< Previous© February 2018 The Meath Coaster10Laytown Tidy TownsHello All ! January here and we are making our usual New Years resolu-tions as we do, to eat less and move more. All good until we head out on our dark eve-nings and step in you know what ! Yes, we have a big problem in Laytown/Bettystown with dog fouling. There’s no nice way to say it, there are the usual small percent-age of people who have issues with being re-sponsible for their dogs actions. One example can regularly be found op-posite Inse Bay Estate with HUGE dog poops. Children walk to school on this footpath and can’t miss it. The mess continues to the beach where ei-ther the same dog or another of the same size regularly makes a deposit at the Litter Bin. We also have the conscientious person who picks up with a black dog bag and leaves it behind a lamp post for some-one else to pick up. Again we ask who do these people think comes to clean up after them, and why should someone have to?The weather in January hasn’t been good to us in terms of our Saturday morn-ing clean up! We have only been out in the village once during the month, rain stopped play on the rest of the Saturday mornings! Weather permitting we still meet at The Coast at 10am on Saturday mornings and, as always, would welcome any assistance. We have started the clean up of the main road out towards Julianstown again. Our first efforts resulted in collection of five bags of rub-bish and we didn’t even get as far as Sonairte yet! It is shock-ing to think that there would be such a huge amount of rubbish in such a small area. A lot of it is paper cups, plastic bottles which must be thrown out of car win-dows.As you can see from the photo below, the plants kindly donated by The Cottages, Seabank have enjoyed a great growth spurt! We intend during the next few weeks to move them to a location more suited to their size and replant the flowerboxes with smaller plants and shrubs!Please don’t forget new volunteers are al-ways welcomed by us, so if you see any of us doing any of the above mentioned jobs, feel free to join in even if only for a few minutes! § © February 2018 The Meath Coaster11041 98 444 98 041 98 111 98086 838 4444www.eastcoastcabs.comEAST COAST CABSEAST COAST CABS SERVICING MEATH COAST & DROGHEDA REGIONS CABS - 4, 6 & 8 SEATERSNEW RANGE OF MINI-VANSCOACHES - 16, 24, 36 & 54 SEATERS AVAILABLECOMMUNITY GRANT SCHEME 2018Applications are invited from Community Groups, Tidy Towns/Village Committees, Residents Associations and other organisations, to assist with actions and projects being undertaken in their local area for the Meath County Council Community Grant Scheme 2018. The range of grant categories available under the Community Grant Scheme 2018 are::• Residents Association • Tidy Towns • Festivals & Events • Burial Ground• Equality, Social Inclusion & Active Elderly• Recreation & Sport & Youth ActivityFurther details and application forms can be obtained from The Community Depart-ment, Meath County Council, Buvinda House, Dublin Road, Navan, Co. Meath C15 Y291 or by email communitygrants@meathcoco.ie or alternatively from our website: www.meath.ie Closing date for receipt of completed applications is 5.00p.m. Friday, 2nd March, 2018© February 2018 The Meath Coaster12Donacarney Girls at the Primary Science Fair!On Thursday January 11th, the girls from Ms. Brodigan’s 6th class went to the RDS to exhibit their project- “Can we low-er our recovery time after exercise in just one month?”- at the Primary Science Fair as part of the BT Young Scientist and Tech-nology Exhibition. This was the first time our school participated in the exhibition so it was very exciting for everyone involved! Three times per week the girls carried out a running experiment which started with recording their resting pulse, exercising for several minutes and taking their pulse at 4 more intervals over the next five min-utes. The results of the project showed that the major ity of girls reduced their re-covery time over the course of the month as they got progressively fitter. Perhaps the best outcome of the project was the © February 2018 The Meath Coaster13increased interest in health and fitness throughout the whole class!The judges were very impressed with the girls’ vast knowledge of their topic, their confident speaking and their use of charts and visual aids. They made their teacher and school very proud!!! HockeySenior Girls are enjoying learning hockey skills with Coach, Dwyne Hill, from the "tricks and sticks initiative" with Hockey Ireland. Continued over....© February 2018 The Meath Coaster14GAA: First Class Improve Their Gaelic SkillsFirst class girls have been enjoying GAA coaching lessons with members of the lo-cal St. Colmcilles club. These lessons include fist passes, bounc-ing, kicking the ball and soloing. Students are getting better every week!First class are also very excited to start after school GAA training, every Wednes-day with St. Colmcilles G.P.O Níall Kane2018 EnrolmentDonacarney GNS Information Evening for parents/guardians of Junior Infants starting school September 2018 will take place on Wednesday 21st February at 7.30 p.m.(1 hour) in the School Hall (Parents/Guardians Only). Please contact 041 9887684 if not able to attend. If you have moved into the area please con-tact the school office at 041 9887684 about places for the school term 2017-2018. §© February 2018 The Meath Coaster15Students star on RTEjr Operation Transformation 10@10.Third and fourth class students from Le Chéile were selected to take part in an exciting fun experience following a request from the “Operation Transforma-tion” team to involve our school in an ex-ercise video. The group of children traveled to Mala-hide Rugby Club to record along with teacher Monica and principal, Fiona Rock.The concept of 10@10 is that children and teachers are being encouraged to exercise for ten minutes at ten o’clock each day, in or out of the classroom. We partook in this last year in school and it was much enjoyed by all, with the well documented positive outcomes. Six schools from around the country were asked to get involved in the video record-ings this year so we feel very lucky to have been asked.The recording will be televised on RTEjr on a Friday morning 2nd February at ten o’clock and available on rte player after-wards. It will also get a mention on the adult version “Operation Transformation”. So, keep an eye out for our budding stars, who really did us proud! §Mornington Road, Drogheda, Co. MeathLe Chéile Educate Together National Schoolwww.lecheileetns.com© February 2018 The Meath Coaster16In the pre-dawn lightsBunscoil Buachailli Realt na MaraGaelic Football NewsUndaunted by early morning starts, our fifth and sixth class pupils hit the tarmac running for our 8am football coaching with Mr Arthur, Mr Culligan, Mr Lynch and Mr Duffy. Their first match for the coveted Coon-ey cup went well for our team as they emerged the winners against a valiant Stamullen team on Friday 19th January.Meanwhile, Colmcille’s coach, Níall Kane is taking on two after school ses-sions with our second and fourth classes. These sessions will run over six weeks, and already are proving very popular with the boys. The focus is on helping the boys acquire the basic skills of the game along with having lots of fun and already it has encouraged some boys to look to our local club for some more football fun. Credit Union Quiz WinnersHearty congratulations to the boys who came 1st in the Credit Union Quiz on Fri-day evening January 26th just as the Coast-er was closing for print. More in next month's issue! §Opportunities for Adult Learners - 2018 Find out about the many opportunities for adult learners to return to educa-tion or take up a training course. You can make a start by calling in to the Adult Education Guidance and Information Ser-vice of LMETB (Louth and Meath Educa-tion and Training Board). We hold a monthly drop-in morning in the Alpha Centre, old Coláiste na hInse, Bettystown and will be there on Tuesday morning 20 February 9.30am to 12.30pm providing information on education and training programmes, full and part-time. Feel free to drop in on Tuesday 20 Feb-ruary or telephone ahead to make an ap-pointment for an alternative date. We are also available to speak to adult groups in any community setting. Please contact Stephanie or Ann, Monday to Friday on 041 98 42030, email lae-gis@lmetb.ie. © February 2018 The Meath Coaster17Enrolment 2018 to Donacarney Schools.Junior Infants New Admissions Evening: Parents/Guardians (adults only) are invited to a meeting in relation to Junior Infants starting school in September 2018. These meetings will be held on:Wednesday 21st February – Girls’ School at 7.30p.mTuesday 27th February – Boys’ School at 7.30p.m Enquiries about all enrolments for the 2018-2019 school year, please contact :Réalt na Mara Cailliní at 041 9887684Bunscoil Buachaillí Réalt na Mara at 041 9827045 Welcome to Donacarney SchoolsF. Watson & Son LtdFuneral Directors Complete Funeral ServiceLAYTOWN, CO. MEATH Tel: 086 0275440 • 041 98382279 DYER STREET, DROGHEDAwww.droghedafunerals.ieServing the Entire East Meath Area and Drogheda since 1921© February 2018 The Meath Coaster18Loreto Secondary SchoolLoreto Secondary School has been very busy since last appearing in the November edition of the Meath Coaster. This page gives you a flavour of what has been happening with many girls from the East Meath area doing us proud with their achievements and their participation in the life of the school. Christmas came and went but overt the season two notable events are worth not-ing. The Santa flight was a magical trip on which a group of fourth year students had a chance to travel with some very special children whom they entertained on their exciting journey to see Santa. Business students had a chance to share and develop their entrepreneurial skills in our Annual Market day. The students had the opportunity to develop a business idea and sell their produce in the school on the day and in the weeks following. There were some very innovative ideas Annual Market DayTransition Year Students on the Santa Flight© February 2018 The Meath Coaster19and great produce. Caolan Cullen, entre-preneur and co-founder of ‘Arctic Stone’ hand rolled ice cream makers came to the school to advise the students on how to run a successful business.We want to extend warm congratulations to Julie O Connor from Julianstown who was awarded an entrance scholarship in Trinity College for her excellent results in her Leaving Certificate. Julie is now stud-ying psychology and we wish her every success in her undoubtedly bright future.A concert showcasing all our students mu-sical talent was held this month. This is our Ceol Loreto Gig where extraordinary talent and ability is celebrated in a night of music and performing arts. Speaking of performing arts once again we are entering a number of consumes for the Junk Kouture extravaganza. This year’s outfits are a stunning array of col-our and design. The students showcased their costumes over two evenings for the parents and friends. There was a great buzz about the school with exceptional creative talent evident. Transition year students had the oppor-tunity to attend a two day photography workshop given by professional photog-rapher Tim Durham.With January came the time to enter the young scientist competition. The school had six entries this year with two being highly commended. One of the com-Miss Mc Donough with Julie O Connor at Trinity College Continued over....Next >