< Previous© December 2018 The Meath Coaster30Laytown Village Enhancement CommitteeLaytown Village Enhancement Com-mittee held its Annual General Meet-ing in the Delfino Bay Restaurant in Laytown on Tuesday 20th November. Welcoming all in attendance, outgoing Chair Ben Bailey outlined the work of the Committee over the past year and made particular reference to the good work which the Committee was responsible for in the redevelopment of the Commemora-tive Garden at Marian Villas. Outgoing Treasurer Michael Keogh pro-vided a full financial report for consid-eration. The meeting also discussed the recent Pub Quiz and confined draw for a cash prize of €500. The winner of the prize was Carol Farrelly from Marian Villas. The Committee also expressed gratitude to those who support-ed the raffle and the pub quiz, in particular the businesses which provided spot prizes for the occasion including the Reddans Neptune Hotel; Delfino Bay Restaurant; Gilnas Bar and Lounge and the Riverside Café.The election of officers for 2019 saw a replacement for all three executive posi-tions: outgoing chair Ben Bailey is re-placed by Tom Behan; outgoing secretary John Higgins is replaced by Stephanie Be-han and outgoing treasurer Micheal Ke-ogh is replaced by Becky McIndoe. The Committee expressed its deep gratitude to all three outgoing officers for their hard work over the last few years.Becky McIndoe also provided a presen-tation on the legal aspects of consolidat-ing the positions of Laytown Village En-hancement Committee and its legal entity Pebbledale DAC Limited. The committee thanked Becky for the excellent work she had done on this aspect of development. §A Haircut with a DifferenceLauraLynn Fund RaiserEvan is a fourteen year old second year student at Coláiste na hInse. He is having his hair cut on the 21st of Decem-ber. The hair will then be donated to the Ra-punzel Foundation (wigs for children suf-fering hair loss from cancer treatment and alopecia.). He is also hoping to raise funds for the LauraLynn children's hospice through sponsorship cards and the following link:https://give.everydayhero.com/ie/evan-s-haircut-for-laura-lynn. Well done Evan!.Call us on 041 9886545 for an appointment.Email: bettystowndental@gmail.comWeb: www.bettystowndental.ieTriton Road, Bettystown, Co. Meath (between Funtasia & Tesco)Extended PRSI Scheme Dental exam and clean only €15 for qualified patients. To check eligibility contact us on 0419886545Private, PRSI and Medical Card Patients WelcomeDr Matthew Crinion B.D.S. (NUI) Corns, Callouses, Verrucae, Ingrown Toenails, nail surgery and other treatmentsState of the art Gaitscan analysis pressure plate used in the assessment of foot, back and leg pain.Orthotics prescribed to stabilise foot function and rehabilitationOpening hours 9.00-6.00Tuesday, Wednesday & Friday: Saturday 10.00-1.00Niamh Tully, BSc (Hons) Pod. MCh.S. S.R.ChMain Street, Laytown, Tel: 041 9888492Chiropodist / Podiatrist(State registered)The Foot ClinicContact Catherine on 085 8629044beauty by Catherine TuiteAMAZING CHRISTMAS SPECIALSBeauty by Catherine Tuite(Formerly of Aqua Beauty Studio, Bettystown) Offering All Your Beauty NeedsAll waxing treatments, make up, bellamianta spray tan, facials, massage, microblading, hd brow treatment, shellac nails and much moreFull body spray tan with make up and temporary lash application for only €45 add shellac nails for extra €10 Back massage with full facial treatment hand and arm massage for €65 add microdermabrasion for extra €10 HD brow with lash lift treatment lasts up to 5 weeks for only €55 (patch test required) Microblading brow treatment includes hd brow tint and wax for only €130. Full microdermabrasion facial eye trio, hand & arm massage & shellac for only €85Gift Vouchers Available B & S Training ServicesMark Brodigan 087 633 3086Warren Stott 086 364 2204Email: bstrainingservicesleinster@gmail.comLocal company, offering • First Aid• Manual Handling• Fire Warden Training • Paediatric First AidPHECC Registered, Garda VettedCompetitive pricing and group rates availableKeep an eye on our Facebook page for upcoming courses and follow us on Instagram© December 2018 The Meath Coaster32Coláiste na hInseTickets for “We Will Rock You” to go on sale in December (Perfect Christ-mas Present!)Tickets for our 2019 Musical, “We Will Rock You”, go on sale in December. Tickets are priced at €14, with a show each evening at 7.30pm from Wednesday, January 16th to Saturday, January 19th. Buy your tickets early to avoid disappoint-ment- the shows sold out last year and de-mand is expected to be even greater this year!Tickets will be available for purchase in school, and also from eventbrite.ie. Keep an eye on the school website and Twitter for more details.Former Coláiste na hInse Dáltaí Re-warded with Entrance Scholarships in UCDOn the evening of 14th of November UCD acknowledged students entering first year in the university with exceptional Leav-ing Certificate results. This year Aoife Walker, Charlie Keogh, Freya Martin and Cormac Watson were recognised for their exceptional points. Each of them have un-dertaken subjects in the discipline of Sci-ence at UCD. At the Ad Astra event it was really satisfying to see student, parents and teacher unite together to celebrate the exceptional achievement of hard working, diligent students who not only had excep-tional results but who also contributed to the life of the school in the arts and maths area of extracurricular studies.Coláiste na hInse has always instilled in stu-dents 'Per ardua ad astra;' with hard work you will reach your stars. We wish these daltaí and all our Leaving Certificate pupils for 2018 continued success in their studies.Former CNI Dáltaí Received Entrance Scholarships at UCDCSI Team Gathering EvidenceCSI in CNI to Solve Murder MysteryThe Coláiste na hInse clann were stunned on Tuesday, November 7th by the murder of ‘Betty’ in Seomra B12. Fortunately the Idirbliain Crime Scene Investigation team were on the premises, and the First Responders quickly sealed off the scene. The Preservation Team safeguarded the crime scene to allow the observation team to gather finger prints and shoe prints. Trace elements of fibres were also detect-ed. The scene was photographed and the © December 2018 The Meath Coaster33 Continued over....CNI Pathology team were also present. The Idirbliain CSI foireann have worked closely with an Garda Síochána, and Bet-ty’s killer has been arrested and charged. As he was led away the suspect blasted, “And I would have got away with it too, if it weren’t for those meddling kids!” DebatingThe Senior Debating team have pro-gressed to the Second Round of the Leinster Debating Championship. The Juniors won the preliminary round of the Matheson All-Ireland Debating, and are well placed to progress for Leinster and All-Ireland finals.ZeminarOur idirbhliain daltai and some of our stu-dent mental health team attended zeminar in the RDS. Zeminar is a fabulous event focusing on health and wellbeing as well as careers and entrepreneurship. Students attended a range of informative and in-spirational talks. Some of our daltai even took to the stage to perform on the day Díospóireacht na GaeilgeAn Foireann Díospóireacht Gaeilge Sói-searach competed in the first round of Gael Linn's Comórtas Díospóireacht on Thursday 22ú Samhain. Lochlann Ca-hill-Enright, Louis O'Carroll agus Isa-belle Horgan represented an Coláiste and showed great bród, uaillmhian agus dear-fachas. They were successful and won a place in the next round tar éis Nollaig. Comhgairdeachais mór dóibh.Christmas sa CholáisteColáiste na hInse invites you to help them celebrate ten years of music in the Coláiste on Thursday, 13th December at 7pm. This free annual event has become an incredibly popular staple of the Festive Season in the area, and all are welcome to attend. There will be performances on the evening from the choir, orchestra, ‘We Will Rock You’ cast and past students. See you there!Cast of “she.” Enjoy Play at the Abbey TheatreThe writers, directors, producers and ac-tors of the original play “she.” (performed in Coláiste na hInse on November 26th and 27th) travelled to the Abbey Theatre for the stage production of Louise O’Neill’s “Asking for It”. It was an enthralling per-formance to inspire all associated with the Lady Gregory Project in the school.© December 2018 The Meath Coaster34SacairThe 1st year boys’ soccer team off to a flying start with a 4-0 wins against both Skerries C.C. and Dunshaughlin. They currently top their group, with a challeng-ing match ahead against Ardgillan.The Under 15 team have made a strong start to the season, following up a win against Skerries with a 1-1 draw against local rivals St. Mary’s.The Under 17 team kicked off their league season by earning a valuable point in a 2-2 draw with Coláiste Rís in Dundalk. They now have upcoming matches against Lusk, Marist and De la Salle in a very competitive group.The Under 19 team enjoyed a helter-skelter encounter with Dunshaughlin in a 3-3 draw, before losing to St. Joseph’s the following week to complete their league campaign. §Under 19 Soccer SquadUnder 15 Soccer Squad© December 2018 The Meath Coaster35Drumgoole Financial Services is regulated by The Central Bank of Irelandoran@drumgoolebrokerage.iewww.drumgoolebrokerage.ieDid You Know?Did you know... you can get Whole of Life cover which offers you sev-eral options once you have paid into it for 16 years. Following this time, every year thereafter you will have an option to con-tinue paying or encash the policy (receiv-ing up to 70% of your premiums back) or stop paying for the cover and you will maintain a specified amount of Life cover forever.Did you know... Aviva Best Doctors is a second medical opinion for any chronic or troubling ailments affecting quality of life. Your partner, your children and your parents are automatically included on this benefit. The list of best doctors around the world may clarify that you are getting the best care/treatment or they may recom-mend an alternative (or newer) treatment. For example, sports injuries, skin diseas-es, cancer, blood diseases to name just a few. This feature is available at no addi-tional cost and Aviva will match the low-est market price available for the cover.Did you know... a Financial Broker has access to the best prices and special offers that are not always available through in-dividual financial institutions and in most cases can save you money on a policy. A broker is not tied to one provider so can compare companies to find the best deal and price.Did you know... some people may be hes-itant to apply for life assurance for per-sonal health reasons. I recently helped a 63-year-old client to obtain life assurance cover even after she went through an ag-gressive form of breast cancer 7 years ago. Even if she had been declined in this application, since she was under 80 years of age, there is an over-50’s life policy available to apply for irrespective of your health.Did you know... that some people are able to drawdown all their pension funds into their hands as cash. This can be dependent on the type of pension you hold and the amount in that pension.Did you know… that tax refund/relief is available for people who take out salary protection which pays them an income if they cannot work due to illness or injury. This tax relief is like a pension contribu-tion and is at your standard rate of income tax (20% or 40%). So, if you were paying €50 per month, you would receive tax re-lief/refund of €10-€20 per month.Did you know… that a lot of self em-ployed people take out salary protection, life cover and make pension contributions where the company pays the premium.Contact Oran on 087 668 6624 or visit www.drumgoolebrokerage.ie for more in-formation. Wishing all Meath Coaster readers a very Merry Christmas! §© December 2018 The Meath Coaster36News From Julianstown & District Community AssociationBy Niamh Bn. Uí LoinsighJulianstown & District Community As-sociation was delighted to accept The Vacant Premises Award at the recent Meath Co. Co. awards night in the Sol-stice Theatre, Navan and receiving the award is Jackie O’Shea, Clare McEnaney, Tom Hughes , Aisling and Leo Monahan. The cleaning up of this derelict site has been long overdue and hopefully it is a sign that something will be done with sooner rather than later. The J.D.C.A. has also been informed that the much needed Traffic Calming Plans for the village are nearing completion and will shortly be brought before a meeting of our local councillors. The J.D. C.A. hopes to attend this meeting and will keep you advised of developments.Christmas Lights in JulianstownWe have new lights for the village and will shortly be putting them up, together with our Santa’s and Mr. Frosty. They will all add to the festivity! We would also like to thank our Councillors’ for once again funding these festive lights. Children! Santa, Mrs. Claus and their Elves will be call-ing to the Lime Kiln on Tuesday 11h December at 6.30 p.m. to meet you all. We understand that Santa & Mrs. Claus are stopping of at Stephen and Stel-la Hoey’s house to give their Reindeer a quick rest. Stephen has kindly offered to drive Santa to The Lime Kiln in his lit-tle Red Tractor! We are also delighted to say that the Mornington Gospel Choir will be on hand to sing some Christmas Carols for us and we do hope you will join in and sing your hearts out. © December 2018 The Meath Coaster37There will be mince pies, mulled wine for the mums and dads and a super raf-fle. This is a joint venture being run by Julianstown & District Community As-soc. and the Lime Kiln and we would also like to thank all the people and businesses who are sponsoring the prizes for the raf-fle. Admission to this event is by dona-tion and we hope that you will dig deep into your pockets as we are trying to raise funds for new projects for the village in 2019. Lou CourtneySincere sympathy is extended to the family of Mr. Lou Courtney who recently passed away. A much respected and well liked man who lived in the heart of Julianstown, he will be sadly missed. R.I.P.Hospice Drivers Needed The East Meath Hospice Association is seeking volunteer drivers to drive patients in the area to hospital appointments in both Drogheda and Dublin. If you feel you could help please contact Lynn at 087 2100036.May all the sweet magic of Christmas conspire to gladden your heart and fill every desire. Merry Christmas! “Nollaig Shona agus Athbhliain faoi Mhaise Duit.Julianstown Tidy Towns (Niamh Uí Loinsigh, Jackie O’Shea & Clare McEnaney)was thrilled to be shortlisted for the IPB Awards in Cork City Hall on the 17th November and thank you to Meath Co. Co. for nominating us. Congratulations to Ashbourne’s Garden City & Crestwood Estates on winning the best housing estate category.© December 2018 The Meath Coaster38Well done to Meath Co. Co. on lifting the Council Community Engagement Award and to accept the award was Cathaoirleach Meath Co. Co. Tom Kelly, together with Karen Dalton and Olivia Carpenter from council’s Community Dept. Well done all!Laytown Tidy TownsWe are delighted to say that the kerbs in the carpark are almost clear of weeds.....one more stint on Saturday should do it! It has been a slow process, but we think worth the effort! make it a bit easier to dig which is much appreciated! We supply all required tools and gloves....we would really appreciate any help we can get!As previously reported we have the time to do this on Saturdays because our CE participant does such a thorough job keep-ing the village litter free!It’s almost time for the Christmas tree to go up in the village! Gilna’s Cottage Inn held a table quiz in November to fundraise for this, and they thank all who supported the evening. Sincere thanks to Meath County Council for their generous dona-tion of €1500!The switching on of the lights will take place on Saturday 8th December at 7pm. There will be, as usual, carol singing and a mulled wine reception in Gilna’s after the event. Looking forward to seeing you there!We wish you all a very happy Christmas! See you in 2019! §Our next planned project is to clear the flowerbed at the sidings completely, re-plant it and possibly cover it with pebbles. As you can see in the photo it is in a sorry state at the moment!This too will be a slow process unless we can tempt any volunteers to lend a hand, even if only for half an hour on a Satur-day morning. Meath Co. Council have obliged us by loosening up the ground to © December 2018 The Meath Coaster39WW1 and East Meath100 years ago at the eleventh hour on the elev-enth day of the elev-enth month in 1918, WW1, or the ‘Great War’, formally came to an end. After four bloody years of brutal conflict, when the guns fell silent, approx 20 million people were dead and 21 million wounded. While there are no definitive figures for the total number of Irish who served and died in WW1, it is generally accepted that it was around 200,000 and 35,000 respec-tively. 37 of those who died were from east Meath, and 4 of those were from the coastal villages of Laytown, Bettystown, and Mornington.*Seaman Frederick Reynolds, Royal Na-val Reserve, No. 3241A. Son of Thomas and Mary Reynolds, Mornington. Killed in action on 1st November 1914 aged 22 years. His ship HMS Monmouth was sunk by the Germans in the Battle of Coronel in the South Pacific, all 734 crew were lost. Commemorated at Portsmouth Naval Me-morial.*Seaman Michael J Ahearne, Royal Na-val Reserve, No. 5665A. Son of David J. and Bridget Teresa Ahearne, Woodside, Bettystown, died at sea aged 20 years. His ship HMS Viknor departed Derry Port on 13th January 1915 with 291 crew on board never to be seen again. She sank close to Tory Island without sending a distress sig-nal. It is most likely that she struck one of 200 German mines that had been re-leased in the area. Also commemo-rated at Portsmouth Naval Memorial.Sergeant Thomas McEvoy, Irish Guards 1st Battal-ion, No. 3930, also from Woodside, Bettystown and married to Mary Ellen McEvoy. Awarded the Mili-tary Medal for bravery in battle but died of his wounds on Dec 3rd 1917 aged 26 years. He is buried at Tincourt New Brit-ish Cemetery, Somme, France Plot: III. E. 8.*Private Alexander McDonald, Royal Dublin Fusiliers 9th Battalion, No. 25115. Son of Donald and Elizabeth McDonald, Laytown Train Station. He was killed in Belgium on 16th August 1916, and is com-memorated at the Tyne Cot Memorial, near Passendale. Reference Panel: 144 to 145.*Source: Donal Hall’s ‘The Unreturned Army, County Louth Dead in the Great war 1914-1918’ & Fiona Ahern, Bellewstown Heritage GroupIt is too late now to retrieve A fallen dream, too late to grieve A name unmade, but not too late To thank the gods for what is great; A keen-edged sword, a soldier’s heart, Is greater than a poet’s art. And greater than a poet’s fame A little grave that has no name.Whence honour turns away in shameFrom Soliloquy by Francis LedwidgeNext >