Bettystown Tidy Towns (BTT)
Illegal dumping
In November, a considerable amount of time and effort was spent clearing litter along the Minnistown and Piltown Roads. Over 60 sacks of rubbish and various large household items and furniture were collected. Since then more rubbish was dumped in the area over Christmas.

This area is a littering Black Spot and Bettystown Tidy Towns has now written to local councillors to highlight the issue. We appreciate the support of Meath County Council, the council’s Environment Department and councillors Cllr Elaine McGinty and Cllr Tom Behan to keep the area clear of rubbish and prevent further dumping.
If you see illegal dumping please report it to:
National Spring Clean
Registration for the National Spring Clean has been delayed until the end of the Level 5 Lockdown. We await to hear more details on what size of groups can register to take part. In the meantime, National Spring Clean have launched a YouTube channel to showcase the work of volunteers around the country as well as their own videos. So check it out for inspiration.
Christmas Appeal Donation
We are delighted to announce that the Bettystown Tidy Towns Christmas Appeal for SVP raised €458.66. Thank you to everyone who contributed. We very much appreciate your support. The money raised will be distributed locally by SVP to those in need.
East Coast Rocks
We shared the work of local artist Rachel Wilde and her colourful painted rocks on our social media. They got a fantastic response. You can join the East Coast Rocks group on Facebook – they are a rock painting and hiding group around Laytown, Bettystown, Mornington and Drogheda. Finding one of these hidden gems will really brighten up your local socially distanced exercise.
Join us
Thank you to local residents who have already been in contact to do litterpicks in their area while our work has been curtailed due to lockdown. If you would like to help with clean ups, gardening or with any other aspect of our works please speak to one of our volunteers or message us on Facebook.