News from JULIANSTOWN by Niamh Bn. Uí Loinsigh
Mayday corresponds with the Irish festival of La Bealtaine, which officially heralded the beginning of the summer. Its name appears to derive from the Old Irish words Bel taine meaning ‘bright fire’ and it was surrounded by a large number of folk beliefs some of which had possible pagan origins. As the name of the festival suggests bonfires played an important part in the activities and were often lit on prominent local landmarks with the Hill of Uisneach in Co. Westmeath being the most famous example. In Ireland May has traditionally been known as the ‘Month of Mary’ and the annual setting up of the May Altar annual setting up of the May Altar on the lst to the 31st May decorated with all the most beautiful wildflowers you could find.

Julianstown Tidy Towns – Kevin, Viktoras, Andrew and Bob have been busy in the garden getting the grass all mowed and weeding the paths and flower beds. Donagh did a fantastic job weeding the paved areas and they now look so much better! Meanwhile Jim O’Connor has got loads of little helpers planting wildflower seeds at the woods. The scourge of Litter still looms its nasty head and despite the weekly and sometimes daily litter patrols we still have a problem with people tossing their rubbish from passing cars. If you see someone dumping litter please email
Some jobs for May in the Garden –
- Keep weeds under control.
- Protect fruit blossom from late frosts.
- Tie in climbing and rambling roses.
- Sow hardy annuals, herbs and wild flower seed outdoors.
- Start to feed citrus plants.
- Increase the water given to houseplants.
- Feed hungry shrubs and roses.
- Sow new lawns or repair bare patches.

Julianstown & District Community Association are delighted that Meath Co. Council has awarded a Grant of €375 under the Community Grant Scheme 2021 towards the re-planting of the planters that you will shortly see throughout the village. The Council also awarded us with €600 towards the upkeep of Moorechurch Cemetery and this grant will go a long way in keeping the cemetery looking good for when we visit our loved ones. You may be aware that there are protected structures in the graveyard and a course must be attended by one of our committee members on the conservation and preservation of the structures.
The Pride of Place Initiative for 2021 has been launched and the closing date is the 28th May, 2021. This year there are two new categories ‘Climate Action Project’ and ‘Actions for Pollinators’. There are also categories for Housing Estates, Towns and Villages, Shop Fronts, Youth and Bee Friendly Front Gardens. We have 5 housing estates in Julianstown and hope that your committees will enter the competition as there are cash prizes to be won which will help with the upkeep of your estates. If you would like to volunteer to help out the upkeep of the garden or village, please come along to the garden any Saturday morning at 11 am and you are sure to get a job. If, however, you don’t have much time perhaps you would make sure that outside your residence on the roadside is kept weed-free and this would be a great help when we enter the Supervalu tidy Towns Competition in May/June.
Speeding The Main Road in Julianstown is becoming more and more dangerous due to speeding motorists. The speed limit in our village is 50 kph NOT 50 mph! We would ask that residents ring Ashbourne Garda Station to request a Garda presence in the village.
Recent Death – Tom Lawlor who lives in Rose Cottage, Main Street, Julianstown lost his daughter Gillian Ryan Lawlor in a tragic running accident in the Comeragh Mountains in Co. Waterford on the 18TH April, 2021. Gillian leaves behind her husband Conor, daughter Amelia and son Conor Jamie. Gillian visited Julianstown and loved to explore the local beautiful beaches and was delighted that her dad had settled in such a lovely village. May she R.I.P.

Church Attendances, Weddings and Funerals
The government has announced that in-person religious services can recommence from 10 May, but communions and confirmations are off the cards for the moment.
The government has agreed a range of new, loosened measures to take effect from this date, including inter-county travel and increased numbers meeting outdoors.
From 10 May places of worship will be able to recommence services in-person with a maximum of 50
- people in attendance.
- 50 people will also be permitted to attend funerals and wedding ceremonies (both civil and religious).
However, just six people will be able to attend an indoor wedding reception and 15 allowed outdoors. From 7 June, 25 guests will be able to attend wedding receptions.
Although in-person religious services can recommence, the government said communions and confirmations should not take place.
Speaking to reporters this evening, the Taoiseach said government is “cautious” about communions and confirmations because of “what happens afterwards”.
He said evidence from last year shows that some gatherings after these events were factors in the spread of Covid-19.
The government also said that funeral-related events either before or after the church service should not occur.
The 50-person limit is subject to capacity for social distancing in the building and other appropriate public health measures.
On a lighter note it is fantastic that Hairdressers are opening soon, but did you ever see so many groomed doggies going around and showing themselves off with their coats cut to within an inch of their lives? I was nearly going to book myself into a dog groomer after all they now do colouring as well! Keep Safe and look after your friends and neighbours by wearing your mask and washing the old hands!
Jim and his helpers planting wildflower seeds
Wildflowers will look super when they bloom!
Putting the finishing touches to the Bird Bath in Julianstown Village Garden