New season and exciting plans for 21/22
As with most sports last year, Boyne Hockey Club had an unusual year with hockey starting back in April, (a time when hockey is normally finishing up) and no competitive action for both indoor or out door hockey throughout the 20/21 season.
However, this stop gap provided the new committee, elected in December 2020 and led by new President, Audrey Gallen, and new Vice President, Andrea Farrell, an opportunity to re-group and plan bigger and better things for the Club’s future. BHC Committee is now committed to a 5-year plan focusing on the development and expansion of the club, including the delivery of additional playing facilities, a refurbished/new clubhouse, recruitment of new members across a wider community base, up skilling and recruitment of additional coaches, ongoing development of indoor hockey and the creation of a new Senior Ladies Team (so players aged 15+ have an option to remain within the club and play at this higher level). The aim is to build on the clubs established base and grow the clubs profile within Leinster, using a combination of available local and sports grants, sponsorship and self-funding initiatives.

The first piece of exciting news is the formation of a new Senior Ladies Team for the club. Throughout May and June, the Club offered professionally coached training sessions to eligible ladies (those going into 5th year/16+ age group), to existing club members, past members and local hockey-playing schools. These took place throughout May and June, with a great turnout, culminating in a friendly match against Newry Olympic Hockey Club in June. The Club is now asking all those interested to register and continue with this professional coaching on Thursday nights, from 6.30 – 8pm, starting on 2nd September. The aim is to select at least one team from this playing group to enter the Leinster league from the end of September. Additionally, all these players will have the opportunity to participate in the adult group social evenings on Monday nights.

At around the same time, Leinster Hockey Association (LHA) inter-Pro Training initiated development and selection panels for U18 and U16 girls. A number of club members were nominated and two of our U16 girls were particularly successful, both getting through 3 development phases up to the end of July. We congratulate Cara Donnelly (3rd Year outfielder) and Jessica Magee (4th year goalie) on their achievements, a first for the Boyne Hockey family. Massive congratulations particularly go to Cara who has now been selected on the U16 Leinster Interpro Panel following further development training in August. This is a first for Boyne Hockey Club and we are very proud and excited to see one of our players competing at this high level, and wish Cara all the best in her hockey career.
In a change of format, the LHA also created an emerging talent/academy group (2007 players) and emerging talent/regional development pilot group (2008 players). Again, a number of Boyne Hockey players were nominated, with Amelia Farrell being selected for an additional cycle of development sessions throughout August. Well done Amelia!
Simultaneously, various funding applications have been submitted and the club has been successful at securing over €5k to date with a larger capital grant application still pending. This money will be utilsed this year to secure new goals and field equipment for the club.
The time out also provided an opportunity to revamp our look and we hope you like the new BHC logo (revealed above). This is a more streamlined, transferable version of our existing logo, which had become a little dated over the last 12 years. It will be used on all communication platforms going forward, including a phasing in on the club gear. The club website also received a security upgrade.
Finally, it only goes to say, that we are looking forward with excitement to a more normal season in 2021/22. Training commences from w/c 30th August, senior team training on Thursday 2nd September, and primary schools from Saturday 11th September. New rookie coaching is scheduled for Saturday 4th September and is open to all 15+.
Registration for existing and new membership is open now and details can be found on the membership page on the BHC website. If you require any more information or are interested in trying out or joining our growing club as a member, volunteer, coach or sponsor, please do reach out and make contact via e-mail on
You will find further information and any updated announcements for Boyne Hockey Club on FB (@BoyneHC), Instagram (@boynehockey2009), Twitter (@BoyneHockeyClub) and the BHC website: