Due to Covid 19 restrictions, Sonairte will remain closed until further notice – see website for updates.
Once Covid Restrictions are removed, we will be open to the public at the following times
- Friday 10-5
- Saturday 10-5
- Sunday 10-5

Who are we?
For anyone new to the area and wondering what is “Sonairte”?
We are a visitor experience which promotes a love of the outdoors, organic produce, eco-awareness and sustainable livening. It is open to individuals and families. We are also taking bookings for organized groups. Our walled garden is producing tasty, organic fruit and vegetables.
The Sonairte Eco Shop has a strong focus on organic, zero waste, plastic free, people and planet friendly, low carbon footprint living. Wherever possible our products are locally produced or are Fair Trade. Our aim is to be a community hub enabling people to live more sustainably to address the two interlinked crises the world currently faces – the climate crisis and the biodiversity crisis.

To order products and see what we have available in our shop, please go to www.sonairte.com or our social media pages and follow the link.
We at Sonairte very much look forward to seeing all our loyal customers again and more often in 2021. Lets all remember to stick together and keep everyone safe and healthy.
Below is a beautiful poem by poet FeliSpeaks about the unusual year 2020 was.
Covid came.
And Ireland stood still.
Shocked at how much could gather at our doorsteps – like dust.
We wrestled with what we might, What we may, How life would continue, the ways it must.
Stood still.
The virus ate through limbs of every family tree,
It choked out the lives we’d built roots around,
It emptied out purses; cutting money by the foot,
Rendered hearts bruised and persons forgotten, Left us breathless. For dead.
We closed into ourselves.
We folded behind lock and key, Inhaled through the fogs of uncertainty,
We found fun in the walls of our homes,
Made it work, Fashioned it for play,
Carved out sections we can fill joy with,
So we can hold it firm on the days we didn’t know what we next, what could happen.
For the Frontline workers armed with nothing but faith,
For the emerging minds that must dare to dream in high definition,
For the lonely minds that are glaring at love through a screen,
For the bodies that create homes in cardboard shelters.
For you. Ireland is standing still.
But tomorrow, when our knees get soft with impatience and the gates of our homes swing open,
Which way will our legs go?
Which path does our heart know?