Bettystown Tidy Towns (BTT)
Get growing!
As part of our sustainable goals we gave away 10 wooden flat packed raised beds and a selection of vegetable seeds free to local residents. The flat packs came in two sizes and it was brilliant to see how much interest there was as they were quickly snapped up. The flat packs are great kits for those interested in starting their own vegetable gardens and showing children or grandchildren how to grow their own veg. We can’t wait to see the progress and results later in the year.

For the birds
Local residents interested in encouraging wild birds to nest in their gardens have taken up the offer of six bird boxes which we gave away in February. The bird or nesting boxes were a mixture of traditional and open fronted boxes and depending on the type make a suitable home for a variety of birds including blue tits, sparrows, blackbirds, robins and wrens. We look forward to getting updates about who moves in.

The Green Kilometer Scheme
Meath County Council launched its Green Kilometer Scheme in February in response to people who want to get involved in maintaining and caring for local roadside margins and hedgerow.
The scheme invites individuals/groups to choose approximately a kilometer (or longer) stretch of road in their area. The group or individual would then commit to maintaining the stretch of road over the course of the year. Incentives include native trees, litter pickers, bags and gloves and, when restrictions permit, an advisor to visit and give advice in relation to planting and care of heritage features.
For more information visit:

Litter picks
As well as regular litterpicking duties, our volunteers undertook two socially distanced clean ups in specific areas.
A large amount of rubbish was collected from the Coast Road litterpick. The majority of the litter was found in the ditch across the road from Scoil Oilibhéir Naofa. A total of three bags of recyclable items were segregated from the litter collected.
The route from Whitefield Manor to Donacarney School was also cleaned. Twenty seven bags in total, six of which were segregated for recycling, were collected. Large items of rubbish including carpet, oil drums, wall tiles and wheel hub caps were retrieved from the ditches and verges. Thanks to Meath County Council local ground crew for collecting the bags.
If you see illegal dumping please report it to:
2021 Supervalu Tidy Towns Competition
A commitment has been made by the Department of Rural and Community Development that the 2021 tidy towns competition will go ahead however a date for the launch is yet to be confirmed.
National Spring Clean
Bettystown Tidy Towns has registered for An Taisce’s National Spring Clean, Ireland’s nationwide anti-litter campaign. Our Spring Clean will take place on the 24th of April for more information follow our Facebook page.
Join us
Thank you to local residents who have already been in contact to do litterpicks in their area while our work has been curtailed due to lockdown. If you would like to help with clean ups, gardening or with any other aspect of our works please speak to one of our volunteers or message us on Facebook.