< Previous© November 2017 The Meath Coaster20Coláiste na hInseCNI Raises €1500 for Pieta House with 5K Fun RunOn Friday October 13th last as part of its annual Wellness Week the students and staff of Coláiste Na hInse (CNI) undertook their annual Fun Run on Bettystown Beach in aid of Pieta House.The Fun Run was the finale of a week-long series of talks and workshops aimed at supporting the students' wellbeing as all studies show students who are well in mind and body engage better in teaching and learning and have better academic outcomes. Celebrating its 10th Anniversa-ry, Coláiste Na hInse management organ-ised an aerial photo with the 1st years and 6th years representing the student body.The CNI Clann (Family) of over 1,000 students and staff jointly participated in the 5km fun run. As CNI has a unique em-phasis on Bród (Pride), Uallmhian (Ambi-tion) and Dearfachas (Positive Attitude) it was not a surprise to anyone to see sen-ior students helping juniors, students and staff waiting to cross the line together and an overall atmosphere of support flowing along the run course. Local people walk-ing the beach remarked on the wonderful cameraderie. A great day was had by all with over €1500 raised for Pieta House.Well done to the Guidance Department for organising Wellness Week, the Well-ness Committee for their initiatives, the PE Department, IB (Transition Year) and Student Sports Council for organising this very enjoyable CNI Family Fun Run!Caireann and Scott Receive Top Marks in MathsThere was fantastic news today for two dáltaí in Coláiste na hInse with the news that Scott Yamada Brennan and Caireann Bracken had achieved among the highest results in their Junior Cycle Maths exam. Scott and Caireann received letters notify-ing them of their success, and have been invited to trials for the International Jun-ior Science Olympiad. Congratulations to Scott, Caireann and their families on this outstanding achievement!Coláiste na hInse Hosts Junior Debat-ing National MaceAt the end of September Colaiste na hInse hosted the first round of Ireland's largest debating competition - The Junior Debat-ing National Mace. With more than 100 speakers taking part it was a fantastic oc-casion. After the final, chaired by Coun-cillor Sharon Keogan, the results were Dáltaí at the Junior National Mace Competition in CNI© November 2017 The Meath Coaster21released and saw a number of the Colaiste speakers already well on their way to-wards qualifying for the Leinster Finals' Day. Special mention must go to Aoífe Forkin who finished the second best first year on the day. A brilliant achievement!Huge Crowds Attend Oiche EolaisThe CNI Oiche Eolais attracted huge crowds again this year as Fifth and Sixth class students from local primary schools came to visit. There were displays from every department in the school, and a spe-cial preview of "Billy Elliott", this year's musical.Fifth Year Bonding Trip to JumpZoneAll fifth year students visited JumpZone in Sandyford recently on a bonding trip to help students adjust to their new rang groups and classes. Students worked to-gether with their classmates in a number of challenges at the venue. The trip is a key element of student wellbeing as they transition to the Leaving Certificate pro-gramme.A Visit to Dog's TrustRang Corrigan in third year visited Dog's Trust on 10th October as part of their 'Ac-tion Project' for CSPE. They were given a tour of the facilities and a talk on respon-sible dog ownership. They got to meet lots of excited furry friends and tried to sneak a few onto the bus home! They have de-cided to do an awareness campaign on re-sponsible dog ownership for their project and a type of 'fund' raiser. Instead of col-lecting cash, they are collecting old blan-kets, sheets, towels, duvets (not feather), dog leads/collars, dog beds, tinned dog food and tinned fish. They would be very Rang Corrigan Visit the Dog’s TrustTop Female Athletes at the CNI Fun Run 2017Top Male Athletes at the CNI Fun Run 2017© November 2017 The Meath Coaster22grateful to the public if any of the items named could be donated. Items can be left into the office of Coláiste na hInse. Deaf Awareness Training for StudentsOn the 12th of October all Idirblian daltai participated in Deaf awareness Training provided by the Irish Deaf Society.The Training aimed to bridge the gap of knowledge and awareness of Deaf people that exists in society. Students were also taught the basics of sign language. Fantas-tic experience for all involved and many thanks to the Irish Deaf Society.The Under 17 team were narrowly beaten 1-0 away to Ashbourne in the cup, before making a remarkable comeback from 3-0 down to draw 3-3 with Skerries. They face a crucial league match against St. Oliver’s after midterm.The Under 15 team scored a comprehen-sive 7-3 win in the cup against Ballymak-enny.BasketballOur Under 19 Boys basketball began their league season with two good wins over Colaiste na Mí and Gormanston, before a narrow defeat after extra time against Mercy SS Ballymahon. The team are also through to the Quarter Finals of the cup after a great win over Sligo Grammar School. RugbyOur Junior rugby team beat De La Salle On Wednesday 25th, 43-0 with tries from James O'Neill, Stefan Bors, 2 from Eddie Avram, and a hat-trick of tries from Ben Brown. They are now top of their group and into the knockout stages of the cup.Earlier in the month (10th October) our Senior team beat Colaiste Ris Dundalk 20-17. §Students Attend the Deaf Awareness TrainingSoccerThe Under 19 Socccer team showed tre-mendous resilience to win 1-0 late in extra-time away to a strong Ratoath team in the cup. They now face Skerries in the next round, as well as St. Oliver’s and St. Mary’s in the league.© November 2017 The Meath Coaster23Corns, Callouses, Verrucae, Ingrown Toenails, nail surgery and other treatmentsState of the art Gaitscan analysis pressure plate used in the assessment of foot, back and leg pain.Orthotics prescribed to stabilise foot function and rehabilitationOpening hours 9.00-6.00Tuesday, Wednesday & Friday: Saturday 10.00-1.00Niamh Tully, BSc (Hons) Pod. MCh.S. S.R.ChMain Street, Laytown, Tel: 041 9888492Chiropodist / Podiatrist(State registered)The Foot ClinicCall us on 041 9886545 for an appointment.Email: bettystowndental@gmail.comWeb: www.bettystowndental.ieTriton Road, Bettystown, Co. Meath (between Funtasia & Tesco)Open Saturday MorningsLATE NIGHT OPENING ON Mondays, Tuesdays and ThursdaysPrivate, PRSI and Medical Card Patients WelcomeDr Matthew Crinion B.D.S. (NUI) Halloween / Christmas Fair for Children with AutismFollowing on from the success of the summer camp for children with au-tism in Julianstown community centre, we will now hold a Halloween camp with the support of Meath sports partnership and Brookfield stables as well as the back-ing of Julianstown committee. There will be horseriding on the 31st in Brookfield stables. Then on the 1st, 2nd and 3rd there will be ka-rate, Zumba, volleyball, tennis, cricket, football from the FAI, arts and crafts, Vickys bow making, yoga and ice cream vans in Julianstown commu-nity centre from 10-1.The coffee mornings started for parents who have children with additional needs as well as any small siblings , ba-by's, wobblers and toddlers in September and this has been running well so far and will hopefully to continue to do so its on every Thursday 10-12 Julianstown com-munity centre. Then on the 19th of November Julianstown community centre are bring-ing back the tradition of the halls Christmas fair from 12-5 where there will be craft stalls, cakes fine china, art, knitting, jewellery and many more op-portunitys to Christmas shop. We will have Mornington gospel choir performing from 3pm-5pm and we will have of course Santa Claus with us §© November 2017 The Meath Coaster24Scoil an Spioraid NaoimhWhat an exciting term we have had in Scoil an Spioraid Noaimh. A very successful Active calendar, lots of band and choir rehearsals, Green initiatives and many more. All 430 pupils in our school have had a wonderful opportunity to learn through fun and project based activities. There is great enthusiasm for the new Digital Learning initiative that will be in place for our pupils after the midterm We will have iPads timetabled for one hour per week in all classes. We had a very successful Sponsored Walk on the beach and SARI (Sports against Racism) workshops for 6th classes. We ended the term with a Halloween Thematic Assem-bly led by 5th classes, a spectacle of dance, music, art and drama. A word of thanks to the hardworking Par-ents Association who organised a Bag a clothes initiative, a Halloween disco and are now busy planning a Christmas Fair. We wish all our families a very happy, safe midterm holiday.. §© November 2017 The Meath Coaster25© November 2017 The Meath Coaster26Drogheda Grammar School Open Evening:Open evening was a great success once again with over 250 families taking the opportunity to see the work we do here in the school. With guided tours, demon-strations and an opportunity to meet stu-dents and teachers it was an important step for many in choosing the right school. Applications are now closed for Septem-ber 2018 as we are heavily oversubscribed and have a long waiting list. For subse-quent years we ask that families submit the application forms as soon as they can to avoid disappointment. All the informa-tion can be found on the school website. and think about the many different scenar-ios and risks they may encounter.RugbyCongratulations to the Junior Rugby team who beat St Joseph’s and Malahide CS in their first league matches of the season. The results for the senior team haven’t gone well losing a close match against St Josephs in their first league match of the season.Hockey:The first years played a number of blitz-es recently against King’s Hospital and Dundalk Grammar. Meanwhile the Junior Girls’ team goes from strength to strength winning 2-0 against Temple Carrig in their first league match of the season. More re-cently they drew 2 -2 with mercy Navan. European Day of LanguagesThe German, French and Spanish teachers and students joined together to help cel-ebrate and promote the study of languages in our school. The Modern Languages department put on a vibrant display and programme for all our students, remind-ing them of the great benefits and advan-tages studying a language can offer. With our options programme at Junior cycle the opportunity to study 2 European languag-es can be taken up should students wish to. This is an opportunity rarely seen in schools for those with a flair and passion 1st year STEM students in Drogheda GrammarSTEM ConferenceThe school was delighted to host the Drogheda Soroptomist’s STEM confer-ence recently. With the aim of encourag-ing more female students to pursue ca-reers in STEM subjects/areas over 160 first years from local schools were treated to a series of workshops, lectures and ac-tivities aimed at bring Science, engineer-ing and maths to life for them.Teen SafetyThe school was delighted to welcome Garda Derek Hannigan to the school re-cently to educate and speak to us all about teen safety. He spoke on a number of top-ics and all our second, fifth and TY stu-dents got an opportunity to ask questions “A stand for anti-bullying© November 2017 The Meath Coaster27086/1733396086/3673406Mullenandsons1@gmail.comwww.Mullenandsons.comMullen & SonsBuildersFifth Generation Irish BuildersFor All Your Building NeedsNew Builds - Extensions - Renovations Attic Conversions & All Roof WorkFully Insured and Registeredfor languages who often can only choose one language to study. Visit from University of Nordjylland, DenmarkA delegation from the education depart-ment of a Danish University recently vis-ited the school and observed our teachers in action. On a research trip they came to learn about our education system and see the high quality teaching and learning that occurs every day in our school. Anti-bullying weekOur annual anti-bullying week once again highlighted the importance of equality, diversity and tolerance. This year’s slo-gan was “all different all equal”. The hu-mourfit theatre company gave all years performances on both bullying and posi-tive mental health. Meanwhile first years all attended a cyber safety session aimed at advising and helping them deal with the various issues that arise. As well as vari-ous other activities throughout the week we held a non-uniform day and sold wrist-bands to remind us of the slogan.Dragon’s DenThe TY mini companies were put through a gruelling experience as they had to pre-sent their pitches to our in house Dragons recently. In an attempt to secure funding all groups had to present, pitch and pro-mote their companies. Maths WeekDespite Storm Ophelia there was a full list of activities and events for Maths week his year. With family quizzes, daily ac-tivities and a host of challenges, puzzles and teasers all students ( and staff!) spent the week engaged as their numeracy skills came to the fore© November 2017 The Meath Coaster28Laytown Tidy TownsHello Everyone. We attended the Meath County Council Pride of Place Municipal Dis-trict Awards Ceremony in Slane on 26th October and we were delighted to see our neighbors in Julianstown scooping up the numerous well deserved awards yet again. Congratulations to all concerned and to our own Alverno Heights Residents for their award also. Special mention was also made on the night about Gilnas in Laytown in the Shopfronts Section but sadly no awards were to materialize other than The Alver-no Heights Residents Award. The results for the Supervalu Tidy Towns competition were published late in Sep-tember.Below are some of the extracts from the adjudication report by the Tidy Towns judge who was on his first ever visit to Laytown on the evening of July 17th:Built Environment and Streetscape / An Timpeallacht Thógtha agus Sráid-dreacha:A number of premises especially stood out on adjudication day. The Tara House with it lovely coastal views was well pre-sented with lots of seasonal flowers to its frontage. Once again the church and school were admired. Stacks pharmacy was brightly painted and neatly presented. Gilnas Lounge had lovely window boxes as had the supermarket. The local shop at Alverno Heights was neatly presented and painted. Tidiness and Litter Control / Slachtm-haireacht agus Rialú Bruscair:There was very little litter noted in the town centre on adjudication day so well done in upholding your standards in this category with your regular litter picking. For a village with lots of summer visitors, you have been successful in presenting a very tidy impression to this visitor. We are very lucky to have businesses in our town who really care, such is the level of their professionalism. They do not go the extra mile to look for thanks, they put the effort in to make a difference and en-hance the town. We would love to take this opportunity to thank the above mentioned businesses and look forward to the awards in 2018 with hopefully some recognition for their efforts ! §Drogheda Chess ClubThe new season is now well underway and both 1st and 2nd teams remain unbeaten. In the Leinster league 3rd Di-vision, The club’s 1st team impressively won their match against Cavan 4½ - 1½ and followed this with a 3-3 draw with Inchicore. In the their 4th Division match the 2nd team ran out 4 ½ - 1 ½ winners against Blan-chardstown. Both teams are now well placed near the top of their respective leagues.Meanwhile the qualifying rounds of the club championship have begun. The club continue to meet every Tuesday evening at 8.15pm in Reddans Bar in Bettystown. New members are welcome. For further up-to-date information please visit the club web-site at https://droghedachess-club.wordpress.com© November 2017 The Meath Coaster29Caramel Apple CupcakesThis recipe will make 10Ingredients for Cupcakes :110g margarine110g castor sugar110g self raising flour2 eggs50g stewed applesIngredients for Carmel Sauce :200g brown sugar1 tbsp golden syrup60g water115g cream30g unsalted butter*shop bought caramel sauce works tooMethod:• Beat all the cupcake ingredients togeth-er to form a batter. • Spoon out the mixture evenly into cup-cake cases.• Bake for 15 minutes at 180◦c.• Whilst the cupcakes are baking make the caramel sauce.• Dissolve the sugar the water with the syrup in a pan over a low heat.• Stop stirring and on a high heat allow the mixture to boil until it is an amber colour.• Remove from the heat and slowly stir in the cream.• Once both the cupcake and caramel sauce have semi cooled. • Pour some caramel sauce over the apple cupcakes. For information on customized cakes, bake, kids classes, parties; contact 0860518497 and Check out caoimhescrumbles caoimhes_crumbles c_crumbles Information event: Opportunities & Pathways for Adult Learners drop-in information after-noon at the Alpha Centre, (old Coláiste na hInse) Bettystown. on: Tuesday 21 November 3-5pm – offered by LMETB Adult Education Guidance and Informa-tion Service Telephone: 041 9842 030. §Next >