< PreviousJanuary 2018 The Meath Coaster50Stamullen Football Club Club NewsAll of our boys teams have finished their extra long season with the move to Summer football. We had lots of suc-cess in each team and are delighted with how all our teams fared in the league. The boys teams are having a well deserved break for a few weeks before firing up for the new season. The last of the girls teams are finishing up their last training sessions before they have their Christmas break. They will be back playing matches early in the new year. Academy had its last session in Decem-ber and is now on a break until January. Our dedicated Academy girls coachesOur pre footballers with their Coaches.January 2018 The Meath Coaster51Some of the players at the Awards Night.Nic, Cian and Kieron with Cian’s most improved player award.All little footballers got some Christmas goodies at the last training session.Our pre-footballers finished up until the new year too when they will be gearing up to play in their new leagues, exciting times ahead.End of Season Awards NightWe held our end of season awards night upstairs in Whytes on Monday the 4th Dec for all our boys teams. It was a great night, amazing turnout. All the teams got Christ-mas treats and there were awards for Most Improved Player and Player of the Year. Roundup of on our under 12 girls team.Well done to the girls u12s great start to the season, 2nd in the league so far, we’ve had a couple of great results and super matches with lots of entertainment. These are a great bunch of girls, who are training very hard. Keep up the good work.Girls wanted for the under 12’s and under 14’s teams – we are looking for girls born in 2004, 2005 and 2006 for our amazing under 12 and under 14’s teams, please email stamullenfc@gmail.com for more details. Club Contact Details: -Email - stamullenfc@gmail.com Facebook - www.facebook.com/stamullenfcClub Secretary - Marcus Kelly – 0851477825Website – www.stamullenfc.com §Bruno, Niall and Darren with Brunos player of the year award.January 2018 The Meath Coaster52EST. 1950Cockhill Road, Stamullen, Co. MeathT: 086 1731739 E: pro.stpatricksmeath@gmail.comAdult HurlersAnyone in the area looking to play adult hurling with the pats for 2018?We are currently fielding a hurling team for next year’s league and championship and are calling on any one who may be interested in playing.If you fancy giving it a go please call Daithi on 0868886761U15 Boys finalHard luck to our U15 boys who were just beaten in the Division 2 league final in Dunganny recently. Unfortunately it wasn’t to be on the day but the lads can be proud of the year they had and now have division 1 football to look forward to next year. St Pats girls make the Meath Under 14 PanelSt Pats LGFA would like to congratulate all our girls who took part in the Meath Under 14 trials and to those who partici-pated in Meath Under 14 development sessions.Great news for St Pats LGFA as we just learned that both Tori Foster and Becky Harney have made the Meath Under 14 panel for 2018. Naomh Padraig GAAJanuary 2018 The Meath Coaster53Brilliant Girls well done!Get Ireland Walking44 people braved the cold night to start our St Pats Strolling group in conjunction with Get Ireland walking.Thanks to all the men women and chil-dren for joining us. Watch this space for our official Launch on Jan 13th.Hurling awardsWell done to our U13 and U14 hurlers of the year for 2017. U13 players player of the year: Eoin Brennan U13 managers player of the year : Aaron Grant U14 players player of the year: Cormac O Sullivan U14 managers player of the year: Cillian QuigleyPats Og Christmas partyA fantastic day was had by all at the Pats Og Christmas party recently. There was real excitement with a visit from the big man, Santa Claus himself came in to say hello before his very busy schedule in the North Pole. A big thank you to everyone who has been involved and continue to be involved. These kids are the future and no doubt it is in safe hands. §January 2018 The Meath Coaster54Naomh Colmcille C.L.G.Happy New YearAs we start another exciting year we wish all our players, members and supporters the very best of luck of the year ahead. 2018 looks like being even busier and exciting with so much to look forward to. In addition to all the usual on and off filed events, in 2018 we will be a host venue for the National Feile Peil na nÓg in early summer, whilst the Summer Fleadh Ceol na hEireann later in the year is sure to bring a great buzz and excite-ment to the area. Before all of that we have our mega OSKARS event in March that will be amazing (more below). So If you are resident in the catchment area and would like to be involved in any of club activities then please do not hesitate to contact us info@cilles.comAGMThe Club Annual General Meeting will be held on Monday 15th Jan 2018 at 19:30 in the Clubrooms at Piltown. All welcomeOskars – Save The Date – 16th March 2018THE event of the year (or any year for that matter!) will be held on Friday 16th March at the City North Hotel. The red carpet will be out as 60 budding actors walk the carpet and run the gauntlet of Pa-parazzi. The area is becoming awash with rumours that Megastars like Pat Haigney are been wooed by numerous directors, that a number have got the bug from their experience at Strictly Cilles and now wish to take the biggest leap of all to the camera. This will be a superb night where you will get to enjoy a host of movies and determine who should be the OSKAR winners for 2018. Do not miss out on the show and the party afterwards ! If you would like to learn more, to volun-teer as an actor or would like to help spon-sor any actors, movies or the event then please contact Ciara @info@cilles.comCois Na Mara Volunteer Of The MonthA big congratulations to our own Alan Kelly – our December Cois na Mara Volunteer of the Month winner. Alan of course is the driving force behind the wonderful Movember Partnership with the Gary Kelly Centre. The Movember initiative in the club aim has been to raise funds for the centre and promote Men’s Health. The 2017 edition was an outra-geous success, even surpassing an out-standing 2016 event and it is clearly here Volunteer of the month Alan Kelly receiving his award from Ollie Cawley Cois na MaraJanuary 2018 The Meath Coaster55to stay. We are very proud of our role in the Community and as a Healthy Club and the Movemenber event encapsulates all that is great about these, our community and our club. So a big well done to Alan and all the volunteers. Alan accepted the award on behalf of all our Movember par-ticipants this month. Pictured at the prize giving are Keith Loughman (Secretary), Alan Kelly, Ollie Cawley (Cois na Mara/Carroll Estates) and Pat Haigney (Club President)National Club Draw TicketsTickets for the National Club draw are now available and have been distributed to all teams. We are also selling the tickets at a number of locations around the com-munity. Priced at a very reasonable €10 every penny raised goes back to the club. We therefore ask that every member and player buys at least one ticket and if we all do this then we will be well on our way to a very successful draw. The prizes in-clude holidays, cars and shopping sprees so there literally is something for every-one in this draw. PLEASE SUPPORT !!Coaching CornerGames Promotion Officer, Niall Kane with Micky Conlon (coaching officer) pre-sented an excellent workshop on tackling and blocking last month. Niall will be in touch with all the coaches shortly about our next event. All Club Coaches are asked to attend these workshops. Keep an eye on social media and our website for further details U13 League SuccessWell done to our U13 boys on winning the Division 1 league title v Ratoath last month. A superb game between two su-perb teams. What a great way to end the yearAwards Keep Coming – Glór na nGaelWe are delighted to announce that we were Seosamh MacDonagah Silver medal winners at the Glór na nGael awards this month. We were one of only 10 silver medal winners nationally and were in the company of many Gaelteacht Clubs. A big búla bús from everyone in the club to all who work so hard in the promo-tion of Irish Language and Culture. Our Irish and Cultural Officer, Gwen Lanigan received the award on behalf of the club. Our Gaelige agus Caife mornings contin-ue every Friday in Piltown. Don’t worry about what level of Irish you are at – just come on down ! All WelcomeSports Capital FundingWe were delighted to be approved for Sports Capital Funding last month which will be much needed in the continued im-provement and expansion of our facilities. We would like to thank everyone who worked so hard and behind the scenes in this long journey. We are so grateful for Receiving our Silver Medal at Croke Park for promotion of Gaelige and Culture January 2018 The Meath Coaster56your support and your efforts have not gone unnoticed. The hard work is only starting now and we hope that everyone will continue to put the Shoulder to the Wheel in their effortsPlay Our Club LottoWe are delighted to announce that our Lotto tickets can now be purchased in Pats Centra in Bettystown. We are very grate-ful for their recent support for our Golf Classic and Players Breakfast and now for taking on the lotto. #shop local Lotto can also be played online at www.cilles.com Green Star for Saoirse McPeakeWell done to Saoirse McPeake who won an inaugural Green Star for here perfor-mances in the Junior Championship in 2017. This new initiative by Meath La-dies Gaelic Football honours the outstand-ing Club Championship performers of the year. Well done Saoirse and we look for-ward to hearing and reading about many more awards for years to come Look Back At 2017With space constraints It simply won’t be possible to give a Year Long review so we will try to capture the essence that is the club in a few lines. We apologise in advance for leaving out your own special memory.Courage, Determination, Fearlessness, Can do Attitude and Community are the hallmarks of the club and oh how were they evident in 2017. Those qualities shone and were perhaps encapsulated on that greatest day of them all - 19th Feb when all of St Colmcilles invaded Croke Park to back YOUR club in the All Ireland final. And whilst silverware evaded us that day the link and bond coming down from the stands on that day of days will never be forgotten and no doubt will be the strength from which the club contin-ues to draw in years to come. For our ladies team an exciting new dawn await-ed – Division 2 and Intermediate Club football were new territories and we also fielded a second adult team becoming the only club in the county to field two teams at every level. A Junior D Championship semi-final was achieved by the girls and a very solid league and championship cam-paign for our first team from which to go forward into 2018 with high hopes. Our Men’s A and B teams won promotion to Division 1 of the league and for the first time ever bath teams will compete in Divi-sion 1 for 2018. The Dixon Cup (B league Division 2) was annexed by our lads beat-ing Ratoath in the final. A huge congrats to our own Graham Reilly who became Meath Captain in 2017 following in the footsteps of Robbie O’Malley. Here’s to lifting silverware in Croke Park in 2018! At underage level the U12, U13, 14 and U16 boys titles were won at Division 1 level with an U13 Division 7, U16 Sum-mer League title also won and semi-finals for our U15, U17 and minor teams. A spe-cial word to our U14 boys team that won Well done to all our Movember Legends for your hard work in 2017. Pictured with Programme Leader Alan Kelly is Club President Pat HaigneyJanuary 2018 The Meath Coaster57the u14 league, Cup and Feile titles going all the way the National Feile Semi-final in Cavan were we narrowly missed out to Portlaoise. Our girls teams continue to be role models and trail blazers. An outstanding autumn saw u15 and minor fi-nals reached and whilst silverware evaded them these were our first ever ladies Divi-sion 1 final (u15) and a third Minor final in 4 years. Coupled with lots of shields and semi-finals and a big surge in county underage players there is no doubt that the girls of St Colmcilles are here to stay. During 2017 GPO Niall Kane joined the club and is busy securing our success for years to come!Our hurling team in combination with St Patricks made history making the u14 Shield Final although they lost out to a traditional hurling power in Wolfe Tones these young men will be forever history makers. A big well done too to our his-tory making girls who took their first ten-tative steps on to the camogie fields – in years to come they will be forever remem-bered. Good luck in 2018 girls !Off the field our Scór na nÓg team won the Stage Presentation title in Navan, and our Outreach Programmes go from strength to strength. The Club featured on the Daithi O ‘Sé show on Rte and the Meath Daily TV station whilst Culture/Irish Officer Gwen Lanigan was one of the featured stars of Man na GAA. We were awarded Healthy Club Status on completion of the Healthy Club 4 year programme and are now a mentoring club. Gwen again trav-elled the high ways and by ways of Ulster and Leinster spreading the Healthy Club gospel whilst James Kelly is one of the driving forces of the Health and Wellbe-ing Committee at Dunganny and finally the year culminated with election of our very own Denise Morgan as Irish Cultural Officer on the Executive of Meath County Board, our first representative since cur-rent Meath GAA President served on the committee some years agoAnd so as whilst we can look back at 2017 the truth is that 2018 will be even better – the exciting is building and very soon we will all be back at it again. Best wishes to you all in 2018 and thanks for your supportHard luck to the minor girls on losing the league final last month. Great days ahead January 2018 The Meath Coaster58RELIGIOUS SERVICESSTAMULLEN - JULIANSTOWNwww.dioceseofmeath.ie/parishesFr Declan Kelly PP Tel: 01 8412647Preston Hill Stamullen Tel 01-8412647e-mail secsj@eircom.netST PATRICK’S CHURCH STAMULLENVigil Mass Saturday 6pmSunday 10:00am10am Mass on Tuesday and ThursdayFirst Friday, please contact Parish for information.Confessions Saturdays from 6:15pmST MARY’S CHURCH, JULIANSTOWNVigil Mass Saturday 7pmSunday 11:30amWednesday, Friday 10:00amConfessions Saturdays after Vigil MassSACRED HEART (LAYTOWN) Fr. Denis McNelis P.P. Tel. 041 - 9827258MASSES Saturday: Vigil 7 p.m.Sunday: 10 a.m. and 12 noonVigil for Church Holidays: 7pmChurch Holydays & Bank Holidays:11amWeekdays:Mon, Wed, Fri, at 10.15 a.m. Tues, Thurs, at 7 p.m. Saturday at 11amCONFESSIONS:Sat: After 11am and 7pm Masses, and on request.BAPTISMS:Most Sundays at 12.45 p.m. Pick up a form in the sacristy at the end of any MassMARRIAGES:Six months’ notice to Fr. McNelisPRAYER:Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament: Tuesday 6 p.m. - 8 p.m.: Wed. & Thurs. 9 a.m. - 9 p.m.Christian Meditation (Mindfulness) Each Wed 7.30-8.15pm in Parish Room. Contact Sr. Joan 041 9887904Life in the Spirit Prayer meeting Wednesday 8pm-9:15pm January 2018 The Meath Coaster59Atheist IrelandPromoting atheism, reason and an ethical secular State. http://atheist.ie.METHODIST CHURCH SKERRIESRev. David Nixon: (01) 8329185Sunday worship: Noon.1st Sundays: All-age worship with Holy CommunionAll other Sundays: Sunday school available All Warmly WelcomeLegion Of Mary: Monday. 7pm. Parochial House LaytownACCORD: (Marriage Counselling) Tel. 9843860STAR OF THE SEA MORNINGTON Fr. Noel WeirTel. 041-9827384Email: mgtparish@eircom.netWeb: www.morningtonchurch.comMASSESSaturday: Vigil 6.00 p.m.Sundays: 10 a.m. & 11.30a.m.Weekdays: Tuesday - Friday at 8.45 a.m. CONFESSIONS:6-7pm on Wednesdays and on requestBaptisms: 1st and 3rd Sunday’s of the month after the 11.30am MassMarriages: 6 months notice to Fr. WeirPrayer:Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament:Wednesday after 8.45am mass until 10pm.JULIANSTOWN ST MARY’S CHURCH OF IRELANDSunday Worship: 10:30amFor pastoral emergencies, please contact Canon John Clarke on 046 9021172PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH COLPE, Drogheda (opposite Grange Rath)Minister: Damien Burke Contact Number 041 9846369Morning Worship; Sundays 10.30 a.m. Children's Bible Club; Tues 6.30-8.00 pmParent & Toddlers' Group; Tues & Thurs 10-12 noonYouth Club Fridays 7.30-9.00 pm Home Fellowship Groups: Various timesAll in the community are welcome !The Parish rooms Julianstown Contact Number085-1564853Next >