The Sword and Poppy
The boys in Donacarney school have been working on a variety of projects in their first term. All of the senior classes worked on aspects of World War One and we were particularly delighted to see one of the commemorative poppies from the 2014 exhibition at the Tower of London. Thousands of these ceramic poppies were used to create the Bloodswept Land and Seas of Blood exhibition.
The artist Paul Cummins made this Commemorative Poppy for the exhibition in 2014
Google Classroom and See Saw
Google Classroom and SeeSaw platforms are in operation throughout the boys school now and have proved very useful for project work too as the boys in the Third Class discovered when they presented their photos for their projects on Autumn in My Locality.
Autumn colour brightening our days in Donacarney!
Here’s one doggie who clearly enjoys the Autumn season!
Junior Infants Photography Session

Junior Infants had their photos professionally taken and are looking forward to seeing the finished results in December.
They are really settled in to their new routines now are used to regular hand sanitizing and washing and masked staff. Something we never imagined this time last year!

There is also a big emphasis on kindness throughout the school, and the Junior Infants have already started filling the kindness jars in their classrooms with all of their kind deeds.

Fourth class are getting in the spirit of Christmas with their drama Yo! Ho! Ho! A Pirates’ Christmas. In keeping with the pandemic spirit of the season they are recording it in segments so that it can be viewed at home.
Our outdoor classroom has been invaluable this year for allowing us to take lessons outdoors.
Welcome Fr Joseph!
And here’s another outdoor class! This time with Fr Joseph!
Sixth Class greet Fr Joseph.
Our boys were delighted to meet the school chaplain again
he was equally delighted to catch up with our Communion and Confirmation classes.
And so it is Christmas!
In keeping with the local trend we put up our Christmas decorations a week early this year. The children have been through such a lot of worry but have handled the new routines and expectations of this term really well. It’s important for them-and indeed for us all-to have some celebrations to look forward to.

Anyone wishing to enrol their son in Junior Infants 2021 may email a complete the enrolment form on or enquire from