It is the start of the year which marks 200 years since the first Loreto school was founded in Ireland. There are now 26 schools throughout Ireland under the patronage of the Loreto Trust. To mark this significant date, the Justice and Peace in Creation Team of 6th years organised a prayer service which was attended by the prefects and vice-prefects of every class. It was very fitting that the ceremony took place while the COP 26, United Nations Climate Change Conference was being held in Scotland. During the service students were reminded how fragile our beautiful planet is at this moment in time and to become active in what Pope Francis refers to as ‘caring for our common home’.
Student Council Elections
Newly elected 1st, 3rd and 5th Year students took their places on the Student Council this month. The Student Council works hard in partnership with school management, staff, parents and students to ensure that student voice is represented. The Council recently developed and produced a new student charter which promotes the values of diversity, equality and inclusion in our school.
‘Stand Up Awareness’ Week
The Loreto Balbriggan school community took part in ‘Stand Up Awareness Week’ from 10th – 17th November. This is an annual campaign run by BeLonG To Youth Services, which gives second-level schools, Youthreach, and youth services the opportunity to celebrate and recognise their LGBTQIA+ community. Throughout the week announcements, presentations and talks were given to promote inclusivity and to highlight the problems of hate speech, homophobic and transphobic bullying. On Friday, students and staff alike wore colourful masks, hair accessories and colourful scarves to show their solidarity with the LGTBQIA+ community.
Science Week
Junior and Senior scientists celebrated Science week in Loreto Balbriggan with flaming bubbles, spaghetti tower challenges, quizzes, science club and career talks.
Three senior scientists went forward to the SciFest National Finals which took place on November 26th and 27th.
Public Speaking and Debating
It has been another busy month for extracurricular activities in Loreto Balbriggan with students participating in Soroptimist Public Speaking and debating competitions. The Junior Irish debating team won the first round of the Gael Linn comórtas díospóireachta.
The annual Loreto Balbriggan Remembrance Service was recorded and streamed to all classes during the last week of November. The service gives the entire school community an opportunity to remember loved ones who have passed away. The theme of ‘Going Home’ was explored through music, prayer, reflections and poetry.