Our CE participant is, as usual, doing a great job picking litter daily and keeping the village looking well. He tells us that during the current heat wave he is finding a tremendous amount of clothes, towels and shoes at the estuary every day. It seems that teenager come down to swim, or jump into the water from the bridge, and then go home leaving their possessions behind. He said “Despite everybody’s best efforts to keep Laytown tidy and free of litter, the area of strand aroundd the footbridge is being left in a dreadful state. On average 5 to 10 bags of rubbish are being removed each day including towels, shoes, drinks, bottles and cans. Please use the bins provided and keep Laytown tidy. Please remember to leave nothing behind you but your footprints in the sand!”
All of the flowerbeds around the trees have now been revitalised by removing the sandy soil and replacing it with soil based compost. The beds were then planted with nice colourful geraniums and some marigolds. As you can see the end result looks very well!
A local resident, Mary O’Reilly, arranged this beautiful flowerpot and placed it on the stones near Pat’s Supermarket. It is much admired and appreciated by all!

We are delighted to see that the council have opened the field beside the playground for parking. As we all witnessed parking was mayhem whenever the sun came out, with cars blocking the footpath from the Coast Tavern to the promenade. It is also great to see that the gardai have now put cones along the footpath so that we can once again use it for walking!!
We had put eco-friendly weedkiller along the paths and road edges of the carpark opposite Aldi, planning to remove all the weeds on Saturday 17th of July. However, for the first time in our thirteen year history as a group, it was too hot to work!! We now find we will have to redo the weedkiller as growth has been rapid!
Before Before After After
We did manage during this month to clear the weeds from the promenade. We then turned our attention to the island at the bus terminal. It is hard to see from the photos, but there were weeds running between all the paving stones and a great job was done to remove them!
Our group seems to be growing week by week and volunteers are working not only on Saturday mornings but on weekdays when needed. Still, no matter how many people there are new members are always welcome! We meet at the Coast Tavern at 10am every Saturday, so please feel free to come along!