Cilles Athletic Club – October 2021

Couch to 5k

Starting again on the 28th of September, Tuesday/Thursday 7.30pm, meeting at the back of Tesco Bettystown. Even if you don’t get in for the first week or two, it’s very gradual start-up and you’d have no problem joining in. Our coaches are very supportive and some have come up through the couch to 5k themselves.

Well done Lauren

Lauren Murphy headed off stateside last month for her Erasmus year. This hasn’t curtailed her running, Lauren placed first at the Miami invitational cross country meet. She’s pictured here with the team she lead to victory, Lauren ran her 6k in 23min. What a result! Well done Lauren.

Juvenile training/Waiting list update

We are in the process of offering places in the groups but are very restricted at the moment with the 15 in a pod rule. We will keep reviewing and offering places as they become available, so please bear with us if you’re waiting on news. If there are any budding coaches out there who’d like to get involved we’d love to hear from you, contact us through messenger or the number on our website

Senior training

Our adults have returned to club training in pods of 15 since May 11th, we’re be meeting at the usual spot in the Tescos carpark, Bettystown, 7.30pm Tues/Thurs, new members always welcome.