Horticulture Students supporting La na gCrann.
“From a small acorn grows a mighty oak tree”.
Well done to our 4 Whitworth Horticulture class for their efforts in fostering a tree culture and raising awareness of the importance of trees.

They planted a tree as part of the Tetra Pak Tree Day 2020 which took place on Thursday, 1st October.
This year’s theme is Be A Force For Nature! (“Bí i do fórsa don nádúir!”) which focuses on the things we can do in our everyday lives to help nature and our environment. Students dug deep to ensure our small oak tree amongst the mature trees gets a good grounding along our campus entrance for years to come.
6th year Geography Field Trip
Our 6th year Geography class recently completed their field work project along Ben Head in Gormanston beach. They spent the day out in the fresh air collecting samples and observing the unique nature of the shoreline. It was a very productive day to mark the start of their project.

TY Forensics Workshop
Last week our TY students enjoyed a fantastic day questioning the famous conspiracy theories of our times. They thoroughly enjoyed the interactive nature of this workshop run by Forensics Fun where they got to learn about different conspiracy theories and form their own opinion of them. It was a day full of lively discussion and thinking!
TY Forensics Workshop TY Forensics Workshop project
Extra-curricular Activities
It was very encouraging to see our extra-curricular activities get back up and running at the end of September. Every day there is a great turn-out of students willing to play sports in all weather conditions or use their imagination for creative activities. This year students can avail of new clubs and activities including HIIT classes, Latin studies and United Nations among others. We look forward to a great year of in house competition and fun!
TY Walk
Recently, our TY students enjoyed a brisk walk from Mornington to Laytown. It was a great opportunity for them to converse outside and enjoy the crisp fresh air!

Anti-Bullying Week
Anti-Bullying week took place during the last week of this term. A lot of work was completed by teachers and students to ensure that students were made aware of the dangers and seriousness of bullying. All money raised through our non-uniform day and Wear Something Pink Day went to Breast Cancer Ireland.