Loreto Balbriggan
Despite stringent Covid restrictions the spirit of energy and enthusiasm prevails in Loreto Balbriggan. The students have been exemplary in following guidelines and supporting the school in all efforts to keep them safe. While it means eating outdoors, sitting in very well ventilated classrooms and always wearing a mask it does ensure that the school is safe for all.
Most students agree that they are glad to be back in the structure and order that the school provides and are working hard in class. Christmas exams for all except 4th years were held in November. Beyond the hard work in the classroom the teachers, as ever, continue, where they can, to provide that broad Loreto educational experience despite restrictions.

The BT young scientist exhibition is going virtual this year and the school entered seven projects. All seven were accepted which is a considerable achievement. We wish them all the best in January. The school celebrated science week with an interesting array of class projects and quizzes. Some of these projects are pictured here.

Two students through to the final of Junk Kouture in March at last will have their moment at the virtual final this month.

Transition years have recently enjoyed Jiu-Jitsu and Taekwondo workshops. They also created ceramic Christmas decorations using their own designs. The student council is busy working with the Art Department in preparing to decorate the outdoor areas of the school for Christmas to provide that much needed cheer.

Our annual Vincent De Paul appeal cannot go ahead due to restrictions. There will be a non-uniform Christmas Jumper day with donations in an effort to raise much needed funds for the charity. This follows the 1,800 euro raised by the student council for Temple Street Hospital at Halloween with a design your own mask non uniform day.
The school has been awarded the Amber Flag for support and awareness of mental health in young people and is working towards the much coveted yellow flag which celebrates equality and diversity. We celebrated LGBTI+ Stand Up week with artistic displays and awareness raising activities. All information relating to these initiatives and activities are available on our website at www.loretobalbriggan.ie.
Initiation of our Yellow Flag programme Initiation of our Yellow Flag programme inhall Loreto Celebration of LGBTI+ week