By Grace Tierney
Do you have a girl born in 2006 at home who might enjoy playing soccer? If so the Stamullen Football Club’s under 16s all female team would love to hear from her. You can contact Ali at 087-6125466. If you have a boy born in 2006 then the boys under 16s would love to have him too. Contact Noel at 086-3634868.
Local childcare workers Danielle and Mikayla Wing have recently established a GofundMe for their mother Lorraine, a Stamullen resident who was diagnosed with MS at the age of 47 after a car accident and has been isolating at home throughout Covid thanks to being a high-risk patient. She has been approved for stem cell treatment in Russia next May that could give her back the ability to walk. Her family are fundraising to help with the costs. If you’d like to help this cause here’s the link:
Local runner and Star of the Sea AC member Andrew Coscoran did a great job in the 1500m in the Tokyo Olympics. His post race interviews were second only to the rowing lads from Skibbereen in my opinion, plenty of chat and positivity. Looking forward to seeing more of his running in the coming years.
Congratulations to the Stamullen girls and boys who made their confirmation on the 20th of August. The younger ones will be waiting a while for their Holy Communions as they are currently scheduled for 9th of October in Stamullen and 16th of October in Julianstown, subject to Covid restrictions at the time. The parish office has re-opened and is available 9:30-12:30 on weekdays. You can contact or ring 01-8412647.
Best of luck to all our students as they return to primary, secondary, and third level studies this month. Good luck to their educators too! As mine are a little older these days I had no idea St. Patrick’s NS now has a lovely sensory garden tucked away from public eyes and with thanks to the efforts of the wonderful Mr Russell. It looks great – so bright and cheerful. You can check out his work at
Did you catch the month of weekend markets at Bremore Castle in Balbriggan during August? Run by Fingal County Council in line with the restrictions – the stalls, in cute little market sheds, were arranged in the castle’s courtyard and offered a good range of goods, plus foods to eat on the spot. It will be wonderful when the castle itself is open to visitors as they’ve done an amazing job on restoring it. A landmark to put our local town more firmly on the tourist map perhaps?

Well done to whoever created the latest housing development in Stamullen – you can admire it’s novel pansy roof at Gough’s Corner but I don’t think it’s up for sale!
** Please note that changes to public health Covid 19 restrictions may affect events/services. Check with organisers if you have concerns.
Got Stamullen news? Send it to Grace (087-9074145) or