Carol Singing at St. Ursula’s
One of the most enjoyable and heart-warming events of the terms was the transition year carol singing for St Ursula’s nursing home. The TYs have been practicing their vocals for weeks leading up to the event. They helped make signs for each individual resident wishing them a Merry Christmas and messages of hope. Each student took turns to walk up to the window to show their friends that they were thinking of them. The students would like to thank St Ursula’s residents for the sweets!
Kyla and Phoebe Boyle have been competing in the final stages of the Junior Debating National Mace (2019/2020 year – latter stages postponed until this academic year). This competition is the largest debating competition in the country at any level with over 500 entrants each year. When we returned in September, CNI had 4 speakers who had qualified for the ‘National Finals Rounds’ – top 80 in the country. Since then, Octo, Quarter and Semi Finals have taken place involving submitting recordings of speeches. We’re delighted to report that Kyla has qualified for the national final (top 8 speakers) and while Phoebe just missed out (10th) she has been confirmed as the top first year in the country, an achievement that will be awarded officially in the new year.
Couch 2 5K
Coláiste na hInse’s Couch 25K daltaí were fantastic last Friday. In their finale of their training program over 100 students lined up on Bettystown beach. It was a beautiful sunny day and the atmosphere was brilliant. We are very proud of the students and coaches for all their hard work and dedication the past month. They are all winners, but a special mention must go to 2nd year John Collins who finished in 20.00 minutes! Well done to all.
Coláiste na hInse Couch to 5k runners
Our Couch 2 5K programme came to a fantastic conclusion on Bettystown beach on Friday, December 11th. After training three times a week since November, in heavy rain, freezing conditions and occasionally under a glorious sunrise, our dáltaí and múinteoirí had gradually built up their strength and fitness in the graduated increases in times and distances run before completing the five kilometre run. Congratulations to all participants, especially those who were running this distance for the first time!
Christmas Wreaths
Southgate Florist visited Coláiste na hInse in December to make Christmas wreaths with our Idirbliain students. The wonderful smell of fresh pine and eucalyptus added to the Christmas atmosphere within the school and every student returned home with a very professional looking Christmas wreath to hang on their front door.

Gradam 2020
Gradam Award Winners 2020
Gradam normally takes place in Coláiste na hInse at the end of May but, as with so much else this year, it was delayed and finally took place in a socially distanced manner in December. Well done the award winners who represent everything we stand for here in Coláiste na hInse.