The Stamullen Roundup
By Grace Tierney
Happy New Year! We’re all ready for a fresh start, right?
Gormanston Woods Nursing Home got a lovely delivery from members of the Stamullen Community Alert Facebook page on the 15th of December. Local woman Michelle Smith kicked it off online a few weeks earlier and I mentioned it in our December issue. She suggested villagers might want to provide a small care package/hamper for the residents at the end of what has been a tough year with very limited visiting allowed. Many kind souls rose to the challenge and with help from the nursing home staff appropriate parcels were gathered and delivered in time for Christmas Day – 48 of them in fact, plus a few lovely balloons for that final touch of festive fun.
Gormanston nursing home christmas parcels
The footpath from the Redwood care facility to the village has been selected as a contender for the county council’s village renewal scheme. Fingers crossed the application will be a success.
Congratulations to Conor Lynch who was voted Player of the Year in St. Patrick’s GAA club recently. The club is a busy spot at the moment. Their 2021 club calendar is available for €10 for local supporters from Centra or direct from Over 55s are invited to take part in the Walk and Tone socially distanced exercise sessions at 11a.m. on Wednesdays. Linda, the Healthy Club officer, is also offering an online Chair Fit session each week via their facebook page for those who want to participate from their own homes.
Oisin Black, a member of this year’s under 15s boys St. Pat’s team, is running a fundraiser for The Jack and Jill Foundation. They provide nursing care for his younger sister, Alice. His ‘Bag Some Boots’ campaign gives you a chance to win a pair of signed football boots from famous sports stars. Any donation no matter how big or small is greatly appreciated. Link to GoFundMe page:
The Stamullen Martial Arts studio has installed perspex screens to provide safe individual areas in the dojo. Sensei Seamus has finished with the pink hair until next year’s fundraiser but is happy to announce his hair and beard combo raised €1,190 for Breast Cancer.
The 2020 St. Mary’s Baton Twirlers awards were recently celebrated in our new virtual world on their facebook page ( The club coaches, while disappointed that so many of their plans for 2020 had to be cancelled would like to thank all the parents and friends of the twirlers for their continued support. They hope that in 2021 they can make arrangements to return to training safely in the Sports Hall at St. Pat’s.
Deepest condolences to the family and friends of John Collier who passed away recently. ‘Gentleman John’, a past member of St. Patrick’s GAA, was the station master of Gormanston train station for many years and will be missed. May he rest in peace.
Many thanks to the Tidy Towns team who, as always, did a great job of decorating the village and giving us all a little lift as the days shortened. Much appreciated! Another village tradition which managed to survive 2020 was the giant fundraiser raffle. This year it featured all local companies in the prizes which is a wonderful way to support local enterprises.
Important Reminder – Stamullen CA Volunteer Group is still available to do deliveries for those who are restricting their movements (due to medical issues, waiting on test results, or because they have tested positive, etc). You can contact them on facebook, via the chemist and butchers, or ring 0876355519.
** Please note that changes to public health Covid 19 restrictions on indoor meeting may affect events. Check with organisers if you have concerns.
Got Stamullen news? Send it to Grace (087-9074145) or