2020 was an unusual year for the new principal of Le Chéile E.T.N.S., Susan McCullen, who actually took up the position on Friday the 13th of March 2020. As it turned out, this inauspicious day, also happened to be the day of the first school closure due to Covid 19.

Susan’s first teaching appointment was in Scoil an Spioraid Naoimh, Laytown in 1999 and she joined the staff of Le Chéile in 2002, serving as an assistant principal. She left in 2012 to take up the position of principal of St. Peter’s N.S. in Drogheda.
Susan is delighted to be welcomed back by the school and the local community of East Meath and despite the difficulties of operating a school during a pandemic is greatly enjoying her new role.
During Covid 19, the school has continued its’ work with a particular focus on pupil wellbeing, and with the help of the Fundraising Committee has been enriching the outside space with new turning circles for the buses, outdoor basketball nets and extra play-time equipment for pods and bubbles.

The Fundraising Committee of Le Chéile would like to thank families for their generosity over the school year. Their recent Design-a-card initiative brought in an additional €2,416.32, a big thumbs up to all the children on their terrific card designs. Susan is so impressed with the positive attitude and hard work of the children over the unusual first term, when the pandemic comes to an end, we look forward to continuing to see the school flourish under Susan’s tenure.