Well happy new year everyone!!! As D:ream said, “Things can only get better”! Things are looking a bit uncertain at the moment but one thing I am certain of is that we’ll move on with as much positivity as we can and get as much running in as we safely can.

We took on to raise funds for a somewhere that holds a special place in all our hearts, Dublin Zoo. Who hasn’t had a school tour or first communion day out, in the Zoo? It’s a venue that does valuable work in the area of conservation, educates on numerous areas of the animal kingdom and fascinates adults and children alike. We took on 5k for €5 starting in Dec ’20 and at the time of writing we were two thirds of the way towards our goal. Pictured are some of our fab members on a rainy night in Dec out doing their Zoo 5k, well done everyone who took part.
Instead of individual Christmas presents, we gave the gift of giving and made a donation of €500 to The Vincent de Paul, Star of the Sea, which is the Bettystown/Laytown conference. Their work goes on all year round and in these troubled times, it’s more important than ever, if you’d like to help the donation link is www.svp.ie/starofthesealaytownappeal. 100% of your donation goes to the charity.
Couch to 5K 2021
There will be a couch to 5k this year, we can’t announce details just yet as it depends where we are in restrictions. Keep an eye out on social media, as soon as it’s safe to go, we’re on!
So onwards and upwards everyone, we’ll make 2021 the best year we possibly can. Looking forward to running with you all.