NEWS FROM JULIANSTOWN by Niamh Bn. Uí Loinsigh & Jackie O’Shea
Welcome to 2021! Who would have thought that this time last year we would go through a worldwide tragedy as COVID-19, a serious reminder we should never take things for granted, that life is precious, our hearts go out to all those who have suffered in some way, especially those who have lost loved ones, those dedicated frontline people, the people that kept things moving, despite danger to themselves, a heartfelt thank you?
It really is a serious time to think about the future and make a resolution to make our world a cleaner greener place for our children. If we can resolve to change just one thing it would help!
Having missed all our village activities in 2020, we look forward to a fresh start and have our usual events, Summer Festival, Halloween, and Santa plus some exciting new ideas …… We are thinking positively and busy planning ahead on a bucket list, with the completion of the new school, the traffic calming, footpaths, and new signs (fingers crossed). We will be able to get going again and catch up on our garden and beds. Many thanks to our three workers Kevin and Victor, Andrew. A big thank you to Jim O’Connor …. for our wildflower beds last year, they were a delight, and you may have noticed they are still flowering beside the woods. We hope to help Jim make them bigger and better because they were a joy to see and were admired by many passers-by. On a more serious note, if we have to snuggle down for a couple of months because of COVID and winter, so be it, it will be a good time to reflect on the good things in life.
It will be nearly a year since we lost our dear colleagues Emer Dolphin and Clare McEnaney. We miss them so much, as they were both a shining light in our community. When you see the primroses in the woods which Clare personally planted them, together with all her hard work and planning, and Emer who was instrumental in getting our Village Design Plan across the line. If you have lost a loved one during the past year, why not buy a remembrance tree which we can plant it in the garden for you.

Athbhliain faoi mhaise daoibh go léir igcóir 2021
Traffic in Julianstown
Did you happen to get a copy of this weeks Drogheda Independent? The late Tony Cunningham in 1985 was chair of the newly formed resident’s association and at a public meeting highlighted the serious number of accidents in the centre of the village. All the councillors agreed that something needed to be done immediately. Well, here we are in 2021 and we are still trying to get the now ever-increasing traffic out of our village. We are being held hostage in our homes; we can’t cross the road safely, unless we walk 1.6 kilometres to find the pedestrian crossings! Children at Whitecross N.S. want to walk to school but find they must cross the Ballygarth Road TWICE if they are coming from the Preston Park side of village and now with the new housing estate at Castle Grove more children will be crossing the road without any protection. It is time our Councillors asked the Transport Section of Meath Co. Co. “what is going on in Julianstown?”. The bridge and Colonel Peppers Cottages are another bone of contention – no footpath whatsoever outside the cottages and the path on the bridge is so narrow that fast moving lorries are a further danger to our children. We ask our Councillors in the Laytown/Bettystown Municipal Area to make this a priority for 2021 and provide our village residents with safe passage!
Whitecross N.S.

Whitecross Parents Association Chairperson, Deirdre Murray, was absolutely thrilled to have raised €3,600 in the Christmas Raffle (Thanks to all the Sponsors of the prizes). A major fund drive will be launched early in 2021 and we would ask that all parents and past pupils dig deep in their pockets and help with the cost of specialist equipment for the school. Their target is €20,000 which will be used for Sports Equipment, a Stage in the hall, and a playground in the school grounds. All details will be advised shortly.