< Previous© November 2019 The Meath Coaster 50 Loreto Balbriggan O ctober has been a very busy month in Loreto Balbriggan. It began with the issue of the Junior Cert/Cycle results. The school’s results were above the national average across the board and we are proud of each and every student who achieved her personal best. Pictured below are a number of students who received particularly high grades in all subjects. The Junior Cycle Profile of Achievement will be presented to all 4 th year students in Early January. This newly designed Profile of Achieve- ment also celebrates other areas of learn- ing, where students engage in learning be- yond the set academic curriculum. In Loreto Balbriggan students are given a wide range of opportunities to engage in such learning. Some of this evidenced here. A number of fifth years went to Bar- celona and, despite the challenges posed by current political upheaval, they had a fantastic time. We also held our 24 th annual art exhibi- tion. There was a very big turnout and the student work on display was exceptional. © November 2019 The Meath Coaster 51 At the Schools All Stars semi-final in the TLT in Drogheda no less than three out of the four acts got through to the final on 13 th November. One of these acts, the sign Language Choir ‘One Voice’ is pictured opposite. We are proud to say that we have seven submissions through to the BT young sci- entists this year. From science to human rights, we also have to congratulate a number of our 5 th years who represented Trócaire and Ire- land at the 13 th International Conference on Game Based Learning in Odense, Denmark. The girls were placed 2 nd overall with the board game they designed called The Hunt for Human Rights. The game was praised for its innovation, creativity and empathy. Finally, the school celebrated 410 years of Loreto Education with School Spirit Day on Oct 25 th . Events and activities were held throughout the day including pop up con- certs, speakers and assemblies with goodie bags given to all first years to acknowledge the achievement of making it through the very busy and very taxing first term. §© November 2019 The Meath Coaster 52 Bettystown Businessman Announced as new President of European Electronics Recycling Association Leading Europe's Recycling M anaging Director of Ireland’s lead- ing metals and electronics recycling company, KMK Metals Recycling Ltd, Mr. Kurt Kyck, has been announced at the new president of the European Electronics Recycling Association (EERA). Mr Kyck lives in Bettystown, Co. Meath while his company is based in Tullamore, Co. Of- faly and Kilbeggan, Co. Westmeath, em- ploying over 100 local people. Following a vote taken by EERA board members at an Amsterdam meeting on Wednesday, October 10 th , Mr. Kyck was ratified as president. Spain’s Mr. Esteban Marijuan Requesta, General Manager of In- dumetal Recycling, will be vice president. EERA is a professional association for reuse, recycling and reprocessing com- panies dealing with Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment (WEEE) in Europe. Mr. Kyck has been an active board mem- ber of EERA for six years. His company, KMK Metals Recycling Ltd. has been in operation for 40 years. President of EERA, Mr. Kurt Kyck, said: “It is my great pleasure to be elected to this prestigious position and I look for- ward to progressing EERA’s aim to cre- ate a circular economy where electrical and electronic waste is managed as a resource and is returned to the economy as equipment for reuse or as a raw mate- rial." KMK Metals Recycling has the ca- pacity and capability to recycle Ireland’s electrical appliances and batteries to the highest standards of compliance, envi- ronmental management quality and health and safety. The company recycles 75% of Ireland’s electrical waste, transforming waste appliances into base metals, plastic and components, ready to be recycled into raw materials. §§ Drogheda Blood Donation Clinic The Irish Blood Transfusion Service Mo- bile Unit will be located in St. Oliver’s National School, Ballymakenny Road, Drogheda Wednesday 6 th - Thursday 7 th November, From 5:00pm to 8:30pm St. Mary’s Primary School, Crossroute, Bryanstown, Drogheda Monday 11 th - Thursday 14 th November, From 5:00pm to 8:30pm If you are fit and healthy, aged 18 to 65 (between 65 and 70 years if you have do- nated in the last 10 years), over 50kg (7 st .12 lbs) and have not donated in the last 90 days, please make a special effort to come along. For further details, please contact our lo-call Donor Information Line 1850 – 73 11 37 or www.giveblood.ie . §© November 2019 The Meath Coaster 53 Diabetes N ovember 14 th is World Dia- betes Day and an opportune time to look at this health condi- tion, particularly Type 2 diabetes, which is on the rise in Ireland – the number of diagnosed cases of type 2 diabetes rose by 236% between 1998 and 2015. It is estimated that there are currently 225,840 people living with diabetes in Ireland and this is estimated to rise to 278,850 people by 2030. Abnormal blood sugar levels, pre-diabe- tes and diabetes are more common in men than in women with men 2-3 times more likely to have abnormal blood sugar lev- els and undiagnosed diabetes. Diabetes adversely affects health in a number of ways and may lead to the suf- ferer being at a higher risk of developing infections, cardiovascular disease, blind- ness, kidney failure and lower limb ampu- tation. This demonstrates the importance of modifiable factors in preventing and managing this condition: • Manage your weight – BMI and body- weight are risk factors for developing type 2 diabetes. The risk of having un- diagnosed diabetes increases by up to 89% for every 5 KG / m2 increase in BMI. • Limit your intake of sugar – the best way to do this is to read food labels and become aware of the amount of sugar in the food you regularly con- sume. This can be quite surprising with many processed foods containing high levels of hidden sugars. As a rule of thumb, try to consume more foods with 5g or less of sugar (low- sugar foods) per 100g and fewer foods with 15g or more per 100g (high-sugar foods). • Include protein as part of every meal and snack – pro- tein helps your body release energy more slowly and maintain an even blood sugar level throughout the day, avoiding the extreme peaks and troughs which over time may contrib- ute to developing (pre-)diabetes. • Stimulants (e.g. tea / coffee, alcohol, smoking), a sedentary lifestyle and a diet low in fibre and high in processed food may also contribute to the devel- opment of blood sugar imbalances, pre-diabetes and diabetes so should be reduced or avoided where possible. • Take regular exercise – exercise can have a significant blood sugar balanc- ing effect. • Identify areas of stress and allow time in your busy schedule for relaxation as chronic stress may increase your risk of developing blood-sugar imbalances. • Do not skip meals (particularly break- fast) and aim to have regular meal- times. • Aim to include 3 portions of oily fish per week as Omega 3 fat has been shown to help reduce the risk of devel- oping poorly controlled blood-sugar levels. Anna Ryan, Dip. NT, DC, MNTOI, BAI, BA www.nicanutrition.ie nicanutrition@gmail.com© November 2019 The Meath Coaster 54 Beach Walk Realt Na Mara And Bunscoil Buachail- li Donacarney Schools Annual Beach Walk. . O n Sunday 13 th October we woke to the sound of the pouring rain but that didn’t dampen our spirit or determination that the traditional school beach walk wouldn’t go ahead. Just as predicted the sun began to peep though the clouds and the weather was on our side for the afternoon. True to spirit and in support of our schools our wonderful pupils, parents, staff and friends gathered in their hundreds on at the starting point on Bettystown beach in pursuit of exercise , fresh air and a catch up in aid of our PA annual 5k beach walk fundraiser. They were all met at the half way point in Laytown by some welcoming faces who provided some refreshments and a snack for the kids and an opportunity for the adults to catch up with friends and have a chat before starting the pursuit back. Our litter pickers from 3 rd , 4 th and 5 th class did their bit for the environment and made sure that no rubbish was left behind and even did their own beach clean up there and back. Well done to them! Back at the finish line in Bettystown the kids swarmed the PA who gladly signed well deserved and well-earned homework passes – a few parents even chanced their arm for one or two!! The kids in particular showed such sup- port for their school turning up and deter- mined to do the walk in what started out as such a miserable day when it would have been so easy to stay at home! So a huge thank you to them and to the parents for supporting. Thank you also to the school staff and principals for their ongoing sup- port. We have seen the great initiatives, pro- jects, sports and music equipment that the money raised in previous years has con- tributed to and this year will be no excep- tion! Thank you to all it was a super day. Donacarney PA. © November 2019 The Meath Coaster 55 Honour your Irish ancestors abroad. Bring their name home. EPIC Ireland EPIC The Irish Emigration Museum invites people of Irish heritage all over the world to bring their family name back to Irish shores. E PIC The Irish Emigration Museum announced the launch of a major new exhibition inviting people from all over the world to pay tribute to their Irish an- cestors who emigrated, by adding their names to the museum. People in East Meath are invited to be among the first to include the names of their ancestors and the details of their journey to be displayed in an interactive exhibition in EPIC. This will be on dis- play to all visitors of the museum, show- ing the spread of Irish emigrant names throughout the world. Every emigrant who left Irish shores took one very important thing with them, something that gave them their strength, their identity, their power to change the world and something that they would pass on to future generations – their name. By adding the names of people who moved from Ireland, EPIC is giving the millions of people of Irish descent an op- portunity to reconnect their ancestor’s name with their homeland. “Every person who left Ireland is part of our emigration history.” says Patrick Greene, CEO and Museum Director of EPIC The Irish Emigration Museum. “The life they started in a new country is part of the impact of the Irish abroad and this exhibition aims to pay tribute to them and spotlight a powerful part of their story - their name. These journeys were not taken lightly and this exhibition marks the decisions they made to leave and cel- ebrates the journeys they made and the lives they went on to build.” Tens of thousands of people have visited EPIC over the past three years, making it one of the most popular visitor attractions in Dublin’s Docklands. It is one of the top 5 rated attractions on TripAdvisor for visitors to Dublin and has been called “one of Ireland’s National Treasures” in Irish Diaspora media. Visitors of Irish descent regularly com- ment that it deepens their understanding of the story of Irish emigration and makes them feel even prouder of their heritage and culture. The Power of a Name exhibition The exhibition opened on 1 st October 2019 and is situated in the Connections gallery in EPIC. Visitors are invited to become part of the exhibition by adding their ancestors’ names onsite. Alternatively, people can add their name via the EPIC website by visiting www.ep- icchq.com/names. As well as their names, the exhibition will include where they emigrated from and the year they left. §© November 2019 The Meath Coaster 56 October Round-up C illes AC were privileged to host the opening event in the Meath Cross Country Championships on Sunday the 6 th of October. The meet took place in the wonderfully historical Battle of the Boyne site in the Oldbridge Estate. Despite some horrid conditions and thanks to some sub- urb volunteers the event was hugely suc- cessful. The club was well represented across all age groups and there were many fine per- formances from our young athletes. Holly Brennan secured first place overall and won U18 gold, with Aaron Smith doing the same on the Men’s side. Both Lauren Murphy and Gavin Doyle took gold for the U20 race with Kenneth Doyle earn- ing a silver medal. Alex Harrington (U16 silver), Emma O’ Sullivan (U14 bronze) also won medals for their efforts in their respective categories. Both the U14&U16 Boys Team worked hard and came home with third prize. Elsewhere some of our senior club members were ramping up their marathon preparations by compet- ing in 20-mile races. Ian Casey, Lynsey Ryder and Susan Kielty ran strongly in the East of Ireland Lusk 20-mile race. Dawn Daly also travelled to Lusk to compete in the half marathon event and was the third lady over the line. Derek But- ler, Olivia Bennett, Caroline Con- roy, Fiona Kerbey, Claire Gaffney, Ruth Sherry, Linda Gaffney, Bridget O’Brien, Grainne Ward and Claire Dagger all ran in the Irish ¾ Marathon event proving that their marathon training was right on track! Sharon Agnew Rothwell completed her Cilles Athletic Club www.cillesac.ie www.facebook.com/CillesAC© November 2019 The Meath Coaster 57 second major this year in Chicago on the 13 th of October and loved every minute of it! Whilst she was stateside, she expanded her bling collection by competing in the Yonkers 5K and became a local celebrity in the process!! Well done to Bronagh, Breda, Lynn, Tony and Chelsea on a fabulous Great Pink Run 10k. Darren Corcoran ran his cross-coun- try debut in the Spar Cross Country Ex- perience. Darren is now a convert. Watch this space! A big shout out to all the Cilles Gang brave enough to take on the Dublin City Marathon on Sunday the 27 th of October. You have this guys, you are fit, fierce and fabulous – go take your lap of honour! § Visual Arts Outreach A s part of the Leanbh childrens' fes- tival in conjunction with the Droi- chead Arts Centre the 4 th class pupils in Bunscoil Buachaillí Réalt na Mara par- ticipated in visual art workshops in our school. Local artists Nuala Early and Bre- da Marron arrived with a treasure trove of coloured paper, recycled plastic, lengths of wool, scraps of textured material and colourful feathers. The focus of the Visual Arts Outreach programme is on fun and creativity. The theme was Hallowe'en and the boys, un- der the guidance of Nuala and Breda, had great fun exploring and experimenting with the different materials. §© November 2019 The Meath Coaster 58 Lady Captain Phil Rooney presenting a cheque for €750 to Maura Lillis & Laura McHugh from Laytown Senior Citizens Association. The money was donated by the players who played in this year's Lady Captain's Prize at Laytown & Bettystown Golf Club. Laytown & Bettystown Golf Club Lady Captain, Phil Rooney with Mark & Robert Doran present Jenny Matthews, one of the members of the winning team in the Ladies 3 Person Scramble, kindly sponsored by Jack Doran Motors. Missing members of the team are Sally Rooney and Dawn Marie Conty. Joanne McElhinney, winner of Class 1 in the Ladies 18 Holes Stableford Competition sponsored by Victor Dwyer Shoes at Laytown & bettystown Golf Club, is presented with her prize by Lady Captain, Phil Rooney and Margo Dwyer. Marie McLoughlin, winner of Class 2 in the Ladies 18 Holes Stableford Competition sponsored by Victor Dwyer Shoes at Laytown & Bettystown Golf Club, is presented with her prize by Lady Captain, Phil Rooney and Margo Dwyer. In a recent 18 Hole Ladies Competition played at Laytown & Bettystown Golf Club and kindly sponsored by Herlihy's Pharmacy, Adri Berney is presented with the Class 2 winner's prize by sponsor, Fiona Lappin and Lady Captain, Phil Rooney More photos in the digital issue Runners up prizes to Helena Coen and Hilda Maher in the 3 Person Scramble Laytown & Bettystown Golf Club H ere are some photos from a recent presentation evening at Laytown & Bettystown Golf Club© November 2019 The Meath Coaster 59 Margaret & Patrick Smith from Riverside Home & Crafts, Mornington were delighted to present Louise McAuley with her prize in the 2 person team competition that they sponsored at Laytown & Bettystown Golf Club. Louise's partner on the day was Noleen Morris. Also in the picture is Lady Captain, Phil Rooney. Carmel McCrink, winner of the 18 Hole Ladies competition sponsored by Prof. Maurice Stokes and his wife Pat, is presented with her prize by Lady Captain Phil Rooney and Pat Stokes. Kathleen Moore, winner of Class 3 in the Ladies 18 Holes Stableford Competition sponsored by Victor Dwyer Shoes at Laytown & Bettystown Golf Club, is presented with her prize by Lady Captain, Phil Rooney and Margo Dwyer. Robert & Mark Doran along with Lady Captain Phil Rooney present the runners up prizes to Helena Coen and Hilda Maher in the 3 Person Scramble at Laytown & Bettystown Golf Club sponsored by Jack Doran Motors, Drogheda. Coláiste na hÍnse Parents' Association colaistenahinsepa@gmail.com €810 was raised at our annual table quiz in Reddans Friday 18 th October. T hank you to all for attending and sup- porting our recent Annual Table Quiz in Reddans of Bettystown on Friday, Oc- tober 18 th where we raised €810. Thanks to all who helped out and a special word of thanks to Pat and Grainne Cronin who prepare the quiz and have been doing for the last number of years. To Maistir Kirwan who did a brilliant job of MC on the night and the teachers of CNI who en- tered in the quiz. To the following local businesses who supported us every year. We really appreciate your support. We wish to thank Reddans Bettystown to Ju- lia and Ciaran who have been supporting us with the room for the event for the last number of years Bestwear Drogheda, Stack's Phar- macy Bettystown, Burke's Pharmacy Bettystown, Hair Studio Bettystown, Harvey Normans. Boyne Valley Foods. I am positive mindset. Reiki Bettystown. O'Reilly's Laytown. Pat's Laytown. Bliss- ful therapies. Sunflower Cafe at Riverside.Next >