< PreviousFebruary 2017 The Meath Coaster ©30COMPUTER PROBLEM?Contact Oliver 041.988.7526 087.797.0740iPhones Smartphones RepairLaptop/Desktop Repair & UpgradesTechnology - Dump, Replace or Fix?This month I will address the quan-dary we all find ourselves facing on a regular basis with regard to the myriad of technological devices we all use. The questions of dumping a defective device, replacing parts, getting it repaired, or dumping it . I decided to address this as there are a number of urban myths out there which people rely on in making the decision which are frankly either partially or com-pletely false. PrintersMyth: Its cheaper to buy a new printer than to buy replacement inks.True or False: FALSE. The ink cartridges in new printers are only partially filled and you’ll find that out quite quickly when you buy one. If you have a solid printer and the inks are low then buy replacements and do NOT use refill services as this can cause prob-lems with the printer. Myth: Laser printers are expensive to buyTrue or False: FALSEYou can purchase a laser printer for under €200 and if you don’t need colour they are by far the cheapest and most reliable printers out there. Colour laser printers are more expensive and if you print lots of colour the drum and developer units will need replacing at some point and those parts are expen-sive. Having said that examine the cost per page for laser colour printing versus inkjet and you might find the colour laser is for you.LaptopsMyth: You can Buy a new laptop for un-der €300True or False: TRUE Visit any of the computer stores and you will indeed find laptops priced in the €300 to €400 range. I’d not buy use or recom-mend them. They are cheaply made, slow, under powered and will frustrate you when you use them. Laptops at that end of the market are aimed at the impulse buy or those under financial stress. Save your money and buy a decent laptop. You will pay between €600-€800 or you can drop me an email and I will put you in touch with a supplier who refurbishes business laptops and gives a 1 year war-ranty. You will save hundreds of Euros and get yourself a solid quality laptop.Next month I will continue on this topic. §Oliver Reidy is a computer technician and has been in the industry since 1981.You can contact him via email at help.desk@reidyonline.com or at the telephone num-bers listed on this page. This article, and all previous articles, are available to view online at http://reidyonline.blogspot.ie/ or www.reidyonline.com/blogspot.htmJill’s Kitchen Hot Crab DipOMG! Seriously I can’t take credit for this recipe, just for sharing. My partner in the USA makes this for her parties and I stole the recipe, made it, was wowed and decided I better share – with her permission of course! If you are having a gathering this year or bringing a dish to a party I highly recommend this sumptuous dip. Best of all you can let the kids help as it’s so quick and easy. You’re welcome!.Ingredients: Serves 41 cup mayo1 cup sour cream1 tsp Worchester sauce½ tsp pepper1 tsp siracha1 tsp salt1 cup grated Dubliner¼ cup scallions450g / 16oz crabTop with a handful of Parmesan cheeseTo serve: Baguette, olive oil, garlic powder or gran-ulesMethodMix all ingredients togetherPlace in oven dishTop with parmesanCook in a pre-heated oven at 350°F/180°C/Gas Mark 4 until bubbly, let sit 15 min-utes before serving. Serve with crostini – toasted slices of baguetteSlice baguette, very lightly brush both sides with olive oil with a little garlic powder or granulated garlic in it.Bake for 7/9 minutes at 350°F/180°C/Gas Mark 4. They will be a little soft when you take them out but will crisp up after a few min-utes.Wishing you all a Happy Valentine’s Day. www.cookitkids.com hello@cookitkids.com www.facebook.com/CooKitKidswww.jillskitchen.ie jill@jillskitchen.ieWed 1st March 2017Westcourt Hotel, West Street, Drogheda, Co. Louth5.30pm – 9pm: MEET WITH DROGHEDA CREDIT UNION & EXHIBITORSLaunching Our NEW International tv broadcasterMEMBERS & NON-MEMBERS WELCOMEFREE ENTRY6.45PM - 8PM: ON THE COUCH EXPERT PANEL DISCUSSION HOSTED BY NEVILLE KNOTTSIMPROVEMENT loanHOMENeville Knottshosted by €8,000 DRAW ON NIGHT! AT HOME Show 2017OVER 20 EXHIBITORSDrogheda Credit Union Ltd is regulated by the Central Bank of Ireland. Terms and conditions apply to loans and they are subject to approval. If you do not meet the repayments on your loan, your account will go into arrears. MASSIVE SHOWDRAW OF €8,000 OF HOMEIMPROVEMENTS TO BE WON!Home Improvement LoansOnline loan calculator available5.9%(APR 6.08%)Chat to the expertswith an on the couchpanel discussionDrogheda Credit Union Ltd, Paving The Way To A Beautiful HomeSample Loan (based on 5.9%) €80,000Monthly Repayments €670.78 Term 15 YearsTotal Amount Repayable on Full Term €120,714.86* Above rate is based on loans of €50,000 in excess of savings* 1st or 2nd Legal Charge secured on a Republic of Ireland property is required * Full Terms & Conditions can be found on www.droghedacu.ie or in one of our branches.*February 2017 The Meath Coaster ©34Please mention The Meath Coaster when replying to advertisementsTHE VIEW FROM THE KITCHEN TABLE, By Geraldine HughesSleep is the new kid on the block – or lack of it. We are, according to the experts, all sleep deprived. They are breaking us down ‘till we have no vices left and the More Sleep message is get-ting through. I’m highly sceptical of any-one who claims to work on the back of 5 hours sleep, hitting the gym at 4 in the morning and working ‘till the small hours. Methinks they lie. I think I’m super human if I manage to crawl out of bed twice a week to catch a 6.30 H.I.I.T class. I always feel great afterwards but find myself looking for a dark corner to lie down in by 3pm. So whatever about the rest of ye, I agree, I need more sleep. Despite this newly won insight, since Christmas it’s been erratic to say the least. Three nights early to bed, Two nights up till stupid o’clock watching rubbish T.V, two mornings up at 6, stumble through the afternoon jacked up on cof-fee, fall into bed early! I need more of a routine so I am trying a little hot chocolate, and reading a few pages, rather than look-ing at my phone. All work-ing great ‘till a few nights ago when dreaded insomnia struck. For me, this happens a cou-ple of times a year for no particular reason I can think of but fellow sufferers will sympathise. I get into bed, all wound down and fall ! Oasis Childcare Centre Mornington Co. Meath Crèche Montessori Playgroup After School Telephone 9888135 + Purpose Built + Fully Insured + HSE Inspected + Fire Certified + Intercom Entry + Large Safety Tiled Playground + Large Car Park + Easy Drop Off and Collection + Small Groups + Dedicated Staff + 7:30am to 6:30pm ONE CHILD! ONE LIFE! ONE PRE-SCHOOL EXPERIENCE Limited places remain for our ECCE and PLAYSCHOOL classes for SEPTEMBER 2017 Book now to ensure that your precious child gets the highest quality & happiest pre-school experience possible! East Meath’s Leading Childcare Provider since 2005 into a deep sleep within a few minutes, only to wake about an hour later. Wide awake. Maybe I’m too warm - I wiggle my arms and one leg out of the covers. Five minutes later I’m cold. I retract my-self and change position. Two minutes later I change again. I hear the cat padding about the house and going out the cat flap - small wonder he sleeps all day when he’s out gadding about all night. Disappointingly for him, he has been neutered so I’d say it’s mostly prowling about the place. I hear a train in the distance, then notice that I’ve heard no planes. No- defo no planes for a while now. Maybe something has happened in the airport? I resist temptation to check the news on my phone and change posi-tion again. I take the corner of the duvet and roll up caterpillar style and tuck my head in, hop-ing that lack of oxygen will make me sleep. Mr. The View, disturbed by my constant moving, but not quite awake, senses his bit of the duvet is under threat and hangs onto his corner for dear life. It’s now taut in the centre creating a draught down the centre of the bed. We are both cold. I unwind from by cocoon and take my book and head silently downstairs; hoping a bit of reading will do the trick. The cat is delighted with the unexpected 4am company, and being an op-portunist, begs a bit of ham from me. And for now, I’m still sleep deprived!. §HOUSEHOLD SERVICESPlease mention The Meath Coaster when replying to dvertisementsBG PAINTING & DECORATINGInterIor & exterIor25 YEARS EXPERIENCE REFERENCES AVAILABLEFREE CONSULTATIONS & ESTIMATESWALLPAPER ALSO AVAILABLEContact Brian 086 7308449NEW YEAR SALEUp to 50% off selected rollers / wood venetiansSelect premium quality blinds fromthe comfort of your own homeNo-Obligation AppointmentCall Emmet On 087 0507026*conditions applyFREE MEASURING • FREE FITTINGGAS BOILER SERVICESANNUAL SERVICINGREPAIRS & BREAKDOWNSBOILER REPLACEMENTSSAFETY INSPECTIONSBORD GÁIS AUTHORISED SERVICE PROVIDERPhone Terry 041 9827870 - 087 2941224 Call Nicky - 041 9887128 087 7734344 A Local BusinessCosmic Cleanwww.cosmicclean.ieT&Cs & Minimum Charge appliesMAJOR DISCOUNTS for Multiple RoomsProfessional Carpet & Upholstery CleaningSPECIAL OFFER!Noel SavageElectrical Services20 Years Experience • Security LightingFuseboard Upgrades • Rewires, Extra Sockets • Lights, Fully Insured and RegisteredNo Job Too SmallBettystown, Co. MeathMobile: 086 2518898HEDGE TRIMMING & TREE SURGERYTrimmed or Removed incl. root destruction and removal. Stump GrindingPLANTING, WEEDING, FENCING, TREE & HEDGE CUTTING & SHAPING.All green waste removedDriveway, Patio, Power-washed Gutter cleaningSpecial OAP RatesFree Estimates, Fully Insured, Long Experience4 SEASONS GARDEN SERVICESContact Jim 085 1163631-042 6822585No Job Too Big or Too SmallMoloney Boiler MaintenanceBarry Moloney - Heating Engineer• Oil Boilers Services and Repairs• Aga Cookers• Central Heating Power Flush• Installation of Central Heating Filters• All Aspects of Heating & Plumbing - Commercial / ResidentialFree Quotations, All Work GuaranteedMobile: 087 3337488barry@moloneyboilermaintenance.ie Grant Electrical96 Betaghstown Wood, BettystownPhone: 041 988 6908Mobile: 087 275 4057• Electrical Installation and Maintenance• Extra Sockets & Lighting• Electrical Shower Installed & Repairs• Immersion Heater Installed & Fitted• Free Estimates February 2017 The Meath Coaster ©36What income protection is and what it is not!We are concerned when we sometimes hear people talking about income protection, as they often don’t do it justice or sometimes don’t even appear to really understand it at all. In these situations, we always suggest that they sit down with a Financial Broker who will give them the A to Z on income protection, ensuring a full understanding of this really important pro-tection product.But to help you in the meantime, here goes on a whistle-stop description of what in-come protection is and what it isn’t. Income protection is…It is protection against being unable to work due to illness or accident. So it relates to your physical capacity to carry out your work. When taking out an income protec-tion policy, you choose a deferred period. This is effectively a waiting period of an-ywhere from 4 to 52 weeks before your claim becomes payable. The longer the deferred period, the cheaper the premium.Income protection is a replacement income. The insurance company effectively steps into the shoes of your employer and pays you your regular income instead, at your income protection benefit level. You will submit your tax credit certificate to them and they will pay you as a PAYE worker.Income protection is a benefit that continues to be paid until your retirement date. So it en-sures that your income is maintained right up until the end of your working life. Of course if you recover in the meantime and return to work, the benefit ceases, as your employer than replaces the insurance company again as the payer of your regular income.Income protection is a fully tax relievable expense, so you can reduce your tax bill at your marginal rate by paying for income protection. Drumgoole Financial Services is regulated by The Central Bank of IrelandIncome protection is not...It is not a lump sum payment if you fall ill. There is no once-off windfall payment, instead it is a regular (and potentially far more valuable) monthly payment until you retire. If it’s the protection of a lump sum you want in the event of illness, talk to your Financial Broker about Specified Ill-ness Cover. Income protection is not restricted to a list of specific illnesses. Claims are paid on your inability to work due to illness or ac-cident, whatever the cause might be.Income protection is not protection against redundancy. Claims are only payable when you are unable to work due to illness or ac-cident.• Income protection is not an income for life, it is payable until you get better or until your retirement age. However with most income protection policies, you can also choose to protect your pension contri-butions as well, thereby ensuring that your post-retirement planning and income stays on track.Income protection is often known as the glue within a financial portfolio. Without income, everything is at risk – your mort-gage, your pension, your other financial commitments. Now is the time to talk to your Financial Broker about securing your future income, and your peace of mind. §February 2017 The Meath Coaster ©37Toccata House Music School, Drogheda.Lessons Based In Drogheda Grammar School, Mornington Road, Drogheda.Lessons InPiano, Keyboard, Violin, Viola, CelloGuitar - Classical, Acoustic, Bass And ElectricFlute, Clarinet, Saxophone, Recorder, Drums, Speech And Drama, Voice Coaching, Junior And Leaving Cert Music.Private Classes On A One To One BasisTel Olive On 087 2603079 For DetailsEstablished Since 1990.Stamullen, Co. Meathwww.mammydaycare.comCrèche, Montessori & After schoolPhone:01 6905333 Purpose Built Fully Insured Experienced staff Fire Certified Intercom Entry Enclosed safety tiled play area Private car park Nutritious meals cooked in houseCelebrating 10 Happy Years in business www.crumbs.eu.com CrumbsCakesForOccasions Call Lee between 9am & 6pm, 087 918 6854STAMULLENDON’T MISS OUT - BOOK EARLY!Laytown Tidy TownsWe are as usual busily cleaning Laytown village and the beach on Saturday mornings, meeting at the Coast Tavern at 10am. We will be working on the road out towards Julianstown on weekday mornings when we can. This is always quite daunting at first...there is generally a huge amount of rubbish on the roadside some of which really makes you wonder what people are thinking. Usual-ly we find used nappies, as if people drive half a mile from Laytown to change their babies nappy and leave it on the side of the road...the mind boggles!We are very pleased to have achieved a Sil-ver award in Meath Co. Councils Anti Lit-ter Initiative 2015. We are aiming higher for this year and hopefully might reach Gold!As always we would welcome any help from locals to keep the area litter free, so please feel free to join us even if it is only once for half an hour! You can make a difference!In the past month, there was a huge increase in dog waste from Laytown to Bettystown.Most of this is along the beach where not only can you see the waste but also people still seem to be taking the trouble to bag it and then just either throwing into the dunes or leaving it on the beach. Meath Co. Council have provided dog bag dis-pensers which have been filled and appar-ently used, but these are currently empty.In Inse Bay Dog Bins are provided and serv-iced by residents groups, but in this estate and along the footpaths leading to the local schools dog waste can be seen. These dog owners should start taking responsibility for cleaning up after their pets instead of ex-pecting someone else to do it for them. § Bettystown AlterationsWedding Alterations and Evening WearPremises located behind the offices in McDonough Caravan Park on Triton Road (Opposite Tesco) Phone: 086 775 3 776Tues - Sat 10am - 5pm Lunch 1:30pm - 2:30pm Close Tue 2pmClothing Alterations•Wedding/Evening Wear • Leather/Suede Repairs •CurtainsSame Day ServiceFebruary 2017 The Meath Coaster ©38Franciscan College GormanstonCongratulations to the Gormanston College Senior Rugby team. On the 12th of January they made their debut in the Vinny Murray cup against Del La Salle Churchtown in Donneybrook. What start-ed as a tight defensive game, Churchtown led 3-0 before a Bobby Okusaga linebreak led to Matthew Flanagan scoring a try in the corner. This was followed by further tries from Tom Downes and Gavin Daly to give Gormanston a 17-6 lead at half time. Jack Mitchell added another try shortly after the break to give Gormanston College a thoroughly deserved 24-13 Vic-tory. They now face Wesley College in the quarter final.Not to be out done the Junior team had a last gasp victory over Drogheda Grammar in the Duff Shield quarter final. Trailing 19-5 midway through the second half, tries from Keanu Van Beek and Andrew Brown brought them to two points before a last play penalty from Peter Coscoran sealed a 20-19 victory and a place in the semi final.BT Young ScientistCongratulations to our 5th Year Student, Deolu Shomoye who took part in the BT Young Scientist this month. Her project entitled Do teachers’ attitudes, behaviour-al practices and expressions affect student performance and application in class com-munity and home?Deolu thoroughly researched her project looking at schools all around the world and had a great 4 days at the Exhibition meeting lots of budding young scientists. We hope it inspires her in her future stud-ies.Below with Regina Doherty T.D. Gov-ernment Chief Whip.On Friday 20th December students received a warm welcome from Gormanston Wood Nursing Home. It was our 3rd Christmas visit. An enthusiastic group of 3rd to 6th year students sang Christmas carols and read poetry for the residents. A fun, fes-tive afternoon was had by all. We left with smiles all round and promises of a fourth visit. §February 2017 The Meath Coaster ©39How Drink Can Affect Families So how did dry January go? Is someone in your house not an alcoholic but does drink on a regular basis causing financial hardship arguments and distress within the family. Can you help them ? Yes, if they want the help to DRINK LESS it can be done.Someone in the family misusing alcohol (though not dependent nor an alcoholic) has a marked effect on other family mem-bers. The drinker is like someone stuck in a bog. It’s not easy to live with a person whose drinking is causing problems and conflicts. The drinker blames others as the reason they are drinking too much. The partner/ spouse often doubts them-selves. Am I not a good enough ? How can I get this to stop ? How can I protect my children? How can I hide this from my family and neighbours? Feeling hurt ashamed or fearful with an overwhelm-ing sense of failure many try cover up the mess …fighting a losing battle. Adopting a role in family dynamics by being like one or all of these following types ? The Family Hero Acting responsibly, working hard, keep-ing it all together. Often appearing suc-cessful. Inside, feeling insecure, incompe-tent, confused or angry. The Scapegoat Gets blamed when things go wrong. Used as a distraction by the person drinking from the real problem. Seeming tough but inside full of fear, hurt, rejection and loneli-ness. The Lost Child Drifting above the troubled waters seeming able to cope. But inside quietly hurt, angry, lonely with a feelings of inadequacy.The Mascot/ Clown Fun to be with, quick to make a joke. Hid-ing the hurt, feelings of loneliness, insecu-rity, fear and low self esteem. These are just some of the effects. If he won’t come for professional help with someone like myself, then you can. He has to want the change you would like for any success. Remember there are more children badly affected by their parents’ drinking than there are parents upset by their children’s drinking. Whole families can seem to go to pieces when there is one mis -using alcohol. If peace and love are the oxygen of life, the whole family is gasping for breath. THE DRINK LESS MIND programme can and will help him. It simply requires his desire to Drink Less More Often with my help. More details are available FREE by email by writing to me today at bernicemckenna@hotmail.com and a FREE consultation will be included with your informa-tion pack. (Value €50). Or come for the help you need if the drinker will not make the effort. You and your family are worth it. Bernice Mc Kenna ( MICHP ) ( Psychotherapist, CBT. Adv.Pscyh. Adv.Hyp) §DOCTORS RECOMMEND BERNICE MC KENNA Psychotherapist, Hypnotherapist, Cognitive Behavioural TherapistDrink Less Mind (3 Hours ) Virtual Gastric Band ( 3 Hours )Fears And Phobia’s ( 3 Hours )You Can And Will Succeed In Overcoming Your ProblemFor FREE Information including FREE on line Consultation right now simply Email bernicemckenna@hotmail.com today or Text your Address for information to be posted at 085 8126677. No calls please as I never interrupt clients. Next >