Club news
This month we sadly said goodbye to our club secretary Marcus Kelly as he stepped down from the committee.
Marcus has been the backbone of the Club since its inception. The Club would not be the success it is today if it wasn’t for his amazing work and sheer dedication over the last few years and we are forever grateful for his massive contributions. We will miss his knowledge and commitment and his friendly face and wit about the place and behalf of the committee, coaches, parents and Club, we would like to extend
Marcus our huge thanks for everything he has done for us. Marcus is Stamullen Football Club so we know he will always be a part of the Club and we will still see him at matches and Club events.

Senior Ladies
For the first time in the history of Stamullen FC we now have a Senior Ladies team and as a club we couldn’t be prouder. This group of young women has been a team for more than ten years now, and the tight bond, camaraderie and doggedness of these young ladies is evidence of their time together.
For the past 6 years, the team has been coached by Alan Brennan and Marie O’Sullivan who had the pleasure of further developing this team to bring home the first ever girls League title in 2018. What a massive achievement and momentous occasion this was for our club.This success and determination to build on the ladies football division of the club drove the coaches and girls to work harder in 2019 to play up two age groups to allow us to welcome Elena Manek and keeper Genevieve Carolan, who trained a full season out of age group, to the squad. This further enhanced their strength and despite the majority of girls playing outside their age group saw them place a hugely respectable third place in an older and hugely competitive league.

Covid put a major spanner in the 2020 league season for all clubs and both the training sessions and games played were few and far between, however, not without a definitive win for the Stamullen girls who overcame Portmarnock 8:1 on an exceptionally hot day day away in September 2020. This match was their first and last match for the now U18 girls team. Successive games were called off and while there was little or no idea of when matches might resume, this dedicated team and coaches continued to train whilst complying to covid regulations.
Fast forward to 26th April 2021 and finally outdoor training was permitted to resume. Whoop! Collectively the club, coaches and parents made a momentous decision to move to the senior women’s league and had the pleasure to welcome back former amazing players Caireann Bracken and Ellen Grant. Their recent first home match in their new senior women’s league saw them overcome Parkvale in a 6:4 win. While the season is in its infancy there’s no doubt these girls will give everything they’ve got to aim to secure another league title for Stamullen FC. Watch this space!
A very warm and special mention to Katie Enright who we wish all the best to in her future. Katie has been a member of the club since academy level and whist she’s not currently playing we’d especially like to recognise her contribution to the 2018 League Title and many years of superb play and sincerely wish her all the best.
It’s onwards and upwards for the Stamullen FC Senior Ladies Team……positive updates to follow. If you want to be part of this amazing team please contact the club on the details below.

Club contact details