Bettystown Tidy Towns

Get recycling!
A big initiative for Bettystown Tidy Towns this year has been recycling and segregating the rubbish from our litterpicks. We’ve been keeping track of what we collect and where we collect it from.
From 1 January to 30 June 2021, we have litterpicked:
- ▪️562 bags of rubbish
- ▪️167 loose items eg a chair
We have recycled:
- ♻️ 179kgs of plastic bottles and cans, that equals approximately 11,900 plastic bottles and cans.
- ♻️ 358kgs of glass, that’s approximately 1,790 bottles
We would like to encourage everyone to use the recycle bins on the beach and help our efforts.
Pride of Place competition
Bettystown Tidy Towns has been selected by Meath County Council to represent Meath in the IPB Pride of Place competition 2021. IPB Pride of Place in association with Co-operation Ireland is an all-island competition that acknowledges the work that communities are doing all over the island of Ireland.
The focus of the competition is on people coming together to shape, change and improve daily lives in their communities. Since the competition commenced in 2003, it has impacted on hundreds of thousands of people, all of whom are proud of their place. Our submission demonstrates our pride in our place and highlight community activities, culture and the many other aspects that contribute to this.
Judging for the competition has started and will continue for several weeks. We call on all residents and businesses to make Bettystown look its best!
Bettystown in bloom
We hope everyone has had a chance to stop and admire the display in the Green Gate Garden. Our pollinator garden is looking fantastic thanks to the hard work of our gardening volunteers. It is an absolute hive of activity and is attracting lots of pollinators and birds – just what we had hoped it would do.
Maintenance works
We have been kept busy with maintenance work projects around the village. Work on the Triton Road pavement was completed. Previously the path had not been completed up to the edge of the wall but that has now been fixed. Bollards, bins and lampposts all got a fresh coat of paint. Volunteers have also been cutting back hedges, lifting sand from kerbs, weeding paths and litterpicking streams around the village.
A new flower bed has been installed on the Golf Links Road. Thank you to the Burrows Lane Cafe who have offered to maintain it.
Raised flowerbed installed at Eastham Road roundabout
Work has been completed on the raised bed at the Eastham Road roundabout. We are delighted at the way it has turned out and can’t wait to get planting.
In October 2020, we were successful in our grant application under the Town & Village Renewal Scheme, which is financed by the Department of Rural & Community Development. Our application included creation of the raised bed.
Our thanks to the Department of Rural and Community Development and to Meath County Council for their financial contribution to the project and their support.
Brookside bus stop enhancement works
Enhancement works have been carried out at the Brookside bus stop. The briars have been cut back, a wooden fence erected at the back of the bus stop and a solid base installed for the bus stop users to stand on instead of the sand and gravel that was there.
Beach clean ups
The heatwave has been bringing crowds to the beach and with them a lot of litter. During a one hour clean up at the weekend, we collected 11 bags of rubbish, six bags of which we were able to send for recycling. Since then our volunteers have been out regularly in the early morning to do more litterpicking on the beach and in the dunes. We would like to thank our volunteers for all their efforts to keep the beach clean.
Eamon Faulkner – in memoriam
Thank you to the Faulkner family for their kind donation to the community. A bench has been installed in Bettystown square donated in memory of their father, Eamon, who died in August 2020. Eamon was passionate about improving the appearance and amenities of his locality.
Join us
For more information on our activities follow us on Facebook and Instagram @bettystown_tidytowns. If you would like to help with clean ups, gardening or any other aspects of our works please speak to one of our volunteers or message us on Facebook.