< Previous© June 2019 The Meath Coaster 10 Loretta Delaney, Ciara O'Brien and Simone Higgins at the launch of Drogheda Credit Unions new Loan Branch in the Laurence Shopping Centre Photo - Jenny Matthews A Credit Union Near You! D o you know that East Meath Credit Union branch is located in the town centre, in Bettystown? Do you know they are actively looking to lend? Ciara O Brien, Branch manager for the East Meath Branch was one of a panel of 3 financial experts at the opening of Drogheda Credit Union’s new Loan Branch, located in the Laurence Shopping Centre, Drogheda at the end of last month. Eoin Mc Gee from Prosperous Finance and RTE’s “How to be good with Mon- ey” brought the large crowd at the launch through the Do’s and Don’ts, tip bits and insights into how to make your money work for you. By engaging with the pan- el discussion it was clear that Ciara and Drogheda Credit Union is here for their members. Hearing members David & Catherine Gormon’s uplifting experience with Drogheda Credit Union, their local CU it’s easy to see why so many people in the community trust and respect all the branches within the group, which include; Drogheda, Bettystown, Dunleer and Trim. Speaking at the event Ciara O Brien com- mented, “We have a large range of lending products at competitive rates to suit all the various loans members may be consider- ing. At the minute there is an increase in drawing down our PCP Clearance Loan. When members borrow through Hire Pur- chase for a car they are not always aware of the balloon payment typically after 3 years. By offering this loan members can buy the car outright from the dealership and not be tied into a continuous cycle of car purchases, making it more sustainable for the member.” East Meath Branch within the Drogheda Credit Union group is looking to lend and wants you to meet your financial goals so if you’re a member or thinking of joining pop into the branch in Bettystown and speak to a loan officer today! Special Guest and financial guru, Eoin Mc- Gee with Geraldine Gilsenan, Chairperson of Drogheda Credit Union, Patricia White, Mar- keting & Business Development Manager and Mark Smith, Senior Loans Officer. Photo - Jenny Matthews© June 2019 The Meath Coaster 12 Print & Design Flyers Booklets Photo Albums Invitation Cards Business Cards Posters Labels Providing Professional Print Services to The Meath Coaster Since 2009 OPEN 9am - 5pm weekdays June2019 SIGNAGE Specials 8ft x 4ft Sign Panels € 99 +vat Quantity of 4+ € 60 +vat each 19 Fair Street , Drogheda 041 980 3135 / 981 0505 info@beulahprint.ie The Stamullen Roundup By Grace Tierney T here are a bucket-load of Féile fund- raising events taking place in St. Pat- rick’s GAA club during June, something for everyone. • 3 rd -9 th of June – bring a book, buy a book – all week long • 8 th of June – car wash from 10a.m. to 1p.m., a footballathon, and a table quiz at 4p.m. (tables cost €20, spot prizes galore) • 9 th of June – cake sale after ten o’clock morning mass in the Parish Hall The fundraising events finish with the return of the pre-loved dress sale on the 14 th in the clubhouse from 7 to 9p.m. St. Mary’s Baton Twirlers turn 40 this year and are holding a celebration night on the 29 th of June in the Bracken Court Hotel, Balbriggan. All current and past members are welcome to attend. There will be a display of the group’s his- tory in photographic form. For more de- tails, to submit photos, or to buy tickets (€35 for adults and €15 for children) con- tact club members or email saintmarysba- tontwirlers@gmail.com. Sheep worrying - a num- ber of sheep have been killed in the Mullateeling area of Stamullen. Please ensure you know where your dog is and that it’s chipped and licensed. The county dog warden is on patrol in the area. The Grange estate now has its own Facebook page for residents. You’ll find it at www.facebook.com/The- Grange-Stamullen-Residents-Associa- tion-379933375931242/. The Talbot Group, who run the various intellectual disability and acquired brain injury units at St. Clare’s in Stamullen, and elsewhere around the village, are re- cruiting support workers, nurses, social care workers, and speech and language therapists. You can access more informa- tion at their website www.talbotgroup.ie/ current-vacancies/. Congratulations to Lesley Finglas and Lisa Fennell who won the Guide Dogs for the Blind hampers which were raffled in Whyte’s and Centra recently. The draw raised €300 for this wor- thy cause. Cemetery Sunday – 7 th of July 11.30 a.m. in Moore- church and 21 st of June 7.30 p.m. in Stamullen cemetery. Got Stamullen news? Send it to Grace (087-9074145) or grace@meathcoaster. comPrint & Design Flyers Booklets Photo Albums Invitation Cards Business Cards Posters Labels Providing Professional Print Services to The Meath Coaster Since 2009 OPEN 9am - 5pm weekdays June2019 SIGNAGE Specials 8ft x 4ft Sign Panels € 99 +vat Quantity of 4+ € 60 +vat each 19 Fair Street , Drogheda 041 980 3135 / 981 0505 info@beulahprint.ie© June 2019 The Meath Coaster 14 Reált Na Mara GNS F irst Holy Communion Mass was a de- lightful celebration with Fr Denis in May. Senior Infants on Tour The Senior Infants from Donacarney Girls School recently spent a fun-filled morn- ing in the junior section of Explorium – Dublin’s new sports and science museum. While there they visited the outdoor play- ground where the slide was considered the best fun of all – even the teachers took a turn! The children also enjoyed the indoor interactive fun zone and the many science and sports activities within. They became involved in imaginative play in the su- permarket where shelves were stocked and cashiers were very busy! A favourite had to be the amazing interactive aquari- um. It brought great joy to each child to see their very own drawing come to life on the aquarium wall. The children had fun swimming in a neon ball pit as they stimulated their senses. They also enjoyed climbing, jumping, problem-solving, building, designing and craft activities. A great day was had by all! Jersey Presentation Níall Kane, on behalf of Jude Mc Nabb (Colmcilles’ Schools Co-ordinator), pre- sents a new set of jerseys to Réalt Na Mara Girls’ School, winners of the Jimmy Curran Cup 2018 . § Ms. Haigney's Second Class © June 2019 The Meath Coaster 15 Ms. Lynch's Second Class Ms. McGuinness's Second Class© June 2019 The Meath Coaster 16 Gormanston College Franciscan College Gormanston Un- veils its new Autism Unit A utistic students at Franciscan College Gormanston are enjoying a wonder- ful new space dedicated to their needs at the college. ‘Teach Proinsias’ is a state of the art autism teaching block, funded by the Department of Education and Skills, containing two specialist classrooms, sen- sory room, teacher workroom, kitchen and bathrooms. infrastructure and providing funding to equip Teach Proinsias with first class fa- cilities’ said College Principal Mr Dermot Lavin, ‘’Teach Proinsias gives students every opportunity of developing and se- curing their own cognitive development and progress while accessing mainstream education where appropriate’. Teach Proinsias is fortunate to be set in the leafy surrounds of the college which provides as calming a natural space as possible for the students to enjoy. Well-being in the Spotlight The students of Franciscan College Gormanston are nothing if not enthu- siastic as they set their sights on going for the ‘Cycle Against Suicide Ambas- sador Schools Award’ for the 6 th consecu- tive year. Their goal formed part of the school’s highly successful Well-being week held recently. A committee was set up at the school to prepare for the week and various events and activities were held. Students were introduced to mindfulness, yoga, Basket- ball with American ex-professional player ‘Coach G’, ISPCC talk, SAOR Work Shop and Motivational Speaker Keane Harley -Minding Your Mental Health. A ‘Wall of Resilience’ ran throughout the week in the school library and stu- ‘We are grateful to the Department of Education and Skills for investing in the © June 2019 The Meath Coaster 17 Example of a Resilience Wall where students write messages of encouragement to each other dents were encouraged to leave messag- es. Themed assemblies were given to all years by Mr Dermot Lavin College Princi- pal and Vincent Dunne Deputy Principal. In addition staff were given a Mindfulness and Well-being talk addressing their own needs. The college works to create a healthy, in- clusive environment that supports men- tal well-being. The focus of Well-being Week was to work towards eradicating the stigmas surrounding mental health issues, supporting students in how to deal with their feelings and emotions and how to develop confidence and self-esteem. The week finished with a fund-raiser Teachers v. Students soccer match held in the Sports Complex and watched by the stu- dents. The activities throughout the week raised a total of €1,005 for Cycle Against Suicide and this cheque will be presented shortly by Transition Year students. § Poster Competition Winner T his year’s An Taisce Green-Schools Poster Competition was ‘Conserve Our Water’, run in partnership with Irish Water. Over 2,600 applications came in. Niall Murray (11) a pupil of Gaelscoil an Bhradáin Feasa, Mornington, won the regional prize for the Senior Primary cat- egory for the Eastern/Midlands region for his poster, and was invited to an Awards Ceremony in the Radisson Blu Hotel in Dublin on 1 st May 2019, Prizes were presented by the Director of An Taisce, Michael John O’ Mahony and the Head of Customer Operations at Irish Water, Yvonne Cahill who sponsored the competition. Niall’s prize for his winning poster entry was a tablet computer togeth- er with a framed copy of his poster. Niall is pictured receiving his prize at the event. Niall had a great day at the event in Dublin and was inspired to further raise aware- ness of the need to conserve water after listening to Yvonne Cahill speak about the amount of water saved by a number of the schools, who had participated in the pro- gramme. §© June 2019 The Meath Coaster 18 Woollinn, Ireland’s Festival Of Yarn A global destination for fans of knitting, cro- chet and fibre arts. Woollinn - Ireland’s Festival of Yarn is presented by This is Knit: Dublin’s multi-award win- ning destination Yarn Shop. Woollinn will take place in the City North Hotel, Co. Meath, on the 14 th - 15 th June 2019. Uncover Ireland’s vibrant and welcoming fibre arts scene, and immerse yourself in two days of yarn-based fun - with special- ist wares on offer, both from local artisans and from independent makers who are travelling to Woollinn from all around the world. Relax, gather and connect with other crafters in our “Ravelry Lounge” hosted by Jessica Marshall-Forbes, co-founder of the online phe-nomenon Ravelry.com (a site dedicated to fibre crafts, boasting almost 8 million members world-wide). With a marketplace and social areas that span over 1000 square meters of floor space, not-to-be missed demonstrations, competitions and give-aways, special- ist lectures and workshops by world- renowned designers: what more could a crafter dream of? Kate Heppell, Editor, Knit Now: “...From the moment I walked in the door, every interaction I had was warm and friendly. Whether that was the amazing vol- unteers and staff, the vendors or my fellow visi- tors, it felt like everyone was going out of their way to be kind.” Woollinn has created a warm, welcoming desti- nation yarn festival, with a global customer base, through a world-class line up of vendors offering top-quality products. Carefully selected lectures and work- shops are on offer from leading names in the fibre-craft industry. General Festival Tickets and Workshop Passes are available to purchase here. More information on our guests and mar- ketplace can be found on woollinn.com. Visit Woollinn this June: Because yarn is an experience. § Opens 14 th June 2019 Knitting and Crochet enthusiasts from all over the world will descend on Meath's East Coast this June. Almost 400,000 digital knitting and crochet patterns will be available in the festival’s “Ravel-ry Lounge”. 68 Marketplace Vendors and 30 workshops will take place, on a festival site spanning over 1,000 square metres. Photo from the launch of the upcoming Drogheda Motor Show, Saturday June 15 th .© June 2019 The Meath Coaster 19 CITY NORTH HOTEL GORMANSTOWN CO. MEATH BOOK NOW AT: WWW.WOOLLINN.COM 14TH & 15TH JUNE TICKETS FROM €12.50 041 98 444 98 041 98 111 98 086 838 4444 www.eastcoastcabs.com EAST COAST CABS SERVICING MEATH COAST & DROGHEDA REGIONS CABS - 4, 6 & 8 SEATERS NEW RANGE OF MINI-VANS COACHES - 16, 24, 36 & 54 SEATERS AVAILABLENext >