Co. Meath Crèche Montessori Playgroup After School Telephone 9888135 + Purpose Built + Fully Insured + HSE Inspected + Fire Certified + Intercom Entry + Large Safety Tiled Playground + Large Car Park + Easy Drop Off & Collection + Small Groups + Dedicated Staff A VERY HAPPY NEW YEAR TO ALL OUR CHILDREN & THEIR PARENTS There are some places remaining for our ECCE and PLAYSCHOOL classes for SEPTEMBER 2017. Book early to ensure that your precious child gets the best & happiest pre-school experience East Meath’s Leading Childcare Provider current affairs program, which he doesn’t like much – not the program or the opin-ion –just that he can’t listen to it and me at the same time. Sometimes, for devilment, or blatant attention seeking, I will hold the opposite and opposing view of everybody else in the house – a bit like Katie Hop-kins I suppose, only she gets paid to wind everyone up. Anyway sometimes I do it just for the craic, and maybe just to ham-mer home the point that there are 2 sides to every argument. So although I don’t really like New Year’s resolutions, or maybe I do? I’m going to resolve to form an opinion about things that matter. Or should I? What is the point of standing and debating an opposing point of view with anyone? If they are as resolute as you are, you’ll never see eye to eye (unless it’s me you’re up against – I’ll be agreeing with you before you know it) but if it’s someone who digs their heels in too – well where does it get you? Bent out of shape and tired. I used to love a good argu-ment but the joy of getting older means I don’t care as much about whether I’ve made my point or not (ok – that harumphing noise in the background is a sound of disbelief from Mr. The View who has, on occasion, been woken up at 3.am so that I can further press home a point I was making) unless I have to vote on it because if 2016 showed us anything, it was how powerful our vote is, and how swiftly it can change the course of history. §HOUSEHOLD SERVICESPlease mention The Meath Coaster when replying to dvertisementsBG PAINTING & DECORATINGInterIor & exterIor25 YEARS EXPERIENCE REFERENCES AVAILABLEFREE CONSULTATIONS & ESTIMATESWALLPAPER ALSO AVAILABLEContact Brian 086 7308449Noel SavageElectrical Services20 Years Experience • Security LightingFuseboard Upgrades • Rewires, Extra Sockets • Lights, Fully Insured and RegisteredNo Job Too SmallBettystown, Co. MeathMobile: 086 2518898NEW YEAR SALEUp to 50% off selected rollers / wood venetiansSelect premium quality blinds fromthe comfort of your own homeNo-Obligation AppointmentCall Emmet On 087 0507026*conditions applyFREE MEASURING • FREE FITTINGGAS BOILER SERVICESANNUAL SERVICINGREPAIRS & BREAKDOWNSBOILER REPLACEMENTSSAFETY INSPECTIONSBORD GÁIS AUTHORISED SERVICE PROVIDERPhone Terry 041 9827870 - 087 2941224 6th class team6th classPB - CleanbrightRoof Moss Removal SpecialistWe also clean: DrivewaysPatio’sGuttersFasciaPVC WindowsMob: 083 191 0238Mob: 083 1992 085Office: 041 9883792Email: pbcleanbright@gmail.com*Fully InsuredRoof is treated by AlgoClear to prevent moss re-occurrenceMoloney Boiler MaintenanceBarry Moloney - Heating Engineer• Oil Boilers Services and Repairs• Aga Cookers• Central Heating Power Flush• Installation of Central Heating Filters• All Aspects of Heating & Plumbing - Commercial / ResidentialFree Quotations, All Work GuaranteedMobile: 087 3337488barry@moloneyboilermaintenance.ie Grant Electrical96 Betaghstown Wood, BettystownPhone: 041 988 6908Mobile: 087 275 4057• Electrical Installation and Maintenance• Extra Sockets & Lighting• Electrical Shower Installed & Repairs• Immersion Heater Installed & Fitted• Free Estimates NO JOB TOO SMALL!Call Nicky - 041 9887128 087 7734344 A Local BusinessCosmic Cleanwww.cosmicclean.ieT&Cs & Minimum Charge appliesMAJOR DISCOUNTS for Multiple RoomsProfessional Carpet & Upholstery CleaningSPECIAL OFFER!January 2017 The Meath Coaster ©363 things you might not know about Mortgage Protection InsuranceMortgage Protection Insurance is life assurance cover that will clear your mortgage in the event of your (or your spouse’s) death. While it is obviously very necessary, taking out this cover often comes at a bad time for consumers, who are to the pin of their collars facing a new mortgage and all of the costs associated with a new house. For this reason, it is really important that you get the best (often the cheapest!) cover in place. Here are three points that you may not have known about mortgage protection insurance, that just might help you to get the right policy for you.You don’t have to take out this policy with your bank. Your bank may arrange your mortgage for you. They may also insist on you having mortgage protection insurance in place as a condition of your loan. That is their right. However they cannot by law insist on you taking out this policy with them and cannot make the loan condition-al on you doing so. You retain the right to take out any mortgage protection policy available in the market, once you ensure the required amount of cover is in place. Now this is really important!Your bank will usually have access to the policies of a single life assurance compa-ny. However your Financial Broker will have access to policies of all of the insur-ers in the Irish market, making sure that you get the very best / cheapest policy to meet your needs. Your bank must accept this policy.Your cover does not have to decrease in line with the mortgageThe life assurance cover within tradition-al mortgage protection policies decreases Drumgoole Financial Services is regulated by The Central Bank of Irelandin line with the outstanding mortgage amount. This is the minimum amount of cover that you must have in place – enough to clear the loan at any stage dur-ing the lifetime of the mortgage.However you can have more cover in place. As part of a wider financial plan developed by your Financial Broker, you might choose to have a level amount of cover that will not fall, possibly for the original mortgage amount. In the event of death, the life cover amount will then be greater than the mortgage due, as some of the mortgage will have been repaid in the meantime. This excess cover is simply then paid to your estate.There are many other benefits availableOne of the benefits of taking out your Mortgage Protection insurance through your Financial Broker is that you can tap in to their knowledge of all of the plans that are available in the market, and ac-cess features that might not be available through the policy offered by your bank.There are many other potential feature and benefits available through different insur-ers in the Irish market, and some of these features might just be very important to you. So talk to your Financial Broker and get the best policy in place for you! §Toccata House Music School, Drogheda.Lessons Based In Drogheda Grammar School, Mornington Road, Drogheda.Lessons InPiano, Keyboard, Violin, Viola, CelloGuitar - Classical, Acoustic, Bass And ElectricFlute, Clarinet, Saxophone, Recorder, Drums, Speech And Drama, Voice Coaching, Junior And Leaving Cert Music.Private Classes On A One To One BasisTel Olive On 087 2603079 For DetailsEstablished Since 1990.Science & MathsPrivate Tuition in Leaving Cert and College Maths, Physics & ChemistryPhone 086 8187055Laytown-basedRegistered Maths Teacher & College LecturerReasonable RatesStamullen, Co. Meathwww.mammydaycare.comCrèche, Montessori & After schoolPhone:01 6905333 Purpose Built Fully Insured Experienced staff Fire Certified Intercom Entry Enclosed safety tiled play area Private car park Nutritious meals cooked in houseWishing all our families a very Happy New Yearwww.crumbs.eu.com CrumbsCakesForOccasions Call Lee between 9am & 6pm, 087 918 6854STAMULLENDON’T MISS OUT - BOOK EARLY!Bettystown AlterationsWedding Alterations and Evening WearPremises located behind the offices in McDonough Caravan Park on Triton Road (Opposite Tesco) Phone: 086 775 3 776Tues - Sat 10am - 5pm Lunch 1:30pm - 2:30pm Close Wed 1:30pmClothing Alterations•Wedding/Evening Wear • Leather/Suede Repairs •CurtainsSame Day ServiceCOMPUTER PROBLEM?Contact Oliver 041.988.7526 087.797.0740iPhones Smartphones RepairLaptop/Desktop Repair & UpgradesJanuary 2017 The Meath Coaster ©38Franciscan College Gormanston1st Year Peer Mentor Training with the HSEOn Friday 9th December, Gormanston College successful 1st year peer mentor students attended training in peer mentoring de-livered by Dr Alan Dibble and his colleague Mark from the HSE. The 12 successful students awarded the title Peer Mentor fought off competi-tion from 45 other student in their year. The process involved an application form and an interview with a member from the HSE and their class tutor. Huge Congratu-lations to our newly trained Peer Mentors. The very best of luck to them in their new role within our school community..Study Skills workshopFranciscan College, Gormanston hosted Amazing Brains - Study Skills workshop on Monday 5th December. It was a fantas-tic day which was part of a whole school Career Guidance Initiative. The Study skills workshops were received by 3rd, 5th and 6th years and were interactive, practi-cal, relevant and highly engaging. During the workshops students immersed them-selves in action-packed challenging activ-ities, with the aim of encouraging active, collaborative learning. The study skills particularly focused on creating a success-oriented mindset amongst students, boost academic performance and foster a posi-tive, lifelong attitude to learning. DebatingThe season of Junior Mace Debating is well and truly under way. Students from Franciscan College Gormanston have taken part in the day hosted by Colaiste na hInse & St Oliver’s, the one hosted by Loreto on the Green as well as the com-petition hosted by Loreto High School Beaufort. It was at this most recent one, that one Gormanston student showed great suc-cess. Bryan Chikwendu (pictured here with his trophy) was awarded the prize for best first year in the competition. Out of 119 speakers ranging from first to third year, he ranked 19th overall. Congratulations to him on this great achieve-ment. Watch this space for the lat-est news on his progress and that of the other Gormanston students. §January 2017 The Meath Coaster ©39This Silent Killer Follows You Everywhere (Anxiety) Hiding in the background unnoticed. Feeling Tense. Worrying about things like what people think about you or about work money etc. You can’t enjoy things like other’s do . You can’t sleep, you eat too much or too little. Feeling agitated. Exhausted Everything feels overwhelm-ing. This is Anxiety / Stress Zero anxiety means no overwhelment. Imagine feeling good talking to a stranger? Raising your hand at important meetings? Achieving life goals? Anxiety and Stress are what stops you . How To Recognize If You Have Anxiety Excessive worry and irritability / Sleep Disturbance Poor concentration . Rest-lessness /Muscle Tension or Headaches.Fatigue Clients and Patients with Anxiety have often mentioned randomly getting a racing heart, sweating hands. Feelings that something bad will happen. Persistent mind chatter Thoughts that you are losing control? Avoiding Social Situations. Feel-ing nervous or nauseous. Worrying about everything from relationships to finances. And of course Depression and Anxiety are partners in crime. If you said Yes to 3 of these symptoms then you suffer Anxiety What To Do About Anxiety Doctors have recommended my combina-tion of Cognitive Behavioural Therapies for years. This solves the issues surrounding your anxiety and helps you find the real root cause of your issues. Cause and effect principles ap-ply. Finding the root cause al-lows the effects to cease Fixing your MIND will fix your body . Psychologically anxiety com-bines low self esteem, and often shyness A dread or constant worrying mind, see-ing the negative in life. Fear Until you seek help with a professional like myself the following tips may help you reduce some of your symptoms . Have a good diet. Get exercise. .Aim for plenty of rest. Listen often to relaxation music or Mindfulness Meditations. Re-duce Alcohol and Caffeine and get profes-sional help Remember anxiety leads to Blood Pres-sure Heart issues Weight Issues Insomnia Panic Attacks and hence is known as the Silent Killer. You MUST solve your prob-lem to live a fulfilling life. Those few sim-ple techniques are a small step towards alleviating Stress /Anxiety but finding your root cause is the solution that allows you or eliminate it . A FREE on- line Consultation Courtesy of the Meath Coaster (Value €50) is available by writ-ing to me today at bernicem-ckenna@hotmail.com or text 0858126677 and book your one to one private consultation to-day. I can and will help you then Bernice Mc Kenna ( APHD . Adv. Psych. CBT) §DOCTORS RECOMMEND BERNICE MC KENNA (APHD) (Adv. Psych ) MICHPELIMINATE YOUR ANXIETY STRESS INSOMNIA PANIC ATTACKS IN 6 HOURS To Book your FREE on- line Consultation Value €50 Simply email Today @ bernicemckenna@hotmail.com or book your one to one Consultation by Texting me Right Now on 0858126677Next >