Community Links
Principal Ann Marie McDonough was proud to be invited to a ceremony to mark the opening of an impressive and vast mural covering a surrounding wall of Laytown primary school, Scoil Olibhéir Naofa. Her pride was rooted in the fact that a number of Loreto balbriggan’s students who are past pupils of Scoil Oilibheir Naofa had been an integral part of the team that painted the wall. The students gave voluntarily of their time during the summer holidays helping the team complete the wall for the school. The artist, Suzanne Deasy and the Principal of Maria White complimented the girls on their willingness to give of their time, energy and expertise during the summer holidays when so much else is going on.
It has been a busy month in Loreto Balbriggan as October saw the long-awaited return of many extracurricular activities and competitions. Gaelic, camogie, debating, equestrian, basketball, Junior Book Club are just some of the activities which have resumed, much to the delight of students and teachers.
Student Leadership Ceremony and Training
6th Year student leaders, including the Head Girl, Deputy Head Girls, Co-Ordinators and Captains received their leadership badges in a special outdoor ceremony. Student Council elections for 1st, 3rd and 5th Year students were also held. Student voice is very much valued in Loreto Balbriggan and those who hold these positions make valuable contributions to important whole school decisions.

Trips for the Arts

Members of the Senior Choir attended a very uplifting and informative ‘Barbershop Beo’ workshop in the Irish Institute of Music and Song in Balbriggan this month. The students learned about Barbershop singing techniques in tutorials given by award-winning Barbershop quartet ‘Midtown’ and international choral conductors. The day concluded with an outdoor performance on the grounds of the Institute.
Science Awards
The very successful Junior and Senior scientists of Loreto Balbriggan received their SciFest, BT Young Scientist and John Hooper awards in a special hybrid ceremony this month. The students worked very hard last year preparing for these competitions and were justly rewarded. Two of the projects have qualified for the Scifest National Final which will take place in November.
Many TY students participate in the JPIC module on Justice, Peace and Integrity of Creation. This module provides students with the opportunity to learn about the UN Sustainable Development Goals. Recently, students created posters and videos on the theme of ‘Making Peace with Nature’, raising awareness of some of the issues relevant to Sustainable Development Goal 13: Climate Action. The TY Horticulture modules have been very busy clearing and preparing a new space on school grounds which will feature a sensory area, a biodiversity garden and raised vegetable beds.
For further insights into school life in Loreto Balbriggan please see the website: www.loretobalbriggan .ie §