We have been busy during November with most of the team continuing with the edgings in the village. The small carpark opposite Aldi is finished, and ecofriendly weedkiller has been applied to slow down regrowth of weeds!
As lockdown meant we were without our treasured CE participant, Will Connell, there was plenty of litter which the rest of the team focussed on during Saturday mornings, and indeed during the week. We managed to get the litter picked on the approach road almost halfway out to Julianstown and we are delighted with the result! Hopefully Will can return to action in December, he was sorely missed!
Laytown is a hive of activity at the moment. The main car park is being completely resurfaced and extended to fit more cars. This is a very welcome project as the car park was in a sorry state, with potholes all over it, and weeds growing on every kerb!

This is the work in progress, and we look forward to seeing it finished!
On the other side of the railway constructionis underway to provide a new bottle banks site to replace the site in the car park. There will be a slip road into the banks which we assume will be a one way system. This too is a welcome addition to the area and hopefully will not be abused by people dumping their rubbish!

Please remember new volunteers are always welcome……we meet on Saturday mornings at the Coast Tavern at 10am.
We are delighted to say that our buxus spiral trees, all of which took a battering when exposed to the sea breezes, have recovered beautifully and are thriving their new sheltered home near the Insect Hotel! It is hard to see from the photo, so take a look next time you’re passing!

We wish you all a very happy, healthy and safe Christmas.