< Previous© Octo ber 2020 The Meath Coaster 40 The View From The Kitchen Table, By Geraldine Hughes B ack in January, I stood at the window with a hot cup of tea and thought that life could do with a good shake up. Had I known then, that this idle thought would manifest itself into the absolute cluster bomb that this year has become, I would’ve tacked ‘Nothing too dramatic though... ’onto the end of it. And yet here we all are in October, getting through it all, and although its too early to count the cost, we are (mostly) surviving, and adapting. As Liam Gallagher snarls, you’ve gotta roll with it...! and I agree, but I wouldn’t be the most mentally rolly person around. I’m happiest when I have a list and a plan, and I get discombobulated when things are changed so there have been a lot of life lessons learned this year. I still make lists and plans but in the full knowledge that they will be torpedoed by the weekend and that’s ok. I’m learning to live with it. I’m an introverted extrovert (bursts of being sociable, followed by a few weeks hiding from people) and I’m an awkward hugger, so the ‘No touching people and stay in your house!’ orders are suiting me more than I like to let on. Meanwhile, it’s now October, locking down in Autumn/winter will be a whole different ballgame, and what will we do about Halloween?! Will children still Trick or treat? We could stand at the front doors, and with social distance and a good aim, we could fling sanitised flogs and bags of Banshee Bones at them I sup- pose...! I don’t know why it bothers me because Halloween was never my favour- ite holiday, but if nightly fireworks don’t make it sound like a war zone for a week beforehand and we don’t have to open the door every 5 minutes to gangs of toddlers dressed as cute little pumpkins at the door, it just underlines how far from the norm we are. That and the fact that my 2 nd born is attending collage in the front room. I lurch from one coping mechanism to the other, firstly listening to every word that every expert had to say about Covid and how long we’d be living under its gloomy shadow, but they gave me a headache (non covid related) and back in May I naively retweeted a study from some experty dude who said it would burn out in 2 weeks. Of course he didn’t say which two so he could still be right, but I’ve given up on the nightly diet of fear and conjecture that the current affairs programs have to offer and I’ve tuned my car radio back to a mu- sic station. I call this the Ostrich approach. There is a third way though - It is quite Zen, which is an attitude I definitely as- pire to, but so far I can only manage it in small bursts - What if everything is not falling apart, but is in fact falling into place? Hmmm?! *nods head wisely while looking slightly smug* § Read and share the article online at www.meathcoaster.com/articles Please mention The Meath Coaster when replying to advertisementsBG PAINTING & DECORATING InterIor & exterIor 25 YEARS EXPERIENCE REFERENCES AVAILABLE FREE CONSULTATIONS & ESTIMATES WALLPAPER ALSO AVAILABLE Contact Brian 086 7308449 Noel Savage Electrical Services 20 Years Experience • Security Lighting Fuseboard Upgrades • Rewires, Extra Sockets • Lights, Fully Insured and Registered No Job Too Small Bettystown, Co. Meath Mobile: 086 2518898 TREE & GARDEN SERVICES Trees Lopped, Topped and Felled Complete removal including Stump and Root Grinding. Free Estimates, Fully Insured, Long Experience Local Tree Care Contact Jim 085 1234610-042 6030099 No Job Too Big or Too Small Special OAP Rates HEDGE TRIMMING & SHAPING. All Greenery chipped on site Driveway, Patio, Power-washed, Gutter cleaning Please mention The Meath Coaster when replying to advertisements ALAN KENNEDY ROOFING 0894483195 SLATING, TILING, FLAT ROOFS, RESTIRIX, LEAD WORK, CHIMNEY REPAIRS, UPVC FACSIA/GUTTERS, DRY VERGE/RIDGE SYSTEMS, VELUX WINDOWS, VENTS Bettystown Alterations Wedding Alterations and Evening Wear Premises located behind the offices in McDonough Caravan Park on Triton Road (Opposite Tesco) Phone: 086 775 3 776 Tues - Sat 11am - 4pm Closed for Lunch 1:30pm - 2:30pm Clothing Alterations •Wedding/Evening Wear • Leather/Suede Repairs •Curtains Same Day Service Mammy Day Care Crèche, Montessori & Afterschool Full and part-time care ECCE Free pre-school years Affordable childcare scheme After-school care Large outdoor play area 3 months to 12 years of age catered for Stamullen, Co. Meath E: info@mammydaycare.com T: 01 690 5333/086 8286927 Wishing all our chil - dren the best of luck going to primary school Laurence Shopping Centre Open for school books and toys Elite Gas Heating 089 4472863 elitegasheating@gmail.com www.elitegasheating.ie • gas boilers replaced • gas boilers serviced • cylinders replaced & full installation • gas hob installed© Octo ber 2020 The Meath Coaster 42 Life Assurance Pensions Income Protection Investments Financial Planning Drumgoole Financial Services is regulated by The Central Bank of Ireland Oran Drumgoole QFA Phone 087 668 6624 Office 041 981 2080 oran@drumgoolebrokerage.ie www.drumgoolebrokerage.ie Protect Your Wage W e have in the past discussed the benefits of protecting your income (Income Protection) but some factors can affect whether you will be in a good posi- tion to obtain this type of policy. If you are self-employed and depending on your profession, the cost may be too high for the cover you need. In this instance there is a similar budget- friendly option – Wage Protector. Wage Protector is an everyday essential that works when you cannot. It is designed specifically for workers in riskier jobs who are generally more expensive to in- sure, such as construction workers, elec- tricians, plumbers, mechanical engineers and the self-employed. It has all the same features of the full income protection plan, with the only difference being that it will only pay out for a maximum of 24 months per claim. The product is divided into two types of cover: Transitional cover: This cover kicks in after the deferred period and pays you a replacement income for 24 months if you are unable to do your own job. This gives you an opportunity to get back on your feet or prepare for an alternative job. After this initial period, depending on your circumstances, full Disability Cover may apply. Disability cover: This cover will apply if you are unable to return to any work due to significant illness or injury and suffer a loss of earnings as a result. You must pass a Functional Assessment Test to qualify for this cover. This is a simple, easy to un- derstand set of physical and mental ability tests. There are many other ad- ditional benefits included with this type of policy so visit www.drumgoolebroker- age.ie/income-protection for more details. Have a question or want to review your cover? #justcal- lOran on 087 668 6624. Quote source Aviva L&P §Call Nicky - 041 9887128 087 7734344 A Local Business C o s m ic C l e a n www.cosmicclean.ie T&Cs & Minimum Charge applies MAJOR DISCOUNTS for Multiple Rooms Professional Carpet & Upholstery Cleaning SPECIAL OFFER! Stamullen Our Montessori staff are qualified, dedicated to providing kind, warm, tentative and a satisfying learning experience to each child 086 2162872 lamhabeagaanmhi@gmail.com Tusla inspected (part time place) Opening Times: 9am ·12pm We offer ECCE From 2 Years & 8 months, Ample Car Parking GAA Clubhouse Clinics are organised on a week by week basis due to Covid-19 Restrictions. See Website Become a blood donor 1850 – 73 11 37 or 041 – 685 9994 John Healy, Area Organiser at our or www.giveblood.ie SPANISH CLASSES GRINDS (JC/LC) – Extra support for 1 st /2 nd /TY and 5 th year students Small groups or one to one (also online) General classes for adults: all levels More information: Spanishgrinds2020@gmail.com Mobile 0892088790 Anam Cara Therapy Here for you. www.onlinetherapist.ie Mary “Em” Ryan Counsellor/Holistic Psychotherapist Shamanic Sound Healer anamcaratherapy@pm.me 083.859.9551 Sound Baths at Donacarney CC On Zoom now and In person from Jan. 2021. T: 085 8359065 E: kathbutler38@gmail.com Special Introductory Offer €1 per item promo code Kat20 Kathleen's Ironing Service Bettystown COMPUTER PROBLEM? Contact Oliver 041.988.7526 087.797.0740 iPhones Smartphones Repair Laptop/Desktop Repair & Upgrades FOR SALE Exercise Bike €75 Manual, collapsible, exercise bike, complete with seat cover and floor mat. Barely used due to ill health. Contact Paul at paul_keenan67@hotmail.com© Octo ber 2020 The Meath Coaster 44 Active Retirement E ast Meath Active Retirement Asso- ciation is part of a National Organisa- tion. We have 120 / 130 members ranging in age from 60 to 90 plus. Our members come from Stamullen to Drogheda and all points in between. We meet on Thursday afternoon in Hall connected to St Mary's Church of Ireland, Julianstown. Our programme is different every week, from Bingo to talk on health matters, Safety in the home, Table quiz, Thi Chi and we even have the occasional Beetle Drive. The high light of the afternoon is the Cup of tea, and chat. We also organise trips to the Theatre, and © October 2020 The Meath Coaster 45 Shows, and Holidays both in Ireland and abroad. We have several spin off groups including walking group, book club, art class, line dancing and indoor bowling to mention a few. Unfortunately we have been unable to meet since March and no hope of meeting in foreseeable further. We hope our members are keeping safe and well. If any have a problem please get in touch with any committee member. Hope you can make sense of this and that you will be able to insert something in your next addition. If you need any further details please get in touch. Tel 0419894666 or 086 2046841. Alan McElwaine, Chairman.© Octo ber 2020 The Meath Coaster 46 Scholarships awarded for DIFE students T wo recently graduated students of Drogheda Institute of Further Educa- tion have been awarded full accommoda- tive scholarships to Sunderland Univer- sity where they are to progress directly to their final year of the Early Childhood Education Level 8 degree. The two local ladies, Eve Lynch and Holly Thiesen, completed both QQI Level 5 and Level 6 in Childcare in DIFE over the last 2 years before being offered a position on the undergraduate degree through a new partnership between the institute and the University which they visited earlier on in the year. They, along with DIFE’s Early Childhood Education Coordinator, Car- mel McKeown, were given guided tours of the campus and the surrounding city where the students will call home in the near future, viewing the facilities on offer and meeting the head of the university’s department. These two students only have to spend one more year to achieve a Level 8 degree in Sunderland University after spending 2 years in DIFE, which is fantastic. There- fore, in just three years, these students will have achieved a QQI Level 5, Level 6 in DIFE and a Level 8 in Early Childhood Education from Sunderland University. DIFE would like to extend our congratula- tions to both Eve and Holly and wish them all the best in the future. Good luck ladies! St. Mary's Julianstown CoI H arvest Thanksgiving had a slightly different emphasis this year, as due to social distancing the usual afternoon of decorating the church could not take place. Instead, parishioners dropped off flower arrangements and a huge number of items for Drogheda Homeless Aid. Thank you to everyone who contributed. We continue to have our services on Sun- day mornings at 10.30am, with limited numbers in attendance and many people tuning in to watch via Facebook. Keep safe everyone”. ¶© October 2020 The Meath Coaster 47 Flogas partners Irish Men’s Sheds Association Flogas announces three-year energy partnership with Irish Men’s Sheds As- sociation F logas brand ambassador, former Olympic athlete and wellness speaker David Gillick visited the Drogheda Men’s Shed in Donore, where a new three-year energy partnership between Flogas and the Irish Men’s Shed Association (IMSA) was announced. As its new energy partner, Flogas will be offering special discounts on electricity, natural gas and LPG to the IMSA’s affili- ated Sheds in all-Ireland (North and South). Flogas will also be supporting the organi- sation’s work through many exciting initia- tives over the coming years. Commenting on the news, John Rooney, managing director, Flogas Ireland, said, “We are delighted to partner with the Irish Men’s Sheds Association and supporting the valuable work they do in keeping the Sheds a warm, safe and hospitable place for all its members.” The Drogheda Men’s Shed has over 100 members, making it one of the largest in Ireland. It is in the process of renovating its new home in Donore, with the mem- bers undertaking much of the work them- selves, including bringing the allotments, polytunnels and orchard back into use. Liam Reynolds from the Drogheda Mens Shed said, “We were delighted to host the launch of the partnership and even more delighted with the savings we’ll make be- cause of it. It’s a very uncertain time for everyone and having a major brand like Flogas in your corner gives you that extra bit of confidence in moving forward.” IMSA chief executive Barry Sheridan and partnerships manager Frank Dillon were also at the launch. Barry said, ‘Men’s Sheds are all about empowering com- munities, and the support of such a major player in the energy sector means that’s being recognised at the highest level.” Founded in 2011, the Irish Men’s Sheds Association (IMSA) has overseen the rap- id growth to over 450 sheds on the island of Ireland. Men’s sheds are community spaces that allow men to share skills, en- gage with their communities and improve their wellbeing. See www.menssheds.ie. Enjoying a welcome cuppa at the photocall to announce the energy partnership between Flogas and the Irish Men’s Shed Association were l/r John Rooney, managing director, Flogas Ireland, David Gillick, Flogas brand ambassador with Martin Rice (chair) Liam Reynolds and Pat Connor of the Drogheda Men’s Shed. On your marks…..at the Drogheda Men’s Shed in Donore were Des McGinty, John Nevin, Flogas brand ambassador David Gillick, John Rooney, managing director, Flogas Ireland, Anthony Neelis and Colm McGrehan of the Drogheda Men’s Shed© Octo ber 2020 The Meath Coaster 48 Playing Irish Sports Overseas Europeana Sport - Ireland’s Stories E uropeana Sport - Ireland’s Stories asks people to dig out their sporting memorabilia and contribute to Europeana Sport, a European project on the culture and history of sport. Europeana Sport - Ireland’s Stories will show the richness and diversity of sport- ing history in Ireland and amongst the Irish overseas through the collection of stories and memorabilia from fans, play- ers, enthusiasts, past sporting heroes and heroines. These memories will be juxta- posed with those of other countries across Europe showing our similarities and dif- ferences but through the decades our mu- tual love of sport in all its forms. People can share their stories and mem- orabilia online or work with a volunteer via the phone or online to tell their stories and send in their photos of past medals, jerseys, triumphs, programmes, hurley sticks, rugby boots, trophies, diaries etc. In the words of one of our Rugby inter- nationals: Duncan Casey, former Munster and Grenoble player who commented: “I am really looking forward to the Rugby related stories and seeing the objects peo- ple have stashed away and love the idea that they will be linked with similar stories across Europe. Sport is so much part of Irish cultural heritage it will be wonderful for us to share our memories.” Under the common banner of Europeana Sport - Ireland’s Stories, six coordinating partners from across Ireland - Digital Re- pository of Ireland, EPIC the Irish Emi- gration Museum, European Expo2020, Hunt Museum, University of Limerick Conference & Sports Campus and Fethard Horse Country Experience (FHCE) - are each undertaking campaigns focusing on specific sports e.g. camogie, Gaelic foot- ball, horse-racing, fishing, martial arts, tag rugby, rowing. EPIC have a particular focus on anyone who plays or has played Gaelic Games abroad, or who has competed represent- ing their county or country. They are wel- coming stories, memorabilia, photos and more online through their website. The campaigns will engage with local communities and enhance local archives, at the same time as helping to improve the mental health of all involved. Normally these collections take place at physical events at which materials are digitised and stories recorded but there is huge community benefit in relieving the current social isolation through virtual contact and in occupying a little bit of spare time in finding the memorabilia. Partners from galleries, libraries, archives and museums will be asked to take part to increase the speed, breadth and numbers of contributions, including the National University of Ireland, Galway and the Lit- tle Museum of Dublin. Ireland is the first country to kick off the Europeana Sport Collections. It will boost the Irish presence in Europeana and give us a head start for Europeana’s scheduled Autumn campaign. People across Ireland can go to the Euro- peana Sport Contribution Form: https:// contribute.europeana.eu/sport/ to upload their stories online. Organisations inter- ested in participating should contact the coordinators via https://tinyurl.com/Ire- landSportingStories.© October 2020 The Meath Coaster 49 Castlehill Riding Club T he members of Castlehill RC have been recently strutting their stuff at the White’s Agri NER Autumn Dressage League at Cheval Showgrounds. The 2 nd leg of the league was hosted by Kilronan RC, and the sun shone on everyone’s ef- forts. In the walk/trot class, Elaine Mulligan and Cavram Pheobe placed 4 th , just ahead of Anita McNamara Doyle and Sand Dunes Duchess in 5 th place. Olivia Nolan and Bridgemount Eskert Lily placed 5 th in the Sportsmans A class, and all three rode super tests in the AP class too, but were unfortunately out of the placings. In the Open class, club chair Lindsey ilona Brady took home the red rosette with her horse Trigger Joe. Well done ladies! The 3 rd leg of the league was hosted by Drynam RC, where Elaine Mulligan and Cavram Pheobe placed 5 th in the walk/ trot class. Anne Dickenson and her lovely horse Rocklawns Warrior were 3 rd in the Sportsmans A class, and placed a fantastic 2 nd in a very competitive AP class. Lindsey ilona Brady and Trigger Joe also placed 2 nd in the Open class. All is still to play for in the final leg, which has been postponed to Sunday 18 th of October due to the recent lockdown of County Dublin. The Castlehill RC committee were deeply saddened to learn of the sudden passing of Elaine Mulligan’s horse, Cavram Pheobe recently. Elaine and Pheobe were a fantas- tic partnership, and our thoughts go out to her at this difficult time. For more information, please “like” our page on FB or contact Olivia on (086) 383 1802. . § Anne Dickenson and Rocklawns Warrior`` Elaine Mulligan and Cavram Pheobe Lindsey ilona Brady and Trigger JoeNext >