Couch to 5k

The Couch to 5k programme has started again in Coláiste na hInse, with training taking place after school on Monday afternoon, and at 8am on Wednesday and Friday mornings. All students are welcome!
GAA Future Leaders

Idirbliain dáltaí in the GAA Future Leaders class have been organising and leading PE classes with junior classes, putting into practice all the skills they have acquired this year. Well done to our Future Leaders!
New Additions to the Clann

Coláiste na hInse welcomed three new members to the clann, with Bród, Uaillmhian and Dearfachas taking up residence at the school. Their arrival has been the source of much interest and excitement in the school community.
Two Lady Gregory Productions
There are two Lady Gregory Productions currently in development in Coláiste na hInse. Letters to a Ghost by Laragh Phillips has been cast, while auditions for Beyond Help by Holli Willingham will take place soon. It is great to see original drama being produced in the midst of a pandemic.
Last Man Standing
Rang Bree’s Last Man Standing Competition started this month, with 145 entrants hoping to win the top prize. After two weeks, the field was already whittled down to 18 competitors.
Five-a-side Tournament

With the relaxation of restrictions around outdoor sport, our Idirbliain dáltaí have been organising a five-a-side lunchtime tournament in the basketball courts. It has been great to see the games taking place in such good spirits.