The Second Class children have been learning about the local area recently. We celebrated this with a fantastic trip to the beach. We were lucky to have perfect weather and the children really enjoyed taking their learning outside of the classroom.
Incredible Edibles
Some of our children are taking part in the ‘Keep Well’ campaign from the Incredible Edibles project. The campaign is aimed at supporting us to do the things that will keep us well. We have been keeping active with lots of exercise in the fresh air. We know that ‘eating the rainbow’ and drinking water will keep us well. We have also been planting seeds because we know that gardening is great for our creative and mental health. Our seeds have grown and are now ready to be planted in our school garden. We look forward to eating fresh vegetables when we harvest our crop when we return to school in September.
Therapy Dog at Scoil Oilibhéir
Luke started weekly visits to Scoil Oilibhéir Naofa at the end of April. He is a two year old border collie. Luke is registered as a therapy dog with the charity Animal Therapy Ireland. His primary role is that of “reading dog” – where he listens to children’s reading. He enjoys visiting classes when he has a few minutes free and he loves greeting children and staff that he meets in the corridors. He has already formed a strong bond with some of our children with additional needs, and he has been the first dog that some children have ever met! When Luke is not in school he enjoys running on the beach and agility training. We are very proud to have a therapy dog and we can already see huge benefits as a result of Luke’s visits to our school.
On behalf of the staff I would like to thank our parents and pupils for supporting us with implementing our Covid response plan which kept our pupils and staff as safe as possible during the last few months. We would like to wish our children leaving us this year to attend senior primary school all the very best, you have all left your mark on our hearts. We wish the entire school community a relaxing summer break filled with plenty of sunshine and happy memories